Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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#11461 Mensagem por Glauber Prestes » Qua Set 02, 2020 1:31 am

FCarvalho escreveu: Qua Set 02, 2020 12:45 am Tem que entrar nessa conta que a Turquia sozinha possui mais de 200 F-16, a maioria dos quais no padrão Block 50. E eles tem indústria própria para modernizar os mesmos, além de fazer a logística de apoio.
Sem contar que a capacidade de transporte, revo e ISR turca é bem maior que a grega.
Agora, como diz o cito popular, tamanho não é documento. E os gregos nos últimos anos tem mostrado como certa esta sentença.
Mas entreveros de fronteira aqui e ali é uma coisa, outra é ambos partirem para os finalmente sem mediações.

Segundo a confiabilissíma Wikipedia, são 245 F-16 C/D (210 C e 35 D). Só que ao contrário da Grécia, que tem a "praticamente inofensiva" Europa nas costas, e pode concentrar seus maiores esforços para o leste, a Turquia tem "só" Síria, Iraque, Irã, Geórgia, Armênia, além do espaço aéreo bem movimentado do Mar Negro. Esses 245 caças começam a parecer poucos...

E voltando ao assunto do tópico, acho que se os gregos gostarem do Rafale, não vou achar estranho se eles acabarem com 40 unidades, deixando a Força Aérea Grega com metade da frota com F-16, e outra metade com um mix de Rafale e M2k. Dá pra ter bastante liberdade de mind their own business sem ter que lidar com as limitações de autorização de uso que os EUA impõe ao F-16 (vimos isso recentemente com o Paquistão).
Ao mesmo tempo, ele substitui o F-4, que hoje não deve ter uma disponibilidade alta, e nem uma hora de voo barata. E ainda introduz o Meteor para esse T.O., que tem distâncias relativamente pequenas entre as partes teoricamente envolvidas.
Cuidado com os sintomas.

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#11462 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Set 02, 2020 11:57 am

Os turcos ainda são da Otan. Duvido que qualquer vizinho vá querer arrumar encrenca com eles. É mais fácil sentar e assistir ao show e ver qual o final.


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#11463 Mensagem por JavaLindo66 » Sáb Set 12, 2020 5:49 pm

Governo grego confirma aquisição de 18 caças Rafale
Por Fernando Valduga | 12/09/2020


O primeiro-ministro grego Kyriakos Mitsotakis anunciou neste sábado que a Grécia comprará 18 novos aviões Rafale e quatro fragatas para atender às necessidades de defesa do país.

O premiê grego, falando em Salónica, disse que a defesa do país também será reforçada com a aquisição de helicópteros SH-60R Seahawk, torpedos, mísseis antitanque e guiados e a modernização das fragatas da classe Hydra.

Ele também anunciou a contratação de 15.000 novos recrutas profissionais e a revitalização da indústria de defesa grega.

A aquisição de novos caças franceses teria como objetivo conter a Turquia, que está se movendo agressivamente tanto no Mar Egeu quanto no Mediterrâneo oriental.

Na semana passada uma publicação grega havia divulgado que a Grécia receberia 10 Rafales de nova geração, com a Força Aérea Francesa doando 8 aeronaves Rafale na variante básica para a Força Aérea Helênica.

A Força Aérea Helênica já tem uma longa experiência com aeronaves de fabricação francesa, pois sua frota incluiu o Mirage 2000 por mais de 30 anos. Deve facilitar a transição dos pilotos de combate gregos para o Rafale.

Artigo: ... cas-rafale

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#11464 Mensagem por gogogas » Sáb Set 12, 2020 7:09 pm

Rafale F3 foi ofertado para a Croácia

Gogogas !
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#11465 Mensagem por Wolfgang » Sáb Set 12, 2020 7:26 pm

Rafale é ótimo; mas o que vai deixar os turcos de cabelo em pé são os Meteors.

