Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação
- Suetham
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Re: USAF News ... -wish-list
Mini Anti-Ship Cruise Missile That Fits Inside An F-35 Is On The Navy’s Wish List
The Air Force is also looking for very similar weapons, which would be small in size but possess substantial range. ... -training/ ... sts-209907
The U.S. Air Force's New Mission: Beat China In a War At All Costs ... roduction/
F-35 Program Achieves Milestone C and Full Rate Production ... deterrent/
LGM-35A Sentinel: Breaking Down the Basic of Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent
F35 AIRCRAFT DOD and the Military Services Need to Reassess the Future Sustainment Strategy
Mini Anti-Ship Cruise Missile That Fits Inside An F-35 Is On The Navy’s Wish List
The Air Force is also looking for very similar weapons, which would be small in size but possess substantial range. ... -training/ ... sts-209907
The U.S. Air Force's New Mission: Beat China In a War At All Costs ... roduction/
F-35 Program Achieves Milestone C and Full Rate Production ... deterrent/
LGM-35A Sentinel: Breaking Down the Basic of Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent
F35 AIRCRAFT DOD and the Military Services Need to Reassess the Future Sustainment Strategy
- akivrx78
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- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: USAF News
O local de manutenção dos caças militares dos EUA no Japão será alterado da Coreia do Sul para o Japão = Korea Net
Registro Coreia segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2024, 7h
No dia 15, o jornal Hankyoreh da Coreia do Sul noticiou: “A manutenção regular dos caças militares dos EUA no Japão, que anteriormente era realizada na Coreia do Sul, será agora realizada no Japão”.
Em 15 de maio de 2024, o jornal Hankyoreh da Coreia do Sul informou: “A manutenção regular dos caças militares dos EUA no Japão, que anteriormente era realizada na Coreia do Sul, será agora realizada no Japão”.
O artigo cita relatos da mídia japonesa, dizendo: “O governo japonês planeja expandir os tipos de caças militares dos EUA elegíveis para manutenção e reparo”, e “Os governos japonês e dos EUA estão mantendo conversações com a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries e outros com o objetivo de iniciar as operações a partir do próximo ano.'' É relatado que.
Atualmente, entre os caças militares dos EUA estacionados no Japão, o “F18” e o caça a jato mais avançado “F35” são mantidos e reparados no Japão, mas os novos “F15” e “F16” serão adicionados. Aproximadamente 50 F16 estão estacionados na Base Aérea de Misawa em Aomori, e aproximadamente 50 F15 estão estacionados na Base Aérea de Kadena em Okinawa. A manutenção de rotina é realizada em cada base, e a manutenção regular uma vez a cada poucos anos é realizada pela Korean Air em Busan. estão fazendo. A partir de agora, a manutenção regular em Busan será confiada à Mitsubishi Heavy Industries e outras empresas.
A expansão da manutenção no Japão é considerada “uma resposta à ameaça militar da China e visa obter benefícios económicos”. O artigo explica que se a manutenção regular for realizada no Japão, economizará tempo e permitirá uma operação mais ágil dos caças, e os custos de manutenção serão pagos às empresas japonesas, o que beneficiará a indústria de defesa.
Em resposta a este artigo, os internautas coreanos comentaram: “Que diabos o governo está fazendo?” “Eles estão ignorando a Coreia”, “Eles foram esbofeteados pelos EUA, foram espancados pelo Japão, perderam o mercado russo e foram ignorados pela China...'' Um governo diplomaticamente incompetente ``É patético,'' ``A Korean Air perdeu o seu emprego. continuar mantendo as Forças dos EUA na Coreia?'' e ``O Japão perderá tudo porque elegeu um presidente incompetente.'' ing.
