Assuntos em discussão: Exército Brasileiro e exércitos estrangeiros, armamentos, equipamentos de exércitos em geral.

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#8926 Mensagem por EDSON » Sáb Out 13, 2018 8:44 am


Four S-400 air defence missile systems worth about US $ 5.5 billion

Another refurbished Akula Class nuclear-powered attack submarine to replace INS Chakra worth over $2 billion

Four 1135.6 Krivak-class frigates worth $2 billion.

A government-to-government deal to produce AK-103 assault rifles in one of the state-owned ordnance factories.

Manufacture 200 Kamov light utility helicopters at HAL, Bengaluru, under an agreement signed during Modi's visit to Moscow in 2016, worth over $1 billion. ... 80258.html

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#8927 Mensagem por Zelhos » Sáb Out 13, 2018 2:19 pm

Abracadabra escreveu: Qui Set 06, 2018 10:45 am Por reputação, governo suíço veta fábrica de munições no Brasil ... 0002490789
Que coisa ridícula, então um bando de hippies inventam uma desculpa qualquer para sabotar a indústria e o governo engole? Qual a relação entre uma fabrica de munições e os 70 mil homicídios por ano? Pior ainda, o que a morte daquela vereadora tem a ver com isso? Já não bastam usar o cadáver dela como mártir no Brasil? Agora o Brasil vai exportar falsos mártires? Se o Itamaraty tivesse o mínimo de comprometimento, ele interviria contra isso, inclusive zelado pelos contratos da Ruag dentro do EB.

Um dia é da caça... o outro do caçador...

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Re: Exército americano: notícias

#8928 Mensagem por jambockrs » Qua Out 17, 2018 2:28 pm

Meus prezados
Mack Defense apresenta novo caminhão M917A3 Heavy Dump Truck (HDT) do US Army na AUSA 2018
A Mack Defence apresentou o novo caminhão M917A3 Heavy Dump Truck (HDT) do US Army pela primeira vez na conferência anual da Associação dos Exércitos dos Estados Unidos (Annual Meeting & Exposition – Association of the United States Army) AUSA 2018 realizada em Washington.
O contrato com Exército dos EUA foi assinado em Junho de 2018, sendo avaliado em mais de US $ 296,4 milhões sob os termos de um contrato fixo de 7 anos que permite à Mack Defense fornecer 683 caminhões M917A3 para o Pentágono até 2025.
Os requisitos para o veículo incluem capacidade de transportar individualmente uma variedade de cargas secas e úmidas, asfalto quente, neve, cascalho, com uma capacidade de carga útil de 27 toneladas.

A exigência do Exército Americano inclui caminhões M917A3 com cabines que possam receber blindagem quando necessário de acordo com a necessidade de missão.
Fonte: Ghost – site Plano Brasil 17 out 2018

Um abraço e até mais...
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#8929 Mensagem por knigh7 » Ter Nov 06, 2018 12:42 am

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#8930 Mensagem por Bolovo » Ter Nov 20, 2018 9:33 pm

Xiii... pelo visto a Índia ainda não aprendeu de quem deve comprar...

India to buy Russian Igla-S MANPADS missiles — media
Military & Defense November 20, 12:53 UTC+3
The contract may be to the tune of $3 bln, according to reports

NEW DELHI, November 20. /TASS/. India plans to purchase Russia's man-portable air defense missile system (MANPADS), the Economic Times reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, the deal is valued at $1.5 bln with the Russian bid considerably undercutting offers by Sweden's SAAB RBS70 NG and France's MBDA Mistral.

The Financial Express in turn stated that the contract would be to the tune of $3 bln.

The Indian media further reported that the new missiles should replace the Russian Igla-M systems. The Igla-S system is considered critical for defense against incoming helicopters, UAVs and ground attack aircraft

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#8931 Mensagem por EDSON » Sex Nov 23, 2018 9:48 pm

Swedish MANPADS RBS-70 Mk2 does not meet the conditions of the tender in India

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The Russian portable anti-aircraft missile system "Igla-S" fully meets the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of India, has high tactical and technical characteristics and will, if adopted, significantly strengthen the air defense of units and divisions of the Indian army. Our MANPADS are well known in the Indian Armed Forces, which have a long experience of their successful operation. In the past, MANPADS Strela-2M and Igla were delivered to India. To ensure their storage, operation and maintenance, an appropriate infrastructure has been created there, the process of training and training of Indian soldiers has been established. There is experience of successful combat use. The new Igla-S MANPADS fits seamlessly into the already developed system and will not require radical changes in the structure of the air defense units in India, as well as additional financial costs.system "Igla-S" fully meets the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of India, has high tactical and technical characteristics and will, if adopted, significantly strengthen the air defense of units and divisions of the Indian army. Our MANPADS are well known in the Indian Armed Forces, which have a long experience of their successful operation. In the past, MANPADS Strela-2M and Igla were delivered to India. To ensure their storage, operation and maintenance, an appropriate infrastructure has been created there, the process of training and training of Indian soldiers has been established. There is experience of successful combat use. The new Igla-S MANPADS fits seamlessly into the already developed system and will not require radical changes in the structure of the air defense units in India, as well as additional financial costs.

