Marinha da Federação Russa

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2116 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Fev 18, 2017 9:48 am


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2117 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 22, 2017 12:21 pm

Russian nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Ryazan returns to service


Russia’s Project 667BDR nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine ‘Ryazan’ returned to service after it spent five years in the docks undergoing repairs and modernization.

Russia’s Ministry of Defence confirmed that the submarine returned to its homeport in Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka after completing repairs at the shipyard Zvezda.

Ryazan, one of three remaining Project 667BDR submarines, has been undergoing repairs since 2011.

The submarine was laid down in January 1980 and commissioned into the Russian Northern Fleet in September 1982. After undergoing in 2007, Ryazan changed her homeport and became part of Russia’s Pacific Fleet in 2008.

The 155-meter-long submarine has an operating depth of 400 metres and is crewed by 130 servicemen. It carries four 533-mm and two 400-mm bow torpedo tubes. Delta III submarines are equipped with 16 submarine-launched R-29R ballistic missiles. ... o-service/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2118 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Fev 22, 2017 4:04 pm


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2119 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Fev 23, 2017 5:27 pm

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2120 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 02, 2017 10:50 am

Naval Forces News - Russia

Installation of new systems onboard Kirov-class cruiser Admiral Nakhimov to begin in 2017

The delivery of outsize hardware as part of the modernization of the Project 11442M (NATO reporting name: Kirov-class) Admiral Nakhimov nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser will start in 2017, according to the press office of the Sevmash Shipyard.

Admiral Nakhimov heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser (TARKR) currently under refit at Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk. Picture: Sevmash shipyard via

"In addition, the assembly of the systems and pipelines onboard the ship will start in 2017. Now, Sevmash is installing the hull’s hardware and gearing up for the electric installation work. Innovative methods associated with 3D modeling are used in repairing the cruiser. Pooling numerous items of hardware onboard a single ship in real time and testing their positional relationship in a model allows the shipbuilders to work in a more effective manner," the press release says.

Vladimir Pavlov, the shipyard’s delivery manager, says the experimental work conducted by pipeline shop personnel in some of the compartments have proven to be successful. The manufacturing time is to drop considerably owing to the innovative methods employed.

The Admiral Nakhimov nuclear-powered missile cruiser is designed to destroy high-value surface and land targets and provide air defense for the formation it is part of. The ship was launched in 1986 and commissioned in 1988. She had been moored at Sevmash in Severodvinsk from 1999 to 2012 when a decision was made to rebuild her. The contract for repairing the cruiser was placed in 2013. The Admiral Nakhimov’s upgrade to Project 11442M standard will afford the warship the Kalibr missile system. The cruiser displaces 24,500 tons, measures 251 m long, has a full power of 140,000 hp, a speed of 31 knots and a crew of 728 and carries a Kamov Ka-27 (Helix) helicopter or versions thereof. ... -2017.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2121 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Mar 06, 2017 12:50 pm

Russian Navy Received Four Repaired & Upgraded Priz-class Deep-Submergence Rescue Vehicles

The upgrade of four Project 1855 Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicles (DSRV) for the Russian Navy has been completed, according to Navy SAR Service Chief Damir Shaikhutdinov.

A Russian Navy Priz-class DSRV. Picture: Alex Omen

"The program of repairing and upgrading four Priz self-contained SAR submersibles has been completed. The upgrade has afforded the titanium-hulled underwater vehicles sophisticated positioning gear, sonars, television cameras and up-to-date life support systems, which has ramped up the effectiveness of SAR operations," he said.

The Krasnoye Sormovo and Kanonersky Zavod shipyards handled the mid-life repair and modernization.

"In the near future, the Northern Fleet is going to conduct a test dive of the AS-34 SAR submersible down to 1,000 m. The AS-34 is the last of the four vehicles upgraded," Shaikhutdinov added.

The Project 1855 Priz submersibles were designed by the Lazurit Design Bureau and built by the Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard. They measure 13.5 m long, 3.8 m abeam and 5.7 m high and are crewed by four. Each of the submersibles can take aboard 20 rescued seamen. Their endurance is 120 hours (10 hours with rescuees aboard).

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2122 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 08, 2017 11:57 am

Russian submarines present peer competition for Western boats, says US admiral

Dr. Lee Willett, Portsmouth, UK - IHS Jane's Navy International
08 March 2017

Key Points
Russian submarines are re-emerging as 'near-peer' competitors for Western navies
The addition of a long-range cruise missile capability to Russian boats has changed and multiplied the threat

Russian submarine technologies, capabilities, and operations are increasing in quality to the point that Russian boats are now becoming 'near-peer' competitors to Western submarines, according to a US naval officer.

Speaking at the The Development Network (TDN) UK Underwater Defence and Security conference in Portsmouth, United Kingdom, on 6 March, Rear Admiral Kyle Cozad, commander of the US Navy's (USN's) maritime air patrol and reconnaissance group, said that "many called the increased submarine activity that we've seen from the Russians … as an evolution in Russian doctrine. ... us-admiral

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2123 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 08, 2017 5:47 pm

Russia to Launch Second Project 18280 Intelligence Ship Ivan Khurs in April

The second Project 18280 (NATO reporting name: Yuriy Ivanov-class) vessel, the Ivan Khurs, is slated for launch in late April, according to the press office of the Severnaya Verf Shipyard.