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#11466 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Sáb Set 12, 2020 9:45 pm

gogogas escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 7:09 pm Rafale F3 foi ofertado para a Croácia
O François tem que estar comendo muito foies gras mofado pra ofertar um caça caro como o Rafale F3 pra um país que não tem dinheiro nem pra colocar 24 Mig-21 em condição de vôo. Uns 5 Rafale F3 consumiriam todo o orçamento anual deles só pra serem hangar queens.

I know the weakness, I know the pain. I know the fear you do not name. And the one who comes to find me when my time is through. I know you, yeah I know you.
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#11467 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Set 12, 2020 10:39 pm

Viktor Reznov escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 9:45 pm
gogogas escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 7:09 pm Rafale F3 foi ofertado para a Croácia
O François tem que estar comendo muito foies gras mofado pra ofertar um caça caro como o Rafale F3 pra um país que não tem dinheiro nem pra colocar 24 Mig-21 em condição de vôo. Uns 5 Rafale F3 consumiriam todo o orçamento anual deles só pra serem hangar queens.
A França tem apoiado a Grécia frente a Turquia. Geopolítica.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#11468 Mensagem por jumentodonordeste » Sáb Set 12, 2020 10:57 pm

Penguin escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 10:39 pm
Viktor Reznov escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 9:45 pm

O François tem que estar comendo muito foies gras mofado pra ofertar um caça caro como o Rafale F3 pra um país que não tem dinheiro nem pra colocar 24 Mig-21 em condição de vôo. Uns 5 Rafale F3 consumiriam todo o orçamento anual deles só pra serem hangar queens.
A França tem apoiado a Grécia frente a Turquia. Geopolítica.
Na grecia até voa. Na croacia vai dar gripen, ou leasing eterno de algo hora voo barato. Rafale seria realmente uma surpresa

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#11469 Mensagem por Penguin » Sáb Set 12, 2020 11:00 pm

jumentodonordeste escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 10:57 pm
Penguin escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 10:39 pm

A França tem apoiado a Grécia frente a Turquia. Geopolítica.
Na grecia até voa. Na croacia vai dar gripen, ou leasing eterno de algo hora voo barato. Rafale seria realmente uma surpresa
Verdade....era Croácia :oops:

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#11470 Mensagem por Túlio » Seg Set 14, 2020 1:48 pm

Penguin escreveu: Sáb Set 12, 2020 11:00 pm
Verdade....era Croácia :oops:
Ué, mas a Croácia apoia a França contra A URSS a malvada Rússia, logo, deve valer a pena dar os Rafales de presente e ainda sustentar. Geopolítica. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sério agora, já botaram WAD no Rafale, ou seguem com as telinhas, alguém aí sabe?

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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#11471 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Dez 10, 2020 1:59 pm

Aircraft Deal to Be Sealed Before New Year (excerpt)
(Source: Ekathimerini; published Dec. 10, 2020)
By Vassilis Nedos
According to Greek media, French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly, seen here with her Greek counterpart Nikos Panagiotopoulos, is expected to return to Athens before Christmas to sign the €2.5 bn sale of 18 Rafale fighters and their weapons. (Greek MoD photo)
ATHENS --- Greece’s purchase of Rafale fighter jets, whose acquisition is expected to be approved by the Greek Parliament next week, was discussed on Tuesday by Greek Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos and his French counterpart Florence Parly.

The French minister, who also discussed wider bilateral relations with Panagiotopoulos, will visit Athens shortly after Parliament’s approval of the purchase, most likely on December 17, in order to sign the supply contract.

Her visit is scheduled to take place before Christmas, on December 19-20, a plan that is, of course, subject to possible changes due to the pandemic.

In any case, it is the expressed will of both parties that the deal be inked before the new year.

The total contract for the supply of 18 Rafale fighters (12 used and six new), fully armed with Meteor, SCALP and Exocet missiles, is expected to amount to approximately 2.5 billion euros.

The General Staff of the Hellenic Air Force is in a race against time to select the first four pilots who will go to France for training at the beginning of the year, so that by May at the latest, the first – slightly used – Rafale will have landed at the Tanagra base and be ready to fully integrate into the air force fleet.

