Super Hornet News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: Super Hornet News

#5536 Mensagem por mmatuso » Qua Nov 23, 2016 3:35 pm

CFB escreveu:
Ilya Ehrenburg escreveu: Quando estourou o escândalo da NSA não dava mesmo para escolher um caça made in USA...
Só para você ter uma idéia: os servidores do MME foram invadidos pela NSA em conjunto com os serviços canadenses (five eyes) e todas as informações geológicas ali armazenadas foram roubadas, ou furtadas, como quiser...

Você vai adquirir de quem lhe espiona, invade e lhe rouba?
Este tipo de situacao so mostra como somos ingenuos frente as grandes potencias, agora mesmo os EUA e/ou a China, ou qualquer pais que precise de uma materia-prima sensivel. Para comeco de historia, computadores com dados sensiveis nao deveriam ser conectados a internet, o governo deveria ter.uma intranet nos seus sistemas sensiveis.
E ainda usavam gmail para troca de informações importantes a presidente e outros figurões. [001]

Se bobear a maioria nem deveria usar smartphone. [003]

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Re: Super Hornet News

#5537 Mensagem por CFB » Qua Nov 23, 2016 4:38 pm

mmatuso escreveu:
CFB escreveu: Este tipo de situacao so mostra como somos ingenuos frente as grandes potencias, agora mesmo os EUA e/ou a China, ou qualquer pais que precise de uma materia-prima sensivel. Para comeco de historia, computadores com dados sensiveis nao deveriam ser conectados a internet, o governo deveria ter.uma intranet nos seus sistemas sensiveis.
E ainda usavam gmail para troca de informações importantes a presidente e outros figurões. [001]

Se bobear a maioria nem deveria usar smartphone. [003]
No fim das contas nao da nem para reclamar com a NSA, os caras estavam meio que pedindo para serem espionados.

Apesar de todos os problemas, ainda confio no Brasil
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5538 Mensagem por Marechal-do-ar » Qua Nov 23, 2016 4:44 pm

Nosso Datalink ficou por conta de uma empresa israelense, o Gmail deve ser o elo forte.

"Quando um rico rouba, vira ministro" (Lula, 1988)
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5539 Mensagem por Penguin » Qua Nov 23, 2016 4:50 pm

mmatuso escreveu:
CFB escreveu: Este tipo de situacao so mostra como somos ingenuos frente as grandes potencias, agora mesmo os EUA e/ou a China, ou qualquer pais que precise de uma materia-prima sensivel. Para comeco de historia, computadores com dados sensiveis nao deveriam ser conectados a internet, o governo deveria ter.uma intranet nos seus sistemas sensiveis.
E ainda usavam gmail para troca de informações importantes a presidente e outros figurões. [001]

Se bobear a maioria nem deveria usar smartphone. [003]
O mundo está em guerra cibernética e há gente ingenua que pensa que é brincadeira...

9 Interesting Ways to Watch Cyberattack in Real-time Worldwide

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5540 Mensagem por CFB » Qua Nov 23, 2016 5:30 pm

Agora, uma questao imaginativa, ao menos para mim, interessante. Se a MB viesse a comprar mesmo o Super Hornet, que armamentos ela iria integrar nele?

Apesar de todos os problemas, ainda confio no Brasil
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5541 Mensagem por mmatuso » Qua Nov 23, 2016 6:43 pm

CFB escreveu:
mmatuso escreveu: E ainda usavam gmail para troca de informações importantes a presidente e outros figurões. [001]

Se bobear a maioria nem deveria usar smartphone. [003]
No fim das contas nao da nem para reclamar com a NSA, os caras estavam meio que pedindo para serem espionados.
De fato, mas nesse caso é despreparo de quem gerencia TI do governo e palácio, não sei quem é o infeliz que fazia a gestão mas é um grande de um amador.

Qualquer empresa séria até pequena hoje em dia tem servidor próprio de e-mail, empresas médias e grandes tem administradores de redes e de segurança.

E falo mais deve acontecer muitos roubos de informações e chantagens por causa desse amadorismo do governo.