Por outro lado, as pessoas podem pensar: ``Bem, a península coreana é perigosa.'' ``O que eles fizeram na Coreia do Sul não é bastante estranho?'' ``Se eles vão fazer manutenção na área onde eles estão estacionados, então tudo bem. Muitas pessoas disseram: “Se você não precisa voar, é eficiente”. (Tradução e edição/Mae) ... d0195.html
- cabeça de martelo
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- Suetham
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Re: USAF News ... r-warfare/
Collaborative Combat Aircraft for Disruptive Air Warfare ... -conducted
World’s first AI-human aerial dogfight conducted, reveals US Air Force
Conducted last year by the United States Air Force (USAF), a modified F-16 (called the X-62A) went toe-to-toe with a human pilot in a death-defying battle of wits. ... nding.html
Moment Rep. Mike Waltz holds up a $90,000 bag of insulator joints as stumped USAF Secretary admits he has NO IDEA about overspending ... t-bombers/
Due to the high repair costs, the US Air Force will retire one of its B-2 Spirit bombers ... year-2025/
Due to successive delays, Congress is considering reducing the number of F-35s destined for the U.S. Armed Forces for Fiscal Year 2025
It is reported that the US Air Force has issued a tender to equip Seymour Jones Air Force Base in North Carolina with structures to protect aircraft from small UAVs weighing up to 55lb (25kg). The airbase is home to the 4th Fighter Wing, equipped with F-15E fighter-bombers. The airbase is already equipped with lightweight aircraft shelters (photo), so it appears that these shelters will now need to be retrofitted with drone defence structures.
The RIM-174B/C ERAM (SM-6 Block IA/IB) ship-based ultra-long-range surface-to-air guided missiles are being adapted for use by USAF fighters.
The programme, carried out by specialists from the US Navy and Air Force Research Laboratories, as well as Raytheon and Boeing, is aimed at comprehensive integration of the RIM-174B/C ERAM into the F/A-18E/F weapon control systems via the MIL-STD-1760 multiplexed data bus (or its enhanced version), as well as updating the source code of the Super Hornet's software.
Structural adaptation involves equipping the SM-6 SAMs with suspension points adapted to the LAU-118 underwing assemblies, as well as the removal of the 468kg Mk 72 solid rocket boosters.
Good flight qualities of SM-6 SAMs with their Mk.104 DTRM engines will provide F/A-18E/F pilots to use them with a weapon with the range of 250-300 km (when launched from altitudes above 10 km). It can work as anti-radar, anti-ship and air-surface (aeroballistic). It can reach a maximum flight speed of 4000 km/h and an average trajectory speed of 3300 km/h
Using the onboard AN/APG-79 AESA radar or E-3C/G radar controllers, Super Hornet pilots will be able to detect, escort and intercept operational-tactical ballistic missiles and intermediate-range ballistic missile warheads. This capability will be provided by the RIM-174B Dual II (SM-6 Dual II) aircraft modification with optimised algorithms of active radar sensors and radar fuzes.
Thus, the F/A-18E/F ‘Super Hornet’ fleet receives an advanced multifunctional tactical missile with air-to-air parameters comparable to the domestic R-37M air-to-air missile. Nevertheless, the effective reflective surface of about 0.2 square metres makes these missiles elementary targets for modern S-400 and CEP-300V4 air defence systems. ... their-bays
USAF F-35s Are Officially Getting Joint Strike Cruise Missiles That Fit In Their Bays
Joint Strike Missiles will give Air Force F-35A new options for conducting stand-off strikes, especially in the maritime domain. ... -old-fleet
Oregon Air National Guard welcomes state-of-the-art F-15EX jets to replace old fleet ... day-plane/
Air Force Video Provides Unprecedented Look Inside The E-4B Nightwatch ‘Doomsday Plane’ ... tual-realm
Massive China-Focused Black Flag Test Exercise Flies Deep Into The Virtual Realm
The Air Force’s Black Flag exercise is now testing capabilities in entirely virtual mock air battles with China.
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: USAF News
Devido a protestos dos moradores locais, a nova base em Henoko provavelmente vai ficar pronta após 2035.
O governo local de Okinawa tenta cancelar a obra a qualquer custo, a última tentativa foi para defender corais e obrigou a alterar a obra elevando os custos em apenas alguns bilhões de dólares...
