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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:32 pm
por Penguin
Hints of a Chinese Stealth plane J-20 surprise US analysts
Posted on 27 December 2010

Top view of the Northrop-McDonnell Douglas YF-23 in flight. (U.S. Air Force photo)

The U.S. flew its first stealth prototypes — the YF-22 and rival YF-23 — in 1990. Have the Chinese caught up? There are blurry pictures of the Chinese J-20 jet-fighter floating around. Some think the pictures are fake, others think that the pictures are real and have been pulled. Some analysts think that the pictures could be the products of a Chinese government misinformation campaign.

Chinese Internet forums are circulating the pictures. The airplane depicted in the snapshots has many of the appropriate characteristics for a fifth-generation stealth-fighter prototype. It has a chiseled front-section, triangular wings, and a moving tailplanes. The Chinese J-20 seems to combine the front fuselage of the U.S. Air Force’s F-22 with the back half of Russia’s T-50 stealth prototype.

The J-20’s appearance have shaken the aviation industry that didnt expect a Chinese Stealth fighter for a decade. The J-20 seems to signal a big step forward for the Chinese air force. The PLA-Airforce seems to have come of age. It is no longer dependent on obsolete Russian or Israeli designs.

Is this the end of the US dominance of the air? Jittery analysts are still confused about the F-22 and the F-35.

The analysts sounded alarm bells when the Russia’s new T-50 fighter first flew.
The Pentagon has delayed F-35 production and China has apparently accelerated its own stealth development.

; the J-20 hasn’t even flown yet. It took 15 years for the F-22 to enter front-line service; considering China’s quality-control problems with high technology, it could take a decade or more for the J-20 to appear in numbers that make any difference in the Pacific balance of power. Gates might have been slightly off in his assessment of the Chinese air force, but probably not by much.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:36 pm
por Penguin
Chinese J-20 Fighter Revealed
Published: 30 Dec 2010 08:02
http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i= ... =ASI&s=AIR

TAIPEI - China's 5th generation stealth fighter program took a noticeable step forward this week when the first high-resolution photographs appeared on Chinese non-governmental websites of a prototype of the Chengdu J-20 fighter being built for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)

In the photos, the J-20 appears to be conducting a high-speed taxi test. There have been suggestions the photographs are fake, including questions over the unusually large Chinese red star painted on the tail. PLAAF red star insignias are normally smaller with parallel adjacent red bands.

In the past, due largely to grainy photos taken by cell phones, the existence of the J-20 was treated with some skepticism by many observers.

However, the newest photos are "the real deal," said Richard Fisher, an Asia military affairs analyst at the Washington-based International Assessment and Strategy Center.

The photos reveal the J-20 has a canard-delta twin-engine configuration, diverter-less supersonic intakes, and a shaped nose consistent with the use of an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

The J-20 design is similar to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and the Sukhoi T-50 fighters. Sources indicate the twin-engine J-20 prototype could be using the Russian-built Saturn 117S (AL-41F1A) engine, the same being used in the T-50 and Su-35 prototypes. China has expressed interest in procuring large quantities of the Saturn 117S from Russia and rumors at the recent Zhuhai Airshow in China indicate a J-20 prototype had been outfitted with the 117S.

There is also the possibility the prototype is being outfitted with the Chinese-built Shenyang WS-10 or WS-15 engine.

"At first glance this fighter has the potential to be competitive with the F-22 and to be an efficient F-35 killer," Fisher said. Fisher is the author of the new book, "China's Military Modernization."

The release of the J-20 photos follows comments made last week by U.S. Pacific Commander Robert Willard in the Japanese media that China had reached the "initial operational capability" of its first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM), the Dong Feng 21D. The DF-21D has been dubbed the "aircraft carrier killer" in China, a reference to China's overall anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) strategy.

China's ability to undermine two critical pillars of U.S. deterrence in Asia, with the ASBM and now with the advent of its first 5th generation fighter, "points to a real crisis in U.S. political-military leadership" in Asia, Fisher said.


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:37 pm
por Penguin
Detalhes, J-20:


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:43 pm
por Bourne
Já tem o planejamento para o substituto do F22 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

E no Brasil???? :lol:

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:46 pm
por Bourne
Wolfgang escreveu:Eu sou a favor, a partir desse momento, de fecharmos o F-X2 e negociarmos com a Rússia a entrada no PAK FA.

P.S. Os EUA vão ter que reabrir as linhas do F-22, mas estão sem dinheiro. Que tal eles começarem a se mexer e vender para o Japão, Coréia do Sul e Austrália os Raptors?
Oras pois, a Coreia se mexe a muito tempo e tem até o próprio projeto de caça de quinta geração. Sobre o PAK acho que o trem passou. Quem sabe aquela outra coisa que saiu entre Rússia e Índia ou na Coreia. :roll:

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:49 pm
por Skyway
Penguin escreveu:Detalhes, J-20:

Acho que essa porta do trem de pouso só ta aberta para os testes. Não faz muito sentido essa porta aberta com a tampa tão grande quase chegando ao chão, sendo que ela pode muito bem ser fechada ou parcialmente recolhida. Imagina um pouso mais duro com essa porta assim?

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 12:56 pm
por crubens
Pois é, vai ser caco de J-20 pra todo lado. Outra, pelo tamanho tá mais pra bombardeiro do que caça.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 1:13 pm
por faterra
Esta porta é acolchoada?

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 1:34 pm
por Junker


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 1:37 pm
E o Brasil onde está?????? :x :x :x :x

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 1:37 pm
por cabeça de martelo
Alguém acredita que isso não foi vasado pelo próprio governo Chinês? Se não fosse assim a esta hora já havia execuções nos estádios de futebol a torto e a direito.

Nos EUA e na Europa está tudo à mostra, só para relembrar o poderio económico e militar, na China faz-se o mesmo...no que lhes convém. 8-] :lol:

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 1:38 pm
por cabeça de martelo
EDSON escreveu:E o Brasil onde está?????? :x :x :x :x

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 2:41 pm
por crubens
EDSON escreveu:E o Brasil onde está?????? :x :x :x :x
Na America do Sul !!
desculpem não resisti :mrgreen:

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 2:42 pm
por Bourne
crubens escreveu:Pois é, vai ser caco de J-20 pra todo lado. Outra, pelo tamanho tá mais pra bombardeiro do que caça.
vai que esse é um dos objetivos do caça e por isso que é grandão estilo truckbombs. Nos combates aéreos se garantir nos mísseis BVR conjugado com a furtividade. Se chegar perto o suficiente para combater outra aeronave não deve ser tão desengonçado e deve dar uma bom trabalho.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qui Dez 30, 2010 3:10 pm
por Zavva
EDSON escreveu:E o Brasil onde está?????? :x :x :x :x