Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

Assuntos em discussão: Exército Brasileiro e exércitos estrangeiros, armamentos, equipamentos de exércitos em geral.

Moderadores: J.Ricardo, Conselho de Moderação

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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5026 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Fev 16, 2023 11:41 am

gabriel219 escreveu: Qui Fev 16, 2023 10:42 am Não digo que esses armamentos vão ser novos XM8, mas está no caminho para ser. O que diria, @cabeça de martelo?

A FN tem uma proposta bem melhor, além da GDLS. Eu ainda não consigo entender esse .277 Fury da Sig Sauer.
Tanto o XM7 como o XM250 têm essa coisa maravilhosa que é uma munição totalmente nova e com tudo para provar. Vejo demasiadas pessoas a dizer que esta opção não faz qualquer sentido para dizer que vai resultar e que as mesmas serão realmente a solução para o futuro do Exército Norte-Americano. Já a "XM157 fire control system" é diferente, acho que mesmo que as XM7 e as XM250 não sigam em frente, acredito que esta mira vá realmente ser usada. Já o M3E1 84mm Carl Gustav é bom e recomenda-se!

Acho interessante é observar os RMC e os Rangers Britânicos irem adquirir as KAC KS-1. Sempre pensei que fossem adquirir uma AR-15 da LMT, visto já usarem as L129A1.

Ainda recentemente teclei com um Sargento meu conhecido acerca das FN SCAR e FN EVOLYS em 6.5x43mm e ele estava bastante entusiasmado com esse projeto. Falamos dois segundos sobre a .277 Fury e ele simplesmente descartou-a. Disse que era mais uma "banhada" da industria à tropa. Infelizmente a única tropa que poderia adquirir isso cá em Portugal é o Corpo de Fuzileiros e eles andam a comprar o armamento individual às mijinhas como não querem a coisa. Ou seja, já adquiriram as FN MINIMI MK3 em 5.56 no ano passado, este ano compraram mais um lote de Glock (250 pistolas de 9 mm G17 Gen5 (190 STD + 60 MOS com cano roscado), agora só faltam as espingardas-automáticas que vai ser deixado para o fim.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5027 Mensagem por gabriel219 » Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:28 pm

Não falo do fuzil em si, mas da escolha pelo .277 Fury. Alto recuo + peso + menor capacidade, tudo que havia de contrário ao manual de Infantaria do EUA.

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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5028 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:39 pm

gabriel219 escreveu: Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:28 pm Não falo do fuzil em si, mas da escolha pelo .277 Fury. Alto recuo + peso + menor capacidade, tudo que havia de contrário ao manual de Infantaria do EUA.
Eu acredito que o meu conhecido tem razão, o .277 Fury é uma "banhada" da industria à tropa. Se o Comando de Operações Especiais e o Corpo de Fuzileiros Norte-Americano nem sequer querem ouvir nessa opção, está tudo dito.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5029 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Fev 17, 2023 12:40 pm

Japan to import FN Herstal Minimi Mk3 machine guns and HK G28E sniper rifles

The Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced it is to start procuring two new types of small arms for the infantry units of the Japan Ground Self-Defence Force (JGSDF) in FY2023, Shinichi Kiyotani reports on European Security and Defence website. The new procurement includes the acquisition of Belgian FN Herstal MINIMI Mk3 light machine guns and German G28 sniper rifles.


The Japanese MoD has selected the FN Herstal Minimi Mk3 squad support weapon, as the Minimi (B), to fill the shortfall in the procurement of the 5.56 mm Minimi Mk1 currently produced under licence by Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) and will procure 514 such weapons for JPY 920 M over the next financial year, Shinichi Kiyotani reports. Additionally, anti-heat bags for spare barrels (to allow the weapon crew to reposition while carrying hot barrels), and dustproof carrier bags (which were not adopted for the Mk1), will be included in the purchase. An advantage in selecting the Mk3, industry sources noted, is that it shares the same barrel as the Minimi Mk1. With SHI withdrawing from machine gun production, the Minimi Mk3 is being procured directly from FN in Belgium.

Japan’s Ground Staff Office has announced it will procure 3,100 Minimi Mk3s, at a unit cost of approximately JPY 1.9 M (USD 14,316) each, and a life-cycle cost of approximately JPY 14.9 Bn (USD 112.2 M). This means the Ground Staff Office considers the Mk3 to be a complete replacement for the JGSDF’s Mk1s, Shinichi Kiyotani reports.


