Marina de Guerra del Perú

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#31 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Sáb Nov 22, 2014 8:40 pm

Marino escreveu:Parabéns, excelente aquisição.

Prezado Amigo,

As vezes eu não consigo entender a nossa MB. Deveria ter havido um esforço para tentar buscar este navio para a Esquadra, mesmo que o NaApLo previsto na primeira fase do PROSUPER ficasse para depois. Este meio pelo menos já estaria ''na mão''. O mesmo pensamento tenho em relação a classe FOUDRE. Peço ponderar caso não esteja certo.


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#32 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Dez 13, 2014 1:31 pm

Naval Analyses @D__Mitch · Dec 12

BAP Tacna former HNMLS Amsterdam while she departures from the port of Den Helder to Peru (Dec 10).


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#33 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Fev 12, 2015 7:40 am

Peruvian Navy Considering Anti-Ship Missile Capability for its Type 209 Submarines

According to Forecast International, the Peruvian Navy is evaluating a project to equip its six Type 209 diesel-electric (SSK) submarines with new anti-ship missiles. The fleet has been significantly modernized since 2012. Work is being carried out at SIMA's Callao and Chimbote shipyards.

The UGM-84 Harpoon is a likely candidate for this upgrade. Picture: US Navy

The modernization is focused on the reorganizing the operations room, enhancing the combat direction system, installing new sonar and an upgraded Sepa Mk 3 fire-control system, improving the hydrophones and signal processing capacity, integrating new electronic and communications systems, replacing the SST-4 torpedoes with the AEG SUT 264 mod 3 systems, and a major overhaul of the propulsion systems.

The upgrade is estimated to cost $312 million by the time it is complete in 2022. However, only four of the six subs will be fully upgraded. The two oldest vessels in the fleet, the Islay and Arica, are to be retired by 2023. ... ew&id=2411

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#34 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 12, 2015 1:59 pm


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#35 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Fev 07, 2016 2:11 pm

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#36 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 03, 2016 8:15 pm

Peru's submarine upgrade programme moves ahead

Cesar Cruz Tantalean, Lima, Peru - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
03 June 2016

The Peruvian Navy (Marina de Guerra del Perú: MGP) has signed agreements with Germany's ThyssenKrupp AG and Israel's Elbit Systems (Elisra) to advance its ongoing refit and upgrade programme for its four Angamos-class (Type 209/1200) submarines.

The USD450 million project intends to fully refit and partially upgrade the four submarines, and work is to be performed at the MGP's Servicios Industriales de Marina (SIMA) shipyard at El Callao and is expected to be finished by 2021.

Accordingly, SIMA signed an agreement with ThyssenKrupp AG to receive technical assistance and advisement for specialised work on the refit, which includes cutting and sectioning hulls, upgrading and replacing command-and-control (C2) and propulsion systems, and more. ... oves-ahead

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#37 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Jun 09, 2016 3:53 pm

Peruvian Navy upgrade programme passes key milestones in 2016

Guy Toremans, Leuven, Belgium - IHS Jane's Navy International
10 June 2016

BAP Bolognesi, the first of the MGP's four Aguirre (Lupo)-class frigates to have completed an extensive upgrade programme. Source: Guy Toremans

Key Points

Several Marina de Guerra del Peru (MGP) capability programmes are passing prominent milestones in 2016
Once completed, the capability augmentations would see the MGP deploying arguably one of the most modern navies in its region

The Peruvian Navy (Marina de Guerra del Peru: MGP) is continuing on its course of re-constituting its operational capabilities, with a number of procurement and upgrade programmes passing key milestones in 2016.

Reflecting the wider international focus on augmenting amphibious capabilities, BAP Paita - the first of two new multipurpose landing platform dock (LPD) ships based on the Indonesian Makassar-class LPDs - is scheduled to enter the water at the end of 2016. Construction of ship two will get under way once Paita is operational. At 122 m in length and displacing 7,300 tons, the LPDs are the largest military vessels to be built in South American shipyards.

The first of two Po Hang-class corvettes transferred from the Republic of Korea Navy (RoKN), BAP Ferré (ex-RoKS Kyong Ju ), is scheduled to arrive in Callao in mid-2016, with the second due to be delivered to the fleet by the end of 2016.

Peru's coastguard will receive the first pair of 465-ton patrols boats, BAP Rio Pativilca and BAP Rio Canete , in 2016. The ships are based on South Korea's Tae Geuk-class patrol vessels. A second pair, BAP Rio Piura and BAP Rio Quilca , will be delivered in early 2017.

