União Europeia

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Re: União Europeia

#1696 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Set 17, 2024 6:20 am

P44 escreveu: Ter Set 17, 2024 5:22 am Coitados

São pobres mas pelo menos não têm chungaria terceiro mundista acampada em tendas e em todos os cantos e esquinas, e uma cidade a tresandar a mijo , com os "coitadinhos " a cagarem e a mijarem nos canteiros, e 50 gajos empilhados num T0. Deve ser a nova escravatura que os multiculturalistas tanto adoram.

Mil vezes a pobreza checa e húngara à "riqueza" multicultural tuga!!!!

"Abres as portas ao 3° mundo, tornas-te o 3°mundo"
E no entanto eu não tenho nada disso por aqui. Graças a Deus (se ele existir) que sou Saloio e vivo aqui na civilização.

Tenho aqui tudo o que preciso e só vou a Lisboa quando sou forçado (por norma o aeroporto). Os pouco Indostanos que aqui temos são todos até à data bastante educados e têm todos trabalho. Temos é muitos brasileiros e em menor numero Ucranianos.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1697 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Set 17, 2024 7:06 am

Menos mulheres e mais vice-presidências executivas. Esta é a nova equipa de von der Leyen na Comissão Europeia
Jéssica Sousa

Por não ter conseguido alcançar a paridade que tanto ambicionava, von der Leyen compensou a falta de mulheres na equipa criando mais vice-presidências executivas. Conheça a equipa.

epois de um atraso de uma semana, Ursula von der Leyen apresentou a sua proposta para o novo colégio de comissários. A nova equipa será formada por 26 membros de cada país da União Europeia (excluindo a Alemanha que tem a presidência): 11 mulheres — uma delas é Maria Luís Albuquerque, que ficará com a pasta dos Serviços Financeiros, – e 16 homens.

A paridade foi sempre um dos objetivos definidos pela presidente alemã aquando da constituição da nova equipa. Embora não tenha conseguido alcançar esse objetivo (40% mulheres e 60% homens), compensou essa falha através da orgânica da próxima equipa. A próxima Comissão contará com seis vice presidência executivas: quatro mulheres — Teresa Ribera (Espanha); Henna Virkkunen (Finlândia); Kaja Kallas (Estónia) e Roxana Mînzatu (Roménia) — e dois homens — Raffaelle Fitto (Itália) e Stéphane Séjourné (França) –, que irão trabalhar em estreita colaboração com a presidente alemã.

Veja aqui a composição:


"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: União Europeia

#1698 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Set 17, 2024 9:00 am

‘Anyone but him’: Inside Ursula von der Leyen’s long breakup with Thierry Breton
The split between the Commission president and her biggest internal critic had been brewing for years.

Ursula von der Leyen had been struggling for weeks to form a new team of European commissioners when she picked up the phone for a fateful conversation with Emmanuel Macron sometime last week.

The French president had long since put forward his choice for France’s commissioner in the EU executive — Thierry Breton, the floppy-haired Frenchman in charge of the EU’s internal market, who’d made a name for himself as the bloc's most colorful and controversial commissioner.

Breton’s role was a key piece in the complex puzzle that the German Commission president needed to assemble before a deadline this week. Replacing him in the final stretch was risky, potentially upsetting the delicate structure and further delaying the official start of her second term.

But von der Leyen had had enough. Following a series of public dustups with Breton and months of icy silence, she told Macron during the phone call that she could no longer work with the French commissioner, according to three officials familiar with the substance of the conversation.

France could either have a larger portfolio without Breton's name attached to it, or a smaller one with him, according to an EU official with first-hand knowledge of the conversation. "Given the new cards, [Macron] made his choice," the official said.

With that offer, von der Leyen put an end to Breton's career in the European Commission.

Politically weakened at home following a snap election that strengthened the far right, Macron jumped at the larger portfolio. He put forward Stéphane Séjourné, France’s foreign minister and a loyalist, for the Brussels role — and ditched Breton, whom he had put forward five years before as his "plan B" for the job.

Von der Leyen, who had been pressing countries to nominate more women for the Commission, didn’t push back on the suggestion of yet another male for the job.

“Clearly, it was anyone but Breton,” said a former senior French official.

While the consequences of Breton's ouster are still unfolding, one major takeaway is that Macron lacked the clout to stand up to von der Leyen's pressure, suggesting that Paris' sway over EU affairs has taken a hit.

