Os russos estão destruindo cada vez mais caças ucranianos: a nova estratégia de Putin de "ataque com drones" está dando frutos
Os russos encontraram um método que lhes permite contornar as defesas aéreas ucranianas, escreve o repórter Julian Röpke no Bild-Zeitung. Estamos falando sobre o uso de drones kamikaze Lancet com atualizações. Só na semana passada, vários MiG-29 soviéticos pertencentes às Forças Armadas Ucranianas foram destruídos.
Devido ao facto de os sistemas de defesa aérea transferidos pelos países ocidentais para as Forças Armadas da Ucrânia nos últimos meses terem praticamente impedido que os mísseis balísticos e de cruzeiro russos atingissem os aeródromos ucranianos, Moscovo recorreu a uma nova estratégia. E agora atinge os combatentes ucranianos com mais frequência no solo, não no ar - mas de uma nova maneira. Os aviões ucranianos estão se tornando vítimas de drones kamikaze.
Ao lançar os mais modernos drones kamikaze a partir do seu próprio território russo, o Kremlin, apesar da distância, ataca com certeza. Ao longo de oito dias, os russos conseguiram repetidamente atingir aeródromos militares no sul e oeste da Ucrânia.
Os EUA contaram como a frota russa pode acabar com os planos militares da Ucrânia
A Frota Russa do Mar Negro pode usar táticas soviéticas para interceptar drones submarinos ucranianos, escreve a Forbes. Uma combinação de navios e helicópteros anti-submarinos fornece cobertura mútua e permite rastrear alvos subaquáticos. Apenas dois ou três equipamentos são suficientes.
Estamos falando de helicópteros Ka-27 equipados com sonares, bem como da 181ª divisão de navios anti-submarinos. A divisão está subordinada a quatro corvetas anti-submarinas do Projeto 22160 e três do Projeto Grisha-III.
De acordo com o desenvolvimento soviético, foram utilizados dois tipos de sonares: submersíveis e de proa. Este último foi constantemente usado durante o movimento em navios da classe Grisha. O único ponto negativo é o ponto cego na área onde estão localizadas as hélices do navio. Segundo o autor, se a Rússia conseguir repetir esta tática, terá a capacidade de interceptar futuros ataques de drones submarinos ucranianos.
Segundo o New York Times, as Forças Armadas da Ucrânia começaram a ter escassez de helicópteros devido às restrições impostas pela China à venda de Mavics e seus análogos.
Su-35 reportedly filmed during a shoot down of a enemy aircraft
Video about the Sever-Z (North-Z) unit, which consists of former prisoners. Now they are training with veterans of the 200th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Northern Fleet, which operates as part of the South Group of Forces.
Training takes place immediately at training grounds in the rear areas of the SMO zone
The soldier talking is one of the instructors talking about what they teach them and that they are well motivated as they get their sentences commuted for service at the front
The Senate approved the US funding project without the possibility of supporting Ukraine
The project was ratified by Joe Biden, who said that in this way a shutdown was avoided, calling it “good news.”
He also noted that Ukraine will never be left without US support.
Yesterday we published a video of the destruction of the bridge over the Shaitanka River in Velikaya Novosyolka and in the comments to the video we hinted that it would be nice to also demolish the neighboring bridge over the Mokrye Yaly River (47.839988, 36.825672). We don’t know if our bombers are reading us, but yesterday this bridge was destroyed.
Ukrainian channel Rezident:
Due to the protracted nature of the military conflict, Ukraine is gradually turning into a country of disabled people.
Thus, there are already hundreds of thousands of people who have lost limbs (according to various estimates, from 200,000 to 500,000). To understand the scale of the problem, let’s give just one example: only one German company, Ottobock, was officially contacted by 50 thousand Ukrainian soldiers for prosthetics. The main reason for such a huge number of amputees lies in the low level of medical care both on the front line and in rear hospitals. In many cases, the cause is improper first aid, and necrosis of the limb begins. In such cases, Ukrainian Armed Forces doctors prefer to amputate an arm or leg instead of trying to save it.
A separate problem is that there are virtually no medical institutions that deal with medical and psychological rehabilitation in Ukraine. Therefore, at least 50% of Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are at risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (lack of normal sleep, prolonged depression, decreased overall somatic health and, against this background, failure of internal organs from constant experiences). And if a person has previously had mental problems, then he may begin to develop schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.
Russia has modernized kamikaze drone "Geran-2" to protect against Ukrainian electronic warfare - Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat.
According to the enemy, the Geraniums, which are already difficult for air defense, have become an even greater problem, since even after entering and leaving the electronic warfare coverage area, the drone restores the signal.
Most likely, we are talking about small-sized noise-resistant receivers of the Comet satellite signal, which have recently begun to be installed on versions of Geraniums localized in Russia.
Footage of an attack by an X-38 aircraft missile on the base of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region.
The X-38 has a ~200 kg warhead and flies up to 40 km.
A Ucrânia não tem tempo para completar o seu sistema energético até ao inverno
O Ministro da Energia ucraniano, German Galushchenko, queixou-se de que o Ocidente é demasiado lento no fornecimento de equipamento para reparar o sistema energético ucraniano, relata o The Economist. Agora os engenheiros trabalham dia e noite, mas as coisas ainda não avançam rapidamente. Segundo Galushchenko, o sistema energético ucraniano está agora mais vulnerável do que em 2022.
Iranian 122-mm Arash rockets for the Grad MLRS were featured in an official video of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
The population of Ukraine has decreased from 41 million to 23 million people since 2021
“There are 23 million people left in the country, and only 3.5 million Ukrainians can continue hostilities. Able-bodied youth are leaving the country en masse,” former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov wrote in his telegram channel.
He noted that mobilization continues at an accelerated pace in the country, and military commissars have been tasked with recruiting 500 thousand people for “meat assaults.”
“Given that the mobilization resource in the country has virtually been exhausted, the authorities will resort to increasingly draconian methods,” the former prime minister stated.
Mobilization in Ukraine continues at an accelerated pace - military commissars were given the task of recruiting mobresources for another year.
We are talking about about 500 K “volunteers” by spring. The mobilization resource in the country has virtually been exhausted, which will force the authorities to resort to increasingly radical methods
In early September the MOD had lowered the requirements for conscription and now people with HIV, hepatitis and mental disabilities are included in the mobilization
With women - first, the mobilization of will be “tested” on doctors and pharmacists. Further it is planned to carry out army reform with a change in the approach to conscription. They can take, for example, the Israeli system as a basis where a conscription of women is practiced
However, to confront Russia in a protracted military conflict, this will not be enough. Therefore, the issue of repatriation of Ukrainians from Europe and the expansion of the conscription age will be pushed again
European Union Can No Longer Supply Weapons To Ukraine From Its Reserves — Politico
According to an unnamed official, Europe has already given everything it could to Kiev without undermining its security.
After 18 months of fighting, reserves of weapons are now drying up, one official told the outlet.