Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
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- FCarvalho
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Vamos ver quanto tempo os japoneses vão admitir ficar para trás nesta corrida. Chinese e russos estão fazendo o dever de casa.
A ver.
A ver.
Carpe Diem
- mmatuso
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Nessa escala não será fácil para outros países partirem atrás.
SuperPA era só os EUA.
SuperPA era só os EUA.
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
World | Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:11pm EDT
China says to hold drills with Russia in South China Sea
China and Russia will hold "routine" naval exercises in the South China Sea in September, China's Defence Ministry said on Thursday, adding that the drills were aimed at strengthening their cooperation and were not aimed at any other country.
The exercises come at a time of heightened tension in the contested waters after an arbitration court in The Hague ruled this month that China did not have historic rights to the South China Sea and criticized its environmental destruction there.
China rejected the ruling and refused to participate in the case.
"This is a routine exercise between the two armed forces, aimed at strengthening the developing China-Russia strategic cooperative partnership," China's defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told a regular monthly news conference.
"The exercise is not directed against third parties."
China and Russia are veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, and have held similar views on many major issues such as the crisis in Syria, putting them at odds with the United States and Western Europe.
Last year, they held joint military drills in the Sea of Japan and the Mediterranean.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest played down the significance of the exercises even though he conceded that the South China Sea was "a sensitive diplomatic topic right now".
"I don't know what exercises they are planning, but in the same way the United States and China have a military-to-military relationship, I'm not surprised that Russia and China are seeking to build upon their military-to-military relationship as well," he told a regular briefing.
China has recently taken part in U.S.-led multinational naval drills in the Pacific and a U.S. defense official said he did not expect the China-Russia exercises to affect U.S. military activity or behavior in the South China Sea.
“We're not concerned about the safety of U.S. vessels in the region as long as interactions with the Chinese remain safe and professional, which has been the case in most cases,” the official said.
China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion of trade moves annually. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have rival claims.
China has repeatedly blamed the United States for stoking tension in the region through its military patrols, and of taking sides in the dispute.
The United States has sought to assert its right to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea with its patrols and denies taking sides in the territorial disputes.
Russia has been a strong backer of China's stance on the arbitration case, which was brought by the Philippines.
Yang said China and Russia were comprehensive strategic partners and had already held many exercises this year.
"These drills deepen mutual trust and expand cooperation, raise the ability to jointly deal with security threats, and benefit the maintenance of regional and global peace and stability," he said.
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom and Idrees Ali in Washington; Writing by John Ruwitch and Brenda Goh; Editing by Robert Birsel and James Dalgleish) ... SKCN1080O8
China says to hold drills with Russia in South China Sea
China and Russia will hold "routine" naval exercises in the South China Sea in September, China's Defence Ministry said on Thursday, adding that the drills were aimed at strengthening their cooperation and were not aimed at any other country.
The exercises come at a time of heightened tension in the contested waters after an arbitration court in The Hague ruled this month that China did not have historic rights to the South China Sea and criticized its environmental destruction there.
China rejected the ruling and refused to participate in the case.
"This is a routine exercise between the two armed forces, aimed at strengthening the developing China-Russia strategic cooperative partnership," China's defense ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told a regular monthly news conference.
"The exercise is not directed against third parties."
China and Russia are veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council, and have held similar views on many major issues such as the crisis in Syria, putting them at odds with the United States and Western Europe.
Last year, they held joint military drills in the Sea of Japan and the Mediterranean.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest played down the significance of the exercises even though he conceded that the South China Sea was "a sensitive diplomatic topic right now".
"I don't know what exercises they are planning, but in the same way the United States and China have a military-to-military relationship, I'm not surprised that Russia and China are seeking to build upon their military-to-military relationship as well," he told a regular briefing.
China has recently taken part in U.S.-led multinational naval drills in the Pacific and a U.S. defense official said he did not expect the China-Russia exercises to affect U.S. military activity or behavior in the South China Sea.
“We're not concerned about the safety of U.S. vessels in the region as long as interactions with the Chinese remain safe and professional, which has been the case in most cases,” the official said.
China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion of trade moves annually. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam have rival claims.
China has repeatedly blamed the United States for stoking tension in the region through its military patrols, and of taking sides in the dispute.
The United States has sought to assert its right to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea with its patrols and denies taking sides in the territorial disputes.
Russia has been a strong backer of China's stance on the arbitration case, which was brought by the Philippines.
