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- J.Ricardo
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- Registrado em: Qui Jan 13, 2005 1:44 pm
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Re: Filipinas
A religião do amor é bem violenta...
Não temais ímpias falanges,
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
Que apresentam face hostil,
Vossos peitos, vossos braços,
São muralhas do Brasil!
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- Mensagens: 7303
- Registrado em: Sex Fev 16, 2007 4:12 pm
- Localização: CURITIBA/PR
- Agradeceu: 65 vezes
- Agradeceram: 335 vezes
Re: Filipinas
ISIS Claims 40 Filipino Soldiers, Officers Killed in Maguindanao Clashes
Soldiers onboard military trucks ride along the main street as government troops continue their assault on insurgents from the Maute group, who have taken over large parts of Marawi City, Philippines June 2, 2017. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco
ISIS has claimed that up to 40 Filipino soldiers and officers were killed by its cells during recent clashes in the province of Maguindanao.
In a statement released by the Amaq news agency on March 6, the terrorist group said that the clashes took place in the town of Satan on March 2. Government troops were allegedly targeted with machine guns and several improvised-explosive devices (IEDs).
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) carried out large operation against the ISIS-affiliated Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in Maguindanao on March 2. However, no losses in the army’s ranks were reported, contrary to ISIS claims.
Major Arvin Encinas, a spokesman for the AFP’s Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom), said that the operation targeted a BIFF faction led by leader Salahudin Hassan Karialan.
“We are pursuing the enemies to disallow their treacherous plots in the peaceful communities of Maguindanao,” the spokesman said, according to Rappler.
In the course of the operation, the AFP eliminated three ISIS-affiliated fighters. However, many others managed to flee army forces.
The BIFF is one of several ISIS-affiliated groups in the Philippines. Despite an increase in these groups’ activisits, the situation in the country remain under control as a result of the continues efforts of the AFP. ... o-clashes/
ISIS Claims 40 Filipino Soldiers, Officers Killed in Maguindanao Clashes
Soldiers onboard military trucks ride along the main street as government troops continue their assault on insurgents from the Maute group, who have taken over large parts of Marawi City, Philippines June 2, 2017. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco
ISIS has claimed that up to 40 Filipino soldiers and officers were killed by its cells during recent clashes in the province of Maguindanao.
In a statement released by the Amaq news agency on March 6, the terrorist group said that the clashes took place in the town of Satan on March 2. Government troops were allegedly targeted with machine guns and several improvised-explosive devices (IEDs).
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) carried out large operation against the ISIS-affiliated Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in Maguindanao on March 2. However, no losses in the army’s ranks were reported, contrary to ISIS claims.
Major Arvin Encinas, a spokesman for the AFP’s Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom), said that the operation targeted a BIFF faction led by leader Salahudin Hassan Karialan.
“We are pursuing the enemies to disallow their treacherous plots in the peaceful communities of Maguindanao,” the spokesman said, according to Rappler.
In the course of the operation, the AFP eliminated three ISIS-affiliated fighters. However, many others managed to flee army forces.
The BIFF is one of several ISIS-affiliated groups in the Philippines. Despite an increase in these groups’ activisits, the situation in the country remain under control as a result of the continues efforts of the AFP. ... o-clashes/
- FCarvalho
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
- Localização: Manaus
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Re: Filipinas
Essa guerrilha muçulmana no sul da Filipinas é muito antiga. O ISIS se aproveitou e apropriou-se da guerra alheia já que foi basicamente expulso da Síria e Iraque. Mas suas ramificações estão por aí fazendo das suas.
Não conheço a capacidade e o preparo das forças filipinas, mas a julgar pela compra dos A-29, é provável que as coisas tenham ficado muito feias de tempos para cá, ainda mais com o mau estado de suas forças militares.
E ainda tem uma China fungando no pescoço.
Não conheço a capacidade e o preparo das forças filipinas, mas a julgar pela compra dos A-29, é provável que as coisas tenham ficado muito feias de tempos para cá, ainda mais com o mau estado de suas forças militares.
