Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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#6301 Mensagem por vplemes » Qua Ago 24, 2016 12:56 pm

Que maravilha! Temos um dos programas de construção de submarinos mais caros, zoados e cheios de suspeitas do mundo. Pelo menos agora vamos ficar sabendo em detalhes de todas as suas capacidades bélicas e suas vulnerabilidades. Pena que o resto do mundo também. Brasil, país de tolos.

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#6302 Mensagem por gusmano » Qua Ago 24, 2016 2:02 pm

Isso vai virar uma trolha para cima da DCNS....

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#6303 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Qui Ago 25, 2016 9:23 am

Navy takes up Scorpene document leak with France government
PTI | Aug 25, 2016, 03.43 PM IST

NEW DELHI: The Navy on Thursday said it has taken up the Scorpene document leak matter with France's Directorate General of Armament and has asked the French government to investigate the incident with urgency and share their findings with the Indian side.

An internal audit of procedures to rule out any security compromise is also being undertaken, the Navy said in a statement, a day after it stressed that the leak appears to be "from overseas and not in India".

"The documents that have been posted on the website by an Australian news agency have been examined and do not pose any security compromise as the vital parameters have been blacked out," the Navy said.

Interestingly, the Australian, a newspaper based in Australia, had put out only few of the 22,400 pages that is in its possession. Citing security concerns of India, the paper had itself blackened out vital information.

Officials had yesterday sought to play down the impact of the leak.

They had argued that the leaked documents are outdated technical manuals and don't constitute sensitive information and is very different from specifications of the Scorpene subs being built for India.

In Thursday's statement, the Navy said it has taken up the matter with Directorate General of Armament of the French government expressing concern over this incident and has requested the French government to investigate this incident with urgency and share their findings with the Indian side.

The matter is being taken up with concerned foreign governments through diplomatic channels to verify the authenticity of the reports, it added.

"The government of India, as a matter of abundant precaution, is also examining the impact if the information contained in the documents claimed to be available with the Australian sources is compromised.

"The detailed assessment of potential impact is being undertaken by a high level committee constituted by the ministry of defence and the Indian Navy is taking all necessary steps to mitigate any probable security compromise," the statement by the Navy said.

Defence experts had on Wednesday raised concerns over the leak, irrespective of the leak compromising Indian security or not.

Defence analyst Commodore Uday Bhaskar (Retd), director of Society of Policy Studies, had said that if the veracity of the documents is proved then it definitely compromises the Indian platform.

"This is so because the leakage of so much technical details compromises the submarines capability to stay undetected," he said.

Rear Admiral Raja Menon (Retd), a submariner who once headed naval operations, had said the breach of security of data should not have happened. ... 858225.cms

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#6304 Mensagem por Tikuna » Qui Ago 25, 2016 6:33 pm

Bom, não esquecer que nosso Scorpene tem bastantes modificações em relação ao indiano, inclusive no casco.

Eu não me preocuparia muito.

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#6305 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sex Ago 26, 2016 1:51 am

"Não é um vazamento, é roubo": docs submarinos indianos foram roubados, fonte gov francês diz
tempo de Publicação: 25 de agosto de 2016 15:29
Documentos que contêm descrições detalhadas de características-chave de submarinos da Marinha da Índia foram roubados do empreiteiro francês que os construiu, diz uma fonte do governo francês. Relatórios anteriores disse que os 22.400 páginas de arquivos ultra-secretos tinham sido vazada.

"Não é um vazamento, é roubo", disse a fonte à Reuters na quarta-feira, acrescentando que nenhuma negligência tinha sido encontrado na parte contratante naval francês DCNS "... mas nós identificamos alguns desonestidade por um indivíduo."

A fonte passou a afirmar que os documentos parecem ter sido roubada em 2011 por um ex-funcionário francês que tinha sido despedido na Índia, fornecendo treinamento sobre o uso de submarinos.

Foto de arquivo do primeiro submarino da Malásia, os temores de vazamento de dados poderia afundar US $ 3 bilhões frota de submarinos furtivos franco-construídas da Índia

Ele também disse que os documentos não foram classificados e aparecem apenas têm-se centrado sobre os elementos operacionais dos submarinos.

Tanto a Índia ea França abriu investigações depois de uma série de documentos foram publicados na quarta-feira pelo jornal The Australian, que se recusou a revelar sua fonte.

Os documentos dão uma descrição detalhada das características vitais dos seis submarinos Scorpene de classe que foram projetados para a marinha indiana pela DCNS, uma empresa francesa de construção naval estatal.

