Marinha da Polónia
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- FCarvalho
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
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Re: Marinha da Polónia
Uma versão bem parruda da AH-140 que nasceu como sendo uma solução meia boca e barata para substituir as Type-23 na RN.
Mas prova que o projeto é bem acabado e flexível, mesmo para futuras opções da própria marinha britânica.
Agora, não acho que 3 navios façam lá muita diferença para a marinha polonesa no báltico, já que as forças navais russas por ali são muito robustas, apesar de contarem somente com navios do porte de corvetas e fragatas leves. De qualquer forma, com o enclave russo bem ao lado de casa, qualquer acréscimo será muito bem vindo para eles.
Resta saber até onde vai o desejo polonês de encorpar suas forças navais. Se o caso é peitar a marinha russa de igual para igual, vão ter que fazer muito mais que comprar três navios.
Mas prova que o projeto é bem acabado e flexível, mesmo para futuras opções da própria marinha britânica.
Agora, não acho que 3 navios façam lá muita diferença para a marinha polonesa no báltico, já que as forças navais russas por ali são muito robustas, apesar de contarem somente com navios do porte de corvetas e fragatas leves. De qualquer forma, com o enclave russo bem ao lado de casa, qualquer acréscimo será muito bem vindo para eles.
Resta saber até onde vai o desejo polonês de encorpar suas forças navais. Se o caso é peitar a marinha russa de igual para igual, vão ter que fazer muito mais que comprar três navios.
Carpe Diem
- FCarvalho
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- Mensagens: 38721
- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
- Localização: Manaus
- Agradeceu: 5935 vezes
- Agradeceram: 3340 vezes
Re: Marinha da Polónia
Entregue o primeiro AW101 destinado à Marinha Polonesa ... a-polonesa
E mais essa aqui.
Polônia quer adquirir adicionais AW101 da Leonardo ... a-leonardo
Mais 22 AW-101 para substituir os antigos Mi-8\17
A versão naval era para serem 8 unidades, mas ficou em 4. Penso que com o ritmo atual, eles voltam antes cedo do que tarde a tentar obter mais desta versão. Ou transformar algumas deste novo negócio.
Os italianos estão rindo à toa com os poloneses. ... a-polonesa
E mais essa aqui.
Polônia quer adquirir adicionais AW101 da Leonardo ... a-leonardo
Mais 22 AW-101 para substituir os antigos Mi-8\17
A versão naval era para serem 8 unidades, mas ficou em 4. Penso que com o ritmo atual, eles voltam antes cedo do que tarde a tentar obter mais desta versão. Ou transformar algumas deste novo negócio.
Os italianos estão rindo à toa com os poloneses.
Carpe Diem
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40323
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
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- P44
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Re: Marinha da Polónia
2023 BaltExpo Preview: The Beginning of Poland’s Naval
Poland is building three Miecznik-class frigates based on Babcock’s Arrowhead 140 (AH140) design, which will form the backbone of its future naval force, but it appears that the contract with Babcock includes an option on five additional ships. (PGZ photo)
WARSAW --- After years of neglect, Poland’s depleting and obsolete fleet is at the beginning of an ambitious transformation process from a littoral to an ocean-centric force. ... abilities/
Poland is building three Miecznik-class frigates based on Babcock’s Arrowhead 140 (AH140) design, which will form the backbone of its future naval force, but it appears that the contract with Babcock includes an option on five additional ships. (PGZ photo)
WARSAW --- After years of neglect, Poland’s depleting and obsolete fleet is at the beginning of an ambitious transformation process from a littoral to an ocean-centric force. ... abilities/
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40323
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
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Re: Marinha da Polónia
Não há volta a dar, quando se começa a acrescentar capacidades numa Fragata Low Cost o custo aumenta...e muito!
Miecznik frigate illustration
Miecznik For EUR 3.6 Billion – All Frigates (Fully) Armed
On 12 December, the Armament Agency of Polish Ministry of National Defence and the PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium signed annex 4 to the main contract inked on 27 July 2021, which concerns the design and construction of three Project 106 Miecznik frigates for the Polish Navy. It regulates issues related to the completion of the integrated combat system of the second and third units.
