Marinha dos EUA

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#586 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Ago 23, 2017 2:05 pm

4 collisions by USN ships in 1 year, 2 days:
21 Aug: USS McCain
17 June: USS Fitzgerald
9 May: USS Lake Champlain
19 Aug 2016: USS Louisiana

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#587 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Ago 25, 2017 3:10 pm

Here's the Entire U.S. Navy Fleet in One Chart


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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#588 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Ago 28, 2017 1:01 pm

European Naval Shipbuilders Weighing their Options for US Navy FFG(X) Program

Most major European naval shipbuilding companies are closely reviewing their options for the U.S. Navy FFG(X) program. Contacted by Navy Recognition, BAE Systems (United Kingdom), Naval Group (France), Fincantieri (Italy) and Navantia (Spain) acknowledged looking at the RFI. TKMS (Germany) and Damen (Netherlands) didn't return phone calls or emails.

The US Department of Defense released a Request for Information (RFI) in July this year to let the industry know what the U.S. Navy is expecting from the Fast Frigate, Guided (Experimental) or FFG(X). The RFI says, "A competition for FFG(X) is envisioned to consider existing parent designs for a Small Surface Combatant that can be modified to accommodate the specific capability requirements prescribed by the US Navy."

The U.S. Navy wants a frigate that can keep up with carrier strike groups as well as conduct missions on its own. “The FFG(X) will normally aggregate into strike groups and Large Surface Combatant led surface action groups but also possess the ability to robustly defend itself during conduct of independent operations while connected and contributing to the fleet tactical grid.” The U.S. Navy expects the frigate to be survivable in complex scenarios: "FFG(X) will perform its missions in complex electronic warfare and anti-ship missile threat environments".

The new Frigate would likely replace the troubled, very modular, Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) for typical "frigate missions". The U.S. Navy is requesting the FFG(X) to conduct the following missions:
- Over the horizon anti-surface warfare (ASuW )
- Anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
- Independently escort logistics ship convoys
- Electronic warfare (EW)
- Electronic signals intelligence and collection (ELINT)

The frigate displacement isn't mentionned in the RFI, but it is likely to be comprised between 4000 tons (if the design is to stay as close as possible to the LCS) and in excess of 6000 tons (in view of the requirements set by the U.S. Navy, which is particularly interested on how the shipbuilders can fit VLS for ESSM and Standard Missiles and how many).

The U.S. Navy intends to award a Detail Design and Construction contract for the first FFG(X) in 2020. The full RFI can be found at this link.

Possible European designs:

European shipbuilders that we contacted used broad terms such as "we are looking at the RFI", "we are considering the opportunity", "we are considering the option" or "we are debating it internally". While none of the four companies which talked to us went into specific ship design, here is our own speculation on the likely frigate designs to be proposed, should these companies answer the RFI.

Computer Generated Image of the BAE System's Global Combat Ship proposal for the Royal Australian Navy SEA 5000 program. BAE Systems image.

BAE Systems Type 26 Global Combat Ship
The Type 26 is the future ASW Frigate that will replace the Royal Navy's 13 Type 23 frigates and other ships. BAE Systems says the Type 26 / Global Combat Ship will be a highly capable and versatile multi-mission warship designed to support anti-submarine warfare, air defence and general purpose operations anywhere on the world’s oceans. First steel cut of the first frigate (Glasgow) for the Royal Navy took place in July this year. BAE Systems is also proposing the Type 26 in customized configurations to the Royal Canadian Navy (CSC program) and has been shortlisted for the Royal Australian Navy (SEA 5000 program) with an Australian CEA radar.