The G28 covers the range between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. (Picture source: Heckler & Koch)

The Ground Staff Office will also procure 182 G28E2 7.62 mm semi-automatic rifles from Heckler & Koch (H&K) to replace the JGSDF’s current sniper rifle, the Remington M24A2 bolt-action rifle, at a cost of JPY 1.13 Bn in FY2023. The system includes optical sights, bipods and vertical grips. The Ground Staff Office has a total requirement for 900 G28E2s, to be procured at a unit cost of JPY 7 Bn (USD 52,744) each, and a life cycle cost of around JPY 9.3 Bn (USD 70 M).

As a classic DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) in calibre 7.62 mm x 51 NATO, the G28 guarantees a series-reproducible accuracy level of max. 1.5 MOA with 10 rounds of precision ammunition at 100 metres. The semi-automatic rifle is designed for an effective combat range of up to 800 metres. In a precise suppressive fire, the engagement distance is around 1000 metres. The G28, therefore, covers the range between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. In addition, thanks to the extended barrel nut and the double handguard mount, the G28 DMR system offers a backlash-free and accurately fitting receiver connection to prevent zero shifting of tactical sighting accessories. Combined with the adjustable gas port, all the prerequisites for unrestricted night combat and silencing capability are given.

The G28 DMR system is designed to enable military and police user groups to operate with precision, in the most adverse conditions, against single targets or against technical targets such as surveillance cameras, light sources and the optics of onboard weapons on combat vehicles. In its basic configuration, the precision rifle is equipped with a telescopic sight with 3x to 20x magnification. The red-dot sight mounted on top serves as an aiming aid for faster target acquisition beyond 100 metres. For distances below the 100-metre limit, the red-dot sight can be used for close combat. Regardless of the use of special precision ammunition, the G28 ensures high ammunition compatibility with standardised NATO ammunition types. ... ifles.html

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Viktor Reznov
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5030 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Sáb Fev 18, 2023 12:09 am

cabeça de martelo escreveu: Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:39 pm
gabriel219 escreveu: Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:28 pm Não falo do fuzil em si, mas da escolha pelo .277 Fury. Alto recuo + peso + menor capacidade, tudo que havia de contrário ao manual de Infantaria do EUA.
Eu acredito que o meu conhecido tem razão, o .277 Fury é uma "banhada" da industria à tropa. Se o Comando de Operações Especiais e o Corpo de Fuzileiros Norte-Americano nem sequer querem ouvir nessa opção, está tudo dito.
Eu acho que a cada dia que passa se confirma mais a teoria de que o .277 Fury foi adotado pelo US Army não pela possibilidades dos Russos ou Chineses estarem adotando blindagem Nível 3 ou Nível 4 em massa, mas pelo fato de que civis Americanos defensores da Segunda Emenda e com um sentimento anti-governio estarem conseguindo acesso fácil à treinamento ministrado por ex-forças especiais, coletes a prova com esses níveis de proteção, e de dezenas de milhões de fuzis semi-automáticos nos mais variados calibres.

I know the weakness, I know the pain. I know the fear you do not name. And the one who comes to find me when my time is through. I know you, yeah I know you.
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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5031 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sáb Fev 18, 2023 9:36 am

Viktor Reznov escreveu: Sáb Fev 18, 2023 12:09 am
cabeça de martelo escreveu: Qui Fev 16, 2023 12:39 pm

Eu acredito que o meu conhecido tem razão, o .277 Fury é uma "banhada" da industria à tropa. Se o Comando de Operações Especiais e o Corpo de Fuzileiros Norte-Americano nem sequer querem ouvir nessa opção, está tudo dito.
Eu acho que a cada dia que passa se confirma mais a teoria de que o .277 Fury foi adotado pelo US Army não pela possibilidades dos Russos ou Chineses estarem adotando blindagem Nível 3 ou Nível 4 em massa, mas pelo fato de que civis Americanos defensores da Segunda Emenda e com um sentimento anti-governio estarem conseguindo acesso fácil à treinamento ministrado por ex-forças especiais, coletes a prova com esses níveis de proteção, e de dezenas de milhões de fuzis semi-automáticos nos mais variados calibres.
Se esta medida fosse um caso isolado até podíamos pensar assim, mas não, todo o Exército está em transformação de forma a lutar contra um inimigo num cenário de "near-peer adversaries".
As the Army comes out of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and refocuses on the pacing challenge of China and the acute threat posed by Russia, Army leaders are directing the most significant reorganization and technical innovation since the end of the Cold War — ensuring our adversaries cannot outrange or outpace us on traditional battlefields, or the new frontiers of space and cyberspace. The world is changing, and the Army is changing with it. On the battlefields of the future, the Army of 2030 must:

