Marinha da Federação Russa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2746 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Ago 24, 2021 8:09 am

ZALA AERO GROUP introduced unmanned combat aerial system «KUB-UAV» land version at International defence exhibition “IDEX 2019” in Abu Dhabi, UAE. ZALA Aero Group picture.

Russian Company Develops New Naval Kamikaze Drone

The ZALA Aero Company integrated into the Kalashnikov Group within Russia’s Rostec state hi-tech corporation is developing a naval version of the KUB-UAV combat unmanned aerial vehicle.

Martin Manaranche 24 Aug 2021

By TASS Russian news agency

It will be the first Russian-made drone of the type, Company Chief for Special Projects Nikita Khamitov said at the Army 2021 forum.

“Anticipating the customer’s requirements, we have started to work on the naval version of the KUB-UAV on our own initiative. It will be carried by high-speed landing boats and special ships, which will considerably enhance their combat capabilities.”

Nikita Khamitov, ZALA Aero Company’s Chief for special project.

ZALA AERO presented a new modification of the sea-based KUB-UAV guided ammunition.

The UAV is being developed by a subsidiary of the ZALA Aero Company. The drone will have a speed of 80-130 km/h (50-81 mph). It will be able to operate for 30 minutes and have a payload of 3 kg. It will have a length of 1,21m, a width of 0,95 m and a height of 0,165 m.

After the launch, the drone can loiter in the air to detect a target and then attack it from the upper hemisphere, being able to perform a diving pass along the vertical trajectory. This allows it to attack tanks in the field from the upper hemisphere, piercing the turret that has minimal armor protection in the upper part. Ordinary air defense systems face difficulties in countering the company’s advanced drone.


Naval News comments
The KUB updated version has an increased range of application, as well as the ability to perform missions as part of a guided swarm. ... aze-drone/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2747 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Ago 24, 2021 8:13 am

The keel laying ceremony for the two SSK at Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg. Admiralty Shipyards picture.

Russia Lays Keel Of Four Submarines And Two Corvettes At Once

Russian President Vladimir Putin today participated via video conference in a keel laying ceremony of four submarines (two SSBN and two SSK) and two corvettes for the Russian Navy according to press release published by the Kremlin.

Martin Manaranche 23 Aug 2021

The keel-laying ceremony was held at Sevmash Shipyards in Severodvinsk, Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg, and Amur Shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The keelplates were placed on two Project 955A nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) Borei-A-class submarines, ‘Knyaz Potemkin’ and ‘Dmitry Donskoy’, two improved Kilo-class Project 636.3 submarines, ‘Mozhaisk’ and ‘Yakutsk’, as well as two corvettes: The Project 20380 (Steregushchiy-class) ‘Grozny’ and the Project 20385 (Gremyashchiy-class) ‘Buyny’.

“I congratulate all shipbuilders and sailors of Russia on a new important stage in the development of our country’s Navy – the start of construction of another series of modern ships.”

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia.

According to an official released by the Kremlin, all ships will be equipped with modern high-precision weapons and the latest control and communication equipment. The effectiveness of most of them has been proven in the course of combat missions in Syria.

“I have said more than once and would like to reiterate: a strong, sovereign Russia needs a powerful, balanced Navy. Today the Navy plays the key role in our nation’s security, firmly defends our national interests, and makes a tangible contribution to strengthening strategic parity and international stability.”

“We will continue to develop Russia’s naval potential, improve the fleet’s basing system and infrastructure, provide the ships with the latest weapons and equipment, practice complex training and combat missions during exercises and long-distance sea voyages, and conduct “demonstration” of the Russian flag in strategically important areas of the world’s oceans.”

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. ... s-at-once/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2748 Mensagem por EDSON » Qui Ago 26, 2021 6:55 pm

Uma cerimônia de hasteamento da bandeira foi realizada em Kronstadt no navio de apoio logístico Vsevolod Bobrov


Em 21 de agosto, no Porto Militar de Kronstadt, foi realizada uma cerimônia de admissão à Marinha do Projeto 23120 Vsevolod Bobrov, um navio de apoio logístico naval.

O Vsevolod Bobrov é o segundo navio do projeto 23120 construído no estaleiro Severnaya Verf. O navio líder - “Elbrus” - juntou-se ao esquadrão de embarcações de apoio ao serviço de frota auxiliar do comando estratégico conjunto da Frota do Norte em 2018.