The contracts also include the maintenance of the existing Mirage-2000 MK-2 aircraft, as well as the renewal of all types of systems available to the armed forces – including electronic and weapons systems. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Ekathimerini website.

-ends- ... eport.html

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#11472 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Dez 10, 2020 2:09 pm

Indonesia Nears Order for 36 Rafales: Minister
(Source:; posted Dec. 4, 2020)

By Giovanni de Briganti
An Indonesian order for 36 Rafale announced as imminent by French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly, a Greek contract for another 18 and a possible Croatian order will secure Dassault Aviation’s Rafale production line until well beyond 2026. (French AF photo)
PARIS --- Negotiations with Indonesia for the purchase of 36 Dassault Rafale fighters are “very well advanced…[but] the contract has not yet been completely finalized,” French Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly said in a Dec. 3 television interview.

“If this order materializes, it will be good news for the 500 French companies which work on the Rafale program. It is very well advanced," she told BFM TV, confirming an earlier report posted on the La Tribune financial website.

Indonesia has been shopping for a new fighter for some time, and had previously been reported to have signed deals for Russian Su-35S and F-16V Vipers, but neither was finalized. Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto in October spent over two weeks meeting prospective suppliers in the U.S., Austria, France and Turkey, Nikkei Asian Review reported reported Nov. 12.

Subianto met with Parly on October 21, and again confirmed his keen interest in the Rafale, La Tribune reported Dec. 3, adding that its sources said “the Indonesians want to move very quickly and would even like an agreement before the end of the year, while French negotiators want to take a little more time to complete a meticulous agreement.” Parly and Subianto spoke again by telephone on November 26, according to her official agenda.

The two ministers had already had at the beginning of the year (January 13) an exchange described at the time as “fruitful,” La Tribune reported, during which Subianto expressed an interest for 48 Rafales, up to four Scorpene submarines and two Gowind corvettes. Today, Indonesia has reduced its plans, and is considering the purchase of five submarines on the naval side.

Other potential deals for Rafales

“We are in talks with many countries” for Rafale, Parly told BFM TV, adding that “Greece, Finland and Switzerland want to renew their combat aviation, and have issued bid requests that should be finalized next year.”

Greece didn’t open a competition, but Prime Minister Kyriákos Mitsotakis announced in September that he had negotiated a direct deal for 12 used and six new Rafales, for which a contract is due to be signed by the end of the year if the Greek Parliament approves the necessary funding before the Christmas recess.

France has also offered Croatia 12 second-hand Rafales, which are competing with new-build Lockheed F-16 Block 70s, new Saab Gripen C/Ds and used Israeli F-16 Block 30 jets. The winner is due to be announced on Dec. 12.

Parly met with her Croatian colleague Mario Banožić in Zagreb on Nov. 23 to discuss defense cooperation issues, and later also met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković.

“This is my second visit to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia. I would like to emphasise that the France and Croatia have a successful bilateral co-operation, especially of the navies, the armies the air forces. France wants to develop co-operation with Croatia in many domains, particularly in defence and security. We also want to strengthen the partnership of the defence industries for the benefit of both countries,” Parly said, according to the Croatian MoD report on the meeting.

France is also supporting Dassault’s Rafale bids in the Finnish H-X and Swiss Air2030 fighter competitions, but these will not be decided until mid-2021 and first quarter of 2021 respectively.

Recent signs also indicate that Egypt may be ready to resume defense procurement from France, which it informally suspended after French President Emmanuel Macron publicly criticized the country’s dismal human rights record. Egypt was expected to order a second batch of Rafales, in addition to the 24 it has already purchased and received, and this could now be resumed.

Parly’s official agenda noted a Nov. 30 telephone conversation with Gen. Mohammed Ahmed Zaki, the Egyptian minister of defense and of military production, and while the subject was not specified Rafale is one of the obvious subjects.

Additional French orders in pipeline

These export orders, if signed, will solve Dassault’s production shortfall for Rafale, and allow the French government to defer the order for the fifth and final batch of 30 Rafales to after 2025.