Preocupações levantou-se rapidamente depois de os documentos foram publicados, como muitos temem que a informação poderia ser usada por rivais da Índia - como o Paquistão ou China - para identificar e destruir os submarinos franceses construído em tempo de guerra.

Em particular, a arquivos detalhe dos submarinos Scorpene profundidade de mergulho, alcance e resistência, bem como as frequências em que eles se reúnem inteligência e os níveis de barulho que eles fazem em várias velocidades. Os documentos também descrevem onde a tripulação pode falar com segurança sobre a embarcação para evitar a detecção pelo inimigo.

Os documentos também supostamente divulgar as especificações do sistema de lançamento de torpedos do Scorpene e armas sistema electrónico, o que permitiria um adversário para determinar os pontos fortes e fracos das forças de submarinos da Marinha indiana.

Os documentos incluem 4.457 páginas sobre os submarinos "sensores submarinos, 4.209 páginas em seus sensores de água acima, 4.301 páginas sobre os seus sistemas de controle de combate, 493 páginas descrevendo o seu sistema de lançamento de torpedos, 6.841 páginas detalhando as subs 'sistemas de comunicações, e 2.138 páginas de informações sobre os seus sistemas de navegação.

O novo $3 bilhões frota de submarinos está sendo construído em um estaleiro estatal em Mumbai, a fim de reconstruir a frota naval cada vez menor da Índia. O primeiro DCNS concebido Scorpene - que foi escolhida acima de seus rivais alemães e japoneses por causa de suas capacidades furtivas superior - está prevista para entrar em serviço até o final do ano.

Junto com a Índia, submarinos Scorpene de classe são operados pelas marinhas da Malásia, Espanha e Chile. ... ts-stolen/
Nunca foi oferecido submarino japonês para a Índia a concorrência indiana era entre o Scorpene, Kilo e U214 se não me engano.
A nova concorrência os indianos queriam a participação dos japoneses porem os japoneses parecem não ter interesse em vender o Soryu para os indianos.

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#6306 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Dom Ago 28, 2016 6:44 pm

Updated: August 29, 2016 01:16 IST
DCNS to move court to stop data release

The French submarine manufacturer seeks legal route to stop further data release.

French submarine manufacturer DCNS, which is in a tight spot after classified data on Scorpene submarines pertaining to the Indian Navy got leaked, is set to take legal recourse to prevent The Australian newspaper from making public any more information from the 22,400 documents it obtained.

To seek injunction

“Lawyers for DCNS have told The Australian the company will seek an injunction in the Supreme Court of New South Wales (NSW) today [Monday] to prevent further publication of documents,” the newspaper said in a report late on Sunday Indian time.

DCNS wants paper to hand over documents

French submarine manufacturer DCNS, which is set to seek an injunction in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, to stop The Australian from publishing more leaked documents on the Scorpenes, is also looking to get a court order to force the paper to “hand over the documents and remove them from its website.”

An affidavit issued by DCNS’s lawyer Justine Munsie to the newspaper says, “The publication of this highly valuable document causes a direct harm to DCNS and its customer in terms of spread of sensitive and restricted information, image and reputation.”

A report in the newspaper said DCNS has also filed a complaint against unknown persons for breach of trust with the Paris prosecutor which includes “receiving stolen goods and complicity.”

It also contested Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar’s claim that the impact of the leak was minimal as, among other things, it does not include weapons details as they are from a different manufacturer.

“However, the leaked secret data seen by The Australian includes details of the capabilities of the SM39 anti-ship missile expected to be used on the Scorpene,” the report said, adding that the data includes the number of targets the missile is capable of processing, its launch details and how many targets could be downloaded before firing. ... 043129.ece

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#6307 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Ago 28, 2016 9:52 pm

3 Reasons Why #ScorpeneLeak Is A BIG Worry
Shiv Aroor
Aug 25 2016 2 23 pm ... worry.html

Over the last 36 hours since the Scorpene Leak scandal broke, plenty has been said about the nature of the leak and its potential impact on Indian submarine operations and deployments. The Indian Navy has set up a top-level inquiry team to investigate the leak. India has also unequivocally put the onus on France, officially declaring that the leak for was from ‘foreign source’. In the mean time, government officials have sought to play down the impact of the leak, both officially and otherwise. Among the things being said: the leaked documents are technical manuals, are outdated, don’t constitute sensitive information and don’t pertain to India’s Scorpenes alone. An MoD official has also been quoted as saying there is no cause for worry. Handling an explosive situation where the Indian government has clearly been blindsided by the leak is one thing. But to brush the leak aside and recognise it for anything other than a devastating breach is to ensure that it happens again. Here now is a list of three reasons why the Scorpene Leak scandal is the most serious non-conflict cause for worry the Indian military has faced in a long time.