Yang said China and Russia were comprehensive strategic partners and had already held many exercises this year.
"These drills deepen mutual trust and expand cooperation, raise the ability to jointly deal with security threats, and benefit the maintenance of regional and global peace and stability," he said.
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom and Idrees Ali in Washington; Writing by John Ruwitch and Brenda Goh; Editing by Robert Birsel and James Dalgleish) ... SKCN1080O8
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- P44
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
China to have 'world's largest navy' by 2020, says report
Gabriel Dominguez, London and Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
28 July 2016
Based on the number and variety of warships that the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is likely to have in commission by the year 2020, a new report says that China will have not only the largest but also the second-most capable blue-water navy in the world within the next four years.
Published in June by CNA's Center for Naval Analyses - a federally funded research and development centre serving the US Department of the Navy and other US defence agencies - the paper says that the total PLAN warship strength may exceed 270 vessels within the next four years. ... ays-report
Gabriel Dominguez, London and Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
28 July 2016
Based on the number and variety of warships that the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is likely to have in commission by the year 2020, a new report says that China will have not only the largest but also the second-most capable blue-water navy in the world within the next four years.
Published in June by CNA's Center for Naval Analyses - a federally funded research and development centre serving the US Department of the Navy and other US defence agencies - the paper says that the total PLAN warship strength may exceed 270 vessels within the next four years. ... ays-report
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- akivrx78
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- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Tudo vai depender de como o desenrolar ira avançar na região.FCarvalho escreveu:Vamos ver quanto tempo os japoneses vão admitir ficar para trás nesta corrida. Chinese e russos estão fazendo o dever de casa.
A ver.
Os chineses no inicio da década de 90 apresentou este mapa como meta de até 2010 dominar a primeira cadeia linear e até 2020 a segunda cadeia linear, no momento eles partiram para o lado mais fácil no Sul onde os países são mais fracos vamos ver o que vai acontecer quando eles tentarem se impor da mesma forma no lado leste.
Em 2010 teve aquele incidente da guarda costeira japonesa e pesqueiro chinês que desencadeou a disputa pelas ilhas Senkaku, um lado nacionalizou o outro criou uma zona de identificação aérea e quase que diariamente mandam navios de suas guardas costeiras irem patrulhar o local, ao mesmo tempo de vez em quando ocorre a troca de acusações sobre a utilização de meios militares para intimidação.
O lado chinês vai continuar com sua pressão, cada vez mais mandando meios mais capazes para se impor sobre a região, por outro lado os japoneses se anteciparam criando novas linhas de defesa em suas ilhas no sul.
A defesa japonesa consiste em utilizar os F-2 para defesa aeronaval, e utilizar suas baterias costeiras de misseis anti-navios, a marinha fica encarregada da defesa antimíssil balística e da caça a submarinos, esta estratégia de defesa foi implantada no tempo da guerra fria e até o momento não se alterou muito, apenas o foco mudou da URSS (norte) para a China (sul).
Agora vamos ao que interessa os Naes todos sabem que eles são meios de projeção de poder, no momento como expliquei acima as defesas dos japoneses estão mantendo os chineses fora da primeira linha, porem no futuro com os Naes eles podem ser utilizados em áreas mais distantes dentro da segunda linha, como a EEZ dos japoneses é bem grande se teria uma certa dificuldade para monitorar toda a região.
Neste cenário existe 2 opções a implementação de meios baseados em terra nestas ilhas mais distantes ou a obtenção de Naes para monitorar a área no tempo da guerra fria a URSS mandava patrulhas próximo a costa japonesa fazendo o contorno em volta das principais ilhas esta área mais aberta no pacifico não tinha muita relevância, porem a China andou mandando alguns navios de sua marinha irem fazer exercícios bem no meio do buraco na EEZ dos japoneses.
Isto da a entender que eles poderiam mandar Naes para patrulhas permanentes nesta região no futuro, oferecendo um novo desafio para os japoneses, nesta região existe uma base aeronaval em Minamitori-shima mas esta ilha fica um pouco distante do TO em questão.
A direita no mapa fica Minamitori-shima a esqueda no mapa fica Okinotorishima, ambas as ilhas ficam muito distantes e requerem investimentos grandes no caso de Okinotorishima em especial os investimento teriam que enfrentar fortes grupos ambientalistas que se opõem a qualquer alteração do local, para dizer a verdade existe uma forte oposição tanto ambientalista como pacifista contra a ocupação de militares nestas ilhas mais distantes no pacifico.