E ainda tem uma China fungando no pescoço.
Carpe Diem
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 362 vezes
Re: Filipinas
Mitsubishi Electric to export radar to Philippines in first defense package deal since ban lifted
kyodo, jiji
Mar 27, 2020
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. won an order to deliver air radar systems to the Philippines for about ¥10 billion ($90 million), in the first defense product export from Japan, excluding parts, since its long-held arms trade ban was eased in 2014, a government source said Thursday.
The systems developed based on the JFPS3 and JTPS-P14 radars employed by the Self-Defense Forces will be provided to the Philippine Air Force, the source said.
JFPS3 is capable of detecting approaching fighter jets and missiles, and is used as part of Japan’s defense system against North Korea’s missile threats. JTPS-P14 is an anti-aircraft radar system usually carried on vehicles.
The deal was initially due to be completed by May, but negotiations have stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese government sources said.
Since Japan removed its all-out arms export ban imposed during the Cold War, it has exported parts of the PAC-2 mobile missile defense interceptors, produced under license in Japan, to the United States.
It has also provided used SDF training aircraft to the Philippines for free, but Tokyo has not exported any complete defense products.
The Philippines is among several Asian countries that are involved in territorial disputes with China, which has been increasing its military presence in the South China Sea.
Japanese defense manufacturers have been falling behind foreign rivals due to constraints imposed by the previous version of the nation's three principles on defense exports, as well as their lack of competitiveness with pricing.
The government adopted three new principles on the transfer of defense equipment in April 2014 amid concerns the policy change could hurt Japan’s status as a pacifist state. The principles state that the country will continue to embrace the basic philosophy of being a pacifist state that abides by the U.N. Charter.
It will allow arms exports only if they contribute to international cooperation and security interests.
Still, Japan will prohibit the export of weapons to countries involved in conflicts and the ban would also apply when exports violate U.N. resolutions. ... nes-radar/
kyodo, jiji
Mar 27, 2020
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. won an order to deliver air radar systems to the Philippines for about ¥10 billion ($90 million), in the first defense product export from Japan, excluding parts, since its long-held arms trade ban was eased in 2014, a government source said Thursday.
The systems developed based on the JFPS3 and JTPS-P14 radars employed by the Self-Defense Forces will be provided to the Philippine Air Force, the source said.
JFPS3 is capable of detecting approaching fighter jets and missiles, and is used as part of Japan’s defense system against North Korea’s missile threats. JTPS-P14 is an anti-aircraft radar system usually carried on vehicles.
The deal was initially due to be completed by May, but negotiations have stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese government sources said.
Since Japan removed its all-out arms export ban imposed during the Cold War, it has exported parts of the PAC-2 mobile missile defense interceptors, produced under license in Japan, to the United States.
It has also provided used SDF training aircraft to the Philippines for free, but Tokyo has not exported any complete defense products.
The Philippines is among several Asian countries that are involved in territorial disputes with China, which has been increasing its military presence in the South China Sea.
Japanese defense manufacturers have been falling behind foreign rivals due to constraints imposed by the previous version of the nation's three principles on defense exports, as well as their lack of competitiveness with pricing.
The government adopted three new principles on the transfer of defense equipment in April 2014 amid concerns the policy change could hurt Japan’s status as a pacifist state. The principles state that the country will continue to embrace the basic philosophy of being a pacifist state that abides by the U.N. Charter.
It will allow arms exports only if they contribute to international cooperation and security interests.
