Re: F-35 News
Enviado: Sáb Jul 17, 2010 2:10 pm
Me explica então para que o Royal Navy, o Marines e a USN vão adquiri-los?tflash escreveu:e depois vem a chuva e anula essa tecnologia toda...
Com isto tudo, vai ser difícil ver um F35 com a pintura de tigre.
Canada to buy 65 F-35 jet fighters in C$9 bln deal
Fri Jul 16, 1:21 PM
By David Ljunggren
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada will buy 65 new fighter jets from Lockheed Martin Corp for C$9 billion ($8.6 billion), one of the biggest arms deals in the nation's history, Defense Minister Peter MacKay said on Friday.
The first of the new generation Joint Strike Fighters will be delivered in 2016. The F-35s are designed to replace Canada's CF-18s, which are scheduled to reach the end of their working lives in about 2020.
MacKay brushed off criticism from opposition legislators who say the planes are too expensive and who question why Lockheed Martin received a sole-source contract.
"This is the best aircraft we can provide our men and women in uniform ... This is one of the largest defense procurement projects in Canadian history," MacKay told a news conference.
The C$9 billion also covers weapons, training and equipment. MacKay said media reports of a separate C$7 billion 20-year maintenance deal were wrong and said an agreement would be concluded once the jets started going into production.
The Joint Strike Fighter program is being funded by the United States, Canada, Turkey, Britain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Australia and the Netherlands. Canada, which was involved from the start, says it has already spent C$168 million.
The JSF is set to be the world's costliest arms acquisition program. The United States alone is scheduled to buy 2,443 of the planes for more than $300 billion.
Industry Minister Tony Clement said Canadian companies would be able to bid for business for all the planes, not just the ones Ottawa will buy.
The opposition Liberal Party promises to freeze the deal if it takes power. However polls show it trails the ruling Conservatives and would have little chance of winning an election now.
MacKay dismissed the criticism, saying Lockheed Martin had won an open competition in 2001 to supply the JSF -- a time when Canada's previous Liberal government was in power and already helping to fund the project.
"I am questioning the hypocrisy which seems to soar higher than this aircraft in now criticizing purchasing the very plane that the previous government signaled ... very early on, that they were going to do," he said.
But a former top Canadian defense official involved in the decision to help fund the JSF said Ottawa's development role did not automatically mean Canada had to buy the plane.
"If you sole-source, everybody loses. The taxpayer loses ... you lose a lot of leverage, up to 20 percent," Alan Williams told Reuters, saying the Conservative government had in recent years effectively sole-sourced almost C$40 billion worth of defense contracts.
"We're supposed to buy a product that best meets the military's needs. How do you know that without doing a rigorous comparison? ... Just because we took part in a program does not mean that it's the best one for us," he said.
($1=$1.05 Canadian)
(Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Rob Wilson) ... s_fighters
Row over Canada F-35 fighter jet order
Canada's purchase of 65 new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets for 9bn Canadian dollars ($8.5bn; £5.6bn) is proving controversial.
The contract with US company Lockheed Martin was signed without a competitive bidding process, drawing fire from Canada's opposition party.
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff said, if elected, his government would put a hold on the contract.
The jets will replace Canada's ageing fleet of CF-18s.
"At a time when the Conservatives are also signalling significant cuts to Veterans Affairs, a $16bn [Canadian dollars] sole-sourced contract, agreed to without transparency, can't be allowed to proceed," Mr Ignatieff said in a statement.
But Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government defended the purchase at a press conference, where a prototype of the plane was unveiled.
"We need to ensure our fighter aircraft fleet remains the best in the world to meet the threats of the 21st Century," defence minister Peter MacKay said.
Maintenance of the planes for 20 years is also included in the contract, but that cost has not yet been disclosed.
Media reports estimate that maintenance could bring the total cost to Canadian $16bn.
The planes will be the fifth generation of Joint Strike Fighters. Canada has worked with the US on the development of these fighter planes for over a decade.
Estão sem alternativas? Tem-se falado de muita coisa, inclusive de uma nova versão do harrier.Santiago escreveu:Me explica então para que o Royal Navy, o Marines e a USN vão adquiri-los?tflash escreveu:e depois vem a chuva e anula essa tecnologia toda...
Com isto tudo, vai ser difícil ver um F35 com a pintura de tigre.
tflash escreveu:Estão sem alternativas? Tem-se falado de muita coisa, inclusive de uma nova versão do harrier.Santiago escreveu: Me explica então para que o Royal Navy, o Marines e a USN vão adquiri-los?
Me explica então para que o Royal Navy, o Marines e a USN vão adquiri-los?
Aqueles que apoiam o JSF também apontam o fato do F-35 ser o único caça de 5a geração disponível no mercado aos países da OTAN
De qualquer forma, foi a única opção viável para o Canadá
A falta de opções para os membros da OTAN tirou do Canadá a chance de optar por qualquer outra aeronave e pode explicar em grande parte a polêmica escolha do JSFo F-35
Deixa ver se eu entendi isso: Se o caça precisar de uma simples manutenção na pintura tem que ser levado até esta unidade fabril? Não dá para o próprio mecânico da base aérea dar um retoque com uma latinha de spray?justo escreveu:Para matar a sua curiosidade sobre alto custo deste projeto...Aí está o motivo: ... com-lasers
Como o Canadá é depende dos EUA como irmão siamês, eles tem as seguintes escolhas, ficar sem caças, comprar F-35 ou F-18E. E advinha o que escolheram?! Afinal, Super Lento Hornet nem pensar.Carlos Mathias escreveu:Me explica então para que o Royal Navy, o Marines e a USN vão adquiri-los?Aqueles que apoiam o JSF também apontam o fato do F-35 ser o único caça de 5a geração disponível no mercado aos países da OTANDe qualquer forma, foi a única opção viável para o CanadáA falta de opções para os membros da OTAN tirou do Canadá a chance de optar por qualquer outra aeronave e pode explicar em grande parte a polêmica escolha do JSFo F-35
É, mas a diferença é que, na situação descrita, o bimotor voltou e o mono não...Os defensores do JSF dizem que a tecnologia do motor do avião é muito avançada e que as taxas de atrição do monomotor F-16 são comparáveis às do F-18.