BAE Systems Global Combat Ship (Royal Navy City-class) specifications:
Length: 149.9 meters
Max beam: 20.8 meters
Displacement: 6,900 tons
Accommodation: 118 crew + 72 embarked forces

Artist Impression of DCNS proposal to the Royal Canadian Navy CSC requirement (FREMM Frigate in Air Defense variant based on the Aquitaine-class). Picture: Naval Group (DCNS)

Naval Group FREMM (Aquitaine-class)
The FREMM ("European multi-purpose frigate"; French: Frégate européenne multi-mission; Italian: Fregata europea multi-missione) is a class of multi-purpose frigates designed by Naval Group (formerly DCNS) and Fincantieri for the navies of France and Italy. In France the class is known as the Aquitaine-class. The FREMM was designed from the start by DCNS as a potent ASW platform with very low acoustic signature even at speed. Naval Group is also proposing the FREMM in a customized configuration to the Royal Canadian Navy (CSC program). Naval Group's FREMM has been exported to the Egyptian and Moroccan Navies.

Naval Group FREMM (French Navy Aquitaine-class) specifications:
Length: 142 meters
Max beam: 20 meters
Displacement: 6,000 tons
Accommodation: 108

FTI scale model at Euronaval 2016 on the French MoD stand.

Naval Group Belharra (FTI-class)
Unveiled at Euronaval 2016, the Belharra is the successor of the La Fayette-class. The French Defence Ministry announced the attribution to DCNS (now Naval Group) of a contract for the development and construction of five FTI (Frégate de Taille Intermédiaire or mid-size frigate) surface combatant intended for the French Navy in April this year. The first of the five frigates should be delivered in 2023 with an entry into active duty in 2025. Naval Group say that Belharra is their answer to navies looking for a compact frigate able to perform a wide range of missions, both stand-alone or within a task force, either for long-range missions on the high seas or shallow-water operations in a congested and contested operational environment. This new frigate features high-level capabilities in anti-air, anti-surface, anti-submarine and asymmetric warfare domains.

Naval Group Belharra (French Navy FTI program) specifications:
Length: 122.25 meters
Max beam: 17.70 meters
Displacement: 4,250 tons
Accommodation: 125

Fincantieri SEA5000 proposal is based on the Italian Navy FREMM ASW design

Fincantieri FREMM (Bergamini-class & Virginio Fasan-class)
The FREMM ("European multi-purpose frigate"; French: Frégate européenne multi-mission; Italian: Fregata europea multi-missione) is a class of multi-purpose frigates designed by Naval Group (formerly DCNS) and Fincantieri for the navies of France and Italy. The Italian Navy opted for two variants: A general purpose one known as the Bergamini-class and an ASW variant known as the Virginio Fasan-class. A proposal based on the later has been shortlisted for the Royal Australian Navy (SEA 5000 program) with an Australian CEA radar.

Fincantieri FREMM baseline specifications:
Length: 144 meters
Max beam: 19.70 meters
Displacement: abt 6,500 tons
Accommodation: 145 crew (total 200)

PPA Scale model at Euronaval 2016.

Fincantieri Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship (PPA-class)
PPA, Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura (Offshore Multipurpose Patrol Ship) is a new Frigate class of the Marina Militare. It is planned to replace eight Minerva class corvettes, four Comandanti class patrol vessels, two Sirio class patrol vessels and four Cassiopea class patrol vessels The PPA, first of seven units, will be delivered in 2021 and it is part of the renewal plan of the operational lines of the Italian Navy vessels, approved by the Government and Parliament and started in May 2015. There will be three variants: PPA Light, PPA Light+ and PPA Full. According to Fincantieri, the multipurpose offshore patrol vessel is a highly flexible ship with the capacity to serve multiple functions, ranging from patrol with sea rescue capacity to Civil Protection operations and, in its most highly equipped version, first line fighting vessel. PPA Full is even set to become an ABM capable vessel.

Fincantieri Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship (Italian Navy PPA program) baseline specifications:
Length: 143 meters
Max beam: 16.50 meters
Displacement: abt 5,000 tons
Accommodation: from 90 (+30) to 171 (+30)

Navantia's SEA5000 proposal is based on the Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyer design.

Navantia F100 (Álvaro de Bazán-class)
The Álvaro de Bazán-class (also known as the F100 class of frigates) was designed and built by Spanish shipbuilder Navantia for the Spanish Navy. It is fitted with the US Aegis combat system and AN/SPY-1 radar. Norway's Fridtjof Nansen-class and Australia's Hobart-class are both based on the F-100. A proposal based on the Hobart-class has also been shortlisted for the Royal Australian Navy (SEA 5000 program) with an Australian CEA radar.