Still, Japan will prohibit the export of weapons to countries involved in conflicts and the ban would also apply when exports violate U.N. resolutions. ... nes-radar/
- Marcelo Ponciano
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- Mensagens: 1264
- Registrado em: Seg Abr 30, 2018 4:14 pm
- Localização: Brasília-DF
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Re: Filipinas
Estou ansioso por ver resultados do A29 nas Filipinas. Vai ser uma experiência e tanto em um país insular com conflitos assimétricos. Não sou especialista, mas acho que é um desafio inédito em termos de planejamento de operações e logística para o A29, diferente do que já operou (ambientes continentais de selva e deserto)FCarvalho escreveu: Sáb Mar 07, 2020 2:37 am Essa guerrilha muçulmana no sul da Filipinas é muito antiga. O ISIS se aproveitou e apropriou-se da guerra alheia já que foi basicamente expulso da Síria e Iraque. Mas suas ramificações estão por aí fazendo das suas.
Não conheço a capacidade e o preparo das forças filipinas, mas a julgar pela compra dos A-29, é provável que as coisas tenham ficado muito feias de tempos para cá, ainda mais com o mau estado de suas forças militares.
E ainda tem uma China fungando no pescoço.
Tudo estaria perdido se o mesmo homem, ou o mesmo corpo dos principais, ou dos nobres, ou do povo exercesse os três poderes: o de fazer as leis, o de executar as resoluções públicas e o de julgar. (MONTESQUIEU. O Espírito das Leis. Livro XI, Cap. VI)
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 362 vezes
Re: Filipinas
Filipinas: Duterte manda ‘atirar para matar’ quem sair de casa para protestar
Giovanna Schaidhauer
02 Abril 2020
O presidente das Filipinas, Rodrigo Duterte, afirmou no dia 2 de abril que ordenou à polícia e aos militares que atirem para matar em quem descumprir as regras de isolamento impostas para conter a crise agudizada pelo novo coronavírus.
A declaração aconteceu após vários confrontos e várias prisões de moradores de uma área pobre de Manila, a capital do país, que protestavam para pedir ao governo ajuda alimentar.
“Minha ordem para a polícia e aos militares foi, se houver problemas, se houver ocasião em que eles revidem ou em que suas vidas estejam em perigo, atire neles para matar. Entendido? Para matar. Em vez de causar problemas, eu vou enterrá-los”, declarou o presidente, em pronunciamento televisionado.
Em 2015, o índice de pessoas abaixo da linha de pobreza atingia 21,6% da população, cerca de 22 milhões. Hoje, a situação é severamente mais grave. ... -protestar
Giovanna Schaidhauer
02 Abril 2020
O presidente das Filipinas, Rodrigo Duterte, afirmou no dia 2 de abril que ordenou à polícia e aos militares que atirem para matar em quem descumprir as regras de isolamento impostas para conter a crise agudizada pelo novo coronavírus.
A declaração aconteceu após vários confrontos e várias prisões de moradores de uma área pobre de Manila, a capital do país, que protestavam para pedir ao governo ajuda alimentar.
“Minha ordem para a polícia e aos militares foi, se houver problemas, se houver ocasião em que eles revidem ou em que suas vidas estejam em perigo, atire neles para matar. Entendido? Para matar. Em vez de causar problemas, eu vou enterrá-los”, declarou o presidente, em pronunciamento televisionado.
Em 2015, o índice de pessoas abaixo da linha de pobreza atingia 21,6% da população, cerca de 22 milhões. Hoje, a situação é severamente mais grave. ... -protestar
- Túlio
- Site Admin
- Mensagens: 62004
- Registrado em: Sáb Jul 02, 2005 9:23 pm
- Localização: Tramandaí, RS, Brasil
- Agradeceu: 6451 vezes
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- Contato:
Re: Filipinas
Depois eu falo e todo mundo diz que XOU FAXIXTX: essa histeria toda vai matar muito mais do que a pior das pandemias. Já começou nas Filipinas, e todo mundo sabe que começar a matar é fácil, o brabo é parar depois.
“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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- Túlio
- Site Admin
- Mensagens: 62004
- Registrado em: Sáb Jul 02, 2005 9:23 pm
- Localização: Tramandaí, RS, Brasil
- Agradeceu: 6451 vezes
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- Contato:
Re: Filipinas
Como que não? A CBC - fornecedora da OTAN - só precisa ligar as máquinas por meia hora para produzir mais do que isso. Claro, se ela não fosse em SP, onde não se pode produzir nada, agora é CRIME!
