É o GF que tende ao fracasso, não vai durar muito tempo. As coisas estão se esquentando demais, o Lula tá vendo que não tá mandando é nada e o Dino tá crescendo mais que ele. Quero ver até onde vai dar, tudo isso poderia ser evitado e estaríamos aproveitando uma ótima onda internacional, mas temos cuzões ao invés de Generais.
Re: Geopolítica Energética
Enviado: Seg Mai 29, 2023 10:28 am
por J.Ricardo
Essa mulher é uma barata, um rola-bosta, se fosse realmente tão preocupada com o meio ambiente não teria se aliado ao governo que construiu Belo Monte, que se fosse um projeto de governo de direita estaria sendo julgado pela ONU de tão nocivo para aquele bioma.
Re: Geopolítica Energética
Enviado: Seg Mai 29, 2023 1:44 pm
por gabriel219
Belo Monte tinha que ser uma Usina Nuclear, não uma Hidro. E também não no Xingú, mas no São Francisco.
Re: Geopolítica Energética
Enviado: Ter Jun 20, 2023 8:21 pm
por Suetham
Europe has overdone the construction of LNG terminals, trying to overcome the energy crisis, writes Bloomberg.
Experts cited by Bloomberg believe that global demand for natural gas may decline in the long term, and the construction of a large number of terminals may not pay off.
According to them, by 2030 the EU can halve gas consumption as it moves to renewable energy sources.
They tried to abandon fossil fuels - they fell into the trap of LNG.
They started building LNG regasification terminals, but they turned out to be unnecessary.
About Emmanuel Macron's visit to Mongolia
Emmanuel Macron became the first French President to visit Mongolia. After the end of the G7 summit, he went to Ulan-Ude and held talks with his Mongolian counterpart Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh.
The main topic of the talks was the cooperation of states in the energy sector. Macron lobbied for the interests of the French company Orano, engaged in uranium mining, and EDF, specializing in the construction of nuclear power plants. Not without statements on Ukraine.
What caused the Macron administration's interest in Mongolia?
The French government is looking for ways to diversify sources of nuclear fuel supplies. Now French nuclear power plants buy fuel - spent uranium - from Russia (45%), as well as Kazakhstan (29%) and Uzbekistan (26%), the supply routes of which also run through Russian territory.
In Mongolia, rich in rare earth metals, French companies Badrah Energy and Orano are already present, but they are interested in expanding their presence in the republic. For example, EDF wants to build its own nuclear power plant there, and Orano wants to get a license to mine uranium from the largest Mongolian deposits.
The parties have not yet concluded specific agreements and, in general, this process is unlikely to be quick and simple. We must take into account the logistical problems of delivering resources from Mongolia to Europe, since the path will somehow again run through Russia or China.
In addition, in addition to French companies, Russian companies are also present on the Mongolian market, which have an advantage over their competitors - in particular, already established logistics and low cost of projects compared to European ones.