Abaixo vou colar um texto interessante sobre Okinotorishima que tem tudo a ver com a China na disputa no Sul.
As opções dos japoneses podem ser construir a força contra a opinião publica novas bases militares nestas ilhas mais distantes ou imitar a China e aterrar alguns atóis (esta opção eu acho improvável) ou adquirir meios que possam realizar o monitoramento e controle desta área, em todo o caso tudo vai depender de como a China pretende utilizar seus Naes.A disputa sobre a zona económica exclusiva em Okinotorishima
O Japão considera que em torno do atol existe uma zona económica exclusiva com 200 milhas náuticas de raio, o que equivale a uma superfície aproximada de 400,000 km², o que não é aceite pelos outros Estados ribeirinhos. Por essa razão, durante conversações bilaterais realizadas entre os governos do Japão e da República Popular da China, a 22 de Abril de 2004 diplomatas chineses comunicaram que embora a República Popular da China reconheça a soberania japonesa sobre o atol, considera que o mesmo cai na categoria de rochedos e não de ilhas.
Essa distinção entre rochedos e ilhas é factor determinante para a concessão de direitos económicos exclusivos nos mares, já que nos termos da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, artigo 121, "Uma ilha é uma formação natural de terra, rodeada de água, que fica a descoberto na preia-mar", considerando como rochedos todas as outras formações. A mesma Convenção estabelece, no artigo 121, que "Os rochedos que, por si próprios, não se prestam à habitação humana ou a vida económica não devem ter zona económica exclusiva nem plataforma continental". O Japão é signatário da Convenção desde 1983, tendo esta entrado em vigor, no que se refere àquele Estado, em 1996.
A principal motivação da China, para além das questões de aproveitamento dos recursos marinhos, é a necessidade de proceder a trabalhos de pesquisa oceanográfica na zona, em particular da configuração dos fundos marinhos, para poder ali desenvolver operações militares submarinas em caso de conflito armado com a República da China (Taiwan)". O atol ocupa uma posição militar de importância estratégica, localizando-se a meio caminho entre Taiwan e Guam, território onde os Estados Unidos da América mantêm forças permanentes.
Navios da República Popular da China têm conduzido operações de mapeamento dos fundos submarinos ao longo das rotas de aproximação a Taiwan, em particular daquelas que poderão ser utilizadas pelos Estados Unidos num eventual apoio à ilha. A República Popular da China conduziu quatro campanhas de mapeamento dos fundos em torno de Okinotori em 2001, duas em 2002 e outra em 2003. Contudo, o número de incidentes envolvendo navios chineses a desenvolver este tipo de actividades subiu para quatro, o que desencadeou protestos por parte do Japão, que os considera incompatíveis com o estatuto de zona económica exclusiva que atribui à zona.
Os Estados Unidos da América, que administraram as ilhas entre 1945 (após a rendição do Japão) e 1968, apoiam a posição japonesa de que o atol é uma ilha e não um rochedo.
No contexto atual um Nae japonês poderia ser uma opção caso a China tente se impor sobre a segunda linha, caso contrario um Nae japonês somente existiria se a política externa se modificasse e irem se aventurar junto com o Eua em suas guerras longe do arquipélago japonês.
- FCarvalho
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- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Obrigado pelas explanações.
Acredito que se a meta dos chineses for realmente chegar até a linha azul, e penso eles irão fazer isto, não sobram muitas alternativas aos japoneses, a não ser confiar que os americanos disponham seus próprios Nae's para tentar barrar o avanço chines, ou resolver ter seus próprios Nae.
Mas Nae no Japão hoje, ainda é um assunto muito indigesto.
Vamos ver se a realidade dos fatos trás alguma solução para esta indigestão nipônica.
Acredito que se a meta dos chineses for realmente chegar até a linha azul, e penso eles irão fazer isto, não sobram muitas alternativas aos japoneses, a não ser confiar que os americanos disponham seus próprios Nae's para tentar barrar o avanço chines, ou resolver ter seus próprios Nae.
Mas Nae no Japão hoje, ainda é um assunto muito indigesto.
Vamos ver se a realidade dos fatos trás alguma solução para esta indigestão nipônica.
Carpe Diem
- akivrx78
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- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Para existir um Nae se necessita de uma ameaça real e isto vai depender de como os chineses pretender utilizar seus Naes, os japoneses não vão adquirir um Nae sem aja um motivo.