Para proteger corais..... agora vai ter de aterrar a area mais profunda cerca de 90 metros de profundidade e para isto vai ter que fincar 70 mil pilares de aço dentro do mar, como e profundo se espera que aterragem vai terminar somente em 2033 e será necessário 20 milhões de metros cúbicos de terra.
O projeto no início era orçado em cerca de US$2.5 bi agora está orçado em US$6 bilhões.
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9887
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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Re: USAF News ... -top-story ... ne-lasers/What will happen to the Air Force’s next-gen fighter jet?
The service may be waffling on NGAD because it’s dealing with a “truly miserable choice,” one analyst said. ... no-effort/Missile Defense Agency has new hope for airborne lasers
Mark Lewis, formerly the Pentagon's senior scientist now CEO of the Purdue Applied Research Institute (PARI), gave MDA a thumbs up for taking a new look at the concept, noting that the technology has come a long way since 2014.
Bill Sweetman shares 10 ways GCAP can avoid the hell of the F-35 project with little or no effort ... until-2033 ... -missiles/B-52s With New Rolls Royce Engines Won’t Fly Operational Missions Until 2033
Re-engined B-52s initial operational capability date slips three years, 12 years after contract award, and radar upgrades are also delayed.
Air Force Buys First Lot of Norwegian Joint Strike Missiles ... 2-bombers/
Congress wants to restore nukes on conventional B-52 bombers ... -conflict/The @302AirliftWing participated in #IvyMass, a 10-day exercise designed to test command and control capabilities in a simulated large-scale conflict, flying 17 sorties, and accomplishing more than 1,300 training events across multiple types of missions. ... ure-budget
AF delays procurement of Homeland Defense Over-the-Horizon Radar to 'future' budget ... dall-says/ ... am/397646/Next-gen fighter not dead, but needs cheaper redesign, Kendall says
Engine for US Air Force’s NGAD aircraft could be pared down to cut costs
Air Force fires head of Sentinel ICBM program
Spokesman says Col. Charles Clegg's removal "is not directly related" to the program's ballooning costs. ... n-systems/Como parte da resolução dos problemas de militarização do Japão, o Pentágono está a aumentar a oferta de aviões de combate, ao mesmo tempo que forma uma reserva a partir da obsoleta frota de aeronaves para ajudar as Forças Armadas da Ucrânia.
Em particular, 36 caças F-16C/D da 35ª Ala de Caça da Base Aérea dos EUA em Misawa, Japão, podem ser incluídos na reserva do próximo pacote de assistência militar ao regime de Kiev.
Como parte da modernização da frota de aeronaves táticas no Japão, a Força Aérea dos EUA planeja enviar 48 F-35As para Misawa, em vez dos obsoletos F-16.
Além disso, 36 caças F-15EX serão implantados na Base Aérea de Kadena, em Okinawa, para substituir 48 F-15C/Ds.
O Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais dos EUA na Base Aérea de Iwakuni receberá caças F-35B.
Assim, o Pentágono resolve o problema das ameaças crescentes na direcção chinesa através de representantes japoneses, ao mesmo tempo que apoia o pulso enfraquecido do regime de Kiev com esperanças fantasmas no F-16.
Espera-se que os primeiros F-16 cheguem a Kiev vindos da Holanda e da Bélgica num futuro próximo. Foi emitida permissão para a transferência de 24 unidades; Em geral, com os esforços combinados dos países da OTAN, pretendem fornecer até 100 caças.
Até agora, planos claros para a sua implantação no território ocupado pela junta de Kiev aparecem no espaço público.
No entanto, após uma série de ataques de Iskander no campo de aviação perto de Mirgorod, estes planos parecem improváveis. Ou esta é uma nova forma de eliminar equipamento obsoleto da OTAN.
Ao mesmo tempo, a potencial utilização do F-16 a partir das posições dos países vizinhos da OTAN significará um envolvimento directo da Aliança num conflito com a Federação Russa. Com todas as medidas de resposta decorrentes e doutrinariamente definidas.
B-2 Gets Big Upgrade with New Open Mission Systems Capability ... ing-f-15ex
Boeing Studies Growlerizing The F-15EX ... y-aircraft“We are evaluating the technical feasibility of combining EA-18G-like capabilities with the F-15EX platform,” said Rob Novotny, Boeing’s executive director of business development."