Embarcação de apoio logístico marinho Projeto 23120 - ajuda

Desenvolvedor de projeto - CJSC "Spetsudoproekt"

Comprimento - 95 m

Largura - 22 m

Calado - 9 m

Velocidade - 18 nós

Deslocamento - 9 500 t

Alcance de cruzeiro - 5.000 milhas náuticas

Autonomia - 60 dias


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2749 Mensagem por EDSON » Qui Ago 26, 2021 6:56 pm

O SNSZ entregou à Marinha o navio de defesa contra minas "Georgy Kurbatov"


Uma subsidiária da holding USC, o Estaleiro Sredne-Nevsky, entregou à Marinha Russa o último projeto 12700 Georgy Kurbatov, navio de defesa contra minas. A cerimônia de hasteamento da bandeira da Marinha aconteceu no dia 20 de agosto em Baltiysk.

De acordo com os planos do comando da Marinha, o mais novo caça-minas marítimo em breve começará a realizar tarefas como parte de uma brigada de navios de superfície que protegem a área aquática da Frota do Mar Negro.

Georgy Kurbatov é um navio do Projeto 12700 desenvolvido pelo Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (parte da United Shipbuilding Corporation) para a Marinha Russa. Estes navios pertencem a uma nova geração de forças de remoção de minas e são concebidos para combater as minas marítimas, que os novos navios PMO podem detectar tanto na água das zonas marítimas como no solo marinho, sem entrar na zona de perigo. Para combater as minas, os navios podem usar vários tipos de redes
de arrasto, bem como veículos subaquáticos autônomos e não tripulados com controle remoto.

Na construção desses navios no estaleiro Sredne-Nevsky, são utilizadas as mais recentes tecnologias russas, que não têm análogos na construção naval mundial. Os navios deste projeto possuem um casco único, o maior do mundo, feito de fibra de vidro monolítica, formada por infusão a vácuo. A massa dessa caixa é muito menor do que a de uma caixa de metal. Ao mesmo tempo, sua resistência aumenta significativamente. Nesse caso, não tem medo de corrosão, e a vida útil, sujeita aos padrões de operação, é ilimitada.

Navios de defesa contra minas do projeto 12700:

Deslocamento - cerca de 890 toneladas;

Comprimento - cerca de 62 m;

Largura - cerca de 10 m;

Velocidade máxima - cerca de 16 nós;

Tripulação - 44 pessoas.

Fonte: ... -kurbatov/

Editado pela última vez por EDSON em Qui Ago 26, 2021 6:58 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2750 Mensagem por EDSON » Qui Ago 26, 2021 6:57 pm

Especialistas da proteção RCB da Frota do Pacífico receberam um lote de contramedidas especiais de aerossol


Uma unidade separada de proteção química e biológica de radiação (RHBZ) da Frota do Pacífico (Frota do Pacífico), estacionada no Território de Primorsky, recebeu um lote de cinco máquinas de fumaça térmica TDA-3 mais novas para definir cortinas de aerossol.

É baseado no veículo cross-country KamAZ-5350. A usina TDA-3 é um motor que converte misturas especiais em uma espessa cortina de aerossol. Permite colocar uma cortina horizontal e outra elevada, capaz de mascarar navios e outros objetos de pontos de apoio.

A nova máquina permite ocultar objetos não só no visível, mas também na faixa infravermelha da radiação eletromagnética. Além disso, a máquina pode ser usada para desinfecção, desgaseificação e descontaminação de áreas, edifícios e outros objetos grandes por pulverização de soluções para tratamento especial.

Ao contrário da versão anterior, a tripulação do novo veículo é composta por duas pessoas. O conjunto também inclui um painel de controle portátil que permite controlar o equipamento à distância.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2751 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Ago 28, 2021 4:25 pm

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2752 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Ago 30, 2021 4:39 am


Russia to start Tsirkon hypersonic missile flight trials from Severodvinsk nuclear submarine in September 2021


According to information released by the Russian press agency, TASS on August 26, 2021, Russian-made Tsirkon hypersonic missile will begin flight trials from the Severodvinsk Yasen-class nuclear submarine on September 2021, citing a source of the Russian defense industry.