Tomasz Grotnik 26 Dec 2023
According to the original contract, the prototype Miecznik frigate ORP Wicher was to be equipped with a complete Integrated Combat System, including sensors and effectors specified by the Polish Navy. Most of these systems remained an option for serial frigates. The annex to the contract ensures that the future ORP Burza and ORP Huragan will also receive a similar Integrated Combat System (ZSW in Polish).
The Armament Agency has announced that the serial frigates (the second and third units) will recieve sensors and effectors the same as those contracted for the first prototype unit, thus allowing for operations in the anti-air and anti-surface domains. The second and third frigates will be armed with, among other things, 76mm Leonardo Super Rapido Strales gun, Lockheed Martin VLS Mk 41 Strike Lenght launcher (32 chambers) with ExLS Host (Extensible Launching System for CAMM missiles), MBDA UK Sea Ceptor anti-aircraft and anti-missle system with CAMM and CAMM-ER missiles, Thales Sea Master SM410 (with four AESA fixed antennas) and NS50 (with AESA rotating antenna) radar systems, Thales Artemis IRST systems (InfraRed Search andr Track), Saab NLWS (Naval Laser Warning System), as well as electronic warfare, defence systems and IFF identification systems.
The announcement by the Armament Agency indirectly implies that some elements of the ZSW, however, will not go on the Burza and Huragan right away. It reads that ‘the final shape of the equipment of the serial vessels will result from the conclusions drawn from the conducted tests of the prototype unit No. 1’. Furthermore, as mentioned, retrofitting concerns air defence and anti-surface combat systems. This means that perhaps Thales CAPTAS-2 towed sonars and some other equipment (torpedo tubes etc.) will remain as options. The announcement also does not mention about the RBS-15 Mk3+ anti-ship missiles, and other systems.
Meanwhile, on 20 December, PGZ Stocznia Wojenna and Rolls-Royce Solutions inked a contract for the supply of main engines and generator sets for the Miecznik frigates. The contract is for the supply of MTU 20V8000 M71 main propulsion diesel engines (four for each of the three frigates) and MTU 12V4000 M53B generator sets (also four for each). Along with these, MTU control and monitoring systems were purchased.
Following the conclusion of Annex 4, the value of the contract is PLN 14.8bn gross (approximately €3.4bn), which represents 92% of the estimated cost of the entire programme. This amount does not include missiles and artillery ammunition, nor the optional equipment of the serial pair of frigates, which indicates that the price may exceed PLN 16bn (about EUR 3.6bn). For the record, when the contract with the consortium was concluded, the expected cost of the programme was estimated at PLN 8 billion (approximately €1.85bn).
The keel laying of the prototype ORP Wicher is scheduled for 31 January 2024. All three frigates are to be handed over to the Armament Agency by 2031. ... rettyPhoto
Miecznik frigate illustration
Miecznik For EUR 3.6 Billion – All Frigates (Fully) Armed
On 12 December, the Armament Agency of Polish Ministry of National Defence and the PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium signed annex 4 to the main contract inked on 27 July 2021, which concerns the design and construction of three Project 106 Miecznik frigates for the Polish Navy. It regulates issues related to the completion of the integrated combat system of the second and third units.
Tomasz Grotnik 26 Dec 2023
According to the original contract, the prototype Miecznik frigate ORP Wicher was to be equipped with a complete Integrated Combat System, including sensors and effectors specified by the Polish Navy. Most of these systems remained an option for serial frigates. The annex to the contract ensures that the future ORP Burza and ORP Huragan will also receive a similar Integrated Combat System (ZSW in Polish).
The Armament Agency has announced that the serial frigates (the second and third units) will recieve sensors and effectors the same as those contracted for the first prototype unit, thus allowing for operations in the anti-air and anti-surface domains. The second and third frigates will be armed with, among other things, 76mm Leonardo Super Rapido Strales gun, Lockheed Martin VLS Mk 41 Strike Lenght launcher (32 chambers) with ExLS Host (Extensible Launching System for CAMM missiles), MBDA UK Sea Ceptor anti-aircraft and anti-missle system with CAMM and CAMM-ER missiles, Thales Sea Master SM410 (with four AESA fixed antennas) and NS50 (with AESA rotating antenna) radar systems, Thales Artemis IRST systems (InfraRed Search andr Track), Saab NLWS (Naval Laser Warning System), as well as electronic warfare, defence systems and IFF identification systems.
