Página 94 de 196


Enviado: Ter Nov 24, 2015 9:52 pm
por hades767676


Enviado: Ter Nov 24, 2015 11:24 pm
por Ilya Ehrenburg
shucrut escreveu:Que merda essa Turquia fez. Quais seriam as possíveis respostas do Governo Russo? Abater outro avião da Turquia? rsrsrsrsr :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
nemesis escreveu:Na verdade a Turquia fez um favor ao Putin Shucrut.
A Rússia precisa que a comunidade internacional veja seus esforços para salvar o governo de ASSAD, como legítimos. Ela assumiu uma posição de "coitadinha" na diplomacia quando Putin disse que foram apunhalados pelas costas. Putin vai usar esse incidente para mostrar qual lado esta certo.
A estratégia russa tem sido perfeita desde o início, quando instalaram em Latakia.
O que me surpreende é o amadorismo da estratégia americana.

Tudo isso é uma grande armadilha, ou o pentágono pirou de vez.
A cancelaria russa é profissional e está tirando os dividendos do episódio.
Comento sobre isto neste artigo:

http://www.planobrazil.com/jogadores-fr ... anguineos/


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 1:54 am
por Ilya Ehrenburg
Viktor Reznov escreveu:
gusmano escreveu:Putim acabou de dizer: Turquia financia o ISIS.

Você é muito engraçado. Pede fonte quando ele aparece em todos os telejornais dizendo isso.


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 8:20 am
por nemesis
Ilya Ehrenburg escreveu:
Viktor Reznov escreveu: Fonte?
Você é muito engraçado. Pede fonte quando ele aparece em todos os telejornais dizendo isso.

Os caminhões tanques abastecidos com o petróleo do ISIS poderiam ir para que lado?



Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 10:30 am
por P44
vai aquecer...

Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Speech of the Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoy on provocative actions of the Turkish Air Force:

«Today, at 10:24 (MSK) an F-16 fighter of the Turkish Air Force shot down Su-24M tactical bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which was performing a combat sortie over the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. The fighter supposedly performed the strike with IR homing headed short-range missile.

The objective monitoring data confirmed that the Turkish warplane did not make any attempt to establish a communication or visual contact with the Russian bomber.

The missile hit the Su-24M aircraft over the territory of Syria. The bomber crash place is on the territory of Syria four kilometres far from the borderline. The Su-24M crew managed to eject.

According to the preliminary data, fire from the ground killed one of the pilots.

The objective monitoring data shows that the Russian aircraft did not cross the Turkish borderline.

Data received from the Syrian Air Defence Forces confirmed this fact as well.

Moreover, radar reconnaissance data, which was received from the Hmeymim airbase, registered Syrian airspace violation by the attacking aircraft of the Turkish Air Force.

This fact is assessed as a flagrant violation of international law with extremely grave consequences and the direct breach of Memorandum on air incident prevention and flight safety over the Syrian Arab Republic, which had been signed by the USA and relevant for all countries of the coalition, including Turkey.

That is why the Turkish party started urgent consultations with the NATO instead of immediate contacting with the Russian Defence Ministry.

Defence Attaché of Turkey in the Russian Federation was presented a decisive protest against the actions of the Turkish Air Force, which had led to the loss of the Russian aircraft.

It is to be mentioned that from the beginning of the operation, the Russian Defence Ministry had established a direct telephone line between the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of National Defence of Turkey. But it had no practical use due to the fault of the Turkish party.

In order to evacuate the Russian pilots from the landing point, a search-and-rescue operation was conducted by two Mi-8 helicopters. In the course of the operation, one of helicopters was damaged by small arms fire and performed an emergency landing in the neutral area. One contract serviceman – member of Marine Troops – was killed.

The personnel of the search-and-rescue team and the helicopter crew were evacuated and are now at the Hmeymim airbase. The helicopter was destroyed by mortar fire conducted from the territory controlled by illegal armed groups.

The operation on searching and rescuing the crew of the Russian bomber is continued.

It is to be emphasized that in the action area of the Russia aviation the Syrian governmental troops are conducting operation on elimination of illegal armed groups, which include over 1000 militants from the North Caucasus according to the Russian data sources.

It is to be stressed that none of the Russian partners and none of the states, which are fighting against ISIS, has mentioned that there are units of so-called “moderate opposition” and that they do not recommend to make strikes in this area. On the contrary, these territories are known as the ones controlled by the most radical illegal armed groups.

Now the General Staff is elaborating additional security measures for the Russian airbase.

First: All the activities of the attack aviation will be carried out only under cover of fighter aircraft.

Second: Air defence will be reinforced. For that purpose, the Moskva cruiser equipped with air defence system Fort analogous to the S-300 one will go to the shore zone of Latakia. Russian Defence Ministry warns that all the potentially dangerous targets will be destroyed.

Third: Contacts with Turkey will be terminated at the military level».
24.11.2015 - 4,135 views

Cruiser «Moskva» is Ready to Destroy Targets


The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation announces:

Guided missile cruiser «Moskva» joint with escort ships is taking location at the shore zone of Northern Latakia near Turkish border to defend Russian Air Forces from any air threats.

The cruiser carries armament:

16 × P-500 Bazalt or P-1000 Vulkan anti-ship missiles

8 × 8 (64) S-300PMU Favorit (SA-N-6 Grumble) long-range surface-to-air missiles

2 × 20 (40) OSA-MA (SA-N-4 Gecko) SR SAM

1 × twin AK-130 130mm/L70 dual purpose guns

6 × AK-630 close-in weapons systems

2 × RBU-6000 anti-submarine mortars

10 × (2 quin) 533mm torpedo tubes

All air targets could be potentially dangerous for Russian Air Force will be destroyed.


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 10:33 am
por P44


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 10:38 am
por joaolx
Parece que estamos a assistir ao filme dos anos oitenta " The Day After" e é curioso ver como começou ai a 3ª Guerra Mundial e a troca nuclear entre USA e URSS...


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 10:42 am
por P44


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 12:37 pm
por Viktor Reznov
shucrut escreveu:Que merda essa Turquia fez. Quais seriam as possíveis respostas do Governo Russo? Abater outro avião da Turquia? rsrsrsrsr :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
PKK com Igla-S, polônio no café do filho do Erdogan, a lista de possibilidades é enorme. E eu sinceramente espero que a retaliação seja insidiosa e sangrenta, a Turquia merece queimar por apoiar o Estado Islâmico.


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 12:51 pm
por cabeça de martelo
Uma pergunta e se os Turcos fecham o estreito do Bósforo?


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 1:03 pm
por Mathias
Só se estiverem em guerra declarada.


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 1:04 pm
por prp
Ilya Ehrenburg escreveu:
Viktor Reznov escreveu: Fonte?
Você é muito engraçado. Pede fonte quando ele aparece em todos os telejornais dizendo isso.
Só pro cros ver.

Já que o Ilya está na lista negra dele. :lol:


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 1:04 pm
por Wingate
cabeça de martelo escreveu:Uma pergunta e se os Turcos fecham o estreito do Bósforo?
Se os turcos fecham o Bósforo, o Putin acende um fósforo...atômico!

Wingate :shock:



Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 1:05 pm
por prp
cabeça de martelo escreveu:Uma pergunta e se os Turcos fecham o estreito do Bósforo?
Os russo fazem uma autobam atravessando o Túrquia de cabo a rabo. :roll: :twisted:


Enviado: Qua Nov 25, 2015 10:32 pm
por Grep
Com a força que os Russos tem agora ao sul da Turquia, atacariam por todos os lados, botariam a força aérea deles abaixo em pouco tempo.