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Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Ter Dez 28, 2010 8:53 pm
por Penguin
P44 escreveu:
Bolovo escreveu:Vcs são muito descrestes da China.

É...a tipica arrogância ocidental, que está já a ver-se no que deu, no campo económico, e não tardará muito para se ver, no campo militar....

Aliás, o principal objectivo dos Chineses é que o ocidente CONTINUE pensando assim.

mais :

(Para mock-up parece ter motores :roll: )


e quanto ao "novo emblema", como já aqui mostrado:

Está taxiando e emitindo calor.
Falta decolar.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 1:04 am
por Penguin
Penguin escreveu:
J-20 photos: Fake alert or real thing?
By Stephen Trimble on December 27, 2010 12:30 PM

My friend Bill Sweetman has forgotten more about military aviation than is Google-able, and he accepts new images of the J-20 -- apparently snapped from the fenceline at the surprisingly accessible Chengdu aircraft factory -- as factual reality. He might be right.

But I'm still skeptical.

It's that inexplicably over-sized red star -- which, to my eyes, resembles the roundel of the Russian Air Force more than the People's Liberation Army Air Force, although is representative of neither -- that has my senses on full "fake alert".

Judge for yourself.

O J-20 é real! Arrependei-vos e convertei-vos enquanto há tempo! :mrgreen:
J-20: Even better than the real thing
By Stephen Trimble on December 28, 2010 3:34 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-d ... -real.html

The J-20 is real. I tip my hat to Bill Sweetman. New photos on the Chinese Web this morning showing the J-20 preparing for high-speed taxi tests on 22 December are convincing - even to this former skeptic. Moreover, the usually definitive Top 81 site has finally updated its listing on the J-20 with the following information:

"The J-20 #2001 prototype was photographed when it was preparing for high-speed taxxing trial at the CAC airfield on December 22, 2010. The prototype features a pair of all-moving tailfins and ventral stabilzing fins, and the laters are expected to be removed on the production models. It also features F-22 style caret intakes but with DSI bumps installed at the upper corners, as well as a one-piece canopy."

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 1:09 am
por Penguin
A Defense Technology Blog

J-20 - Denial Is Not An Option
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 12/28/2010 7:51 AM CST
http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/de ... d=blogDest

More photos of the Chengdu stealth fighter prototype, reportedly the J-20, continue to emerge - although they don't add too much as yet to our understanding of the aircraft itself. It will take a little more measurement to pin down the jet's size, and without a plan view we can't say much. (The last time this happened was with the YF-12, and most people were miles away from the real aircraft.)

First, it looks like a delta, not a lambda:


That has some signature implications, with what looks like an almost unswept trailing edge, because edges scatter forward and backwards.

More new photos:




The questions that need to be answered start with the size, because that will start to tell us where this aircraft falls on the bomber/fighter continuum.

The next question: how far along is the aircraft in development and, if it is pursued, when will it become operational? I would submit that the simplistic approach - comparing this aircraft to the YF-22 or X-35 and therefore projecting an IOC well beyond 2020 - is philosophically wrong, dangerous and stupid.

One problem is that we don't have a pattern for Chinese major programs. In the Cold War, the Soviet Union had its own development procedure that often confused us. The first aircraft of any type would be pure prototypes. Once the go-ahead was given for the type to enter service, MiG or Sukhoi would build a small batch of aircraft for service testing under operational conditions. Only then would full-rate production start. What was often confusing was that the service-test jets would be mistaken for operational aircraft.

China has not had many major combat aircraft programs. The most complex is the J-10, which flew in 1998 and is now well established in service with a major upgrade in flight test. The simpler JF-17 has moved even faster. However, this means that Chengdu can draw on a team which has recent experience with two full development programs and an upgrade.

Once big factor will be the engine. China's transition from dependence on Russian-developed high-performance engines is still under way. The key will be seeing whether and when the doemstically designed WS-10 replaces the Russian AL-31 in the J-10 and the J-11 (China's "bootleg" version of the Sukhoi family).

What could change things substantially is Russian-Chinese collaboration. Despite Russian concerns over China's reverse-engineering of its products, the lure of Chinese money and access to China's micro-electronics base is strong. And if Russia has permitted the export of the latest 117S engines for the J-20, it tells us a lot.

Meanwhile at Chengdu, the forward observation team is digging in for the long haul:


Much more comfortable than Freedom Ridge back in the Interceptor days.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 1:42 am
por Penguin

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 6:20 am
por Carlos Lima
Mais fotos... e pelo visto... bemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mais nitidas...




Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 6:57 am
por Bolovo
Agora ficou até nítido demais eu acho huahua


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 7:13 am
por Bolovo
EUA: F-22 e F-35 >>> CHECK

OTAN: F-35 >>> CHECK





Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 7:27 am
por Carlos Lima
Brasil: F-5EM, AM-XM, A-4M... :|

E acho que pode ir se acostumando com isso mesmo por muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito tempo ainda.


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:02 am
por Penguin

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:03 am
por Penguin

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:23 am
por P44
fotos em tamanho maior


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:28 am
por Bolovo
Gostei de ver. O avião surgiu praticamente do nada. Um dia apareceu a foto dele na internet. E tá ae.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:33 am
por Penguin
Bolovo escreveu:Gostei de ver. O avião surgiu praticamente do nada. Um dia apareceu a foto dele na internet. E tá ae.
Há algum tempo atrás os caras colocaram um astronauta no espaço.
Estão produzindo e desenvolvendo suas próprias turbinas.
São os maiores exportadores mundiais de produtos de alta tecnologia.
Não estão de brincadeira.

Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 8:59 am
por P44
mais uma colecção


Re: Caça de 5a geração chinês

Enviado: Qua Dez 29, 2010 9:05 am
por P44
Penguin escreveu:
Bolovo escreveu:Gostei de ver. O avião surgiu praticamente do nada. Um dia apareceu a foto dele na internet. E tá ae.
Há algum tempo atrás os caras colocaram um astronauta no espaço.
Estão produzindo e desenvolvendo suas próprias turbinas.
São os maiores exportadores mundiais de produtos de alta tecnologia.
Não estão de brincadeira.

e ainda há quem não os leve a sério e se ria deles...