In terms of auxiliary ships, the sail training vessel BAP Union - at 113.75 m and 3,500 tonnes, the largest vessel of its type in Latin America - was commissioned into the MGP on 27 January 2016. The 95.3 m long, 6,000-ton, helicopter-capable oceanographic and polar research vessel BAP Carrasco , in build at the Spanish Construciones Navales P Freire SA shipyard in Vigo, was launched on 7 May 2016 and is expected to be handed over in early 2017. ... es-in-2016

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#38 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Qui Jul 14, 2016 8:53 am

Não sei como isto ficou, mas gosto do aspecto deste projecto e aposto que não é assim tão caro.
At NAVDEX 2015 Navantia unveiled its F-538 Frigate Design for the Peruvian Navy

At NAVDEX 2015 naval defense exhibition which was taking place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, last week, Navantia unveiled the F-538 frigate design it is proposing for the Peruvian Navy. Navantia representatives at NAVDEX 2015 told Navy Recognition that this new Frigate design is based on the proven AVANTE 3000/2400 design. This new design incorporates lessons learned in building the Spanish F-100, Norwegian F-310 and Australian AWS destroyers.


At IDEX 2015, Navy Recognition learned that Nexter Systems and DCNS teams are currently working together in order to interface the Narwhal 20B with the DCNS made FREMM Frigates. Following this work the Narwhal guns will be able to exchange data with the Combat Management System (CMS). More specifically, it will be connected to the fire control system and surveillance radar (Thales Herakles) of the frigates which will allow greater flexibility and shorter reaction time when dealing with threats.The new F-538 Frigate design unveiled by Navantia at NAVDEX 2015


The F-538 incorporates the Spanish Navy Combat Management System (CMS) foundand proven on board Spanish Navy LHD, replennishment vessel and Meteoro class OPVs. The new Frigate is fitted with the COMPLEX Integrated Platform Management System developed entirely by Navantia.

With a moderate displacement of about 3,800 tons, the F-538 is Navantia's answer to navies looking for mid-size frigates to conduct a wide range of missions.

At IDEX 2015, Navy Recognition learned that Nexter Systems and DCNS teams are currently working together in order to interface the Narwhal 20B with the DCNS made FREMM Frigates. Following this work the Narwhal guns will be able to exchange data with the Combat Management System (CMS). More specifically, it will be connected to the fire control system and surveillance radar (Thales Herakles) of the frigates which will allow greater flexibility and shorter reaction time when dealing with threats.Maximum close-in and anti-missile protection on the rear aspect of the frigate: The F-538 is quite uniquely fitted with 2x Millenium guns and 1x RAM launcher

The scale model on display at NAVDEX 2015 showed the F-538 fitted according to the Peruvian Navy requirements. The informed observer will immediatly notice a quite unique weapons fit on top of the helicopter hangar: No less than three Close In Weapon System (CIWS) are present:
- 2x Rheinmetall Millenium 35mm gun systems
- 1x Raytheon RAM launcher (21x RAM block A1 missiles) between the two guns

Navantia representative explained that this quite unique configuration were part of the Peruvian Navy requirements. Final specifications and weapons fit may evolve however. Quite unusual also is the fact that two triple torpedo launchers are fitted on top of the main structure instead of being housed inside the structure.

The F-538 model at NAVDEX also featured:
- A 76mm main gun by Oto Melara
- 16x Mk 41 VLS for Raytheon ESSM surface to air missiles located forward, behind the main gun
- 2x Hitrole 12.7 mm remote weapon system by Oto Melara fitted on top of the bridge
- 8x MBDA Exocet Blk III anti-ship missiles
- 2x RF/IR/acoustic decoy launchers
- A Smart-S Mk2 radar by Thales
- A Thales Sting 2.0 fire control radar
- A Thales Kingklip hull sonar

The helicopter deck and hangar can accomodate SH-3D or NH-90 helicopters. The F-538 was designed with great attention focused on low radiated noise, reduced radar cross section, low infra red signature, low magnetic signature and low electric signature. The propulsion system is CODAD type (Combined diesel and diesel). The requirement of the Peruvian Navy is for 5 frigates.

F-538 main characteristics:
Length overall: 113.2m
Maximum beam: 15.6m
Draught: 4.7m
Full load displacement: 3800 t
Max. Speed: 30 kn
Range: 4000 nm


At IDEX 2015, Navy Recognition learned that Nexter Systems and DCNS teams are currently working together in order to interface the Narwhal 20B with the DCNS made FREMM Frigates. Following this work the Narwhal guns will be able to exchange data with the Combat Management System (CMS). More specifically, it will be connected to the fire control system and surveillance radar (Thales Herakles) of the frigates which will allow greater flexibility and shorter reaction time when dealing with threats.The F-538 Frigate design showcased by Navantia at NAVDEX 2015 show the Peruvian Navy configuration ... -navy.html

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#39 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Out 14, 2016 11:33 am

Peruvian Navy awaits launch of first new LPD in November 2016

Guy Toremans, Leuven, Belgium - IHS Jane's Navy International
14 October 2016

BAP Pisco, the first of the Peruvian Navy's two new LPDs, in build at the SIMA shipyard in Callao, Peru. Source: Guy Toremans

Key Points

Peru is awaiting the launch of its first new LPD later this year
Following harbour and sea trials in 2017, it is planned that the ship will be ready for operations by early 2018

The Peruvian Navy (Marina de Guerra del Perú: MGP) is anticipating the launch of the first of two new landing platform dock (LPD) vessels, BAP Pisco, in November 2016. The Buque Multipropósito ship will then undergo harbour and sea acceptance trials that will run throughout 2017.

