Marinha Francesa

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#541 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Jan 17, 2018 8:42 am

French navy Rafale Marine aircraft from the aircraft carrier FS Charles De Gaulle (R91) fly in formation above the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) on Dec. 8, 2017. US Navy Photo

ARLINGTON, Va. – France is sending 350 sailors and naval aviators to deploy with a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier this spring as their nuclear-powered carrier finishes scheduled maintenance, French officials told USNI News.

The April to May deployment will occur just before France’s aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle (R91) is expected to complete a major maintenance period which started in 2015. The aircrews will do carrier qualifications aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), but the intent is to accomplish more than qualifications or cross-deck operations, Capt. Jean-Emmanuel Roux de Luze, French Naval Attaché to the U.S. told USNI News.

“We want to demonstrate our ability to integrate with U.S. military services,” Roux de Luze said. “We want to show we do maintenance, demonstrate we can load weapons.”

French Navy Dassault Rafale M fighters and Northop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye aircraft will at first fly with U.S. airwings out of Naval Air Station Oceana, in Virginia Beach. French sailors will work with their U.S. counterparts maintaining the aircraft, Rouz de Luze said. The unspecified French forces will then board Bush and operate as part of the air wing.

The agreement to send French aircraft, crews, and sailors to the U.S. was first announced in December, when U.S. Navy Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson met in Paris with his French counterpart French Navy Chief of Staff Adm. Christophe Prazuck, first reported by website Navy Recognition.

Imagem ... -in-spring

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#542 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Fev 08, 2018 10:36 am

France to Launch Studies on Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Replacement
February 2018 Navy Naval Defense Industry News

Enfin! (At last!) France is set to launch studies on the replacement of the sole aircraft carrier of the French Navy (Marine Nationale). The Charles de Gaulle will be decommissioned by 2040, according to the 2019-2025 military planning law which will be presented tomorrow in the ministerial council.

Naval Group (Formerly DCNS) Evolved Aircraft Carrier (DEAC). This design could serve as a base for the (yet to be started) Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier replacement programme. This design is also being offered to India. Naval Group image.

"We reserve the possibility of having an aircraft carrier at the same time as the Charles de Gaulle or after" a source close to the Minister of Armed Forces Florence Parly told AFP.

According to AFP, France plans to allocate 295 billion euros to its military between 2019 and 2025, with the objective of increasing defense spending to 2% of GDP in 2025, according to the draft military programming law to be presented tomorrow in the ministerial council.The French defense budget, of 34.2 billion euros in 2018, will benefit of a 1.7 billion euros increase per year until 2022, followed by increments of 3 billion per year from of 2023, after the next presidential election, according to the future military planning law.

Navy Recognition understands that both the French Navy and Naval Group (formerly DCNS) were hopefull for new aircraft carrier studies to be funded as early as possible because there is a very slim window of opportunity: If studies were/are funded between the end of 2017 and the end of 2018, there is a chance for the potential "Charles de Gaulle replacement" to be ready in time for the next refit of Charles de Gaulle. France's sole aircraft carrier is currently undergoing its mid-life refit. Refits are scheduled every 7 years on average. For comparison, the Royal Navy's HMS Queen Elizabeth first steel cut took place in July 2009, she was launched in July 2014 and started sea trials in June 2017.

As we reported several times in the past, France's future aircraft carrier (if funded and built) will feature EMALS by General Atomics. Discussions between DGA, the French Navy, Naval Group and General Atomics have been taking place for a while now and are still ongoing. The French Navy was even briefed by NAVAIR on both EMALS and AAG at the test facility in Lakehurst last summer.

More recently, during the SNA 2018 tradeshow held in Washington D.C. in January, Navy Recognition learned that the French Navy has been briefed on E-2D Advanced Hawkeye by Northrop Grumman. We contacted a French Navy PAO who confirmed to us that procurement of E-2Ds is being considered as part of the 2019-2025 military planning law. The French Navy Naval Aviation currently deploys three E-2C Hawkeyes acquired in 1998, 1999 and 2004.

:arrow: ... ement.html

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#543 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Fev 08, 2018 7:29 pm

Os olhos do almirantado tupiniquim devem ter ido as lágrimas agora. :mrgreen:

Uma luz no fim do túnel.


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#544 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Sex Fev 09, 2018 4:38 am

FCarvalho escreveu:Os olhos do almirantado tupiniquim devem ter ido as lágrimas agora. :mrgreen:

Uma luz no fim do túnel.


CDG futuro A20 Rio de Janeiro.