Navantia SEA5000 proposal specifications:
Original design: RAN Hobart-class AWD
Length overall: 147.2 m
Max beam: 18.6 m
End of life displacement: 7400 t
Accommodation: 237

Image source: Spanish Navy/Navantia

Navantia F110
The Spanish Navy will be replacing the Santa Maria class FFG Frigate with F-110 Frigates around 2025. The F-110 Frigate is not only focused on substituting the functionality of the "Santa Maria" class but also in providing solutions to facing latest threats and performing future expected missions. From the start of the program, Navantia has been cooperating closely with the Spanish Navy in the requirements for a 21st century frigate and in 2015 Navantia signed a contract with the Spanish MoD for the development of the project definition phase. In parallel, a suite of technological R&D programs have been initiated looking to acquire the latest innovations to be incorporated in the F-110 program. There are 5 units of the class planned with launch of the first unit expected for 2021.

Navantia F110 specifications:
Length overall: 145 meters
Max beam: 18 meters
Displacement: 6,100 t
Accommodation: 150 ... ogram.html

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#589 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Ter Set 26, 2017 7:46 am

Relatório do Government Accountability Office que dá algumas das razões para os navios da 7º esquadra andarem a ter tantos acidentes.

Resumindo as tripulações dos navios passam excessivo tempo em operações sem tempo para treinar ou para proceder à manutenção preventiva dos navios.
Segundo o relatório 37% das certificações das tripulações já não era válida e 2/3 destas já tinham expirado à mais de cinco meses. Isto com os tripulantes a fazerem uma média de 107 horas por semana (+/- 15h/dia)

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#590 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Out 21, 2017 5:46 pm

Uma espreitadela á base naval de Norfolk

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#591 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Out 22, 2017 4:09 pm


USS Constitution underway to mark 220th birthday

The world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat got underway for the first time in three years as the USS Constitution got underway from the ship’s berth in Charlestown, Massachusetts, on Oct. 20, in commemoration of the ship’s launching 220 years ago and the U.S. Navy’s 242nd birthday.

This was the first underway Constitution completed since she left dry dock on July 23 of this year and the first time she has been underway since 2014.

“Being aboard Constitution today reminded me of my first underway aboard USS Nassau,” said Cmdr. Robert S. Gerosa, Jr., Constitution’s 74th commanding officer. Gerosa was stationed aboard USS Nassau (LHA 4) from 1998 to 2000. “I remember the excitement I felt that first day at sea in a Navy uniform. This was the first time that some of our Sailors experienced an underway. I know that they will remember this for the rest of their lives. The hard work and dedication of the crew made this day possible.”

Constitution started boarding guests at 8 a.m., many of them family and friends of current crewmembers. Shortly after 10 a.m., with more than 349 guests in attendance, she departed her pier.

At 11:40 a.m., Constitution performed a 21-gun salute which was returned by the Concord Battery and 101st Field Artillery near Fort Independence on Castle Island. Fort Independence is a state park that served as a defensive position for Boston Harbor from 1634 to 1962.

The ship also fired an additional 17 shots at 12:15 p.m. as she passed the U.S. Coast Guard Station, the former site of the Edmund Hartt shipyard where Constitution was built. Each round of this salute honored the 16 states that comprised America when Constitution launched in 1797 and one in honor of the ship.

“Getting Constitution back on the water has been my mission ever since I took command in 2015,” said Gerosa. “To see her not only back in the water, but to also have her underway and accompanied by our crew and their family members has been one of the highlights of my navy career. Serving on this ship has been an incredible experience.”

The ship returned to her berthing, Pier 1 of the Charlestown Navy Yard, at 1 p.m. ... -birthday/

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#592 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Out 25, 2017 8:01 am

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#593 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Out 25, 2017 3:05 pm


USS John S. McCain develops crack in hull during transport to Japan

US Navy destroyer USS John S. McCain has developed a crack in her hull while being transported to Japan aboard the heavy lift transport vessel MV Treasure.

