The medical ship attached to a service ship group of the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command steams forward in a maritime assessment on August 22, 2022. ( by Wu Huanqing)
A sailor assigned to a service ship group of the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command, wearing the chemical defense gear, conducts toxic substance detection in a maritime assessment on August 22, 2022. ( by Wu Huanqing)
The medical ship attached to a service ship group of the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command slings a rigid-hull inflatable boat (RHIB) down in a maritime assessment on August 22, 2022. ( by Wu Huanqing)
Sailors assigned to a service ship group of the navy under the PLA Southern Theater Command steer a rigid-hull inflatable boat (RHIB) to the designated sea area in a maritime assessment on August 22, 2022. ( by Wu Huanqing)
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Enviado: Sáb Out 01, 2022 9:00 am
por Suetham
CR500 UAV apareceu em um vídeo de exercício de pouso anfíbio do Batalhão de Armas Combinadas do 91º Bragide sob o 73º GA
An air-cushioned landing craft attached to a naval landing ship flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command maneuvers at high speed during a beach landing training exercise in mid-August, 2022. ( by Zhang Xueyan)
An air-cushioned landing craft attached to a naval landing ship flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command arrives on shore during a beach landing training exercise in mid-August, 2022. ( by Zhang Xueyan)
An armored vehicle rolls out of an air cushioned landing craft during a beach landing training exercise conducted by a naval landing ship flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command in mid-August, 2022. ( by Zhang Xueyan)
Captura de tela do lançamento do Yu-8 ASROC do Tipo 054A
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Enviado: Sáb Out 01, 2022 9:04 am
por Suetham
A construção da grande doca seca na Base Naval de Yulin em Hainan está progredindo bem. Os porta-aviões baseados lá não precisarão mais navegar para Xangai ou Dalian para manutenção.
Mais uma atualização de satélite. As superfícies do cais foram pavimentadas e dois guindastes foram instalados. A doca seca menor ao lado é para manter contratorpedeiros, fragatas e outros navios menores.
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Enviado: Sáb Out 01, 2022 9:05 am
por Suetham
Tropas de radar costeiro em Mischief Reef detectam uma lancha desconhecida tentando se infiltrar. A guarnição naval respondeu prontamente e afastou a lancha.