1) The fact that officially controlled/restricted documents of any kind pertaining to strategic platforms have found their way into the public domain itself is the principal cause for alarm. Documentation and literature running into many thousands of pages are restricted for several reasons — tactical, strategic, economic and commercial. A leak establishes that the system on the Scorpene programme has holes. Period. That hole is now the centerpiece of two separate investigations in India and France. That hole has no place in a $3 billion transaction that was underscored by an integrity pact. That hole has no place in an enormously complex programme that looks to shore up critical force levels in one of India’s most crucial combat arms.

2) Indian Navy submariners (both serving and retired) are unanimously alarmed. A serving Lieutenant Commander I spoke to, currently deployed on a Kilo-class boat, said, “We’ve seen some of the pages that are out there. But we don’t know what else is out there. Until we know, we have to assume the worst. That’s how the submarine service works.” Nothing truer. The Indian Navy itself, in its official statement today, perplexingly pointed to the redacted documents published by The Australian, as if the Australian newspaper/website is the source of the leak. The truth is, at this stage, the Indian Navy and government aren’t fully clear about what’s been leaked. It’s a metaphor that reflects submarine operations perfectly: what isn’t known could sink you.

3) But there’s something much more fundamental about the leak that isn’t being recognised as much as it probably should. A second submariner I spoke to illustrated the point in the gritty way submariners do. He provided me with the following scenario: “Imagine you’re sent into a large hall full of silent people and ordered to track down a particular person. You don’t know their name, what they look like, what they sound like. Now imagine being sent into that same room with a photograph of the person, a voice sample. How much sooner would you find the person?” He admits that’s a simplistic example, but he says it conveys a very fundamental message about submarine operations. In a world of darkness and silence, the smallest glimmer of light or sound is actionable data, information that helps decisions, speeds up processes, helps evasion and tracking. 22,000 pages that reportedly cover everything from the Scorpene’s vulnerabilities to its frequencies to its acoustic profiles sounds like a “nightmare” in the submariner’s words. I asked him to list the possible nature of data compromised in the leak. His list: propulsion and cavitation data, acoustics at ultra-slow speed, combat system acoustics, drive turbine sound profile, shifting sonar profile during rapid dive, frequencies at snorkling and shallow depth, acoustic dynamics shift between shallow stationary float and snorkeling depth. Conversations in media and within the Navy wonder if technical manuals and specifications of submarine platforms really provide any fodder to adversaries. I quote, once again, a submariner: “We don’t know what’s out there. And, yes.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Seg Ago 29, 2016 10:06 am, em um total de 1 vez.
Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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#6308 Mensagem por talharim » Seg Ago 29, 2016 8:33 am



Em razão do não comparecimento na data acertada para
ministrar o Curso de Aquicultura Marinha, previsto para ocorrer em
29/09/2015 a 02/10/2015, fica essa associação INTIMADA da rescisão
contratual, substituído pela Nota de Empenho 2015NE000194,
ocorrida no dia 14 de julho de 2016, com base no art. 58, II c/c 78,
I e 79, I da Lei nº 8.666/1993, motivo pelo qual, fica essa associação
INTIMADA a se manifestar sobre o motivo do descumprimento do
acordo, no prazo de 5 dias, conforme dispõe o §2º do art. 87 da Lei
nº 8.666/1993.
Processo NUP 62164.000434/2013-17.
Espécie: Intimação.
Empresa intimada: Associação dos Maricultores do Litorial
Sul - AMALIS -
CNPJ: 03.575.721./0001-18
Rio de Janeiro, 26 de agosto de 2016
Assessora da Gerência de Apoio ao Licenciamento

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
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#6309 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Ago 29, 2016 10:48 am

Scorpene leak: Data includes details on missile likely to be used
IANS | New Delhi Aug 29, 2016 08:30 AM IST

India scurries to assess Scorpene leak impact

Leaked documents on the Scopene submarine include details of the capabilities of the SM39 anti-ship missile expected to be used on the submarine, The Australian has said in its latest report.

Cameron Stewart, the journalist who broke the story of leak of French company DCNS's documents, also said in the latest report that the firm is threatening legal action against the newspaper to prevent further publication of information.

The report comes a day after Stewart tweeted he will publish the documents with weapon information.