“This says a lot about the loss of French influence that they weren’t able to impose Breton,” said a French Commission official. “The real problem is that we were unable to get the guarantee that we would get a big portfolio.”

"You're not my boss"
The phone call cut short the career of one of the EU’s most elephantine personalities.

A former French minister who had come to the Commission after a decade at the head of one of his country's most important IT companies, Breton was parachuted into the job when Macron’s previous pick was torpedoed by the European Parliament.

During his term, he was at the forefront of some of the EU’s most prominent actions of the past few years: helping to spur the production of enough Covid-19 vaccines for the whole population during the pandemic, organizing the delivery of 1 million artillery shells for Ukraine, and taking on Elon Musk in a high-profile dispute over what should be allowed on social media.

In the end, it was his public criticism of his boss von der Leyen, as well as his challenges to her authority behind closed doors, that ultimately sealed his fate, according to several EU and French officials who were granted anonymity to discuss confidential exchanges.

About halfway through his five-year term, Breton, who felt it was his role to counterbalance von der Leyen’s power in the Commission, started chafing at her top-down management style, the officials said.

He criticized her appointments and even let it be known he wouldn’t mind replacing her as Commission president — shocking many in the EU’s zipped-up world.

At the heart of their dispute, according to two observers, was the simple fact that Breton never accepted von der Leyen’s authority. That led him to miss opportunities to engage constructively with her, for example via one-on-one meetings or text message exchanges which she granted to other commissioners even when her schedule was packed.

“He never recognized her as a boss and a leader,” said one EU official. “That’s a bad basis for a relationship.”

In the final months, their relationship dwindled to nearly nothing. Aside from a quick hello during meetings of the College of Commissioners, the two had barely spoken in months when von der Leyen had her call with Macron, according to the same sources.

As it turned out, Macron parted ways with Breton as quickly as he’d put him into the job. But in his resignation letter, posted to X on Monday, the jilted commissioner reserved his ire for von der Leyen, citing her “questionable governance” as a reason for his quitting.

The everything commissioner

From his first days as French commissioner, Breton made no effort to fit into the procedural world of EU affairs.

On the contrary, he ran roughshod over the lines of demarcation between the Commission’s various baronies. Speaking to POLITICO in 2019, just after his nomination, Breton diagnosed “major technological and societal challenges, including in terms of culture and media,” and said he was “concerned about the economic situation.”

Never mind that the economy wasn’t his domain — that was Italian Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni’s job.

Breton’s ability to make noise, push himself into the limelight and — sometimes but not always — deliver on promises helped to forge his reputation in Brussels as a maverick who could be a valuable cheerleader for Europe.

Indeed, early on in his term, von der Leyen turned to Breton to lead her Covid-19 vaccine production task force, suggesting a constructive relationship was possible.

“She would turn to him when she needed saving,” said one EU official who asked not to be named.

It wasn’t long, however, before Breton had rankled some of his colleagues. His push to be seen as the bloc’s tech supremo, for example, led to an open rivalry with the Danish competition czar Margrethe Vestager, who went so far as to publicly acknowledge the tension in a press conference.

But it wasn’t until Breton led a rebellion against Vestager’s decision to appoint Fiona Scott-Morton, an American citizen, as the EU’s chief competition economist, that his relations with von der Leyen started to sour.

Along with four other commissioners, Breton sent a letter to von der Leyen in mid-2023 complaining about the appointment, urging her to “re-assess” and calling for “open debate” on the next steps.

The Frenchman was far from being alone in his criticisms: He had the backing of Macron and other leaders who felt uncomfortable putting an American in such a sensitive role.

Yet the letter, its implicit criticism of von der Leyen — her office had signed off on the appointment — and the fact that it had been handed to media did not go unnoticed by von der Leyen and her team.

“In retrospect, the method of leaking these letters really did not help Breton’s standing with VDL,” said one direct observer of the relationship who was granted anonymity to discuss them frankly.

It didn't help that a few months earlier, during another interview with POLITICO, Breton had put himself forward as a potential “plan B” choice for Commission president — hardly the best way of building trust with his boss.

Growing tensions

In the Commission’s final year, as von der Leyen faced reelection, the relationship took a real turn for the worse.

Von der Leyen’s Cabinet had decided to put forward Markus Pieper, a fellow German member of her Christian Democratic Union party, as envoy for small- and medium-sized businesses. According to two Commission officials, the president’s office sent the name to the College for approval on a day when they knew Breton wouldn’t be present.