"Igla-S" has advantages in comparison with those participating in the tender conducted by foreign complexes of a similar class - MANPADS Mistral-2 (joint offer of the French MBDA and Israeli IAI) and MANPADS RBS-70 Mk2 (offer of the Swedish company SAAB). Moreover, the very fact of participation of the Swedish MANPADS in the tender in general raises many questions, since this complex does not meet a number of criteria set by the tender documentation.

In particular, in the Appendix "A" of the tender proposal (Part 1. General information, Clause 11), the requirement for the homing head of the missile is indicated: it must be active or passive. However, the RBS-70 Mk2 has a command control system, the missile used in it is guided by the results of measuring the angle of misalignment of the line of sight and the trajectory of its flight. The farther the missile fires from the MANPADS and the more vigorously the target maneuvers, the greater the measurement error.system, the missile used in it is guided by the results of measuring the angle of misalignment of the line of sight and the trajectory of its flight. The farther the missile fires from the MANPADS and the more vigorously the target maneuvers, the greater the measurement error.

The optimal conditions for the RBS-70 complex are when the air target moves in a straight line and at a constant speed. However, this is an ideal, not a real situation. After all, as soon as the pilot of the airplane records the combat work of the MANPADS, he immediately begins to implement the evasion maneuver. At the same time, the shooter of the Swedish MANPADS is forced to stay in place and continue to accompany the target in conditions when by the very fact of the launch he has already discovered his location and is likely to be retaliated with high probability. He can not hide. Such a stressful situation causes a significant psychophysiological burden on the operator, which can lead to errors and disruption of the process of aiming the missile at the target.real situation. After all, as soon as the pilot of the airplane records the combat work of the MANPADS, he immediately begins to implement the evasion maneuver. At the same time, the shooter of the Swedish MANPADS is forced to stay in place and continue to accompany the target in conditions when by the very fact of the launch he has already discovered his location and is likely to be retaliated with high probability. He can not hide. Such a stressful situation causes a significant psychophysiological burden on the operator, which can lead to errors and disruption of the process of aiming the missile at the target.

In addition, the RBS-70 complex does not respond to such tender requirements (paragraph 17b), as it is possible to perform salvo firing from a launcher for several missiles (a similar regime in the Swedish MANPADS is not implemented in principle). RBS-70 also does not comply with point 3ai, which provides that the total weight of the missile and launch tube should not exceed 25 kg. This greatly complicates the operation of the Swedish MANPADS in such types of terrain as highlands, semi-deserts and deserts.

It should be noted that both Mistral-2 and RBS-70 Mk2 are not portable complexes in the literal meaning of this term, they can not be put on the shoulder, aim and launch. This is actually a mobile air defense system - in contrast to the Russian Igla-S missile system, where only one shooter or a two-person calculation is required in the Dzhigit PU version.system - in contrast to the Russian Igla-S missile system, where only one shooter or a two-person calculation is required in the Dzhigit PU version.

The tender provides for the delivery, along with the MANPADS, of target detection and automation equipment - on the basis of a small-scale short-range radar. These funds must also be portable. The Russian proposal is the only one that satisfies the conditions of the tender. The Israeli radar for Mistral-2 and the Swedish radar Giraffe require, due to their large mass, the mandatory use of vehicles, which excludes the possibility of their deployment and use in difficult terrain conditions, for example, in the mountains.

Paragraph 16a of the solicitation documents states that "the trigger shall be easily installed on the launch pipe". In reality, the missile of the RBS-70 Mk2 complex is launched from a special tripod mount, three or four people are required to carry the necessary equipment together with the missile.

Despite the apparent inconsistency of the RBS-70 with the listed requirements, SAAB was not only allowed to tender, but continues to participate in it, which calls into question the transparency and objectivity of tender procedures. In addition, as it became known, at the final stage of testing in May 2017, the Swedish complex, which previously had problems with ensuring electromagnetic compatibility, and modified at the request of the Indian side, failed to hit the air target Banshee.Indian side, failed to hit the air target Banshee.

