Apesar de bem sucedido o ataque, os danos foram mínimos, segundo o Fighterbomber e outras fontes. Um dos Ka-52 ficou moderadamente danificado, mas foi restaurado em um dia, após a evacuação.
There were no casualties among personnel as a result of the Hymars attack on our helicopters .
And that's good.
The site in the field was given up by local waiters.
And this is bad.
I won’t say anything about the helicopters, except that the Ka-52 was raised to its feet in ONE NIGHT by heroic engineers.
Moreover, they raised it using OUR, PEOPLE’S instrument.
So, everyone who participated helped a little bit to tighten the bolts and save the Ka-52, lifting it into the air and letting it fly to a safe place.
The uncensored opinion of the Ka-52 pilot himself about the attack is here.
P.S. And yes, the hohols screwed up with defining the types of helicopters.
Well, this is not particularly pleasing, but just for general information.
Just watch for now.
You can see it, right? We're celebrating, no black-and-white photos, humor, jokes, war, and all that stuff. No hysteria or hand-wringing. So what does that mean? It means that's how it should be.
Wait for the moment when they will tell and show you everything. And explain why they sometimes don't reveal everything at your first request.
So, is it a "virtolit" after all? Is that an official statement?