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Re: França

#991 Mensagem por Túlio » Seg Set 20, 2021 6:51 pm

J.Ricardo escreveu: Seg Set 20, 2021 5:30 pm Ops, desculpe Tulio, acabei editando minha mensagem e nem vi que você tinha comentado nela, é um defeito, as vezes eu publico alguma coisa e depois edito para melhorar ideia ou incluir alguma coisa.

Mas não se pode esquecer que apenas 08 meses atrás o Macron estava atacando a soja brasileira com seu ódio de adolescente. ... azonia.htm

Não acho que Br e Fr se aproximam tão cedo como já foram na época dos bandidos Lula e Sarkosi. Mas agora o pres Fr tem um pepino de verdade pra resolver, ele viu que pra quem realmente importa, ele é um bosta.

Editei também, tanto atualizando o teu post anterior quanto a minha resposta em que o quotei. 👍🏼

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: França

#992 Mensagem por knigh7 » Seg Set 20, 2021 9:57 pm

Os russos não perderam a chance e tripudiaram...

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Re: França

#993 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Set 21, 2021 2:14 am

Asia Pacific
September 21, 2021
1:13 AM -03
Last Updated an hour ago
Australia PM says no opportunity for meeting with French president in New York
By Colin Packham

CANBERRA, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Tuesday he will not speak with the French president at the United Nations this week even though French anger over cancellation of a $40 billion defence contract could threaten an Australian-EU trade deal. ... 021-09-21/

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Re: França

#994 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Set 21, 2021 6:57 am

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: França

#995 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Set 21, 2021 9:29 am

P44 escreveu: Ter Set 21, 2021 6:57 am

Essa eu gostei, o Putin aproveitou pra tirar a casquinha dele em cima do Françuá! [003] [003] [003] [003]

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: França

#996 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Set 21, 2021 10:13 am

Também postado no tópico da Marinha da Austrália:

French MoD Setting The Record Straight On Australian Submarine Affair

The spokesperson of the French Ministry of Defense (MoD), Hervé Grandjean, took to Twitter today to set the record straight on the "Australian submarine affair".

Xavier Vavasseur 21 Sep 2021

Australia last week announced its intention to acquire at least eight nuclear-powered submarines (SSN) as part of an enhanced trilateral security partnership between Australia, the UK and the US dubbed AUKUS. This announcement also means the end of the Attack Class Submarine Program which sparked a major diplomatic crisis between France and its three allies.

For the record, the Australian Government selected Naval Group (then known as DCNS) as its preferred international partner for the design of 12 Future submarines for the Royal Australian Navy on April 26 2016. In the SEA1000 project, DCNS was competing with the Shortfin Barracuda design against Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) Type 216 and Japan’s Soryu-class designs. Based on the new Barracuda nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) of the French Navy (the first ship has already been delivered), Australia’s Attack-class submarine was set to be 97 meters in length and 8.8 meters in diameter. Lockheed Martin was announced as the Future Submarine Combat System Integrator in September 2016 and the Design Build and Integration Contract was signed 12 January 2018.

The recently cancelled Attack-class program was set to see the first of twelve new submarines start construction in 2023 and be delivered in the mid-2030s. The new plan under the AUKUS initiative aims at starting to build the first of at least eight SSNs from the 2030ies.

In this context, Hervé Grandjean, spokesman of the French Mod published today a long and detailed thread on Twitter:

In the last few days, everything and its opposite has been said about the Australian submarine contract. The safety of Australians and the performance of our industrialists deserve better than peremptory statements. A #thread to better understand the Australian submarine affair.

— Porte-parole du ministère des Armées (@HerveGrandjean) September 21, 2021
France and submarines are a serious business.

Over the past 120 years, France has built more than 250 submarines, including more than 230 conventional-powered ones. The feedback in terms of engineering and know-how is considerable.

The French project benefited directly from the technological assets of the Suffren nuclear attack submarine, as well as from Naval Group’s expertise, gained from numerous Scorpene programs sold for export (Chile, Malaysia, India, Brazil)

In many ways, the performance of the Attack submarine offered by France to the Australians was better than that offered by a nuclear submarine. Why?

Particularly in terms of acoustics, the discretion of a conventional submarine remains under certain circumstances paradoxically better than that of a nuclear submarine: a conventional submarine does not have a permanent cooling system for its reactor in operation.

The silent speed (at which a submarine can listen without being detected) was particularly high thanks to the pump-jet technology, that very few countries master.

The submarine proposed to Australia was of oceanic class, meaning it had very high autonomy and range capabilities.

France and Australian submarines: the customer is king

In 2009, the Australian Defence White Paper, two years after the start of the Collins replacement project, already said: “The Government has ruled out nuclear propulsion for these submarines”.

In August 2021, the joint press release of the French and Australian defense and foreign affairs ministers still stated, “Ministers underlined the importance of the Future Submarine program.”

On the same day as the AUKUS announcement, the Australians wrote to France to say that they were satisfied with the submarine’s achievable performance and with the progress of the program. In short: forward to launching the next phase of the contract.

Returning to the surface to recharge the batteries is inherent to a diesel-electric submarine. This was the Australian request.

A nuclear submarine has, by nature, a greater projection capability than a conventional submarine. The planned tonnage of the SM Attack (between 5,000 and 6,000 tonnes) was large enough to provide the projection capability required for Australian naval operations.

The Australian choice: bad news for… the Australians.