Acquire sensors to see more, farther and more persistently than our enemies.
Concentrate highly lethal, low-signature combat forces rapidly from dispersed locations to overwhelm adversaries at a place and time of our choosing.
Deliver precise, longer-range fires as part of the Joint Force to strike deep targets and massing enemy forces.
Protect our forces from air, missile and drone attacks.
Be secure from enemy cyber and electronic attacks in order to reliably communicate and share data with ourselves, sister services and coalition partners.
Ensure we can sustain the fight across contested terrain and over time.
To meet the evolving threat, the Army is undergoing a once-in-a-generation transformation to develop the capability to converge effects on land, in the air, sea, space and cyberspace. This transformation includes investment in our people, reorganization of our forces, the development of new equipment, and the adoption of new concepts on how to fight that allow the Army to maintain superiority over any potential adversary.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5032 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Fev 22, 2023 9:34 am

As novas meninas da Coreia do Sul:


Fonte: Gregory Knowles

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Viktor Reznov
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5033 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Qua Fev 22, 2023 3:35 pm

Pela altura do upper receiver, devem provavelmente usar um sistema de gases de pistão com recuo curto, com o Daewoo K2.

I know the weakness, I know the pain. I know the fear you do not name. And the one who comes to find me when my time is through. I know you, yeah I know you.
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5034 Mensagem por gabriel219 » Dom Mar 12, 2023 8:52 pm

Algo que o EB deveria estar pensando e perseguindo, além dos 6.5 mm.

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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5035 Mensagem por gabriel219 » Sex Mar 17, 2023 5:18 pm

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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5036 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Mar 28, 2023 10:13 am

Finnish and Swedish armies to acquire joint range of firearms from Sako
Defense News

On 27 March 2023, the Finnish and Swedish Defence Forces signed a framework agreement for a joint range of firearms with Sako Ltd at the Sako factory in Riihimäki. The agreement was signed by Major General Jari Mikkonen, Director of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command on behalf of the Finnish Minister of Defence, by Brigadier General Jonas Lotsne, Director of Land Systems at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and, on behalf of Sako Ltd, by Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board and Dott. Franco Gussalli Beretta, Chairman of the Board.

5.56mm caliber version of Sako's new assault rifle (Picture source: Sako)

“(…) We very much appreciate the agreement and thank the Swedish and Finnish Defence Forces for the good cooperation with Sako Ltd. and the trust they have placed in us. With this agreement, Sako Ltd. will return to being a manufacturer of semi-automatic and automatic weapons,” says Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board of Sako Ltd.

The framework agreement will enable Finland and Sweden to procure new firearms in a cost-effective manner. It will initially run for 10 years, followed by three seven-year option periods until 31 December 2053.

In the first phase, Finland will acquire assault rifles and personal protective weapons for field tests. The price of the acquisition, including VAT, will be approximately €0.7 million. "The framework agreement between the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and Sako Ltd for the procurement of firearms is a continuation of decades of cooperation between the Defence Forces and Sako Ltd. The future range of firearms is being prepared to gradually replace the Defence Forces' current assault rifles, self-loading sniper rifles and heavy sniper rifles. The Defence Forces are preparing to phase out the current weapon systems in stages, which will ensure a controlled and cost-effective phase-out of the current system,” says Major General Jari Mikkonen, Director of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command."

On the same occasion, Sweden made its first serial procurement of assault rifles and personal protective weapons through the framework agreement. The number of weapons being purchased by Sweden is considerable. The first agreement will cover firearms worth approximately SEK 875 million (78 million €). “The signed agreement will have a significant impact on the growth of Sako's business and on the defence and security of supply of both countries. Sako Ltd's products ensure that both the Finnish and Swedish Defence Forces will have state-of-the-art products to ensure the security of their countries. The agreement will have a major impact in the long term, and will have a significant impact on employment at Sako.