Production on current orders were due to run out in 2024, but France will have to order 12 additional Rafales to replace the 12 it is selling Greece from its in-service inventory, and the six new-build aircraft also sold to Greece will extend production until 2025-2026.

“We must imagine and weigh all sorts of scenarios allowing delivery to the different customers while meeting the requirements of the French Air Force,” Parly told BFM TV, “but obviously the French Air Force will remain the priority.”

“My responsibility, my duty is obviously to ensure that the Air Force has the capabilities it requires, and we will respect the milestones as set out in the 2019-2025 military program law, which call for additional Rafales for the Air Force,” she added.

At the current production rate of 22 aircraft per year, the Greek and Indonesian orders would ensure sufficient workload for another three years beyond 2024 without requiring an increase in the production rate.

-ends- ... ister.html

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#11473 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Dez 10, 2020 3:04 pm

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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#11474 Mensagem por Justin Case » Seg Jan 25, 2021 2:24 pm

Greece equips itself with the RAFALE in the continuity of a partnership with DASSAULT AVIATION of more than 45 years
2021/01/25 Group
Theodoros Lagios, General Director of Armament and Investments of the Greek Ministry of Defense, and Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, signed today a contract for the acquisition of 18 Rafale aircraft for the Hellenic Air Force, as well as a contract for the logistical support of the fleet.

Theodoros Lagios, General Director of Armament and Investments of the Greek Ministry of Defense, and Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, signed today a contract for the acquisition of 18 Rafale aircraft for the Hellenic Air Force, as well as a contract for the logistical support of the fleet.

This signing ceremony was held in Athens in the presence of Mrs. Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces of France, and Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, Minister of National Defense of Greece.

As a European country and member of NATO, Greece is a major strategic partner of France. Dassault Aviation is honored by the Greek government’s decision, that extends an uninterrupted partnership for 45 years.

© Dassault Aviation – A. Pecchi
Rafale in flight
Athens, January 25th, 2021 – Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, and Theodoros Lagios, Director General of Armament and Investments of the Greek Ministry of Defense, signed in Athens, in the presence of Mrs. Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces, and Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, Greek Minister of National Defense, two contracts respectively for the acquisition of 18 Rafale aircraft and for the associated logistic support.

The order for 18 Rafale includes 12 Rafale recently in service with the French Air Force and 6 new Rafale produced at Dassault Aviation plants.

To meet the urgent need of the Greek authorities, the deliveries of aircraft will be begin in the summer of 2021 and will be spread over two years.

The logistic support contract will support the Hellenic Air Force Rafale’s air activity over four and a half years, maintaining the availability of equipment and systems at the highest level.

© Dassault Aviation
Greece equips itself with the RAFALE
The arrival of the Rafale in Greece highlights the quality of the strategic relationship between Greece and France and the continuation of more than forty-five years of solid partnership with Dassault Aviation and its industrial partners Thales and Safran.

As with the Mirage F1 in 1974, the Mirage 2000 in 1985 and finally the Mirage 2000-5 in 2000, the Rafale is an opportunity to launch new cooperation’s with the Greek aerospace industry.

“Greece is a leading European partner, a major member of NATO and a special partner of France, with which Dassault Aviation has stood steadfastly by its side for more than 45 years. The continuity of our presence in Greece, even in the most difficult times, is a token of the quality of this relationship. That is why I am proud and happy to sign today this contract, which symbolizes the extension of the commitment of Dassault Aviation towards Greece since 1974. I would like to thank the Greek authorities for their renewed confidence in us. I assure them of our total mobilization to achieve the objectives that are defined”, said Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation.

With over 10,000 military and civil aircraft delivered in more than 90 countries over the last century, Dassault Aviation has built up expertise recognized worldwide in the design, development, sale and support of all types of aircraft, ranging from the Rafale fighter, to the high-end Falcon family of business jets, military drones and space systems. In 2019, Dassault Aviation reported revenues of €7,3 billion. The company has 12,750 employees.

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#11475 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Jan 26, 2021 8:00 am

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*