Breton then led the charge against von der Leyen, signing a letter criticizing the decision along with the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and Commissioners Nicolas Schmit and Paolo Gentiloni. At a meeting of the College in April, Breton, along with Borrell, stood up to criticize the president’s handling of the affair in front of all their assembled colleagues.

“He was extremely furious about this,” said one official. “He asked for the floor at the end of the meeting and said it in front of everyone.”

Breton wasn’t alone among his colleagues in bridling against von der Leyen’s centralization of control and tight grip on information to prevent leaks. But he was unusually willing to clash with her.

“Everyone had their frustrations, but Breton handled them in his own way” — namely, by leaking letters of criticism, the official said.

The final crack in their relationship appeared shortly after von der Leyen received the endorsement of her European People’s Party (EPP) to run again for Commission president, in March.

Breton sent a tweet questioning von der Leyen’s legitimacy as the EPP’s candidate, surprising his colleagues and creating a serious — possibly fatal — rift with the president.

“That tweet really made him lose lots of authority in the College,” said the same EU official. “You can question but behind closed doors. We are meant to be a team.”

For the French Commission official, the tweet was a political mistake that may well have cost Breton his second term in Brussels.

“It was an incredibly dumb thing to stab Ursula,” said the official. “He was the only one in the world who thought that, if it wasn’t Ursula, it would be him. Which was completely impossible. But he believed it.”

Additional reporting by Clea Caulcutt and Barbara Moens.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated when Breton put his name forward as a "Plan B." It was a few months before his letter about Scott-Morton.
“They put it on a day when they knew he wasn’t going to be there — that’s not good governance,” one of the officials said.

https://www.politico.eu/article/ursula- ... ce=Twitter

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: União Europeia

#1699 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Set 24, 2024 3:18 pm

Isso é o resto da Europa amanhã...

https://www.estadao.com.br/internaciona ... nto-nprei/

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Re: União Europeia

#1700 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Set 25, 2024 5:19 am

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Re: União Europeia

#1701 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Set 25, 2024 7:05 am

Ela é sem dúvida uma excelente oradora.

Este também o é!

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1702 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qua Out 02, 2024 12:26 am

Eleições gerais austríacas: partido de extrema direita fundado por ex-membro do partido nazista torna-se o primeiro partido
últimas notícias
2024/09/30 09:13

[Vídeo] Partido de extrema direita fundado por ex-membro do partido nazista torna-se primeiro partido
Os votos estão sendo contados para as eleições gerais na Áustria, e um partido de extrema direita fundado por um ex-membro do partido nazista e que defende a "anti-imigração" deverá se tornar o maior partido pela primeira vez.

No dia 29, realizou-se na Áustria a votação para a Assembleia Nacional (183 assentos), a câmara baixa do parlamento. De acordo com uma sondagem à boca-de-urna realizada pela emissora pública austríaca, o Partido da Liberdade, de extrema-direita, receberá cerca de 29% dos votos, ultrapassando os 26% do Partido Popular, de centro-direita, liderado pelo Chanceler Nehammer.

O Partido da Liberdade foi fundado em 1956 por ex-membros do partido nazista e defende uma imigração mais rigorosa e aceitação de refugiados, oposição à ajuda militar à Ucrânia e levantamento de sanções contra a Rússia. Embora se espere que o Partido Liberal se torne o maior partido, não conseguirá atingir a maioria por si só, e o foco será agora saber se o Partido Liberal formará um governo de coligação.

Na Europa, os partidos de extrema-direita que são cépticos em relação à UE (União Europeia) estão a ganhar apoio em países como a França e a Alemanha e, se continuarem a crescer, poderão ter um grande impacto na gestão política da UE. (Notícias da ANN)


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Re: União Europeia

#1703 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 02, 2024 6:41 am

Nada de novo, a Áustria já teve vários governos de extrema-direita no passado recente.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1704 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Out 03, 2024 9:51 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1705 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Out 15, 2024 11:38 am

Suspected sabotage almost caused German plane crash, says spy chief
Intelligence bosses warn of sharp rise in ‘aggressive behaviour’ by Russian agents

Thomas Haldenwang said if a package that caught fire at a logistics centre in Leipzig had ignited on a flight, ‘it would have resulted in a crash’ © Juliane Sonntag/Photothek via Getty Images

Laura Pitel in Berlin

Germany narrowly avoided a plane crash earlier this year after a parcel destined for an aircraft’s hold burst into flames before the flight in a suspected act of sabotage, one of the country’s spy chiefs has said as he warned of a dramatic increase in “aggressive behaviour” by Russian agents.