Already at this stage, the project involves several dozen professionals who have shown excellent commitment and dedication to the project. In addition to new jobs, the project will also have a significant impact on new investments and Sako's subcontractors. We are very grateful to Beretta Holding, the owner of the company, which has placed its trust in our company and created the conditions for Sako to participate in the realisation of this contract,” continues Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board of Sako Ltd.

The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration's procurement at this stage covers 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm calibre assault rifles, 7.62x51mm calibre sniper rifles and the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6mm). “The agreement signed today will affect virtually all Swedish Defence Forces personnel, who will in the long term have access to new modern weapons. We are now taking a big step towards replacing virtually all the weapons in our armed forces and that is very gratifying,” says Jonas Lotsne, Director of Land Systems at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration FMV.

The new weapons to be purchased will replace the AK4 and AK5 assault rifles and the Psg90 sniper rifle currently in use. The Swedish Defence Forces have been in need of modernising their weapons for some time. The current AK4 systems have been in use since the 1960s and the AK5 was developed in the early 1980s and has been updated several times since its introduction. As a result of the new weapon systems to be acquired, the Swedish Defence Forces will have a modern and lighter range of weapons with better ergonomics and adjustment possibilities to suit each user.

The framework agreement, which has been in place for more than a decade, is part of an agreement between Sweden and Finland on the joint procurement of combat weapons systems and related technologies. The intention is to increase the security of supply of both countries and improve interoperability by using the same types of weapons and ammunition. “The fact that Sweden and Finland will acquire a single weapon system from the same manufacturer will increase the possibilities for cooperation in terms of weapon use, training, development and ammunition procurement. Choosing a Finnish arms manufacturer brings security to long-term arms procurement,” continues Jonas Lotsne.

The deployment of the sniper rifle system is planned for 2024. The new 5.56-calibre assault rifle will be introduced in 2025, followed by other types of weapons. The roll-out will be in stages as the new weapons are delivered. The deployment includes the training of trainers, technical staff and other personnel of the Defence Forces, and the production of training materials.

Before the start of deliveries, for each type of weapon, the following will be done: large-scale tests where quality, handling and ergonomics will be tested under varying conditions. Testing will be carried out by both FMV testing personnel and troops.

:arrow: ... _sako.html

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5037 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Mai 03, 2023 5:33 am

Meus senhores, dou-lhes a Deusa da Guerra, a mítica MG34!


"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5038 Mensagem por J.Ricardo » Qua Mai 03, 2023 3:53 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu: Ter Mar 28, 2023 10:13 am Finnish and Swedish armies to acquire joint range of firearms from Sako
Defense News

On 27 March 2023, the Finnish and Swedish Defence Forces signed a framework agreement for a joint range of firearms with Sako Ltd at the Sako factory in Riihimäki. The agreement was signed by Major General Jari Mikkonen, Director of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command on behalf of the Finnish Minister of Defence, by Brigadier General Jonas Lotsne, Director of Land Systems at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and, on behalf of Sako Ltd, by Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board and Dott. Franco Gussalli Beretta, Chairman of the Board.

5.56mm caliber version of Sako's new assault rifle (Picture source: Sako)

“(…) We very much appreciate the agreement and thank the Swedish and Finnish Defence Forces for the good cooperation with Sako Ltd. and the trust they have placed in us. With this agreement, Sako Ltd. will return to being a manufacturer of semi-automatic and automatic weapons,” says Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board of Sako Ltd.

The framework agreement will enable Finland and Sweden to procure new firearms in a cost-effective manner. It will initially run for 10 years, followed by three seven-year option periods until 31 December 2053.

In the first phase, Finland will acquire assault rifles and personal protective weapons for field tests. The price of the acquisition, including VAT, will be approximately €0.7 million. "The framework agreement between the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and Sako Ltd for the procurement of firearms is a continuation of decades of cooperation between the Defence Forces and Sako Ltd. The future range of firearms is being prepared to gradually replace the Defence Forces' current assault rifles, self-loading sniper rifles and heavy sniper rifles. The Defence Forces are preparing to phase out the current weapon systems in stages, which will ensure a controlled and cost-effective phase-out of the current system,” says Major General Jari Mikkonen, Director of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command."

