Star Trek + Ficção Científica

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2011 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Dez 23, 2017 3:39 pm


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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2012 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Dez 25, 2017 9:38 am

‘The Last Jedi’ Is the Most Intellectual ‘Star Wars’ Movie

The new Star Wars movie THE LAST JEDI is thoughtful and inventive, presenting a fresh take on familiar elements like Luke Skywalker and the Force. Fantasy author Erin Lindsey says those changes have proven to be too much for some diehard Star Wars fans.


6 Reasons The Last Jedi Is The Best Star Wars Film ... ars-Film/1

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2013 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 26, 2017 10:20 am


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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2014 Mensagem por NovaTO » Ter Dez 26, 2017 11:22 pm

Eu sou uma das "crianças" que não gostaram desse filme... Vamos dizer que a criança que viu o episodio IV em 78 ficou não só triste mas viu aquele que filme q aguardava a cada 3 , 4 anos acabar nesse. As razões, mais do que explanadas por vários "haters", não preciso postar aqui. Por mim se era para "homenagear" dessa forma, era melhor ter posto um time lapse de 300 anos ao ep VI e começar do zero. Ou melhor, dar um novo nome para a saga, poderia ser Batlle Wars, X-Wars, etc, já que de fato não se trata mais do mesmo filme que era visto desde dos anos 70.


Mas chega de mimimi.... :)



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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2015 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Dez 27, 2017 3:21 pm


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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2016 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jan 04, 2018 6:31 pm

Kylo Ren Is the Greatest Star Wars Villain of All Time
Admit it.
Kylo Ren, who started life in The Force Awakens as an emo Vader clone but has been made infinitely more complex by Rian Johnson's latest installment, isn't simply evil—he's someone who's driven to do evil by a disturbed mental state. An unhinged, emotionally traumatized Adam Driver plays the character with the conviction of someone who, if he weren't starring in a popcorn sci-fi movie, might be a contender for this Oscar season's Best Supporting Actor category. But the key to Kylo is in the writing: Born Ben Solo to one of cinema's most famous heroes, Kylo Ren is a great Star Wars villain—perhaps the greatest—because of how believably complicated he's been drawn.

We only have a sketch of Ben Solo's childhood, but it's enough: two absentee parents, including a cynical father who thought little of his son's powers ("Han was… Han about it," says Luke in The Last Jedi of Han Solo's dismissive attitude toward Kylo's force-sensitivity), and a trusted uncle who almost killed his nephew as he slept. Throw in the simultaneous entitlement and inferiority complex that came with hailing from a much-celebrated family, and you get one mixed-up kid for whom legacy has been a burden—who seeks father figures beyond his own biological parentage, whose painful past has left him suspended in adolescence and often unable to control his own emotions. (You also, poignantly, get a person of millennial age who feels betrayed by the previous generation and has the gut instinct to just blow everything up and start over.)

Kylo is volatile—a character of extremes, both fearsome and pathetic, seductive and repulsive, superior and small. Toward the end of The Last Jedi, having spent much of the movie in a sexually charged telepathic conversation with fellow force user Rey, Kylo impulsively murders his master before giving Rey a furious speech on killing the past in a bid to win her over. "You come from nothing, you're nothing—but not to me," Kylo tells Rey, in one of the most beautifully twisted declarations of love ever uttered in a family blockbuster, before quietly pleading with her to join him like he's the most desperately lonely person in the universe.

Kylo Ren, unlike those previous Star Wars villains who were tempted to a mysterious "dark side" by an intangible power we as viewers find difficult to comprehend, is understandably—even relatably—bad. Darth Vader will always be more iconic: He’s a black knight with the unearthly baritone of James Earl Jones, the intimidating stature of David Prowse, and the sartorial style of a post-punk samurai. But that great Star Wars villain, so effective in the context of another time, wouldn't ring as true were he introduced today. It just no longer makes sense to us that cinematic evil can be that…inexplicable. Our current reality is a complicated one, colored in shades of gray, and we're well past the fairy-tale idea that in this world there is good and there is evil just because.

Movie villains that are simply cackling wrongdoers in this day and age register as false. Marvel, for one, is frequently criticized for having a "villain problem" because its bad guys often lack clear motivation beyond the story's need for a character to pose a threat to the heroes. Kylo Ren, on the other hand, is the perfect antagonist for our complex world—a world in which one person's villain is another's warped hero, in which we view morality on a spectrum, and in which we're all too familiar with the concept of cause and effect, and how the "good guys" sometimes inadvertently help to create their own enemies. When it comes to the villains, no: Star Wars really isn't what it used to be. It's better. ... rs-villain

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2017 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Jan 07, 2018 7:25 pm

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2018 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Jan 09, 2018 8:08 am

Como é paneleiragem? Ninguém assistiu ao regresso do Star Trek Discovery?

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2019 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Jan 09, 2018 9:34 am

P44 escreveu:Como é paneleiragem? Ninguém assistiu ao regresso do Star Trek Discovery?
Não, mas vi o último episódio do Orville. Será da temporada ou é o final da série?

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2020 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Jan 09, 2018 5:14 pm

cabeça de martelo escreveu:
P44 escreveu:Como é paneleiragem? Ninguém assistiu ao regresso do Star Trek Discovery?
Não, mas vi o último episódio do Orville. Será da temporada ou é o final da série?
É da temporada. Acho que volta lá para o final do ano.

entretanto vai valendo a pena ver o Discovery:

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2021 Mensagem por Grep » Qui Jan 11, 2018 4:30 pm

To gostando dessa ultima versão de star Trek, os mais antigos nunca consegui
ver por achar complemente ridiculos.

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2022 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jan 12, 2018 8:10 am

Grep escreveu:To gostando dessa ultima versão de star Trek, os mais antigos nunca consegui
ver por achar complemente ridiculos.

Para o pessoal com mais SABEDORIA (leia-se IDADE :mrgreen: ) custou um bocado a aceitar esta nova "versão" de Star Trek, especialmente com o "desvio" que fizeram ao "original", nomeadamente a transformação dos Klingons, eu confesso que comecei a ver o Discovery com muitas reticências mas foi-me "agarrando" aos poucos e adorei o rumo atual da história no
Mirror Universe
porque sempre fui fã desta temática, não só nesta mas também noutras como Fringe e Man in the High Castle.

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2023 Mensagem por Grep » Sex Jan 12, 2018 4:29 pm

Os Klingons eram como antes?

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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2024 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jan 12, 2018 5:04 pm

Grep escreveu:Os Klingons eram como antes?
:shock: vc nunca viu?


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Re: Star Trek + Ficção Científica

#2025 Mensagem por Túlio » Sex Jan 12, 2018 5:20 pm

Os do meio parecem os caras DO KISS!!!


Só que o Kiss ainda tem alguma graça... :lol: :twisted: :mrgreen: [003]

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