The destroyer was being transported from Singapore to Japan where it was to undergo repairs after being involved in a collision with merchant vessel Alnic MC near the Strait of Malacca on August 21.

According to the US Navy, the crack is about four inches long on the starboard side, amidships, and there is also a small dent there.

A US 7th Fleet public affairs officer said the crack, along with inclement weather and sea state conditions associated with Typhoon “Lan” caused the MV Treasure to divert to Subic Bay, Philippines. US Navy experts are currently inspecting the crack to determine if any additional repairs are needed before continuing to Yokosuka.

Earlier this month, the US Navy made the decision to repair USS John S. McCain in Yokosuka, Japan, instead of transporting the destroyer to the US for repairs.

The navy estimates that the destroyer did not suffer as much damage as the USS Fitzgerald – which will be transported back to the US for repairs – and assesses that the U.S. Naval Ship Repair Facility-Japan Regional Maintenance Center can complete the work. ... -to-japan/

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#594 Mensagem por Bolovo » Sáb Nov 18, 2017 8:34 pm

Parece até piada. Outra AB, desse vez o USS Benfold.

Navio da Marinha dos EUA se choca com rebocador no Japão sem causar feridos ... eridos.htm

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#595 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Nov 20, 2017 4:52 pm

The Navy's New Frigate Revealed

Well, sort of. The Pentagon's new RFP doesn't provide a whole lot of detail on what the Navy wants.

Rich Smith (TMFDitty) Nov 18, 2017 at 10:33AM

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning" ... of the U.S. Navy's search for a new frigate warship. (With apologies to Winston Churchill.)

Last week, at long last, the U.S. Navy issued its official Request for Proposals (RFP) from defense contractors interested in building it a new frigate. Smaller than a destroyer but larger than a coastal patrol vessel, the Navy is seeking a warship more robust than its much-maligned Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) to fill out its requirement for 52 "small surface combatants" in the fleet.

Here's what we know about it.


:arrow: ... ealed.aspx

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#596 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 05, 2017 5:44 pm

Video: U.S. Navy Second Zumwalt-Class Destroyer Michael Monsoor Started Sea Trials

The second Zumwalt-class destroyer, the future USS Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001) sailed out of General Dynamics-Bath Iron Works (GD BIW) shipyard in Bath, Maine, yesteday for its very first sea trials (called builder trials). The Zumwalt-class is the largest class of destroyers ever built for the U.S Navy. This initial builder sea trials will help check basic systems onboard.

The future USS Zumwalt (DDG 1001) is underway for the first time conducting at-sea tests and trials. Screenshot from GD BIW video.

The Zumwalt-class destroyer represents the next-generation of multi-mission surface combatants and will enable access in the open ocean, littoral and ashore. The Navy has procured three Zumwalt-class destroyers.

The ship includes new technologies that deliver capability now and serve as a springboard for incorporation into future ship classes. DDG 1000 is the first U.S. Navy surface combatant to employ an innovative and highly survivable Integrated Power System which will provide power to propulsion, ship's service, and combat system loads from the same gas turbine prime movers. DDG 1000's power allocation flexibility allows for potentially significant energy savings and is well-suited to enable future high energy weapons and sensors.

The keel of DDG 1001 was laid in May 2013. The ship is named for Petty Officer Second Class Michael Monsoor, a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in Ramadi, Iraq, in 2006. Monsoor was on a joint SEAL-Iraqi Army team operating from a rooftop when an insurgent threw a grenade at them. Monsoor jumped on the grenade, covering it and saving three fellow SEALS and eight Iraqi Army soldiers. Monsoor posthumously received the Medal of Honor from President George W. Bush on April 8, 2008. He was also awarded the Bronze Star and the Silver Star for his service in Iraq.

GD BIW video

First ship of the class USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) was commissioned into active service Saturday, Oct. 15 2017, at North Locust Point in Baltimore. GD BIW laid the keel of the future USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG 1002) in January 2017. DDG 1002 will be the third and final Zumwalt-class Destroyer.