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Re: Super Hornet News

#5542 Mensagem por CFB » Qua Nov 23, 2016 8:18 pm

Marechal-do-ar escreveu:Nosso Datalink ficou por conta de uma empresa israelense, o Gmail deve ser o elo forte.
[002] [002]

Apesar de todos os problemas, ainda confio no Brasil
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5543 Mensagem por Bolovo » Seg Nov 28, 2016 1:47 pm

Kuwait plans to buy 28 Boeing F-18 jets: official ... 3N1FC?il=0

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5544 Mensagem por Penguin » Qua Set 13, 2017 9:59 pm

Government of Canada – F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aircraft with Support
(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept 12, 2017)

WASHINGTON --- The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Canada of ten (10) F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) F414-GE-400 engine spares; and

-- twenty (20) AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars;
-- twenty (20) M61A2 20MM gun systems;
-- twenty-eight (28) AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Receiving Sets;
-- fifteen (15) AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods;
-- twenty (20) Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems–Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS-JTRS);
-- thirty (30) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS);
-- twenty-eight (28) AN/ALQ-214 Integrated Countermeasures Systems;
-- one hundred thirty (130) LAU-127E/A and or F/A Guided Missile Launchers;
-- twenty-two (22) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting System (DTS);
-- twenty-two (22) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting Processor (DTP);
-- one hundred (100) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Tactical Missiles;
-- thirty (30) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM);
-- eight (8) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Special Air Training Missiles (NATM);
-- twenty (20) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Tactical Guidance Units; sixteen (16) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II CATM Guidance Units.

Also included in this sale are AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG); AN/ALE-47 Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Systems; AN/ARC-210 Communication System; AN/APX-111 Combined Interrogator Transponder; AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoys; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); AN/PYQ-10C Simple Key Loader (SKL); Data Transfer Unit (DTU); Accurate Navigation (ANAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation; KIV-78 Duel Channel Encryptor, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF); CADS/PADS; Instrument Landing System (ILS); Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE); High Speed Video Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder (HDVR); Launchers (LAU-115D/A, LAU-116B/A, LAU-118A); flight test services; site survey; aircraft ferry; auxiliary fuel tanks; aircraft spares; containers; storage and preservation; transportation; aircrew and maintenance training; training aids and equipment, devices and spares and repair parts; weapon system support and test equipment; technical data Engineering Change Proposals; technical publications and documentation; software; avionics software support; software development/integration; system integration and testing; U.S. Government and contractor engineering technical and logistics support; Repair of Repairable (RoR); repair and return warranties; other technical assistance and support equipment; and other related elements of logistics and program support.

The estimated total case value is $5.23 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on September 11, 2017.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve the security of a NATO ally which has been, and continues to be, a key democratic partner of the United States in ensuring peace and stability.

The acquisition of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft, associated weapons and capability will allow for greater interoperability with U.S. forces, providing benefits for training and possible future coalition operations in support of shared regional security objectives.

The proposed sale of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft will improve Canada’s capability to meet current and future warfare threats and provide greater security for its critical infrastructure. Canada will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support does not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractors will be: Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO; Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles, CA; Raytheon, El Segundo, CA; General Electric, Lynn, MA; and Raytheon Missile Systems Company, Tucson, AZ. The Government of Canada has advised that it will negotiate offset agreements with key U.S. contractors.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of contractor representatives to Canada on and intermittent basis over the life of the case to support delivery of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft and weapons and to provide supply support management, inventory control and equipment familiarization.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.


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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5545 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Set 14, 2017 11:01 am

Canada Charged Six Times As Much As US Navy for Super Hornets
(Source:; posted Sept 14, 2017)

By Giovanni de Briganti
PARIS --- The US government has offered Canada a batch of Super Hornet fighters at a price that is six times higher than the US Navy is paying for the same aircraft, analysis of official US documents reveals.

It is generally understood that the cost of combat aircraft varies according to the amount of options, ancillary equipment, spares and weapons included in the package.

However, as in all commercial transactions, prices depend on the buyer. Prices are also sometimes manipulated to influence prospective buyers to take a given course of action.

This appears to be the case with the US government’s Sept. 12 offer of 18 Boeing Super Hornet fighters to Canada, which is looking for a small number of interim fighters whereas Washington would much prefer that it buy the Lockheed Martin F-35A without bothering to compete the program.

This may be one reason for the sky-high sticker price Canada is being asked to pay – three to six times as much as the US Navy is paying for the same aircraft.