Air Force Chief Hints At Existence Of Clandestine Spy Aircraft
The statement from Secretary Frank Kendall again suggests that the Air Force has advanced airborne reconnaissance capabilities waiting in the wings. ... er-program
USAF Secretary Eyes Early Start For Future Tanker Program
"The U.S. Air Force hopes to speed up its next-generation tanker program with potential new-start authority in its fiscal 2026 budget, or even an earlier start under newly provided authorities from Congress, the service’s leader says." ... 5-million/"The Air Force estimates it would cost about $4.5 million to restore nuclear weapon capabilities on approximately 30 B-52 bombers, a calculation that follows proposals from Congress to assess shoring up the US nuclear weapons arsenal in the coming years."
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40320
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
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- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40320
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
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- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40320
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
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Re: USAF News
Skunk Works’ Latest Stealthy Tanker Concept Revealed
The USAF is firming up requirements for a stealthy tanker to fit with its Next Generation Air Dominance ecosystem, which could change dramatically due to cost.
Joseph Trevithick
Posted on Nov 6, 2024 7:35 PM EST
... ... t-revealed
The USAF is firming up requirements for a stealthy tanker to fit with its Next Generation Air Dominance ecosystem, which could change dramatically due to cost.
Joseph Trevithick
Posted on Nov 6, 2024 7:35 PM EST
... ... t-revealed
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: USAF News
Revelada a "aeronave de transporte furtivo incomum" da subsidiária da Boeing! Projetado como uma aeronave de efeitos especiais que pode decolar e pousar verticalmente
11/10 (sexta-feira) entrega às 7h42
Em 8 de outubro de 2024, a Aurora Flight Sciences, uma subsidiária da Boeing, revelou um projeto para uma aeronave de transporte vertical de decolagem e pouso que oferece velocidade e furtividade sem precedentes.
[O truque do corpo é chamativo! ] Esta é uma aeronave de transporte furtivo de decolagem e pouso vertical (imagem)
A aeronave, provisoriamente conhecida como X-Plane, está sendo desenvolvida como parte da Tecnologia Independente de Velocidade e Pista (SPRINT) proposta pela Agência de Projetos de Pesquisa Avançada de Defesa dos EUA (DARPA), com testes de voo programados para 2027. Estou .
Esta aeronave foi projetada para transporte aéreo e recuperação de pessoal quando as pistas convencionais não podem ser utilizadas devido a desastres de grande escala ou interferência de forças hostis.
Pretende ser uma aeronave furtiva tripulada, difícil de ver no radar, etc., e sua principal característica é ter o formato de uma asa voadora e estar equipada com um ventilador de sustentação dentro da aeronave. Este equipamento permite decolagem e pouso vertical altamente ágeis.
“Uma aeronave de transporte rápida, furtiva e independente de pista ajudará os combatentes a operar com segurança e eficácia em ambientes perigosos”, disse Mike Kymona, presidente e CEO da empresa. “Não haverá território fora do alcance dos militares”, diz ele. , promovendo a aeronave.