The first test launch of Tsirkon hypersonic missile from the Severodvinsk submarine in the White Sea is scheduled in September 2021,” said press officer of the Russian defense industry at the Army-2021 International Military Technical Forum in Moscow, Russia. Several test launches are to be made before the White Sea is covered with ice.

Another source said the submarine launch should be preceded by a test launch from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate. NPO mashinostroenia that designed Tsirkon refused to comment on this information.

Many countries in the world have launched the development of hypersonic missile systems including China, Russia and the United States. Most U.S. hypersonic weapons, in contrast to those in Russia and China, are not being designed for use with a nuclear warhead. As a result, U.S. hypersonic weapons will likely require greater accuracy and will be more technically challenging to develop than nuclear-armed Chinese and Russian systems. Hypersonic missiles can fly at a speed of Mach 5. This type of missile could challenge detection and defense due to its speed, maneuverability, and low altitude of flight. Currently, terrestrial-based radar cannot detect hypersonic weapons until late in the weapon’s flight.

Today, Russia has launched two hypersonic weapons programs including the Avangard and the 3M22 Tsirkon (or Zircon), and has reportedly fielded the Kinzhal (“Dagger”), a maneuvering air-launched ballistic missile.

The Tsirkon is a ship-launched hypersonic cruise missile capable of traveling at speeds of between Mach 6 and Mach 8. The missile is reportedly capable of striking both ground and naval targets. According to Russian news sources, Tsirkon has a range of between approximately 400 and 965 km and can be fired from the vertical launch systems mounted on cruisers Admiral Nakhimov and Pyotr Veliky, Project 20380 corvettes, Project 22350 frigates, and Project 885 Yasen-class submarines, among other platforms.

The K-560 Severodvinsk is a Yasen-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine of the Russian NavyThe Yasen-class nuclear submarines will be armed with land-attack cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-submarine missiles including the P-800 Oniks SLCM, Kalibr family SLCM or 3M51 SLCM. Kalibr-PL has several variants including the 3M54K (terminal-supersonic) and 3M54K1 (subsonic) anti-ship, 91R1 anti-submarine, and the 3M14K land-attack variant. The submarine will be also able to fire hypersonic 3M22 Zircon cruise missiles. Each submarine can carry 32 Kalibr or 24 Oniks, according to Russian military sources, the submarine will be able to carry 40 Kalibr and 32 Oniks cruise missiles which are stored in eight (ten for 855M) vertical launchers. Additional missiles may be carried in the torpedo room at the expense of torpedoes. and the lead vessel of this class. ... -2021.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2753 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Set 10, 2021 7:58 am

Pr. 955A K-549 Knyaz Vladimir


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2754 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Set 10, 2021 11:58 am

Passam os anos e eu ainda me impressiono com a capacidade dos russos de construírem submarinos realmente enormes.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2755 Mensagem por EDSON » Sáb Set 11, 2021 11:51 am

O primeiro lote dos mais recentes rifles de assalto AK-12 chega à Frota do Pacífico


Em um futuro próximo, os militares nos campos de treinamento farão a zeragem e a manutenção de novas armas.

Anteriormente, amostras da nova AK-12 foram apresentadas nos locais do fórum técnico militar internacional Army-2021 no Território de Primorsky, onde todos puderam se familiarizar com as características táticas e técnicas da nova arma e até mesmo segurá-la em seus mãos.

O AK-12 de calibre 5,45 mm é um novo fuzil de assalto de nível desenvolvido pela empresa Kalashnikov. Em comparação com as versões anteriores do rifle de assalto AK-74M, a nova arma aumentou a ergonomia e a precisão de tiro. Além disso, o fabricante aumentou a capacidade de sobrevivência do barril, para cuja produção passou a usar uma nova tecnologia.

O AK-12 está posicionado como uma nova plataforma, com base na qual está planejada a produção de armas de vários calibres e diversos fins - militares e civis.

O fuzil foi desenvolvido como parte do programa Ratnik, como elemento de um promissor complexo para equipar militares das Forças Armadas Russas, e entrou em serviço no final de 2018.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2756 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Set 15, 2021 8:01 am

Why are the decks of Russian ships red?
By Ryan White -January 13, 2020


The decks of the Russian ships are painted with a “red lead” rustproofing/anti-corrosive paint. Many nations do this but then topcoat the red lead paint with grey paint for a uniform color. Gray paint is a very effective means to keep a warship from being spotted in a wide variety of situations. However, the Russians just leave the red lead exposed.