Ultimately, the question is as follows: what is more important for the Indian army is to adopt the Russian Igla-S missile system that is modern and fully compliant with the terms of the tender, which has been tested in real military conflicts of recent years, or is involved in a long-term, technically complex , a very expensive and unpredictable final result with SAAB.system that is modern and fully compliant with the terms of the tender, which has been tested in real military conflicts of recent years, or is involved in a long-term, technically complex , a very expensive and unpredictable final result with SAAB.

In the course of the Defexpo India - 2018 arms exhibition, which is now taking place in Chennai, the Swedish company SAAB has developed a large exposition.

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#8932 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Sáb Nov 24, 2018 10:42 pm

Não é de se surpreender, nem o RBS 70 e nem o Mistral são verdadeiramente portáteis.

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#8933 Mensagem por Túlio » Dom Nov 25, 2018 7:57 pm

E os Indianos descobriram a pólvora: teria sido mais simples se algum deles frequentasse o DB e lesse o tópico da AAAe, onde eu e antes de mim o 04 enjoamos de dizer e mostrar que RBS e Mistral são V-SHORADs, não MANPADs... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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#8934 Mensagem por Tutankhamon » Ter Nov 27, 2018 5:20 pm

Saudações aos amigos,

Esta notícia da Rheinmetall comprando a KMW ( tratativas) afeta algo no futuro da Força Blindada do Brasil? Digo em possíveis desenvolvimentos ou compras de prateleiras?

Tank maker takeover: Germany’s Rheinmetall eyes acquisition of rival KMW ... rival-kmw/


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#8935 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Nov 27, 2018 6:30 pm

Quanto ao atual CLS relativo aos Leo 1A5 nada deve mudar efetivamente.
O que se há de pensar é o que que virá depois.


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#8936 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Ter Nov 27, 2018 7:27 pm

Acho que não vai mudar nada, as duas empresas são Alemãs então o que já tinha que dar errado, já deu, ou vai dar.

I know the weakness, I know the pain. I know the fear you do not name. And the one who comes to find me when my time is through. I know you, yeah I know you.
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#8937 Mensagem por gabriel219 » Ter Nov 27, 2018 8:50 pm

Não muda nada porque a KMW não tem o que fazer. Poderia ter sido comprada pela GDLS e fechada, que não mudaria em nada. 1A5 continuará a ficar sem peças pois não existem essas peças em condições proveitosas e continuaremos à suar pela decisão ridícula que o EB tomou quando decidiu compra-los.

Mas há uma boa ventilação dentro do EB sobre possível vinda de Abrams usados pra cá a partir do ano que vem, isso dentro da instituição e sempre foi sonho de muita gente de lá.

Por mim, trocando a turbina por motor à diesel, trocando a blindagem e atualizando o controle de tiro, o resto dá pra ser colocado aqui, inclusive rádios de longo alcance da Imbel.

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#8938 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Nov 27, 2018 9:09 pm

Se vier de graça pra fazer aqui tudo o que sugere pode até ser.
Mas não é assim que a banda toca pro tio Sam.
Mesmo no FMS.


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#8939 Mensagem por gabriel219 » Ter Nov 27, 2018 10:08 pm

FCarvalho escreveu: Ter Nov 27, 2018 9:09 pm Se vier de graça pra fazer aqui tudo o que sugere pode até ser.
Mas não é assim que a banda toca pro tio Sam.
Mesmo no FMS.

Eu não escrevi isso, leia novamente!

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#8940 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qua Nov 28, 2018 6:31 pm

Mesmo assim Gabriel. O que sugeres, mesmo via FMS, os americanos costumam fazer tudo lá. Lembra dos AH-1W oferecidos?

E se pegar pelado, do jeito que tiver, mesmo na forma de cessão não onerosa, como parecia ser o caso dos M-198 que seriam doados, ainda assim ficamos amarrados porque qualquer remendo, ranhura, ou eventual manutenção mesmo a mais básica, que encontrar tem que ser resolvida por lá antes de embarcar. E ser não fizer lá, eles amarram para que empresas americanas façam o serviço aqui, ou o serviço seja fornecido desde lá. Não tem jeito. É uma situação complicada.

No caso destes M-1, que devem estar bem surrados, não vejo como ser diferente do caso dos WIskey oferecidos. Eles até trocam o motor, eletrônica, mecânica, sistemas C3I, mas desde que isso seja feito por lá mesmo. E se for fazer aqui, é um deus nos acuda pois eles irão impor tantas restrições que acaba ficando mais barato fazer o serviço todo por lá mesmo.

Enfim, é assim que a banda toca com os primos ricos.


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