On the same occasion, Sweden made its first serial procurement of assault rifles and personal protective weapons through the framework agreement. The number of weapons being purchased by Sweden is considerable. The first agreement will cover firearms worth approximately SEK 875 million (78 million €). “The signed agreement will have a significant impact on the growth of Sako's business and on the defence and security of supply of both countries. Sako Ltd's products ensure that both the Finnish and Swedish Defence Forces will have state-of-the-art products to ensure the security of their countries. The agreement will have a major impact in the long term, and will have a significant impact on employment at Sako.

Already at this stage, the project involves several dozen professionals who have shown excellent commitment and dedication to the project. In addition to new jobs, the project will also have a significant impact on new investments and Sako's subcontractors. We are very grateful to Beretta Holding, the owner of the company, which has placed its trust in our company and created the conditions for Sako to participate in the realisation of this contract,” continues Raimo Karjalainen, CEO and Member of the Board of Sako Ltd.

The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration's procurement at this stage covers 5.56x45mm and 7.62x51mm calibre assault rifles, 7.62x51mm calibre sniper rifles and the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6mm). “The agreement signed today will affect virtually all Swedish Defence Forces personnel, who will in the long term have access to new modern weapons. We are now taking a big step towards replacing virtually all the weapons in our armed forces and that is very gratifying,” says Jonas Lotsne, Director of Land Systems at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration FMV.

The new weapons to be purchased will replace the AK4 and AK5 assault rifles and the Psg90 sniper rifle currently in use. The Swedish Defence Forces have been in need of modernising their weapons for some time. The current AK4 systems have been in use since the 1960s and the AK5 was developed in the early 1980s and has been updated several times since its introduction. As a result of the new weapon systems to be acquired, the Swedish Defence Forces will have a modern and lighter range of weapons with better ergonomics and adjustment possibilities to suit each user.

The framework agreement, which has been in place for more than a decade, is part of an agreement between Sweden and Finland on the joint procurement of combat weapons systems and related technologies. The intention is to increase the security of supply of both countries and improve interoperability by using the same types of weapons and ammunition. “The fact that Sweden and Finland will acquire a single weapon system from the same manufacturer will increase the possibilities for cooperation in terms of weapon use, training, development and ammunition procurement. Choosing a Finnish arms manufacturer brings security to long-term arms procurement,” continues Jonas Lotsne.

The deployment of the sniper rifle system is planned for 2024. The new 5.56-calibre assault rifle will be introduced in 2025, followed by other types of weapons. The roll-out will be in stages as the new weapons are delivered. The deployment includes the training of trainers, technical staff and other personnel of the Defence Forces, and the production of training materials.

Before the start of deliveries, for each type of weapon, the following will be done: large-scale tests where quality, handling and ergonomics will be tested under varying conditions. Testing will be carried out by both FMV testing personnel and troops.

:arrow: ... _sako.html
Baseada na plataforma AR, correto?
Só o EB para querer reinventar a roda com com o IA-2...

Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
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cabeça de martelo
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5039 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Mai 04, 2023 7:47 am


"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Pablo Maica
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Re: Armas de Fogo e Equipamentos em Geral

#5040 Mensagem por Pablo Maica » Qui Mai 04, 2023 11:55 pm

J.Ricardo escreveu: Qua Mai 03, 2023 3:53 pmBaseada na plataforma AR, correto?
Só o EB para querer reinventar a roda com com o IA-2...
Mas tentar reinventar a roda é o passatempo preferido do EB.

O IA-2 5.56mm ainda é uma arma boa (mas nada mais que isso), apesar das tropas especiais que podem operar com outras armas, reclamarem bastante do peso e pouca modularidade. Porém gostam do desempenho da arma, principalmente por causa da qualidade do cano, que é muito durável e mantém a precisão após muita pancadaria.

Agora o IA-2 7,62mm, que eu pessoalmente sempre achei que seria um acerto, e muito bem recebido pelas tropas mais especializadas, parece que por enquanto é uma decepção e nada apreciado por esse pessoal.

Um abraço e t+ :)