Thomas Haldenwang, head of Germany’s domestic intelligence service, said that only a lucky coincidence meant that the package caught fire on the ground at a DHL logistics centre in Leipzig and not in mid-air. He did not say if it was a passenger or freight plane.

Haldenwang told a parliamentary committee at the German Bundestag that if the package had ignited during the flight, “it would have resulted in a crash”.

While he did not name the suspected perpetrators, the German news agency DPA said security services were working on the assumption that the attack was connected to Russia. It was not clear to whom the parcel was sent.

Appearing before members of parliament, Haldenwang and other German spy chiefs issued the latest western warning that the Kremlin had significantly stepped up its destabilisation efforts, with attempted acts of espionage and sabotage increasing “both quantitatively and qualitatively” in Germany.

“We are observing aggressive behaviour by the Russian intelligence services,” he said, adding that Moscow was “putting people’s lives at risk”. He warned: “It affects all areas of our free society.”

Bruno Kahl, head of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, said the Kremlin’s willingness to take covert action had reached a “previously unknown level”. 

Putin was likely to “test the west’s red lines”, he added, saying that there was a large risk of further escalation in the stand-off between Nato and Russia following Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 

Martina Rosenberg, head of the Germany’s military counter-intelligence service, said she was alarmed by attempts by foreign intelligence services to spy on the country’s armed forces. 

Rosenberg said there were efforts to glean information about German arms deliveries to Ukraine, as well as training projects. Germany is one of the biggest international suppliers of weapons to Kyiv and is home to a series of camps where Ukrainian soldiers learn to operate western military equipment. Moscow, she added, was also seeking to “create a sense of insecurity through acts of sabotage”.

The revelations by the German spy chiefs follow similar warnings from other western intelligence agencies about the activities of Russia and other hostile states on European soil. 

The head of Britain’s MI5, Ken McCallum, said last week that Russia was on a “mission to generate mayhem” on Britain’s streets and that Iran was fomenting lethal plots at “an unprecedented pace and scale”.

Western officials have sounded the alarm about a series of suspected Russian sabotage attempts this year. In March, a London warehouse belonging to a company linked to Ukraine caught fire in a suspected arson attack. In May, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk accused Moscow of being behind a fire in a shopping centre in Warsaw. 

Germany has also been subjected to a series of suspected or attempted attacks. In April, two suspected Russian agents were arrested over alleged plans to carry out arson and bombings on military targets and arms factories.

In August, a military base in western Germany was sealed off for several hours after a suspected attempt to contaminate its supply of drinking water.

One of the most serious incidents was an alleged plan to assassinate Armin Papperger, chief executive of the German weapons producer Rheinmetall, whose company has supplied artillery shells and military vehicles to Ukraine. The plot was discovered by US intelligence.

:arrow: https://www.ft.com/content/b83353a7-bdf ... 834261d44f

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: União Europeia

#1706 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Nov 06, 2024 8:32 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1707 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Nov 06, 2024 10:52 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: União Europeia

#1708 Mensagem por Túlio » Qua Nov 06, 2024 2:11 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu: Qua Nov 06, 2024 8:32 am
O Zé ganhou com folga não somente a presidência mas as duas câmaras do congresso e de quebra a SCOTUS também, ou seja, vai estar com as mãos completamente livres.

Perdem os sóças mais fracos (UE e, beeeem lá atrás, Brasil) e dependentes dos EUA; como estes estão num dos piores momentos de sua História Econômica (e fiscal), diria que vai chover sanções e tarifas ni nóis, afinal, alguém vai ter que pagar a conta trilionária dos prejuízos causados pela "cultura" WOKE.

Queria agora é ver a cara do maior perdedor de todos... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


Dmitry Medvedev: "Trump has one quality that's useful to us. He absolutely hates spending money on various hangers-on and freeloaders - on foolish allies, pointless charity projects and bloated international organizations."


"Toxic Banderite Ukraine falls into that same category. The question is how much Trump will be made to contribute to the war. He's stubborn, but the system is stronger,"

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: União Europeia

#1709 Mensagem por EduClau » Sex Nov 08, 2024 1:22 pm

Governo normalmente estável da Alemanha entrou em colapso, entenda o porquê

Chanceler perdeu maioria no parlamento alemão após demissão de ministro

https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/internacio ... -o-porque/


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Re: União Europeia

#1710 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Nov 15, 2024 10:08 am


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*