Canada offered dissuasive price

On September 12, Canada was quoted a cost of $5.23 billion for 10 fully-equipped F/A-18E single-seat and eight F/A-18F two-seater Super Hornet aircraft with their support equipment, some spares and other services.

These 18 fighters would thus end up costing Canada $290.6 million each in acquisition alone.

However, according to the Pentagon’s FY17 budget, current production F-18 cost the US Navy $81.5 million each – three-and-a-half times less than the price quoted to Canada.

In a separate contract released on Sept. 13, the Pentagon announced that the US Navy will actually paying $676.6 million for six F/A-18E and eight F/A-18F aircraft, or $48.3 million each for the Lot 41 aircraft it is buying in this financial year (see below.)

It is worth noting that the price offered to Canada on Sept. 12 is almost exactly six times the price paid by the US Navy for the latest Super Hornets it ordered Sept. 13.

Some will rightly note that the price offered to Canada includes a lot of support equipment, spares and services that are not included in the US Navy order, as they are bought separately.

It is questionable, however, that this ancillary equipment could cost five times as much as the aircraft themselves.

Kuwait offered bigger package at lower unit price

At this stage, it is interesting to look at another proposed Super Hornet sale, this time to Kuwait, that the US Defense Security and Cooperation Agency submitted to Congress on Nov. 17, 2016.

Kuwait requested thirty-two F/A-18Es and eight F/A-18F aircraft, with a spares and weapons package twice as big as Canada’s, which the United States agreed to supply for $10.1 billion. This works out to about $252 million per aircraft, or five times as much as what the US Navy is paying.

So, in a same financial year, the range of F-18 unit prices can actually vary by a factor of six, according to the customer.


Conclusion: caveat emptor

Two main lessons can be drawn from this brief analysis.

The most obvious one is the prices paid by the Pentagon for its military aircraft does not provide a credible indication as to the prices paid by foreign customers. For this year’s Super Hornet, the range is one to six.

But, in 2013, Australia was offered 12 Super Hornets and 12 EA-18G Growlers (a more expensive electronic attack variant) for only $3.7 billion (or $154 million each -- about half of what Canada is being asked to pay today.

A second lesson should attract the attention of all the countries that have signed onto the F-35 program believing the informal promise that its unit cost would be of about $85 million per copy.

We have already demonstrated that the F-35’s costs are being manipulated. But the example of how F-18 costs are boosted to multiples of what the Pentagon is paying for the same aircraft offers a cautionary tale to F-35 buyers.

Even assuming that the F-35’s price drops to $85 million a copy for the US, applying the same cost escalation model as for the Super Hornet indicates that export F-35s could end up costing six times as much, or about $510 million each, once spares, support equipment, training and weapons are added.

But, in fact, it could get even worse.

If a factor of six is used for the Super Hornet, an aircraft that is in its 41st year of full-rate production, what additional costs will be added to the F-35, an aircraft so technically troubled that it is still in development 16 years after the Joint Strike Fighter program was launched?


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5546 Mensagem por Tikuna » Sex Set 15, 2017 1:37 pm

ai meu deus os loucos das contas padaristicas

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Re: Super Hornet News

#5547 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 15, 2017 4:34 pm

U.S. Approves Canadian Super Hornet Deal that May Never Happen
(Source: Forecast International; issued Sept 14, 2017)

OTTAWA --- The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of 18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and associated equipment to Canada as part of a potential deal worth $5.23 billion, according to a September 12 announcement from the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).

The announcement outlines the potential sale of ten F/A-18Es, eight F/A-18Fs, eight F414-GE-400 engine spares, AN/APG-79 radars, 100 AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II missiles, 30 AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Captive Air Training Missiles, eight AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Special Air Training Missiles, as well as additional avionics and electronics.

The principal contractors will be: Boeing Company, St. Louis, MO; Northrop Grumman, Los Angeles, CA; Raytheon, El Segundo, CA; General Electric, Lynn, MA; and Raytheon Missile Systems Company, Tucson, AZ.

Despite the State Department's approval, there is no guarantee that an actual deal will come to fruition. Canada currently operates a fleet of older CF-18 Hornets, and has faced difficulty in finding a replacement. The previous Conservative government wanted to buy 65 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters to replace the Hornet fleet, but that effort ultimately came to a halt due to cost concerns and opposition from the Liberals that were pushing for the government to hold a formal fighter competition.

When the Liberals came to power, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the government would no longer buy the F-35, and that alternative options would be examined.