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#545 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Fev 09, 2018 11:00 am

Eu não duvido de nada. :roll:


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#546 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 17, 2018 5:49 pm

French Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle Received its SMART-S Mk2 Radar

February 2018 Navy Naval Defense Industry News

The French Navy (Marine Nationale) nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has received its radar upgrade. The SMART-S Mk2 radar was fitted on December 19, 2017 according to a Thales spokesperson. Charles de Gaulle is in dry dock since February 2017 for its mid-life refit following 15 years of operational deployments.

The Thales SMART-S Mk2 radar has been fitted aboard French Navy aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Thales picture.

The SMART-S Mk2 multifunction 3D radar is replacing the old DRBJ-11B surveillance radar. The SMART-S Mk2 previously replaced the DRBJ-11B aboard the two Cassard-class air defense frigates of the French Navy. According to Thales, SMART-S Mk2 is the latest 3D multibeam radar. It operates in S-band and is optimised for medium-to-long-range surveillance and target designation in littoral environments.

Compared to the DRBJ-11B, the new radar brings improved medium range surveillance as well as better detection and tracking. "The new radar brings both better detection and an increased range (about 20% increase). In addition, the SMART-S Mk2 brings a lot to the "watch" function which in turn significantly improves the handling of the 3D air tactical situation" a French Navy source told Navy Recognition in a 2014 interview about the Cassard-class radar upgrade.

The Thales SMART-S Mk2 radar being installed aboard French Navy aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle during its mid-life refit. Thales picture.

Charles de Gaulle's ongoing major overhaul and mid-life refit focuses on three main elements: The combat management system of the vessel, the carrier air wing facilities and the ship management systems.

Thanks to the upgrade of its combat system (and associated sensors), Charles de Gaulle is set to retain top of the line sensor and processing capabilities for the next 25 years. The aircraft carrier is set to be back in the water this summer (major refits take 18 months on average).

For more details about the aircraft carrier's mid-life refit, check out our in depth coverage at this link, as well as the video report below. ... radar.html

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#547 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 17, 2018 5:57 pm



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Re: Marinha Francesa

#548 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mar 23, 2018 5:35 pm


Naval Group Select First Equipment Suppliers for French Navy FTI Frigates ... gates.html

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#549 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sáb Mar 24, 2018 9:30 am


"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#550 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Mar 24, 2018 4:42 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu:Lindo!

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Re: Marinha Francesa

#551 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Seg Mar 26, 2018 10:53 am

Não. Eu gosto mesmo do aspecto da fragata.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Marinha Francesa

#552 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Abr 04, 2018 3:13 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu:Não. Eu gosto mesmo do aspecto da fragata.


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#553 Mensagem por saullo » Qua Abr 04, 2018 8:33 pm

Esse navio é um multimissão, faz defesa antiaérea de área, ataques terrestres e navais, boa autodefesa e leva aeronave de médio porte.
Tipo do caso que se a MB tivesse condição, comprava e construía sob licença 12 unidades dessa e ficava com uma força de escoltas moderna e uniforme, nada de escoltas de 6.000 ton. e nem corvetinhas desdentadas.
Mas, enfim...


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Re: Marinha Francesa

#554 Mensagem por Marechal-do-ar » Qua Abr 04, 2018 8:42 pm

Esse navio não existia na época do PROSUPER.

Do ponto de vista operacional acho ser o ideal para a MB, e nem ficaria chateado se comprassem alguns de prateleira.

Já as CV3 são um outro projeto, algo de longo prazo que, se bem gerido, poderia gerar um sucessor dessas belhoras.

"Quando um rico rouba, vira ministro" (Lula, 1988)
Lord Nauta
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Re: Marinha Francesa

#555 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Qui Abr 05, 2018 3:22 am

Marechal-do-ar escreveu:Esse navio não existia na época do PROSUPER.

Do ponto de vista operacional acho ser o ideal para a MB, e nem ficaria chateado se comprassem alguns de prateleira.

Já as CV3 são um outro projeto, algo de longo prazo que, se bem gerido, poderia gerar um sucessor dessas belhoras.


Estes navios seriam uma alternativa factível ao PROSUPER. Cinco/seis exemplares construídos na França mesmo, devido a urgência de aparelhar/modernizar a Força Naval brasileira. Em paralelo a realização dos projeto das CT que em tese permitiria la na frente a complementação/substituição das Belhoras por um projeto nacional, seguindo o exemplo bem sucedido,por exemplo, da IN que hoje projeta e constrói navios de projeto próprio.
Entretanto seria necessário um GF que fosse interessado de fato na defesa do Brasil e não cagasse ralinho para a MB. :evil: :evil: :evil:


Lord Nauta
