Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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#29056 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Ago 31, 2016 3:44 pm

Algeria shows Mi-28NE helicopters for the first time

Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
31 August 2016

A still from Algerian television footage shows one of the country's new Mi-28NE attack helicopters. Source: Canal Algérie
The Algerian Ministry of National Defence (MDN) confirmed on 30 August that it has received its first Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter attack helicopters when it released coverage of Chief-of-Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaïd Salah inspecting Ain Oussera Air Base, 135 km south of Algiers.

Two Mi-28NEs were seen fitted with the optional N025E mast-mounted radars and pods for 87 mm S-8 rockets. Lt Gen Salah was also seen inspecting a launch tube for either a 9M114 Kokon or 9M120 Ataka air-to-surface missile.

The Russian media has reported that Algeria has ordered 42 Mi-48NE that, unlike the Russian Air Force ones, have dual controls that enable both crewmembers to pilot the aircraft. Algeria's El-Khabar newspaper reported on 17 August that six have been delivered so far. ... first-time

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#29057 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Set 06, 2016 12:36 pm

India’s new Light Utility Helicopter makes its maiden flight
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Sep 6, 2016
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, (HAL) the public sector strong arm of India’s aviation hardware crossed yet another significant milestone today. Engineers at HAL conducted a technical flight of the new indigenous Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) in Bengaluru.

The helicopter lifted at 1210 hours and was in the air for 15 minutes inside the HAL complex. Engineers and technicians unanimously declared the flight to be flawless. The test pilots who had been conducting the flight on the new.

The test pilots who had been conducting the flight on the new aircraft agreed with the outcome.

HAL has already developed four highly popular models of helicopters under its belt. Its product range includes, the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH), the multi-role seven seater Chetak, the HAL version of Aerospatiale Lama SA 315 better known as the light combat helicopter (LCH) Cheetah and the anti-insurgency, close air support chopper known as the Lancer.

Meanwhile, the test flight of the HAL LUH marks an important and significant beginning for prototype testing of this model. This is the third indigenous helicopter product from the stables of HAL after ALH and LCH. The LUH is expected to capture a sizeable marketshare for domestic and global markets.

The LUH has a maximum All-Up-Weight (AUW) of 3,150 Kgs, fitted with Safran HE Ardiden-1U engine of 750 KW power, with a range of 350 KM, service ceiling of 6.5 KM, seating capacity of six passengers plus two pilots.

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#29058 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Set 06, 2016 1:40 pm

Fiz uma rápida pesquisa e o que se pode observar em termos de projetos de helos, é que, admita-se ou não, os indianos da HAL estão fanzendo muitos progressos. Até um helo médio está na linha de objetivos. E não duvido que eles cheguem lá.

Pode ainda demorar mais um tempo, mas a HAL com certeza estará de fato entre os grandes fabricantes de helos em alguns anos. E concorrendo em pé de igualdade com os grandes de hoje.

Devíamos olhar mais de perto essa cena.

A ver.


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#29059 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Ter Set 06, 2016 4:25 pm

Parece que os ST dançaram na Argentina. :roll:

COBERTURA ESPECIAL - Argentina - Aviação
06 de Setembro, 2016 - 12:10 ( Brasília )
A Argentina comprará dos EUA 24 aviões para o combate ao narcotráfico
A aquisição das aeronaves reforça os laços crescentes de cooperação em questões de segurança entre os dois países. ... cotrafico/

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#29060 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Set 06, 2016 7:18 pm

FCarvalho escreveu:Parece que os ST dançaram na Argentina. :roll:

COBERTURA ESPECIAL - Argentina - Aviação
06 de Setembro, 2016 - 12:10 ( Brasília )
A Argentina comprará dos EUA 24 aviões para o combate ao narcotráfico
A aquisição das aeronaves reforça os laços crescentes de cooperação em questões de segurança entre os dois países. ... cotrafico/
Esses aviões são mais voltados à função de treinamento que para o combate.
Deverão substituirão os T-27.
Já o T-29 são mais adequados ao combate, CAS.

A propósito, os nossos T-27 serão substituídos pelo que? T-27NG?

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#29061 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Set 07, 2016 11:33 pm

Sabem quando o S92 (CH-148) estará Full Operacional no Canada?