Se os chineses mandarem um Nae de vez em quando (uma ou duas vezes por ano) na segunda linha o investimento em um Nae japonês não se justifica, porem se eles mandarem constantemente suas esquadras para região ai a estratégia atual pode se alterar.
A indigestão se altera rápido se a ameaça se tornar real...
Abaixo uma matéria sobre a possibilidade do Trump ganhar. ... t=&act=url
A matéria se refere a exigência do Trump em cobrar uma taxa dos países da Otan que investem menos de 1% na sua defesa, no caso japonês se aplicado da mesma forma se teria de pagar US$50 Bilhões por ano ao Eua, interessante a reposta dos japoneses o que eles pensam sobre isto (mais interessante ainda porque não são opiniões de um fórum militarista e sim de política externa)
Se os chineses mandarem um Nae de vez em quando (uma ou duas vezes por ano) na segunda linha o investimento em um Nae japonês não se justifica, porem se eles mandarem constantemente suas esquadras para região ai a estratégia atual pode se alterar.
A indigestão se altera rápido se a ameaça se tornar real...
Abaixo uma matéria sobre a possibilidade do Trump ganhar. ... t=&act=url
A matéria se refere a exigência do Trump em cobrar uma taxa dos países da Otan que investem menos de 1% na sua defesa, no caso japonês se aplicado da mesma forma se teria de pagar US$50 Bilhões por ano ao Eua, interessante a reposta dos japoneses o que eles pensam sobre isto (mais interessante ainda porque não são opiniões de um fórum militarista e sim de política externa)
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN) ... rev=search
Marinha chinesa esbanjando arrogância no Rimpac...
Não foi na cerimônia de recepção dos japoneses, não convidou os japoneses para sua cerimônia de recepção, proibiu os japoneses de visitar seus navios e também ignorou o convite dos japoneses.
Marinha chinesa esbanjando arrogância no Rimpac...
Não foi na cerimônia de recepção dos japoneses, não convidou os japoneses para sua cerimônia de recepção, proibiu os japoneses de visitar seus navios e também ignorou o convite dos japoneses.
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 360 vezes
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
China Likely to Become Aircraft Carrier Superpower Soon
07/24/2016 Updated 5 days ago
AsiaToday AsiaToday is a comprehensive global media group that provides a variety of latest news from Korea and other East Asian countries.
By Hong Soon-do, Beijing correspondent, AsiaToday - It seems that China is ready to launch its first indigenous aircraft carrier (CV), the Type 001A, by the end of the year. As a result, China, which operates a rehabilitated ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, is expected to become a full-fledged aircraft carrier operating country soon. Furthermore, it’s certain that the country will continue to bring more domestic aircraft carriers into service to turn itself into an aircraft carrier superpower.
China’s first domestic carrier 001A is at the last stage of construction. It might be deployed as early as the end of the year./ Source: search engine Baidu
Such observation is not an exaggeration considering the recent images and videos of the Type 001A, which shows that it is almost complete in outward appearance. In fact, some of the state-owned media outlets claimed Sunday that the 001A is at the final stage of construction, added that the era of domestic aircraft carrier is here.
The fact that China is constructing a domestic aircraft carrier is not a surprise. In a news conference at the end of last year, China’s defense ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun announced that its navy is building China’s second, but the first indigenously-built aircraft carrier in Dalian shipyard. Furthermore, it has been also revealed in mid-June that the installation of the ship’s ski jump, one of the major parts, has begun.
However, it’s a quite different story, considering the fact that the Type 001A is China’s first domestically built carrier. For instance, the United States, who once looked down on China’s technology before, is now keeping an eye on the carrier’s construction process.
Moreover, China’s second locally designed and built aircraft carrier is under construction in secret in a shipyard near Shanghai. The Chinese Navy’s plan of deploying 6 aircraft carriers including 2 nuclear-powered ones by 2025 is not an empty boast.
At present, the Chin’s military strength falls far behind those of the United States, its potential enemy. However, the gap will be narrowed down significantly if China’s indigenous aircraft carriers begin to enter service. This is why the U.S. is keeping an eye on China’s recent action. ... 64324.html
07/24/2016 Updated 5 days ago
AsiaToday AsiaToday is a comprehensive global media group that provides a variety of latest news from Korea and other East Asian countries.
By Hong Soon-do, Beijing correspondent, AsiaToday - It seems that China is ready to launch its first indigenous aircraft carrier (CV), the Type 001A, by the end of the year. As a result, China, which operates a rehabilitated ex-Soviet aircraft carrier, is expected to become a full-fledged aircraft carrier operating country soon. Furthermore, it’s certain that the country will continue to bring more domestic aircraft carriers into service to turn itself into an aircraft carrier superpower.