Then, in summer 2016, the government announced a plan to buy 18 Super Hornets to serve as interim fighters until a formal CF-18 replacement could be found. The requirement for the interim aircraft stems from a change to Canada's defense policy that identified a capability cap in simultaneously meeting NATO and NORAD air defense requirements.

If the Liberal government stands by their promise to not buy the F-35, then the Super Hornet would be the next logical choice. The proposed sole-source interim purchase could therefore potentially be seen as a bridge to a larger Super Hornet acquisition down the road.

However, an unrelated trade dispute between Super Hornet manufacturer Boeing and Canadian firm Bombardier over civil airliners appears to have stalled the interim purchase, and it is unclear if Canada will move forward with a contract for the Super Hornets at this time. Canada has also considered the possibility of purchasing used F-18s from Australia to supplement its existing fleet, which would be less costly than procuring new aircraft from Boeing.

Another option would be to abandon the interim purchase altogether, and accelerate the effort to acquire a formal CF-18 replacement.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5548 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Set 18, 2017 3:31 pm

Government of Canada – F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Aircraft with Support
(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept 12, 2017)
WASHINGTON --- The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Canada of ten (10) F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft, with F414-GE-400 engines; eight (8) F414-GE-400 engine spares; and

-- twenty (20) AN/APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars;
-- twenty (20) M61A2 20MM gun systems;
-- twenty-eight (28) AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Receiving Sets;
-- fifteen (15) AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods;
-- twenty (20) Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems–Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS-JTRS);
-- thirty (30) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS);
-- twenty-eight (28) AN/ALQ-214 Integrated Countermeasures Systems;
-- one hundred thirty (130) LAU-127E/A and or F/A Guided Missile Launchers;
-- twenty-two (22) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting System (DTS);
-- twenty-two (22) AN/AYK-29 Distributed Targeting Processor (DTP);
-- one hundred (100) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Tactical Missiles;
-- thirty (30) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM);
-- eight (8) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Special Air Training Missiles (NATM);
-- twenty (20) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II Tactical Guidance Units; sixteen (16) AIM-9X-2 Sidewinder Block II CATM Guidance Units.

Also included in this sale are AN/AVS-9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG); AN/ALE-47 Electronic Warfare Countermeasures Systems; AN/ARC-210 Communication System; AN/APX-111 Combined Interrogator Transponder; AN/ALE-55 Towed Decoys; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); AN/PYQ-10C Simple Key Loader (SKL); Data Transfer Unit (DTU); Accurate Navigation (ANAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation; KIV-78 Duel Channel Encryptor, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF); CADS/PADS; Instrument Landing System (ILS); Aircraft Armament Equipment (AAE); High Speed Video Network (HSVN) Digital Video Recorder (HDVR); Launchers (LAU-115D/A, LAU-116B/A, LAU-118A); flight test services; site survey; aircraft ferry; auxiliary fuel tanks; aircraft spares; containers; storage and preservation; transportation; aircrew and maintenance training; training aids and equipment, devices and spares and repair parts; weapon system support and test equipment; technical data Engineering Change Proposals; technical publications and documentation; software; avionics software support; software development/integration; system integration and testing; U.S. Government and contractor engineering technical and logistics support; Repair of Repairable (RoR); repair and return warranties; other technical assistance and support equipment; and other related elements of logistics and program support.

The estimated total case value is $5.23 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on September 11, 2017. ... rfere.html

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Super Hornet News

#5549 Mensagem por knigh7 » Qui Nov 02, 2017 11:49 pm

Na edição da revista Combat Aircraft que está atualmente no Brasil há uma matéria interessante sobre o futuro do Super Hornet.

Pelo fato de não ser uma publicação nacional, não há problema em digitalizar integralmente a matéria e colocar aqui:


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Re: Super Hornet News

#5550 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Nov 03, 2017 1:56 am

As vezes eu fico pensando que, talvez por um bem maior da AN, a marinha devesse comprar uns Hornet usados e deixar o VF-1 continuar a sua existência laborativa em termos de manutenção e formação de doutrina de asa fixa.
Quiçá no médio prazo um MLU com os aportes do Gripen poderiam ser úteis, inclusive para manter a BID trabalhando, etc.

Mas como a MB tem sérios problemas com a esquadra para resolver...


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