2025!! :shock:

21 Anos depois de encomendado!!!! ... =hootsuite


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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#29062 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qua Set 07, 2016 11:48 pm

Carlos Lima escreveu:Sabem quando o S92 (CH-148) estará Full Operacional no Canada?

2025!! :shock:

21 Anos depois de encomendado!!!! ... =hootsuite

Imagina se fosse com um helicóptero da Airbus, o que estaríamos escutando agora...

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
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#29063 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Qui Set 08, 2016 11:06 am

Penguin escreveu:
FCarvalho escreveu:Parece que os ST dançaram na Argentina. :roll:
COBERTURA ESPECIAL - Argentina - Aviação
06 de Setembro, 2016 - 12:10 ( Brasília )
A Argentina comprará dos EUA 24 aviões para o combate ao narcotráfico
A aquisição das aeronaves reforça os laços crescentes de cooperação em questões de segurança entre os dois países. ... cotrafico/
Esses aviões são mais voltados à função de treinamento que para o combate.
Deverão substituirão os T-27.
Já o T-29 são mais adequados ao combate, CAS.
A propósito, os nossos T-27 serão substituídos pelo que? T-27NG?
Olá Penguin,

Salvo engano, ao que parece os argentinos pretendem usá-los em ambas as coisas. Treinamento e policia aérea.
Em todo caso, por aqui os T-27 ainda não tem data para dar baixa. A última notícia que vi sobre o assunto dava conta de que a FAB procurava uma maneira de aproveitar as células em melhores condições para um refit, a fim de prolongar-lhes a vida útil. A maioria dos T-27 no Brasil já conta com mais de 20 anos de uso. Em no máximo uns 10 anos vamos precisar de um substituto.
Pode ser que um, derivado do T-Xc venha a ser esse substituto, ou uma versão dowgrade do próprio ST.
Penso que se a FAB vier mesmo a operar jatos Lift, parte dos ST possam ser deslocados para a AFA. É uma alternativa barata e sem maiores compromissos.
Os ingleses operaram durante anos o Tucano com um motor de 1100 hp's. Não vejo porque aqui operar um ST com um motor de 1600 HP's seria um problema, já que os cadetes só teriam acesso a ele somente a partir do 3o ou 4o ano de academia.
A ver.


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#29064 Mensagem por vplemes » Qui Set 08, 2016 11:45 am

Bolovo escreveu:
Carlos Lima escreveu:Sabem quando o S92 (CH-148) estará Full Operacional no Canada?

2025!! :shock:

21 Anos depois de encomendado!!!! ... =hootsuite

Imagina se fosse com um helicóptero da Airbus, o que estaríamos escutando agora...
Consertaram a MGB bixada do EC-725? Se não, também não está full operacional.

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#29065 Mensagem por mmatuso » Qui Set 08, 2016 11:47 am

Bolovo escreveu:
Carlos Lima escreveu:Sabem quando o S92 (CH-148) estará Full Operacional no Canada?

2025!! :shock:

21 Anos depois de encomendado!!!! ... =hootsuite

Imagina se fosse com um helicóptero da Airbus, o que estaríamos escutando agora...
Se fosse um blackhawk a culpa seria do governo br.

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#29066 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Set 09, 2016 1:36 pm

Argentina evaluates Korean FA-50 fighter

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
09 September 2016

The Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina - FAA) is evaluating the Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) FA-50 Fighting Eagle as a potential new platform, IHS Jane's has learned.

An Argentine delegation visited the Republic of Korea Air Force's (RoKAF's) 16th Fighter Wing at Yecheon on 7 September, according to the Facebook page of one of the FAA pilots who was also photographed taking-off in a TA-50 Golden Eagle operational trainer variant of the FA-50.

No further details were revealed.

The FAA has a pressing need to acquire a new fighter type following the retirement of the Dassault Mirage III and Mirage 5 fleets in late 2015, and the subsequent grounding of the Douglas A-4R Fightinghawk fleet.

