Glossário de termos militares básicos - Forças Terrestres

Assuntos em discussão: Exército Brasileiro e exércitos estrangeiros, armamentos, equipamentos de exércitos em geral.

Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Glossário de termos militares básicos - Forças Terrestre

#16 Mensagem por jauro » Dom Jan 20, 2013 5:02 pm

FCarvalho escreveu:Jauro, poderia explicar por favor qual a justificativa de se ter duas unidades bldas, uma de infantaria, a 6a Bgda e outra de cavalaria, a 5a Bgda, que essencialmente possuem a mesmíssima organização, terem designativos diferentes, já que são na prática OM's bldas em sua organização? Porque simplesmente não determinar a ambas como de cavalaria ou de infantaria?

Tupiniquinismo puro!
Simplesmente coisas da manutenção das tradições do EB.
Não magoar nem infantes e nem cavalarianos.
No meu entender seria mais prático BRIGADA BLINDADA.

"A disciplina militar prestante não se aprende senhor, sonhando e na fantasia, mas labutando e pelejando." (CAMÕES)
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Re: Glossário de termos militares básicos - Forças Terrestre

#17 Mensagem por faterra » Dom Fev 03, 2013 4:36 pm

Artilharia Anti-Aérea

TEL = Transport Erector and Launcher
A transporter erector launcher (TEL) is a vehicle with an integrated prime mover that can carry, elevate to firing position and launch one or more missiles. Such vehicles exist for both surface-to-air missiles and surface-to-surface missiles. Early such missiles were launched from fixed sites and had to be loaded onto trucks for transport, making them more vulnerable to attack since once they were spotted by the enemy they couldn't easily be relocated, and if they were it often took hours or even days to prepare them for launch once they reached their new site.

TELAR = Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar is the same as a TEL but also incorporates part or all of the radar system necessary for firing the missile(s). Such vehicles have the capability of being autonomous, greatly enhancing their effectiveness. With this type of system each vehicle can fight regardless of the state or presence of support vehicles. The TEL or TELAR may have a rotating turntable that it can use to aim the missiles. The vehicle may have to turn to aim the missiles or they may fire straight up.

TLAR = Transporter Launcher And Radar is the same as a TELAR without the erector capability (presumably because the missile does not need to be erected for launch).
Usually a number of TELs and TELARs are linked to one Command post vehicle (CP or CPV). They may utilise target information from Target acquisition, designation and guidance radar (TADAGR) or, simply, TAR.

MEL = Mobile Erector Launcher - Used by Patriot missile system as a towed launch vehicle. ... _and_radar


Um abraço!
Fernando Augusto Terra