As the prime mission systems integrator for the DDG 1000 ship class, Raytheon provides the multi-mission, integrated combat system capability for the program. General Dynamics-Bath Iron Works is the shipbuilder.

The ship features two advanced gun systems originally designed to fire long-range land attack projectiles that reach up to 63 nautical miles, providing precision, high volume and persistent fire support to forces ashore, along with an approximate five-fold improvement in naval surface fire range. The U.S. Navy is now looking for a new 155mm ammunition for the BAE Systems-built Advanced Gun System (AGS).

DDG 1000 will employ active and passive sensors and a multi-function radar capable of conducting area air surveillance, including over-land, throughout the extremely difficult and cluttered sea-land interface. ... rials.html

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#597 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Dez 05, 2017 5:53 pm


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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#598 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qua Jan 10, 2018 1:36 pm

Lockheed Martin Unveils its FFG(X) Frigate Design

At the Surface Navy Association's (SNA) 2018 National Symposium currently held near Washington DC, Lockheed Martin unveiled the design of the frigate it is proposing for the U.S. Navy FFG(X) requirement.

Lockheed Martin "Freedom-Variant" Frigate unveiled at SNA 2018

The US Department of Defense released a Request for Information (RFI) in July 2017 to let the industry know what the U.S. Navy is expecting from the Fast Frigate, Guided (Experimental) or FFG(X). The RFI says, "A competition for FFG(X) is envisioned to consider existing parent designs for a Small Surface Combatant that can be modified to accommodate the specific capability requirements prescribed by the US Navy."

The U.S. Navy wants a frigate that can keep up with carrier strike groups as well as conduct missions on its own. “The FFG(X) will normally aggregate into strike groups and Large Surface Combatant led surface action groups but also possess the ability to robustly defend itself during conduct of independent operations while connected and contributing to the fleet tactical grid.” The U.S. Navy expects the frigate to be survivable in complex scenarios: "FFG(X) will perform its missions in complex electronic warfare and anti-ship missile threat environments".


The new Frigate would likely replace the troubled, very modular, Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) for typical "frigate missions". The U.S. Navy is requesting the FFG(X) to conduct the following missions:
- Over the horizon anti-surface warfare (ASuW )
- Anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
- Independently escort logistics ship convoys
- Electronic warfare (EW)
- Electronic signals intelligence and collection (ELINT)

The frigate displacement wasn't mentioned in the RFI, but it is likely to be comprised between 4000 tons (if the design is to stay as close as possible to the LCS) and in excess of 6000 tons (in view of the requirements set by the U.S. Navy, which is particularly interested on how the shipbuilders can fit VLS for ESSM and Standard Missiles and how many).

The U.S. Navy intends to award a Detail Design and Construction contract for the first FFG(X) in 2020.

Lockheed Martin latest Frigate design is based on the Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). No one at Lockheed Martin was willing to discuss design details with Navy Recognition at SNA 2018, however it is our understanding that this frigate uses the 125 meters hull of an earlier design unveiled at DSEI 2017 (for comparison, the LCS measures 115 meters in length). We were told during DSEI 2017 that the crew complement of the 125m vessel was 130 sailors (compared to a crew of 65 sailors on the LCS).


The scale model unveiled at SNA 2018 features 8x anti-ship missiles fitted forward, below the bridge. Moving away from the bridge and toward the bow there 16x Mk 41 VLS cells for ESSM and/or Standard Missiles. There are also two spaces intended for Surface to Surface Missile Module (SSMM) with Longbow Hellfire missiles similar to what is fitted aboard LCS (those are intended to counter swarm attacks). The main gun is a BAE Systems Bofors Mk110 57mm as per the RFI.


Compared to the Freedom-class, the bridge and superstructre of the frigate have been completely redesigned. The bridge face is less slanted / more vertical and the superstructure forms three steps, the last one being significantly higher. This is to accommodate Raytheon's Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar (EASR). There four Nulka decoy launchers directly on top of the bridge. SEWIP electronic warfare antennas are fitted on the port and starboard sides of the main mast structure. Two larger antennas of unknown type are fitted directly above the SEWIP.


