Falácia WOKE: basta ver que comprar um Smartphone ou TV led em 2011 era muito mais caro, em relação ao poder de compra do cidadão comum, do que em 2021 (e em 2011 não tinha FRAUDEMIA): tecnologias amadurecem, se tornam comuns, a concorrência aumenta e, por conseguinte, ficam mais baratas.
Só não inventaram ainda é painéis fotovoltaicos e usinas eólicas que funcionem cobertos de neve.
Falácia WOKE: basta ver que comprar um Smartphone ou TV led em 2011 era muito mais caro, em relação ao poder de compra do cidadão comum, do que em 2021 (e em 2011 não tinha FRAUDEMIA): tecnologias amadurecem, se tornam comuns, a concorrência aumenta e, por conseguinte, ficam mais baratas.
Só não inventaram ainda é painéis fotovoltaicos e usinas eólicas que funcionem cobertos de neve.
Os parques eólicos funcionam desde que haja vento na velocidade certa. Quer chova, quer faça sol ou mesmo neve.
Cottingham: Europe's biggest battery storage system switched on
The battery energy storage system in Cottingham can hold enough electricity to power 300,000 homes for two hours
What is thought to be Europe's biggest battery energy storage system has begun operating near Hull.
The site, said to be able to store enough electricity to power 300,000 homes for two hours, went online at Pillswood, Cottingham, on Monday.
Its launch was brought forward four months as the UK faces possible energy shortages this winter.
The facility was developed by North Yorkshire renewable power firm Harmony Energy using technology made by Tesla.
Battery energy storage systems hold electricity generated from renewable sources such as wind turbines and solar farms before releasing it at times of high customer demand.
The Pillswood facility has the capacity to store up to 196 MWh energy in a single cycle.
It has been built next to the National Grid's Creyke Beck substation, which will be connected to Dogger Bank, the world's largest offshore wind farm, when it launches in the North Sea later this decade.
'Challenging winter'
Peter Kavanagh, director of Harmony Energy, said: "Battery energy storage systems are essential to unlocking the full potential of renewable energy in the UK and we hope this particular one highlights Yorkshire as a leader in green energy solutions.
"These projects are not supported by taxpayer subsidy and will play a major role in contributing to the Net Zero transition, as well as ensuring the future security of the UK's energy supply and reduced reliance on foreign gas imports."
The system, which will use Tesla's AI software to match energy supply to demand, had been due to be switched on in two stages in December 2022 and March 2023.
Harmony said it had brought forward the launch "to support National Grid in its efforts to provide stable and secure power to UK households over the challenging winter period".
Energy regulator Ofgem has warned there was a "significant risk" of energy shortages in the UK this winter due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and gas supply disruption.
Britain's reservoir revolution: Water firms launch £500million plan to build up huge supplies to prevent taps from running dry as climate change advances
Water firms are unveiling plans to build vast reservoirs and use canals to transfer supplies
Many plan to step up recycling of sewage water so it can be pumped back into the network
Scheme for desalination plant to treat sea water on the south coast is also being considered
Comes amid forecasters of hotter, drier summers with associated droughts and wetter winters
Water firms have unveiled plans to build vast reservoirs and use canals to transfer supplies in response to climate change.
Many are also planning to step up the recycling of sewage water so it can be pumped back into the network to keep taps running in times of drought.
The situation is so serious that a scheme for a desalination plant to treat sea water on the south coast is also being considered – the sort of measure used by desert states.
The moves comes against the background of climate change, which is predicted to create hotter, drier summers with associated droughts and wetter winters.
Figures out this week suggest the number of countries seeing temperatures above a scorching 50C (122F) is rising and the number of days when this figure is breached has almost doubled since 1980.
Não pude deixar de notar que, já com UMA SEMANA DE VERÃO, a temperatura aqui mal consegue passar dos 20 graus. E nem estou reclamando pois, além de economizar energia, a temperatura é a ideal para mim: detesto excessos, seja de frio ou calor, mas se tiver que suportar, prefiro frio.
Não pude deixar de notar que, já com UMA SEMANA DE VERÃO, a temperatura aqui mal consegue passar dos 20 graus. E nem estou reclamando pois, além de economizar energia, a temperatura é a ideal para mim: detesto excessos, seja de frio ou calor, mas se tiver que suportar, prefiro frio.