The announcement by the Armament Agency indirectly implies that some elements of the ZSW, however, will not go on the Burza and Huragan right away. It reads that ‘the final shape of the equipment of the serial vessels will result from the conclusions drawn from the conducted tests of the prototype unit No. 1’. Furthermore, as mentioned, retrofitting concerns air defence and anti-surface combat systems. This means that perhaps Thales CAPTAS-2 towed sonars and some other equipment (torpedo tubes etc.) will remain as options. The announcement also does not mention about the RBS-15 Mk3+ anti-ship missiles, and other systems.
Meanwhile, on 20 December, PGZ Stocznia Wojenna and Rolls-Royce Solutions inked a contract for the supply of main engines and generator sets for the Miecznik frigates. The contract is for the supply of MTU 20V8000 M71 main propulsion diesel engines (four for each of the three frigates) and MTU 12V4000 M53B generator sets (also four for each). Along with these, MTU control and monitoring systems were purchased.
Following the conclusion of Annex 4, the value of the contract is PLN 14.8bn gross (approximately €3.4bn), which represents 92% of the estimated cost of the entire programme. This amount does not include missiles and artillery ammunition, nor the optional equipment of the serial pair of frigates, which indicates that the price may exceed PLN 16bn (about EUR 3.6bn). For the record, when the contract with the consortium was concluded, the expected cost of the programme was estimated at PLN 8 billion (approximately €1.85bn).
The keel laying of the prototype ORP Wicher is scheduled for 31 January 2024. All three frigates are to be handed over to the Armament Agency by 2031. ... rettyPhoto
- cabeça de martelo
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- Mensagens: 40323
- Registrado em: Sex Out 21, 2005 10:45 am
- Localização: Portugal
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Re: Marinha da Polónia
A still from the video showing the new antenna arrangement of the SM410 system. The new deckhouse can be seen with the antenna “looking” backwards. (Photo: Babcock)
Latest Details on Poland’s Miecznik Frigate Program
During the MSPO fair in Kielce (3rd-6th September), the PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium presented the status of the program for the construction of three Miecznik-class frigates for the Polish Navy. On this occasion, new details on the technical innovations of the platform and its combat system were revealed.
Tomasz Grotnik 12 Sep 2024
According to statements by representatives of the consortium, work on the future ORP Wicher is progressing on schedule, and will not be adjusted for the time being.
To date, the first 300-ton mega block has been built, has already been brought out of the hall, and is being painted (as of early September). The upper part of the mega block is expected to be ready by the end of the first quarter of 2025, and the stern mega block will be built by the end of June next year. The bow mega block is being produced by a subcontractor.
First, 300-tonnes, megablock outside the production hall. (photo PGZ Stocznia Wojenna)
The Crist shipyard from Gdynia replaced Remontowa Shipbuilding from Gdansk in this role. This part of the Wicher should be ready by the end of 2025. The ship’s launch is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2026, with a very high completion rate, set at around 95%.
Latest design changes of Miecznik frigate
Slide from a PGZ-MIECZNIK presentation showing changes in mast design. (Photo: PGZ-MIECZNIK)
The slides of the PGZ-MIECZNIK consortium presentation, and a promotional video on display at Babcock International’s booth, showed the latest silhouette of the Miecznik-class frigate.
The most significant change in the design is the relocation of one of the antennas of the Thales Sea Master SM410 radar system from the forward mast to the new small superstructure. Sea Master uses four AESA antenna fixed panels, which in their original configuration were arranged on a mast on the forward superstructure. This arrangement caused the antenna “looking” toward the aft hemisphere to have blind sectors of observation. To avoid this inconvenience, the SM410’s stern panel was moved to a new deckhouse, set up on the hangar roof. That’s also where some of the communications antennas, until now located on the center mast, went. The new deckhouse also has space for the Rohde & Schwarz Kora RESM/CESM system antenna and the ZGS-35K rear E/O head.
The solution is not new. It was used on the Israeli Sa’ar 6-class corvettes and the German F125 Baden-Württmeberg-class frigates, and more recently on the Dutch ASWF frigates. On the Miecznik, the rear antenna is installed well below the level of the others. This is similar to the solution adopted on the ASWF. The new deckhouse cannot be higher, as it would interfere with the ship’s stability. For this reason, the SM410’s rear antenna has less ability to detect low-flying targets, but this disadvantage is compensated for by using the NS58 system with AESA rotating antenna.