Although billed as a 'light' fighter, the FA-50 has a potent air-to-air and air-to-surface capability. According to IHS Jane's All the World's Aircraft: In Service , the type carries AIM-9L/M/N/P/S Sidewinder missiles and is equipped with an internal cannon for the former role, and for the latter it is cleared to carry the AGM-65A/D/G Maverick; Mk 82, Mk 83, Mk 84 and BLU-109 general purpose bombs; GBU-31, -32 and -38 guided weapons; CBU-52/58/71, CBU-103/104/105 and Mk 20 Rockeye II cluster munitions; LAU-68/131 and LAU-3A/5003 rocket pods; and the Textron Defense Systems CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon. The type has already been fielded by South Korea and the Philippines, with Iraq set to receive its first aircraft shortly and Peru considering an offer of the aircraft also.

Besides the FA-50, the FAA is considering the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Kfir; Dassault Mirage F1; Alenia M-346FT; and Aero L-159 ALCA as possible fighter platforms. IHS Jane's understands that the service is looking at between 10 and 12 new aircraft to field a credible combat capability. ... 50-fighter

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#29067 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Set 09, 2016 1:52 pm

A FAA está tão ferrada em matéria de caças que não restou ao governo argentino outra solução que procurar uma meia solução para a falência total da frota de caças de sua força aérea.

Aliás, a FAA praticamente como "força aérea" desapareceu já há muito, visto a obsolescência em bloco de seus caças.

E como a plata anda tão rala quanto escassa, estão atirando para tudo que é lado. Até Lift está sendo considerado como caça de combate.

Dias difíceis para los hermanos... [001]


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#29068 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Set 17, 2016 5:25 pm

RAF fighters 'bound for Japan for first time in decades' as UK builds military ties ... -ties.html ... 77-reut-cn

Confirmado para a terceira semana de outubro ate inicio de novembro 4 EF vai ir treinar em Misawa.

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#29069 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Set 17, 2016 5:31 pm

Bolivian Army dissatisfied with Chinese Harbin H425 multirole helicopters

Sep 16, 2016
The Bolivian Army remained dissatisfied with Chinese Harbin H425 multirole helicopters. Bolivian Army bought six Harbin H425 helicopters in 2014 and now have completed two years of operations in Bolivian territory with mixed success.

The Government of Bolivia has invested $ 104 million in the purchase of rotary wing aircraft of the China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC), and a lot of spare parts, accessories, simulator and pilot training and technicians.

A usage report of the Bolivian Air Force denounced several problems during the commissioning of the helicopters. In service for two years, the results of Z-9 are particularly mixed. That was reported by

According to the report, training on the equipment was not sufficient for the pilots but also for the maintenance teams. Moreover, maintenance problems appeared quickly. Maintenance teams face many repetitions to failure due to defective parts.

The H425 is a newly developed version of the Harbin Z-9 which itself is the Chinese version of the EADS /Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin/Panther helicopter. The delivery of the H425 would be the first rotary wing assets to the Bolivian Armed Forces.

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#29070 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Set 17, 2016 5:32 pm

Spanish Army has introduced the two first HT-29 Caiman helicopters

Sep 16, 2016
The Spanish Army has introduced at the base ‘Coronel Maté’ in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) the two first HT-29 Caiman. They are the new helicopters NH-90, using the latest technology, that join the airships’ fleet of the FAMET (Spanish Army Helicopter Forces).

According to the FAMET´s chief, General García Blázquez: ‘With the arrival of these helicopters, the efforts to equip the Spanish Armed Forces come together and materialize themselves with a more modern helicopter making the Armed Forces more operational and with more maneuvering capacity with a completely digital platform.’

After the formal reception ceremony (chaired by the chief of the Logistics Support Command Lt. Gen., García Sánchez) and the signature of the document, the two helicopters flew to Agoncillo base, La Rioja (North of Spain). There, there is the 3rd Maneuver Helicopter Battalion which will be the unit having this new helicopter model.

The new helicopters have been assembled at the Airbus factory in Albacete. All the systems built in them have been designed and produced entirely in Spain which also means a boost for the national industry.

The HT-29 Caimán is at the leading edge of all the technical progress and will renew a veteran helicopters´ fleet. Its incorporation will be progressive at a pace of 3 aircrafts per year until 2023 reaching a total of 6 units. During that time, they will live together with HU-10, Augusta Bell 212 and Superpuma, which will be little by little being replaced