China’s first domestic carrier 001A is at the last stage of construction. It might be deployed as early as the end of the year./ Source: search engine Baidu
Such observation is not an exaggeration considering the recent images and videos of the Type 001A, which shows that it is almost complete in outward appearance. In fact, some of the state-owned media outlets claimed Sunday that the 001A is at the final stage of construction, added that the era of domestic aircraft carrier is here.
The fact that China is constructing a domestic aircraft carrier is not a surprise. In a news conference at the end of last year, China’s defense ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun announced that its navy is building China’s second, but the first indigenously-built aircraft carrier in Dalian shipyard. Furthermore, it has been also revealed in mid-June that the installation of the ship’s ski jump, one of the major parts, has begun.
However, it’s a quite different story, considering the fact that the Type 001A is China’s first domestically built carrier. For instance, the United States, who once looked down on China’s technology before, is now keeping an eye on the carrier’s construction process.
Moreover, China’s second locally designed and built aircraft carrier is under construction in secret in a shipyard near Shanghai. The Chinese Navy’s plan of deploying 6 aircraft carriers including 2 nuclear-powered ones by 2025 is not an empty boast.
At present, the Chin’s military strength falls far behind those of the United States, its potential enemy. However, the gap will be narrowed down significantly if China’s indigenous aircraft carriers begin to enter service. This is why the U.S. is keeping an eye on China’s recent action. ... 64324.html
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Liaoning with 8 J-15s, plus Z-8 and Z-9 helicopters. Bonus: J-15 at low level #china
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
DSIC launches second Type 052D destroyer
Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 August 2016
The Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company launched its second Luyang III-class (Type 052D) destroyer on 3 August. Source: Via
The Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC) launched its second Luyang III-class (Type 052D) destroyer on 3 August. The first vessel of its type to be built in Dalian is currently being fitted out and a third one is on the slipway.
Jiangnan Changxingdao, the principle construction yard for the Type 052D, launched its eighth such vessel on 28 July.
The continuing production of the Type 052D indicates the class will be larger than previously anticipated.
A recent CNA report on China's maritime power highlighted that the country already has more of these ships than Japan has Aegis destroyers. ... -destroyer
Quase todo mes tem um navio novo lançado...
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
China's third aircraft carrier likely to be fitted with catapults
Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 August 2016
This image shows that China's Type 001A carrier will feature a ski-jump section designed for short take-off operations. Source: Via
A photograph has emerged on Chinese online forums showing that China's land-based aircraft carrier mock-up in Wuhan, Hubei Province, is undergoing modifications.
These are likely to reflect changes between China's first indigenous aircraft carrier, the Type 001A, which is currently being built at Dalian shipyard and the next one to be constructed, which is commonly referred to as the Type 002.
Most significantly the ski-jump section has been removed from the mock-up, reinforcing expectations that China's third carrier will be equipped with catapults.
Construction of China's third carrier is expected to take place at the Jiangnan Changxingdao shipyard near Shanghai. So far there has been no official confirmation of the programme nor visible evidence of the construction, but there has been considerable speculation that production of the initial modules is already in progress.
Satellite imagery of the Huangdicun Airbase, which supports China's J-15 carrier-based aircraft, reveals that construction of the facilities assessed to be catapults commenced in 2015. This is a further indication that future Chinese carriers will have a configuration for catapult-assisted take-off but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) operations.
The two systems being installed at Huangdicun are believed to be steam-powered and electromagnetic catapults. Installation of both suggests that a final decision on which system to adopt may not yet have been taken.
The latest unofficial images of the Type 001A carrier at Dalian show a ski-jump section designed for short take-off operations; similar to that on China's first carrier Liaoning .
Construction of the structure up to the flight deck is largely complete, with the final ski-jump module assembled and ready for installation.
The addition of modules to form the island should follow before the carrier's launch, which at the current rate of progress could take place before the end of 2016, although early 2017 is more likely. ... -catapults
Andrew Tate, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 August 2016
This image shows that China's Type 001A carrier will feature a ski-jump section designed for short take-off operations. Source: Via
A photograph has emerged on Chinese online forums showing that China's land-based aircraft carrier mock-up in Wuhan, Hubei Province, is undergoing modifications.