Além disso, antes de projetar a aeronave propriamente dita, será fabricado um modelo em escala reduzida com envergadura de aproximadamente 2,7 metros e testes em túnel de vento serão realizados em 2024 ou no primeiro semestre de 2025. ... 682dffdb4d
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9887
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
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Re: USAF News ... -airpower/
Turbulence Ahead: The Maintenance Workforce Dilemma Threatening the Future of Airpower ... -a-cockpit
Northrop’s Stealthy Loyal Wingman Drone Breaks Cover And It Has A Cockpit
The Model 437, which was built by Northrop Grumman's subsidiary Scaled Composites, looks like the concept art aside from one very glaring detail. ... r-exercise
Tiny Jets Masquerading As Cruise Missiles Featured In Michigan Airpower Exercise
Tiny and nimble microjets are playing an important role in mimicking cruise missile and drone threats, including those to the homeland. ... pabilities
B-1B Tests New Pylon That Could Drastically Increase Its Weapons Carriage Capabilities
Boeing's Load Adaptable Modular pylon, or LAM, has the ability to greatly expand the B-1B's flexibility and kinetic punch. ... un-breach/
Grey Wolf helicopter cuts lead to cost overrun breach ... n-jeopardy
Air Force Floats Light Stealth Fighter Concept As Its Heavy Fighter Program May Be In Jeopardy
The Air Force’s top officer touted the concept as a path to develop a less expensive and more flexible fighter design, which is odd considering a top priority was the service’s NGAD heavy fighter. ... -air-force
‘Cheap’ Long-Range Cruise Missile Designs To Be Tested By Air Force
$150K cruise missiles are a priority for the USAF, which could have many thousands of long-range targets to hit in a major conflict. ... d-start-up
New ‘Cheap’ Cruise Missile Concept Flight Tested By Silicon Valley-Backed Start-Up
The need for cheaper stand-off munitions that can be produced quickly at scale has jump-started a growing non-traditional weapons industry. ... se-missile
DIU, USAF Pick Four Companies To Develop Low-Cost Cruise Missile ... e-missile/
AFWERX sets sights on low-cost cruise missile
AFWERX set a new challenge for future low-cost cruise missiles, with a 500 nautical mile range, high subsonic speed, at $150,000 per unit.
Alguns outros projetos de mísseis/bombas baratos de longo alcance: ... r-munition
Air Force Unveils First Test Of Arsenal Plane Concept And New CLEAVER Munition
The Air Force is now actively pursuing a stand-off strike capability for its cargo aircraft. ... e-of-bomb/
Why U.S. Air Force’s CLEAVER Could Be A Step Change In Air Weapons ... t_card.pdf
F-35C's combat *radius* with 2x JDAM (likely 2,000 lb) + 2x AMRAAM is 668 nautical miles. Or if it were to fly one way with this loadout, the combat *range* would 1336 nautical miles/2475km. If it's carrying just AMRAAM or something more lighter like 8x SDB, it'd be much higher. ... ts-by-usaf
Electronic Warfare Systems On Ukraine’s F-16s Getting Specially Tuned To Russian Threats By USAF
The U.S. is using its highly classified threat library to improve the chances of survival for Ukraine's F-16 and to gather critical intel in return. ... nts-review
Air Force “Starting At The Beginning” With NGAD 6th Gen Fighter Requirements Review
Signs that big changes are coming to the USAF's NGAD combat jet plans, or that the program may be supplanted entirely, are growing.
Artstation B-21 Profile ... ile-costs/
Air Force going ‘line by line’ to bring down nuclear missile costs ... 27608.html
No Flying Wing UCAVs Being Developed By U.S. Air Force While China Surges Ahead ... less-f-35/
Kendall: New, Re-Imagined NGAD Could Cost Less Than an F-35 ... ional/amp/
USAF Sets up New Command for Improved Threat Response ... -agm-158xr
Lockheed Unveils Longer-Range AGM-158XR
Turbulence Ahead: The Maintenance Workforce Dilemma Threatening the Future of Airpower ... -a-cockpit
Northrop’s Stealthy Loyal Wingman Drone Breaks Cover And It Has A Cockpit
The Model 437, which was built by Northrop Grumman's subsidiary Scaled Composites, looks like the concept art aside from one very glaring detail. ... r-exercise
Tiny Jets Masquerading As Cruise Missiles Featured In Michigan Airpower Exercise
Tiny and nimble microjets are playing an important role in mimicking cruise missile and drone threats, including those to the homeland. ... pabilities
B-1B Tests New Pylon That Could Drastically Increase Its Weapons Carriage Capabilities
Boeing's Load Adaptable Modular pylon, or LAM, has the ability to greatly expand the B-1B's flexibility and kinetic punch. ... un-breach/
Grey Wolf helicopter cuts lead to cost overrun breach ... n-jeopardy
Air Force Floats Light Stealth Fighter Concept As Its Heavy Fighter Program May Be In Jeopardy
The Air Force’s top officer touted the concept as a path to develop a less expensive and more flexible fighter design, which is odd considering a top priority was the service’s NGAD heavy fighter. ... -air-force
‘Cheap’ Long-Range Cruise Missile Designs To Be Tested By Air Force
$150K cruise missiles are a priority for the USAF, which could have many thousands of long-range targets to hit in a major conflict. ... d-start-up
New ‘Cheap’ Cruise Missile Concept Flight Tested By Silicon Valley-Backed Start-Up
The need for cheaper stand-off munitions that can be produced quickly at scale has jump-started a growing non-traditional weapons industry. ... se-missile
DIU, USAF Pick Four Companies To Develop Low-Cost Cruise Missile ... e-missile/
AFWERX sets sights on low-cost cruise missile
AFWERX set a new challenge for future low-cost cruise missiles, with a 500 nautical mile range, high subsonic speed, at $150,000 per unit.