The first Attack submarines were to be delivered by 2030. With this new AUKUS partnership, it will be more like 2040. That’s a long time, when you see how fast China is militarizing…#FastIsBeautiful

According to a June 2021 Congressional Research Service report, the production costs of the last two Virginia SSNs ordered (35th and 36th) would be $6.91 billion, or $3.46 billion per unit (€2.95 billion). Much more expensive than a French Barracuda for example…#GoodManagement

The September 17 announcement indicates that the nuclear submarines will be built in Australia. But Australia says it does not want a nuclear industry, neither civilian nor military. #Coherence

Are we to understand that the United States will provide complete nuclear boiler rooms to be integrated into submarines, with teams of American technicians to ensure commissioning, maintenance and perhaps even operation? #Sovereignty

Investments in infrastructure capable of hosting nuclear submarines in Australia, necessary to prevent any environmental risk, will be expensive and complex. #Complexity ... ne-affair/

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: França

#997 Mensagem por Marcelo Ponciano » Ter Set 21, 2021 11:37 am

Uma coisa é certa nessa treta da França com os Australianos/Ingleses/Americanos:

Nosso contrato do PROSUB agora é o contrato do século para a França :lol: :lol: :lol:

É bom a França medir palavras com o Brasil agora, afinal, somos o parceiro que restou para eles (e estamos pagando muito para sustentar essa posição).

A médio e longo prazo isso tem que refletir positivamente de alguma forma nas nossas relações bilaterais com a França.

Tudo estaria perdido se o mesmo homem, ou o mesmo corpo dos principais, ou dos nobres, ou do povo exercesse os três poderes: o de fazer as leis, o de executar as resoluções públicas e o de julgar. (MONTESQUIEU. O Espírito das Leis. Livro XI, Cap. VI)
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Re: França

#998 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Set 21, 2021 11:41 am

P44 escreveu: Ter Set 21, 2021 10:13 am

The recently cancelled Attack-class program was set to see the first of twelve new submarines start construction in 2023 and be delivered in the mid-2030s. The new plan under the AUKUS initiative aims at starting to build the first of at least eight SSNs from the 2030ies.


The first Attack submarines were to be delivered by 2030. With this new AUKUS partnership, it will be more like 2040. That’s a long time, when you see how fast China is militarizing…#FastIsBeautiful

(...) ... ne-affair/
Texto claramente tendencioso, QED.

Mas é BEM interessante quando se vê a brazucada chorando que o nosso SSN (se é que sai, e continuo ACHANDO que esse revertério no lombo do Françuá - PQP, como é que se lida com uma expectativa frustrada sobre um negócio de USD 40B ou quase UM MILHÃO DE BITCOINS, ou mais de SETECENTAS TONELADAS DE OURO? - ainda pode vir em nosso benefício) está sendo postergado para a metade da próxima década... [098] [098] [098] [098]

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: França

#999 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Set 21, 2021 1:13 pm

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: França

#1000 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Set 21, 2021 1:15 pm


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: França

#1001 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Set 21, 2021 7:26 pm

Aukus: França desiste das negociações de defesa com o Reino Unido em meio a discussão sobre a AUKUS ... e-a-aukus/

França: ‘impensável’ seguir com o comércio livre entre UE e Austrália devido a AUKUS ... o-a-aukus/

O vídeo abaixo resume tudo:

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Re: França

#1002 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Set 21, 2021 8:27 pm

O articulista do NYT observa que o Governo Macron tem elevado o tom demais com a perda do contrato dos submarinos:




matéria na íntegra: ... ralia.html

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Re: França

#1003 Mensagem por knigh7 » Sáb Set 25, 2021 1:28 pm

França e Reino Unido reacendem conflito antigo em tempos arriscados
Envolver-se em uma discussão amarga é politicamente adequado para Macron e Johnson no momento. Entenda ... rriscados/

8-] 8-] 8-] 8-] 8-]

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Re: França

#1004 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Set 26, 2021 3:28 am

J.Ricardo escreveu: Seg Set 20, 2021 4:56 pm
knigh7 escreveu: Seg Set 20, 2021 2:25 pm Se o Macron não for reeleito, pode ser. Com ele, não. Observe a postura dele com o Brasil, o temperamento dele, as posições que ele toma também na política interna francesa.
E também o fato de termos de pagar uma multa muito alta se tentarmos fazer "chantagem". USD 800 milhões é alto demais e com o Macron não haveria "jeitinho".
Penso parecido, Bolsonaro e Macron já praticamente fecharam as portas entre si, ambos agiram como crianças birrentas. Pior pra França.

E foi bom isso ter acontecido com eles, Macron finalmente descobriu que não faz parte do clubinho, coisa que a Alemanha já descobriu e deu banana pra pressão dos EUA sobre a importação de gás da Rússia.
Para vc observar: mais de uma dezena de países da UE explicitaram apoio à União Aduaneira entre o Mercosul e a UE, como Portugal, Espanha, Reino Unido Suécia etc. Mas o MRE notou que certos países foram contra e teriam muito mais a ganhar sendo à favor, pois a agricultura não representava nada, como era o caso da Holanda e Áustria (PIB agrícola respectivamente de 1,5 e 1,3%) e indústria bastante competitiva (com PIB de 20% aprox.). Perceberam que era a França que estava agindo por trás. A questão climática era balela, pois o Reino Unido era à favor do acordo e brigava com a França que articulava contra dentro da UE. Ambos "defendiam a natureza", mas o Reino Unido nunca foi tão protecionista na agricultura ao passo que o acordo iria beneficiar muito a indústria e serviços deles.

Parlamento da União Europeia barrou o acordo por apenas 53% dos votos. Triscando. E a França foi a culpada.

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Re: França

#1005 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Set 26, 2021 3:38 am

Estou virando fã da CNN americana. Sacam só a foto que eles postaram hoje, no alto da homepage, dando destaque 8-]


P.S.: Sou CNN americana desde criancinha. Não reconheço nenhuma crítica feita. É tudo intriga da oposição. Nego até o fim.
