Sobre o TF-X turco

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#121 Mensagem por sapao » Sáb Out 15, 2011 8:38 am

cb_lima escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:CB, só deixe claro que a falta de compromisso não se estende à todas as Forças.

Pelo menos não na magnitude dessa que (eu acho) a que você se refere.

Tem forço com projeto para depois de 2050 andando.
Pois é...

Mas porque o F-X não foi decidido então? :wink:

Porque não se quis decidir, infelizmente.

Projeto para 2050 realmente existe, mas para sair do papel depende de vontade.

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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#122 Mensagem por Alcantara » Qua Out 26, 2011 4:17 pm

AlbertoRJ escreveu:
sapao escreveu:Mas é isso que estamos falando: vão colocar dinheiro do contribuinte aqui como colocam nos países da OTAN, nos USA, na Russia e na China?

Nem a pau Juvenal!!!

Basta você olhar o tamanho do segmento de Defesa da Boeing, da EADS e da EMBRAER.

Os USA compram cigarro box de pacote, a gente compra sem filtro e picado.
A Europa mantem a propria EADS; vai colocar algo lá dentro que não seja deles no mercado de Defesa para ver como é facil.

E você pode ter certeza de que TODOS esses projetos (Coreano, Turco, Japonês) ainda não foram para a geveta porque o americano está de jogo duro com o F-35/F-22 nos quesito de tecnologia e custo.
Quando eles quiserem (e eventualmente acho que irão querer), abrem as pernas e todo mundo que opera via FMS vai vir correndo pegar uma rebarba ou como diriam no norte "sale off" ( é isso mesmo CB Lima?) de material de ponte que está no pátio sem comprador.
Então fecha o caixão?
Acho que temos que sair dessa inércia porque o país está bem diferente do passado.

Na minha opinião!

Só falta combinar isso com os políticos. :roll:
A final, você sabe: "a decisão é política"! "A caneta nunca esteve nas mãos dos militares", etc...

Editado pela última vez por Alcantara em Qua Out 26, 2011 4:24 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
"Se o Brasil quer ser, então tem que ter!"
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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#123 Mensagem por Alcantara » Qua Out 26, 2011 4:24 pm

cb_lima escreveu:O Am-X foi importante sim, mas o produto final nunca teve o seu potencial totalmente utilizado (usar missil inerte e bomba burra não é vantagem)... e finalmente depois de 20 anos vai ao visto ver a luz do dia...

Então a questão tem 2 aspectos na minha opnião... uma coisa é a Industria e outra coisa é a Força Aérea. Eu não acho que com o Am-X aproveitamos todo o potencial que essa aeronave poderia ter no que diz respeito a F. Aérea.
Se o AMX "brasileiro" ficou pelado por 20 anos, não foi por culpa do projeto. O A-1 infelizmente foi sub utilizado, pois nas mãos brasileiras, incompleto estava [e ficou] desde a sua introdução no inventário.

Somente agora é que a aeronave vai, finalmente, poder dizer a que veio.

Mas, investimentos no desenvolvimento, quem é que faz mesmo?


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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#124 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Out 27, 2011 10:40 pm

UAV turco: Anka

Turkey weighing up the results of successful ANKA lift

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has successfully flown its medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned air vehicle (UAV) as part of a key test programe.

The UAV called “ANKA” is produced at TAI’s facilities in Ankara, Turkey and the company announced today that it had successfully completed its fifth test flight last Saturday, marking the beginning of the envelope expansion process during which the aircraft is demonstrated to perform safely and match the system's performance requirements over a broad range of altitudes, airspeeds and operating weights.

After reaching planned altitude of 10.000ft, a series of test points were executed to check and gather data regarding the aircraft and autopilot performances.

Over the next few flights, the expansion will be completed and the test campaign will continue with demonstrations of a series of systems improvements, including the automatic takeoff and landing system.

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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#125 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Sex Out 28, 2011 8:56 pm

Turkey's Anka UAS enters new test phase

Ankara's ambitions to field an indigenous medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft system (UAS) have been advanced, with flight tests of Turkish Aerospace Industries' (TAI) Anka having entered a new phase.

The company has announced that its Anka prototype completed its fifth flight on 22 October, "marking the beginning of the envelope expansion process". This will demonstrate the aircraft's performance at various altitudes, speeds and weights, TAI said.