The first Project 18280 intelligence ship Yury Ivanov of the Russian Navy. Picture: Alex Akentev

"The Severnaya Verf Shipyard [a subsidiary of the United Shipbuilding Corporation] has begun to prepare for the launch scheduled for late April 2017. The completion of the vessel is in full swing," the press office said. "The dockside tests will begin in May. The running trials are tentatively planned for September. The Ivan Khurs is to be delivered before year-end."

Several hundred subcontractors have supplied components for the ship, with the Baltic Shipyard - Shipbuilding, Sevmash and Kolomna Plant among them, but not all of them have managed to remain schedule.

"For instance, the Urals Diesel Engine Plant slipped behind schedule by a year. There have been other delays too. However, Severnaya Verf is doing its utmost to meet the deadline," the press office stressed.

The Ivan Khurs, the second vessel of the Project 18280 series, was laid down in the fall of 2013 and named after Vice-Admiral Ivan Khurs, who had made an outstanding contribution to organizing and developing the naval intelligence service. The communications ships of the series are designed for command, control, communications and electronic intelligence. The ships in the class displace about 4,000 tons and have a speed of 20 knots, a cruising range of 8,000 nm and a complement of 120.

It had been reported previously that the Ivan Khurs was due for launching in the fall of 2016, but Southern Military District Colonel General Alexander Dvornikov said in February 2017 that the district would receive the vessel in 2017.

The first Project 18280 communications ship Yuri Ivanov was delivered to Russia’s Navy in late 2014. ... april.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2124 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Mar 08, 2017 5:51 pm

Ilya Muromets Icebreaker to Join Russian Navy Arctic Force in Fall of 2017

The Project 21180 lead ship, the icebreaker Ilya Muromets, will be delivered to the Russian Navy in the fall of 2017, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a news release.

The First Project 21180 Icebreaker Ilya Muromets. Picture: JSC Admiralty Shipyard

"If all goes to plan, the Project 21180 Ilya Muromets icebreaker under construction at the Admiralty Wharfs will be delivered to the Russian Navy in autumn 2017 after it has passed its tests. At present, the icebreaker is being completed on schedule," the press release says.

The Ilya Muromets has been the first icebreaker being built for the Russian Navy in 45 years. The fall of 2017 will see it assigned to the Northern Fleet to support the operations of the Russian Navy’s Arctic Force.

"The Ilya Muromets can effectively lead warships and support vessels in the Arctic and operate as a tug as well. It is triple-hatted as seagoing tug, icebreaker and patrol ship," the release notes.

The vessel displaces 6,000 tons and negotiates ice up to 1 m thick. She was laid down on April 23, 2015 and launched in summer 2016. ... -2017.html

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2125 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mar 24, 2017 6:09 pm


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2126 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Mar 24, 2017 6:13 pm

How Russia Is Turning Syria into a Major Naval Base for Nuclear Warships ... hips-19813

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2127 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Abr 01, 2017 7:51 am

Russia tests Tor-M2DT SAM system aboard a Russian Navy Grigorovich class frigate!


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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2128 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Abr 01, 2017 5:56 pm

Interesting Russian MOD video on SSBN fleet, unique photos from subs, base, construction

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2129 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Abr 03, 2017 9:24 am

Russia floats out second Yasen-class submarine


Russian Navy’s second Project 885M, Yasen-class submarine was launched on Friday, Russian media reported.

The nuclear-powered submarine is being built at Sevmash shipyards in Severodvinsk, northern Russia.

Designed by St. Petersburg-based Malakhit Central Design Bureau, Kazan is the first of a series of improved Yasen-class submarines. Kazan started construction in 2009.

Russia intends to build seven submarines in the class by 2023, according to Russian news agency Tass. “We are in the process of creating a submarine group capable of coping with missions around the world and maintaining Russia’s security,” Admiral Vladimir Korolyov was quoted as saying by Tass.

First Project 885 submarine, Severodvinsk, at sea. Photo: Sevmash ... submarine/

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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa

#2130 Mensagem por EDSON » Sáb Abr 15, 2017 9:49 am

Traduzido do russo para o português.

A mídia informou os detalhes dos testes "Zircon" míssil hipersônico

novas hipersônicos mísseis anti-navio da Rússia "Zircon" em testes alcançou oito velocidades de som. Este Tass citou uma fonte do complexo militar-industrial.

"No decorrer dos testes de mísseis, foi confirmado que a sua velocidade em marcha atinge Mach 8" - um porta-voz. No entanto, ele não especificou quando e com que lançamento da plataforma foi realizada.

A fonte acrescentou que "Zircon" pode ser executado a partir do mesmo lançador que é usado para mísseis "Caliber" e "Onyx".

00:05 12 de novembro de 2016
X-51A Waverider
Por outro lado supersônico
projeto Militar arma hipersônico
"Zircon" Rockets passou em testes de vôo em fevereiro de 2016.

Especificações "Zircon" está actualmente classificado. De acordo com informações publicamente disponíveis, o míssil poderia atingir até 400 quilômetros e velocidade de vôo é cerca de cinco vezes maior do que a velocidade do som.

"Zircon" (3M22) mísseis de cruzeiro sendo desenvolvido em uma corporação "Tactical Missiles" desde pelo menos 2011.