The new graphics also show other changes. The placement of some sensors has been optimized, including: navigation radars, the ZGS-35K forward E/O head, and communications systems antennas.
Also interesting news is the abandonment of Saab RBS-15 Mk3E anti-ship missiles. They will be replaced by Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace NSM Block 1A with a range of “more than 250 km”. The basic configuration includes eight missiles (four containers each on two racks). The possibility of taking an additional eight is envisioned. Graphics show the additional missile containers arranged in pairs and “scattered around the upper deck”, generally in ‘vacant places.’ Some of them fire towards the stern, which is rather uncommon on other frigates.
Another minor change is also the replacement on the SAES DDS-03 sonar for detecting frogmen by the Wavefront Sentinel IDS system.
Still to be selected and contracted are suppliers of, among other things, a national communications system (for transmitting information about the ship’s operational situation) and two remotely operated weapon stations with machine guns.
Combat system of the Miecznik-class frigate (first of class only):
1 – Thales CAPTAS-2 VDS, 2 – provision for a medium size helicopter, 3 -35mm remote controlled weapon station PIT-RADWAR OSU-35K, 4 – navigational radar, 5 – Thales Sea Master 410 multifunction radar, 6 – PIT-RADWAR ZGS-35K E/O system, 7 – communication antenna, 8 – Rohde & Schwarz Kora RESM/CESM system antenna, 9 – Kongsberg NSM anti-ship missiles, 10 – Thales TSA 6000 IFF interrogator, 11 – Thales NS58 air & surface surveillance radar, 12 – Thales Artemis IRST, 13 – Thales STIR 1.2 EO Mk2 fire control system, 14 – Leonardo 76/62 Super Rapid Strales automatic gun, 15 – Thales Blue Hunter hull mounted sonar, 16 – Thales TUUM-6 underwater communication system, 17 – Terma C-Guard decoy launchers, 18 – EuroTorp B515 torpedo tubes, 19 – RHIB/UAV 11,5m, 20 – RHIB/UAV 7,5m, 21 – provision for a small calibre remote controlled weapon station. (Drawing by Tomasz Grotnik) ... rettyPhoto
- akivrx78
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- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: Marinha da Polónia
A sul-coreana HD Hyundai Heavy Industries explora o mercado submarino europeu... Empresas locais e MRO também cooperam
Entregue em 10/10 (qui) 9h45
JoongAng Ilbo versão japonesa
HD Uma visão panorâmica do HDS2300, um submarino de exportação desenvolvido de forma independente pela Hyundai Heavy Industries. [Foto: HD Hyundai Heavy Industries]
A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries usará seu submarino de classe de 2.300 toneladas desenvolvido de forma independente para capturar o mercado europeu da indústria de defesa.
A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries realizou um dia promocional em Varsóvia, Polônia, no dia 8, com o tema “Uma nova era de cooperação coreano-polonesa para a Marinha polonesa e a indústria de construção naval”.
O evento foi realizado antes do processo de licitação para o projeto de modernização de submarinos da Marinha Polonesa, o Projeto Orca. A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries revelou seu submarino de exportação de classe de 2.300 toneladas, desenvolvido de forma independente, ``HDS2300'' e uma solução total.
O projeto Orca é uma competição acirrada entre empresas de vários países, incluindo HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, Alemanha, França, Suécia e Espanha. A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries propôs duas plataformas: o submarino da classe de 3.000 toneladas KSSIIIP e o submarino da classe de 2.300 toneladas HDS2300.
Os fabricantes globais de submarinos Babcock International e LIG NextOne também participaram do evento e apresentaram os principais sistemas e soluções instalados em submarinos.
Foram também discutidas propostas para reforçar a cooperação com empresas polacas. A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries assinou um acordo comercial para manutenção conjunta, manutenção e revisão (MRO) com o Estaleiro Lermontova em Gdańsk, Polónia. Além disso, concordaram em expandir a cooperação no domínio da energia do hidrogénio com a empresa energética PGH2.
“A HD Hyundai Heavy Industries concluiu todos os preparativos para abastecer o mercado mundial com os submarinos de mais alto desempenho”, disse Ju Won-ho, vice-presidente de negócios de navios especializados da HD Hyundai Heavy Industries. além de apenas destacar nossos pontos fortes e provar a excelência da indústria de defesa coreana." ... c3bf52614a