"India's Defence Minister, Manohar Parrikar, who has ordered an investigation of the leak, has tried to allay fears of the damage, saying the leak was most likely 'not a big worry' because the data did not contain weapons system details. However, the leaked secret data seen by The Australian includes details of the capabilities of the SM39 anti-ship missile expected to be used on the Scorpene," said his story in The Australian.

"The data includes the number of targets the missile is capable of processing, its launch details and how many targets could be downloaded before firing," the report said.

The Scorpenes, with six torpedo launching tubes, are to be armed with SM-39 Exocet missiles, a sea-skimming, solid fueled, anti-ship missile with an operational range up to 180 km and terminal active radar homing.

The report also said the DCNS is threatening the newspaper of legal action.

"The French shipbuilder at the centre of a global submarine data leak scandal is threatening legal action today to prevent further publication of the information contained in 22,400 secret documents obtained by The Australian."

The report said lawyers for DCNS have told The Australian the company will seek an injunction in the Supreme Court of New South Wales on Monday to prevent further publication of documents.

It added that DCNS is also seeking a court order to force the newspaper to hand over the documents and remove them from its website.

"The publication of this highly valuable document causes a direct harm to DCNS and its customer in terms of spread of sensitive and restricted information, image and reputation," The Australian quotes an affidavit by DCNS's lawyer Justine Munsie as saying.

Around 22,400 pages of data was leaked from DCNS, which contains critical information of India's Scorpene submarines. The Indian Navy has however maintained that the information is not alarming, as the real signature of the under trial first boat, as well as others, is yet to be finalised.

Parrikar, on Friday had said the leaked documents do not contain information on the weapons systems.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
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#6310 Mensagem por EduClau » Seg Set 05, 2016 12:45 pm

A noticia chegou à grande mídia: ... 0000074108


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#6311 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Sáb Set 10, 2016 10:46 am

Navy chief contradicts Government Scorpene leak is a serious concern

Sep 09, 2016, 16:51

Cameron Stewart, the journalist who broke the story of leak of French company DCNS's documents, also said in the latest report that the firm is threatening legal action against the newspaper to prevent further publication of information.

India has asked France and DCNS to probe the leak.

The newspaper will also have to take down all the information it had put up so far on its website, and hand over all the material it has to the company. Earlier, the Navy, in a statement had said the documents that have been posted on the website by an Australian news agency have been examined and do not pose any security compromise as the vital parameters have been blacked out.

Meanwhile, Indian Navy has set-up a high level committee to find out the extent of the leak and the damage to the Navy.

"It is never good for an opponent to have your playbook", he said.

"Therefore, I don't see any reason to worry because of the allegation of data leak that was reported because it does not affect our operations or the security of TLDM's submarines", Mohd Johari told Malay Mail Online. "We are assuming, on our own, that this has leaked and we are taking all precautions", Parrikar had said.

"We filed a complaint against unknown persons for breach of trust with the Paris prosecutor", said a DCNS spokesman. The private data included subtle elements of the capacities of SM39 hostile to ship rocket anticipated that would be utilized on the Scorpene and programmed information about the quantity of focuses on the rocket was fit for handling.

Meanwhile, the Indian Navy top officers have said that they do not expect the project to be delayed and that the first vessel, INS Kalvari, which is now undergoing sea trials, will be inducted by the year-end.

A French shipbuilder plans to seek an injunction to prevent further publication of information contained in 22,400 secret documents about stealth submarines built for India. ... -is-a.html

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#6312 Mensagem por JL » Sáb Out 22, 2016 8:37 pm

Para apimentar, esquentar e o pessoal escrever alguma coisa: ... do-prosub/

Dos cosas te pido señor, la victoria y el regreso, pero si una sola haz de darme, que sea la victoria.
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#6313 Mensagem por talharim » Qua Out 26, 2016 7:49 am



