Naval News June 2021 Navy Forces Maritime Defense Industry
According to a press release published by T. Mariotti Shipyard on June 9, 2021, the company awarded a contract with the Italian Ministry of Defense for the construction of the future special & diving operations – submarine rescue ship (SDO-SuRS) to replace ITS Anteo.

Artist rendering of the future special & diving operations – submarine rescue ship SDO-SuRS (Picture source: Marina Militare)
The ship will have a propulsion system that allows a maximum continuous speed of 16 knots, a range of 5,000 miles, a high capacity of maneuver, and a system for dynamic positioning.
Anteo (A 5309) is a submarine rescue ship of the Italian Navy, assigned to Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori "Teseo Tesei" (COMSUBIN). ITS Anteo is the third ship to bear this name in the Italian Navy. The ship's design was developed by the "Ufficio Navi Speciali del Reparto Progetti Navi" (Special Office of the Ships Projects Division), according to the guidelines provided by the Navy General Staff. The ship was built at Cantiere Navale Breda di Porto Marghera and commissioned to the Italian Navy on 31 July 1980.
A submarine rescue ship serves as a surface support ship for submarine rescue and deep-sea salvage operations. Methods employed are the McCann Rescue Chamber, Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicles (DSRV's) and deep-sea diving operations. ... -navy.html