Alguns outros projetos de mísseis/bombas baratos de longo alcance: ... r-munition
Air Force Unveils First Test Of Arsenal Plane Concept And New CLEAVER Munition
The Air Force is now actively pursuing a stand-off strike capability for its cargo aircraft. ... e-of-bomb/
Why U.S. Air Force’s CLEAVER Could Be A Step Change In Air Weapons ... t_card.pdf
F-35C's combat *radius* with 2x JDAM (likely 2,000 lb) + 2x AMRAAM is 668 nautical miles. Or if it were to fly one way with this loadout, the combat *range* would 1336 nautical miles/2475km. If it's carrying just AMRAAM or something more lighter like 8x SDB, it'd be much higher. ... ts-by-usaf
Electronic Warfare Systems On Ukraine’s F-16s Getting Specially Tuned To Russian Threats By USAF
The U.S. is using its highly classified threat library to improve the chances of survival for Ukraine's F-16 and to gather critical intel in return. ... nts-review
Air Force “Starting At The Beginning” With NGAD 6th Gen Fighter Requirements Review
Signs that big changes are coming to the USAF's NGAD combat jet plans, or that the program may be supplanted entirely, are growing.
Artstation B-21 Profile ... ile-costs/
Air Force going ‘line by line’ to bring down nuclear missile costs ... 27608.html
No Flying Wing UCAVs Being Developed By U.S. Air Force While China Surges Ahead ... less-f-35/
Kendall: New, Re-Imagined NGAD Could Cost Less Than an F-35 ... ional/amp/
USAF Sets up New Command for Improved Threat Response ... -agm-158xr
Lockheed Unveils Longer-Range AGM-158XR
A empresa americana BAE Systems anunciou que pretende melhorar o sistema de guerra eletrônica AN/ASQ-239 para a versão Block 4 para os caças F-35 da Força Aérea dos EUA.
O sistema em modo de operação passivo, supostamente, permitirá que a aeronave permaneça invisível e em longas distâncias para detectar e suprimir aeronaves, estações de radar de sistemas de defesa aérea e navios chineses por meio de contramedidas de radiofrequência e infravermelho, e tomar uma decisão rápida sobre combate usar.
O vídeo de demonstração mostra como o F-35 cega o caça Jian-20 da Força Aérea do PLA, o sistema de mísseis antiaéreos S-300 e o radar do destróier Tipo 052D e, em seguida, usa um sistema de armas aerotransportadas neles. Toda a ação acontece no Estreito de Taiwan.
- Suetham
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- Mensagens: 9887
- Registrado em: Ter Abr 12, 2022 9:10 am
- Agradeceu: 306 vezes
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Re: USAF News ... ed-by-usaf
Cheap Cruise Missile Paired With Affordable Seeker From Ship-Killing Smart Bomb Eyed By USAF
The Quicksink seeker could turn the Extended Range Attack Munition into a new low-cost anti-ship weapon that could be bought quickly in large numbers.
Cheap Cruise Missile Paired With Affordable Seeker From Ship-Killing Smart Bomb Eyed By USAF
The Quicksink seeker could turn the Extended Range Attack Munition into a new low-cost anti-ship weapon that could be bought quickly in large numbers.