Geral do Programa de Desenvolvimento de Submarino com
Propulsão Nuclear, no uso das suas atribuições atinentes às atividades
referentes ao inciso II do art. 3º da Portaria nº 21/COGESN, de 22 de
maio de 2013, alterada pela Portaria nº 21/COGESN, de 16 de abril
de 2015, referente ao Decreto de Declaração de Utilidade Pública, de
31 de janeiro de 2013, resolve publicar o seguinte Termo de Acordo
Administrativo de Desapropriação celebrado de acordo com a alínea
"a" do art. 5º e art. 10º do Decreto nº 3.365/1941:
Processo NUP: 62164.001232/2013-92
Espécie: Termo de Acordo nº 002, de 20 de outubro de 2016.
Partes: União Federal e Ivo Luiz de Castilho.
Expropriado: Ivo Luiz de Castilho, CPF: 447.826.757-04.
Objeto: Desapropriação da benfeitoria situada na Estrada Joaquim
Fernandes nº 227 - fundos, Ilha da Madeira, Itaguaí/RJ, compreendendo
uma benfeitoria de concreto e alvenaria, com área aproximada
construída de 131,00m².
Manifestação Jurídica referencial.
Parecer nº 00026/2016/CTV/GAM/NAMI/CGU/AGU, de 07 de março
de 2016. (Nos Termos da Orientação Normativa AGU nº 55, de 23
de maio de 2014).
Nomes das Partes: IVO LUIZ DE CASTILHO e CA (RM1-IM)

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French

one behind me."

General George S. Patton.
Lord Nauta
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#6314 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Sex Out 28, 2016 4:43 pm

Em relação ao PROSUB defendo que a realização do mesmo deveria recuperar por iniciativa do GF o fluxo de recursos necessários para compensar os atrasos decorrentes das restrições orçamentárias bem como agilizar e acelerar sua execução. Também sou da opinião que em função da importância do referido programa a exemplo do que ocorreu com o projeto da classe Tupi a MB deveria envidar esforços para ampliar o escopo do mesmo nesta primeira fase visando obter escala e suprir necessidades relativas à ampliação e modernização da FORSUB.

Acredito que seria viável acrescentar ao programa as seguintes unidades adicionais:

O quinto submarino (S-44) a ser construído a partir da realização de 40 % das obras do quarto submarino.

Um navio de salvamento submarino: - Este navio estaria apto ao socorro dos SNA. Atualmente existe uma serie de classes que poderiam ser analisadas pelo CPN da DEN para atenderem as necessidades da MB. Em minha opinião existe uma classe em particular de projeto da DAMEN a Multi-Role Auxiliary Vessel 3600 que poderia ser objeto deste estudo. Este navio poderia ser construído no Brasil no estaleiro Wilson Sons, gerando empregos e renda e agregando tecnologias a construção naval militar brasileira.

Um navio especializado na recuperação de torpedos de exercício e apoio ao treinamento da FORSUB. Neste caso a DAMEN tem entre seus projetos a classe Multi-Role Auxiliary Vessel 660. Este navio também seria construído no estaleiro Wilson Sons.
Outro projeto que acredito ser de grande importância seria a extensão da vida útil dos S 30, S 31, S 32, S33 e S 34. Estes cinco submarinos viriam a ser substituídos pelo segundo lote de SSK’s a serem construídos no Brasil. Este segundo lote da classe Riachuelo – Batch II (já de projeto nacional) deveria incluir dois SNA. Sou convicto que este seria um caminho factível para o Brasil e a Marinha manter de forma perene as conquistas tecnológicas advindas do PROSUB.


Lord Nauta

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#6315 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Sex Out 28, 2016 6:46 pm

Lord Nauta escreveu:...Também sou da opinião que em função da importância do referido programa a exemplo do que ocorreu com o projeto da classe Tupi a MB deveria envidar esforços para ampliar o escopo do mesmo nesta primeira fase visando obter escala e suprir necessidades relativas à ampliação e modernização da FORSUB.

Acredito que seria viável acrescentar ao programa as seguintes unidades adicionais:

O quinto submarino (S-44) a ser construído a partir da realização de 40 % das obras do quarto submarino.


Lord Nauta
Concordo com quase tudo, menos com o trecho marcado acima. Ao invés de uma unidade adicional do Scorpène-BR sou de opinião de que deveria ser projetada uma classe nova e bem maior de sub convencional, ja utilizando o mesmo conceito de segmento de casco, proa e popa a serem empregados no SN-BR.

O primeiro navio desta classe deveria ser lançado ao mar a tempo de ser avaliado antes de se iniciar a construção do SN-BR em si, e deveria servir tanto para checar todos os detalhes do próprio projeto das unidades nucleares em si quanto para a MB verificar as vantages e desvantages do emprego de sub's convencionais bem maiores que o próprio Scorpéne-BR, que já são comuns em outras marinhas.

Leandro G. Card

P.S.: Claro que este meu comentário é apenas uma elucubração teórica descompromissada. Na prátiva acho extremamente difícil que o PROSUB algum dia vá além das 4 unidades já encomendadas do Scorpène-BR e com muita sorte mesmo um protótipo semi-operacional de um submarino nuclear.