The funnels are hidden deep inside the main structure. This is likely to lower the infra-red signature of the ship. Another explanation could be that the structure was raised in order to accommodate the EASR arrays.


As we progress towards the stern of the ship, note the presence of a laser weapon system on the starboard side of the ship. There is a SeaRAM launcher on top of the helicopter hangar as per the Navy RFI.


The propulsion system remains unchanged with 4x waterjets. However we noted one last addition on the frigate's hull: the presence of bilge keels. They increase hydrodynamic resistance to rolling, making the ship roll less. Bilge keels are passive stability systems.

Lockheed Martin launched a "Frigate" page on its website for SNA 2018. Little information is provided except for this text:

With rapidly evolving threats, world markets need to confront different types of bulls and bears. That’s why Lockheed Martin is evolving its Freedom-variant ship design to confront modern threats to maritime and economic security. The Freedom-variant Frigate offers planners and commanders the strength and affordability needed to rapidly rebuild the U.S. Navy fleet and guarantee freedom of the seas for decades to come.

Lockheed partners for this project include Fincantieri Marinette Marine and Gibbs & Cox. ... esign.html

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#599 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Jan 12, 2018 12:57 pm

Lockheed FFG(X), BAE Systems ADL, Raytheon ESSM & NSM

FFG(X) designs by GD BIW, TKMS/Atlas NA, Austal, Fincantieri

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

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Re: Marinha dos EUA

#600 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sáb Jan 13, 2018 10:12 am

Navy's Stealthy Mega-Destroyer Still Doesn't Have a Round for Its Gun

The Navy's futuristic destroyer Zumwalt is some two years away from being ready for battle -- but service leaders still don't know what to load in its main weapon.

In late 2016, the service canceled plans to buy the long-range land attack projectile, or LRLAP, a round designed to be fired from the ship's massive 155mm Advanced Gun Systems weapon. At about $800,000 per round, the ammo was just too pricey to load up on the three ships in the limited Zumwalt large destroyer class.

But it's now 2018, and the ship is expected to reach initial operational capability by fiscal 2020. And there's still no substitute round for the AGS.

In a briefing at the Surface Navy Association's annual symposium, Capt. Kevin Smith, Major Program Manager for the DDG-1000 [Zumwalt] Program Office, said the Navy continues to monitor future technologies and watch industry for a solution.

"The threat's always changing out here and the requirements that the U.S. Navy's looking at, as I said, this is a multi-mission ship," Smith said. "There's lots of things this ship can do but, right now, we're going to be looking hard at what is the best technology to meet the requirements for the gun."

Each of the destroyers costs roughly $4 billion. The USS Zumwalt, the first in class, was commissioned in late 2016; its successor, the Michael Monsoor, is expected to be delivered to the Navy in March. The final ship, the Lyndon B. Johnson, is set for delivery by 2020.

Capt. James Kirk, the first commanding officer of the Zumwalt, indicated that the designated purpose of the ship itself might be affected by its lack of a working mega-weapon.

"We're going to be looking at shifting the mission set for this ship to a surface strike, land-and -sea-strike surface platform," he said. "We're predecisional on budget ... but that's what the focus is going to be, on a long-range surface strike platform, in contrast with previous focus on a littoral volume suppressive fires, in close to land."

The AGS is designed to deliver a high rate of fire, as well as precision strikes.

As it stands, the Zumwalt is not without weapons: It's built to carry RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles; Tactical Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles; Vertical Launch Anti-Submarine Missiles; and two MK-46 30mm chain guns.

Officials have discussed the possibility of arming the AGS with a hypervelocity projectile, such as the one the Navy is currently testing out with its futuristic railgun prototype, but a decision on whether to move forward has yet to be made.

"We're monitoring that technical maturation to see do we get that to get the kind of ranges and capabilities that we want, what's the right kind of bang for the buck in cost and capability for the Navy," Kirk said. "We're monitoring that, but we have not made a decision on that." ... s-gun.html

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...