“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 362 vezes
Re: Filipinas
Japan and Philippines to hold first joint air force exercises
Jul 1, 2021
MANILA – The air forces of Japan and the Philippines will hold their first-ever joint exercises next week, Japan’s embassy in Manila said Thursday, in a further sign of deepening defense ties between the two countries.
The air-to-air bilateral training in humanitarian and disaster relief, which Japan’s embassy described as a “significant milestone” for joint defense cooperation, will take place from July 5 to 8 at Clark Air Base, formerly a U.S. military facility in the northern Philippines.
The exercises will include a Japanese C-130H cargo aircraft and its personnel, which together with Philippine airmen, will simulate delivery of relief goods to isolated areas.
“Japan and the Philippines are both natural disaster-prone countries and there are so much we can share on disaster relief operations for saving lives,” Maj. Mizuno Masaki, unit commander of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, said in a statement.
U.S. allies Japan and the Philippines have both been at odds with China over the conduct of its vessels and aircraft in the East and South China Seas.
The announcement comes as other allies of the United States take greater steps to preserve freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, including navy patrols, amid growing Chinese militarization.
Japan came to the aid of the Philippines after the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, a super storm, in 2013, which killed over 6,000 people and left hundreds of thousands families homeless.
Japan and the Philippines signed an agreement to forge closer defense ties in January 2015, and the two countries has since conducted 17 joint naval drills.
Japan has also transferred defense and technology equipment that could help the Philippines’ boost patrols in the South China Sea. ... exercises/
Jul 1, 2021
MANILA – The air forces of Japan and the Philippines will hold their first-ever joint exercises next week, Japan’s embassy in Manila said Thursday, in a further sign of deepening defense ties between the two countries.
The air-to-air bilateral training in humanitarian and disaster relief, which Japan’s embassy described as a “significant milestone” for joint defense cooperation, will take place from July 5 to 8 at Clark Air Base, formerly a U.S. military facility in the northern Philippines.
The exercises will include a Japanese C-130H cargo aircraft and its personnel, which together with Philippine airmen, will simulate delivery of relief goods to isolated areas.
“Japan and the Philippines are both natural disaster-prone countries and there are so much we can share on disaster relief operations for saving lives,” Maj. Mizuno Masaki, unit commander of the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, said in a statement.
U.S. allies Japan and the Philippines have both been at odds with China over the conduct of its vessels and aircraft in the East and South China Seas.
The announcement comes as other allies of the United States take greater steps to preserve freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, including navy patrols, amid growing Chinese militarization.
Japan came to the aid of the Philippines after the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, a super storm, in 2013, which killed over 6,000 people and left hundreds of thousands families homeless.
Japan and the Philippines signed an agreement to forge closer defense ties in January 2015, and the two countries has since conducted 17 joint naval drills.
Japan has also transferred defense and technology equipment that could help the Philippines’ boost patrols in the South China Sea. ... exercises/
- akivrx78
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 6707
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 362 vezes
Re: Filipinas
A Guarda Costeira chinesa anunciou no dia 19 que um navio da Guarda Costeira colidiu com um navio da Guarda Costeira filipina no Mar da China Meridional.
Na madrugada do dia 19 (horário do Japão), a Guarda Costeira chinesa disse que um navio da guarda costeira filipina "ignorou repetidamente os avisos e usou métodos perigosos" nas águas próximas ao recife de Sabina, no Mar da China Meridional, que é reivindicado pela China. foi uma colisão deliberada.
" A China advertiu: “Se as provocações não pararem, as Filipinas assumirão toda a responsabilidade”.
Em resposta, o governo filipino disse que o navio colidiu repetidamente com “manobras ilegais e perigosas”, causando danos como buracos no navio, e as tensões entre os dois países estão aumentando.