Anti-corrosive paint is a composition of corrosion-resistant pigments such as zinc chromate, lead chromate, zinc oxide, zinc dust, zinc chromate, or red lead. Anti-corrosion coating allows added protection of metal surfaces and acts as a barrier to inhibit the contact between chemical compounds or corrosive materials.

Corrosion is a severe problem affecting the life of any element made of steel or iron. Corrosion-resistant coatings protect metal components against degradation due to moisture, salt spray, oxidation or exposure to a variety of environmental chemicals. The anticorrosive paints impede or obstruct the corrosion by reducing the direct access of air and water to the metal.

A warship is composed of 90% steel.

Uss Fort Mchenry Lsd43 Leaving Kiel, Germany 9 June,2019 After A 3-Day Port Call
How is an anti-corrosion action successfully carried out on a ship?

An anti-corrosion policy must be taken into account right from the design phase. Designing a ship with a high-performance, anti-corrosion protection and with a low life cycle cost has consequences for the design, structure and construction process. Knowledge of the environment in which the ship will operate and its operating profile is essential for making the right choice of materials, protective means and coatings, including paints.

The paint and architecture of a paint system are chosen according to its function (anti-corrosion, anti-static, non-slip, conductive, radar reflective, etc.), its targeted durability and its implementation characteristics.

As for all special processes, the application of paint requires compliance with the complete procedure with specific attention paid from the surface preparation stage, i.e. cleaning the surface of its contaminants (salt, oxides, dust, etc.) using specific tools in order to enhance the adherence and service life of the coating.

For the submerged parts and if necessary, there is another means of protection in addition to the coatings: cathodic protection, which aims to bring the corrosion potential of the steel structure into its stability domain.

How does the coating participate in ship performance levels?

Certain paint systems have specific military functions: radar reflection or absorption, conductive, anti-static or even non-slip on the flight decks. The coating of an aircraft carrier flight deck must, in addition to its stringent anti-corrosion characteristics, absorb particularly significant impacts without being abrasive so as not to damage the aircraft arresting cables. The arresting cable area is maintained each year. Other paint systems applied inside the ships contribute to the vessel’s fire safety, such as the intumescent paints. However, the most widely known function on a boat, and perhaps the oldest, is the anti-fouling function which ensures the cleanliness of the skin and consequently its hydrodynamic performances.

Russian Navy’s Slava Class Cruiser Marshal Ustinov, Source:
Why are warships universally grey?

If a warship is at or near the horizon, light gray can make it very difficult to spot, even on the sunniest day – which you get less of at sea than you might think. In foggy or cloudy weather, a ship can be even harder to spot. Even if a ship can be spotted at long ranges visually, a uniform gray may delay a ship from being positively identified – and in an era where many ship designs look alike, that can make a difference.

As far as whether painting a ship battleship gray is still necessary, keep in mind that even with radar and electronic support measures, a warship can remain relatively “hidden” until it’s in visual range if it turns off its electronics and if it’s designed to minimize its radar cross-section; until someone can identify it, it’s just another blip on a screen. For many situations, not being able to be easily identified until you’re really close is an advantage – one that you wouldn’t have if your ship is painted so brightly that your adversary can spot you first before you can spot them.

Sure, anti-ship weapons will go after a designated target regardless of its paint job, but unless your ship’s in a situation where you can assume every ship around you is hostile, you’re not going to shoot off a missile at every blip that comes up on a screen.

Featured Image Source: ... ships-red/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2757 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Set 21, 2021 11:27 am

Russian corvette returns to home after cruise missile firings in the Arctic
By Dorian Archus -September 21, 2021


The Russian Baltic Fleet’s missile corvette Sovetsk returned to its home naval base in Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad Region on Monday following successful cruise missile firings in the White Sea, according to the Fleet’s press office.
Corvette missile Sovetsk successfully launched a Kalibr cruise missile from the White Sea, the press office stated. The missile was directed at a coastal target at the Chizha proving ground in the northwestern Arkhangelsk Region.