First flown on 30 December 2010, the Anka reached an altitude of 10,000ft (3,050m) during its latest sortie, which tested the design's autopilot.


"Over the next few flights, the expansion will be completed and the test campaign will continue with demonstrations of a series of systems improvements, including the automatic take-off and landing system," the Turkish company said.

Previous information released about the Anka ("Phoenix") has described it as having a maximum take-off weight of 1,600kg (3,530lb), including a 200kg payload. It is designed to stay aloft for up to 24 hours, and to fly at an altitude of up to 30,000ft.


Alberto -
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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#126 Mensagem por marcelo l. » Sex Nov 04, 2011 11:32 pm

Acho que talvez se a notícia se concretizar e outras de Seul de produtos turcos, sei não se eles (turcos) não entram no projeto coreano de caça.

Turkeys TAI and Italys AgustaWestland have a good chance of winning a bid to jointly produce 30 helicopters for South Korea, an official tells the Daily News ... =17&t=1107

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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#127 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Nov 15, 2011 2:41 pm

#DXB11: Turkey starts next generation fighter

By Stephen Trimble on November 15, 2011 2:11 PM
Turkey wants to build a next generation fighter, too. ... gener.html

The Ministry of Defense awarded a contract to Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in August to complete an 18-month feasibility study on producing a new fighter and trainer called TFX after 2023.

In the crush of Dubai Air Show events, we managed to arrange a roughly 5-minute long interview about the TFX study with Ali Yilmaz Guldogan, TAI's vice president of strategy and cooperation programmes.

The study has to answer a lot of questions. These include: Will the fighter have one engine or two? Canted tails or vertical? TAI still doesn't know, but the study will determine, Guldogan said. The study also is tackling industrial issues. Will Turkey lead development by itself, or join a development programme with South Korea, Brazil or another country? In early 2013, TAI will submit a report with recommendations to the Ministry of Defense, which will make the final decisions, Guldogan said.

There was no time, alas, to ask Guldogan broader questions. Among them: Why does Turkey think it needs to build its own fighter?

The existence of TFX means Turkey has joined an interesting global trend. It is among several major nations with rising economic and political clout, but are forced to depend for combat aircraft upon the US, Russia and Western Europe. China, India and Japan have already developed their own military and commercial aircraft. Now, South Korea, Brazil and Turkey seem to want to join the club.

We covered South Korea's KF-X programme extensively last month at the Seoul Air Show, which you can read about here. Brazil, meanwhile, announced plans in 2009 to develop a "fifth-generation fighter" in 2025, using technologies transferred from the now-delayed F-X2 fighter contract.

Interestingly, Turkey has been linked as a possible development partner to both South Korea and Brazil. South Korea's Defense Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA) announced that Turkey is likely to join the KF-X programme next year. Eurofighter, meanwhile, predicted in a fighter market forecast released at the Seoul Air Show that Turkey could partner with Brazil instead.

Whatever Turkey decides to do, the TFX programme represents a remarkable -- and perhaps worrisome -- trend for the giants of the global industry for combat aircraft. Some of these giants may be forgiven, then, for thinking that a few of their most reliable customers are making some bad decisions.

"I think there are a lot of places that are overly ambitious," said Jeff Kohler, Boeing vice president of business development and former chief of the US Defense Security and Cooperation Agency (DSCA). "I don't mean that in the negative way that they can't do it. How many fighter entries are possible? This market is getting smaller and not bigger."

South Korea has budgeted $5 billion to develop a next generation fighter in about 10 years -- a cost projection that some Western industry officials is woefully unrealistic. "This is not a game for the weak of heart," Kohler said. It took US industry 10 years and billions of dollars simply to develop active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, he added.

Paul Oliver, Boeing vice president of business development for the Middle East and Africa, said he believes that such programmes are really attempts by national industries to bring themselves up the value chain in the global aerospace market. The countries do not stand a good chance of making a competitive fighter, he said.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#128 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Nov 15, 2011 2:49 pm

Brazil, meanwhile, announced plans in 2009 to develop a "fifth-generation fighter" in 2025, using technologies transferred from the now-delayed F-X2 fighter contract.
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Re: Sobre o TF-X turco

#129 Mensagem por Boss » Ter Nov 15, 2011 2:53 pm

Até 2025 o FX-2 não vai ter saído.