Eu também estou cansado de tanta chuva, no entanto no Algarve:
Não pude deixar de notar que, já com UMA SEMANA DE VERÃO, a temperatura aqui mal consegue passar dos 20 graus. E nem estou reclamando pois, além de economizar energia, a temperatura é a ideal para mim: detesto excessos, seja de frio ou calor, mas se tiver que suportar, prefiro frio.
Eu também estou cansado de tanta chuva, no entanto no Algarve:
Vamos ter que mandar mais zucas para aí, não tem outro jeito, alguém os tem que ensinar a falar Português direito: é RESERVATÓRIO, shovel!!!
(Sério agora, aqui anda chovendo pouco, mal e mal um chuvisco de vez em quando; mas já vi frio muito pior nos anos 80, cheguei a comentar com meu saudoso Pai, num dezembro, que "desse jeito vamos ter neve no Natal")
(reservar + -tório)
1. Que é próprio para reservar.
nome masculino
2. Espaço ou recipiente próprio para guardar ou acumular algo.Ver imagem = DEPÓSITO
3. Cavidade do corpo humano onde se acumulam humores.
4. [Física] Lugar onde se supõe existir um fluido em acumulação ou em grande quantidade.
5. [Medicina] Qualquer ser vivo, solo ou substância em que agentes infecciosos vivem, se multiplicam ou se reproduzem (ex.: a epidemia teve origem num reservatório aviário; o homem é o reservatório natural do gonococo).
Exxon scientists in the 1970s accurately predicted climate change Analysis of internal climate projections shows Exxon scientists knew the harm of burning fossil fuels, while firm’s executives played down the risk
Exxon scientists accurately predicted the pace and scale of climate change more than 40 years ago, according to a study that its authors say adds weight to claims the oil firm knew about and sought to downplay the risks posed by continued fossil fuel use.
Scientists working for Exxon between 1977 and 2003 accurately forecasted the rate at which global average temperatures would rise as a result of carbon emissions, correctly predicted that human-caused global warming would first be detectable by around 2000 and reasonably estimated how much carbon dioxide would lead to dangerous warming, according to the study.
Leaked internal documents published in 2015 suggest Exxon, which became ExxonMobil in 1999, was aware of climate change in the 1970s and knew the threat could cause “dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050”.
But this is the first time Exxon’s quantitative climate projections have been assessed. Geoffrey Supran at Harvard University and his colleagues analysed all publicly available internal documents and research publications disclosed by the company between 1977 and 2014 to assess the accuracy of Exxon’s scientific predictions against both contemporary models and subsequent real-world changes in temperature.
The results were in line with scientific thinking at the time of writing, the team found. Meanwhile, 63 to 83 per cent of the projections were accurate in predicting subsequent rates of global warming.
“Most of Exxon’s projections accurately forecast warming, consistent with subsequent observations, but also, at least as skillfully as those of independent models,” says Supran. “Excellent scientists modelled and predicted global warming with shocking skill and accuracy, only for the company to spend the next couple of decades denying that very climate science.”
ExxonMobil is one of a number of oil companies facing lawsuits in the US accusing them of seeking to conceal the true impact of fossil fuel use from the public.
For decades, Exxon executives argued in public that the science of climate change was still uncertain, with former CEO Lee Raymond warning in 2000 that research wasn’t robust enough to “justify drastic measures” to cut emissions. The firm has also been criticsed for funding groups that promoted misleading information on climate change.
Supran says Exxon took a “two-handed” approach to the issue of climate change. “In private and academic circles, they contributed quietly to climate science,” he says. “But at the very same time, and then thereafter, they contributed loudly to promoting doubts about that very science.”
In response to the findings, an ExxonMobil spokesperson denied accusations it had sought to cover up the science of climate change and said the firm is “committed to being part of the solution to climate change and the risks it poses”.
“Those who suggest ‘we knew’ are wrong,” he said in a statement. “Some have sought to misrepresent facts and ExxonMobil’s position on climate science, and its support for effective policy solutions, by recasting well intended, internal policy debates as an attempted company disinformation campaign.”
The spokesperson added: “ExxonMobil is actively engaged in efforts to reduce emissions while providing affordable energy to the communities that need it.”