“The small missile ship Sovetsk transited from the Northern Fleet to the Baltic Fleet. The warship travelled over 4,000 nautical miles, passing through the White Sea-Baltic Canal, Lake Ladoga, the Neva River, the Gulf of Finland, and the Baltic Sea “In a statement, the press office stated.

The crew of the missile corvette Sovetsk deployed to the Northern Fleet’s naval training ranges in late August and fired a Kalibr cruise missile against a coastal target at the Chizha proving ground. According to the statement, data recorders indicate that the cruise missile successfully struck the coastal target at a range of more than 1,000 kilometres.

“After replenishing supplies and resting, the crew of the small missile ship Sovetsk began carrying out the Baltic Fleet’s planned combat training measures,” the press office stated.

The Karakurt-class missile corvettes are a class of Russian green-water multipurpose missile/artillery warships developed under Project 22800. Corvettes of this class were developed by specialists at the Almaz Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in St. Petersburg (a subsidiary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation). They are distinguished by their high seaworthiness and handling characteristics. They are based on the most advanced domestic technologies, enabling them to operate effectively in both northern and southern latitudes as part of fleet taskforces.

The Karakurt-class corvettes have a displacement of approximately 800 tonnes, a top speed of over 30 knots, and a sea endurance of 15 days. They are armed with upgraded AK-176MA 76.2mm artillery guns and Kalibr-NK cruise missiles. ... -missilex/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2758 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Set 23, 2021 6:17 am


Crimean Shipyards Launches Karakurt-Class Corvette “Askold”
The Kerch Shipyard in Crimea has floated the Karakurt-class corvette (project 22800) "Askold". The vessel is intended for the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet.

Xavier Vavasseur 22 Sep 2021

By TASS Russian news agency

“The ceremony was held under the supervision of Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov who also inspected the production capacities of the shipyard,”

Crimean State Council
The Askold is the second project 22800 corvette built by the Kerch Shipyard.

“The first warship, the Tsiklon, was floated at the end of last year’s summer and is currently undergoing trials in Novorossiysk while the third corvette, the Amur is at the stage of construction,”

Kerch Shipyard
The Black Sea fleet said in August that the Tsiklon would enter service by the yearend.

Currently, the Russian Navy operates three project 22800 corvettes: the Mytishchi, the Sovetsk and the Odintsovo. All of them are operating in the Baltic Fleet. Overall, shipbuilders will construct 18 such warships, which will be divided equally between the Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets.


Naval News comments:

The Project 22800 Karakurt-class missile corvette was designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau in St. Petersburg. The ship is intended to engage the enemy’s strategic facilities in green waters, destroy hostile surface combatants and offshore installations individually and in conjunction with other forces, and repel air attacks. It can also eliminate frogmen, conduct search-and-rescue operations, and support coast guard units.

Project 22800 Karakurt-class small missile boat (corvette) Uragan, first ship of the class. Picture: via Russianarms
The Project 22800 corvette has a length of about 67 meters, a width of 11 meters, a draft of 2.8 meters and a full displacement of 860 tons. The ship is powered by two M-507D-1 diesel engines with a power output of 7,360 kWt each and an 8,830 kWt M70FRU gas-turbine engine. The corvette features a top speed of up to 35 knots, an economical speed of 12 knots, a cruising range of 2,500 nautical miles, and an endurance of 12 days. The ship launches missiles at Level 5 sea state.

The corvette’s armament comprises an AK-176MA 76mm gun and a Pantsir-M (NATO reporting name: SA-22 Greyhound) antiaircraft missile/gun system, while the first two ships of the type carry two AK-630 30mm small-caliber antiaircraft guns.

The ship is equipped with an eight-cell 3S-14 vertical launcher for Kalibr (SS-N-27 Sizzler) cruise missiles, which is located in its superstructure. The Project 22800 corvette features increased seaworthiness, high maneuverability, and low radar signature of its superstructure and hull. The ship can carry an Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle. ... te-askold/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2759 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Set 23, 2021 2:10 pm

Salvo engano, vi um vídeo uruguaio em que o comentarista coloca estas corvetas como sendo uma possibilidade a ser estudada como alternativa a ser pensada como substitutas dos navios atuais.
Quem sabe.

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2760 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Set 23, 2021 2:50 pm

Uruguai com mísseis de cruzeiro? Ponham-se a pau :mrgreen:

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