Harbour trials will start almost immediately, once the ship is in the water. These trials will focus on power distribution, basic hull and machinery issues, and ship stability. Sea trials, which will follow the pier-side activity, will test all aspects of the propulsion system to ensure the ship is ready for longer periods at sea. After this, more extensive trials will take place, with the LPD working with other ships and aircraft.

"Preparing a first-of-class for an exhaustive trials programme is a major undertaking, involving a logical progression from machinery items all the way through to fully exercising the combat system, to guarantee that all parts work harmoniously," said the head of the navy, Commander General Admiral Edmundo Deville del Campo.

"Pivotal will be the validation of the combat, communications, and weapon systems - as well as [the ship's] sealift capabilities, by putting the LCMs [landing craft mechanical-type platforms] to work with vehicle and troop landings," he added.

Alongside providing new capability and flexibility, the admiral noted that "to say at least, the introduction of the first-of-class will be challenging. There is always a learning curve involved when new assets join the fleet. Operating these units will require new operational concepts, as well as new training serials to pave the way for our marines such as exercises that focus on bringing troops from the sea to shore and the use of LCM-type landing craft". ... ember-2016

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#40 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Out 14, 2016 11:35 am

The corvette BAP Ferre is pictured here arriving in Callao, following a 45-day transit from South Korea. (Peruvian Navy)

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#41 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Mar 27, 2017 2:11 pm

Peru commissions new polar oceanographic research vessel


The Peruvian Navy commissioned its newest polar oceanographic research vessel, B.A.P. Carrasco during a ceremony on March 22.

The 97 metre ‘BAP Carrasco’ was built at Construcciones Navales P. Freire shipyard in Vigo, Spain, and handed over to Peru earlier this month.

BAP Carrasco was launched in Vigo on May 7, 2016.

“Her operating profile will range from hydrographic, biological, geological as well as physiochemical surveys to providing support with humanitarian operations,” says Walter Flores Servat, Head of the Department for Special Projects and Antarctic Matters at the Peruvian Navy.

According to DNV GL, the vessel is equipped with a meteorological office, six laboratories for different research purposes, a helicopter pad and a bathymetry transducer system fitted on the flat bottom of the hull. It generates an array of acoustic beams with up to 10,000 metres of reach below the vessel to map the sea floor and feeds the data back to the vessel in realtime.

The vessel will also carry a Falcon DR remotely operated vehicle (ROV), which can reach depths of up to 1,000 m, and two smaller, torpedo-shaped submarine vehicles by AUV Kongsberg.

B.A.P. Carrasco also has a moon pool, an open shaft in the bottom of the hull that rises up to the centre of the ship to allow sensitive equipment to be lowered into the sea in all weather conditions.

“B.A.P. Carrasco represents the highest standards in research vessels. We are very pleased to be classing such an impressive newbuild and look forward to continuing this close cooperation with Freire and the Peruvian Navy in the future,” says Christian von Oldershausen, Segment Director Navy at DNV GL – Maritime.

Imagem ... ch-vessel/

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#42 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Set 27, 2017 2:55 pm

Peruvian Navy decommissions ‘Almirante Grau’, picks frigate ‘Montero’ as new flagship


The Peruvian Navy decommissioned its long-time flagship B.A.P. Almirante Grau after 45 years of service during a ceremony on September 26.

B.A.P. Almirante Grau was replaced as fleet flagship by B.A.P. Montero, a Carvajal-class frigate built by Servicio Industrial de la Marina (SIMA) and commissioned into the navy in 1984.

On the occasion, B.A.P. Montero was renamed to B.A.P. Almirante Grau as flagships of the Peruvian Navy bear the name of famous Peruvian Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario.

During the ceremony, the Peruvian Navy flag was lowered for the last time from the previous B.A.P. Almirante Grau, a former Dutch Navy De Zeven Provinciën-class cruiser bought by Peru in 1973. Before starting service in the Peruvian Navy, B.A.P. Almirante Grau was known as HNLMS De Ruyter (C801) and was commissioned into the Dutch Navy in 1953.

The former B.A.P. Almirante Grau was also the world’s last gun cruiser in active service. ... -flagship/

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#43 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Out 07, 2017 3:28 pm


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#44 Mensagem por jambockrs » Sex Nov 10, 2017 7:19 pm

Meus prezados
Disponibilidade! O segredo da Força de Submarinos peruana para conquistar credibilidade (e prestígio) fora da América do Sul. ... ca-do-sul/

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#45 Mensagem por jambockrs » Sex Nov 10, 2017 7:36 pm

Meus prezados
A Marinha peruana está prestes a receber dois navios-doca da classe Makassar – o Paita e o Pisco – que se encontram em construção no estaleiro estatal SIMA-Peru, em Callao.

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Cláudio Severino da Silva