These are likely to reflect changes between China's first indigenous aircraft carrier, the Type 001A, which is currently being built at Dalian shipyard and the next one to be constructed, which is commonly referred to as the Type 002.
Most significantly the ski-jump section has been removed from the mock-up, reinforcing expectations that China's third carrier will be equipped with catapults.
Construction of China's third carrier is expected to take place at the Jiangnan Changxingdao shipyard near Shanghai. So far there has been no official confirmation of the programme nor visible evidence of the construction, but there has been considerable speculation that production of the initial modules is already in progress.
Satellite imagery of the Huangdicun Airbase, which supports China's J-15 carrier-based aircraft, reveals that construction of the facilities assessed to be catapults commenced in 2015. This is a further indication that future Chinese carriers will have a configuration for catapult-assisted take-off but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) operations.
The two systems being installed at Huangdicun are believed to be steam-powered and electromagnetic catapults. Installation of both suggests that a final decision on which system to adopt may not yet have been taken.
The latest unofficial images of the Type 001A carrier at Dalian show a ski-jump section designed for short take-off operations; similar to that on China's first carrier Liaoning .
Construction of the structure up to the flight deck is largely complete, with the final ski-jump module assembled and ready for installation.
The addition of modules to form the island should follow before the carrier's launch, which at the current rate of progress could take place before the end of 2016, although early 2017 is more likely. ... -catapults
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
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Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
Confira novas capacidades de combate do novo porta-aviões chinês
Enquanto as tensões na região do mar do Sul da China estão crescendo, a televisão chinesa anuncia as novas capacidades de combate do novo porta-aviões.
Na semana passada, a televisão chinesa informou sobre "capacidades crescentes de combate" do seu porta-aviões Liaoning (CV-16), afirmando que a plataforma pode transportar até 20 caças de combate, reforçando potências navais e aéreas do Beijing no Pacífico no contexto das tensões crescentes.
A reportagem da semana passada mostrou o Liaoning carregando 8 caças J-15 da Corporação Aeronáutica de Shenyang (SAC em inglês), bem como helicópteros Z-18 e Z-9, o maior número de aeronaves transportada a bordo do porta-aviões.
A presença de helicópteros Z-18J de Alerta Aéreo Antecipado (AEW, em inglês) e Z-18F antissubmarino representa um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades navais e aéreas da China.
"Se todos 8 caças voarem em formação, eles terão forte capacidade de combate", acrescentou o contra-almirante chinês Yin Zhou.
Voando à velocidade de 2.551 km/h, o J-15 possui capacidades semi-stealth, podendo operar como interceptor e avião de combate tradicional.
A capacidade crescente do Liaoning é substancial no contexto do reforço da presença militar da China, que surge não só em resposta às decisões do Tribunal de Haia (não reconhecendo os interesses territoriais da China no mar do Sul da China), mas também às declarações dos governos ocidentais, que exigem que a China retire forças da região.
A China tem repetidamente afirmado que o Tribunal de Haia não tem competência para tomar decisões no processo presente.
A China exortou ainda os seus cidadãos a se prepararem para a guerra.
Enquanto as tensões na região do mar do Sul da China estão crescendo, a televisão chinesa anuncia as novas capacidades de combate do novo porta-aviões.
Na semana passada, a televisão chinesa informou sobre "capacidades crescentes de combate" do seu porta-aviões Liaoning (CV-16), afirmando que a plataforma pode transportar até 20 caças de combate, reforçando potências navais e aéreas do Beijing no Pacífico no contexto das tensões crescentes.
A reportagem da semana passada mostrou o Liaoning carregando 8 caças J-15 da Corporação Aeronáutica de Shenyang (SAC em inglês), bem como helicópteros Z-18 e Z-9, o maior número de aeronaves transportada a bordo do porta-aviões.
A presença de helicópteros Z-18J de Alerta Aéreo Antecipado (AEW, em inglês) e Z-18F antissubmarino representa um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades navais e aéreas da China.
"Se todos 8 caças voarem em formação, eles terão forte capacidade de combate", acrescentou o contra-almirante chinês Yin Zhou.
Voando à velocidade de 2.551 km/h, o J-15 possui capacidades semi-stealth, podendo operar como interceptor e avião de combate tradicional.
A capacidade crescente do Liaoning é substancial no contexto do reforço da presença militar da China, que surge não só em resposta às decisões do Tribunal de Haia (não reconhecendo os interesses territoriais da China no mar do Sul da China), mas também às declarações dos governos ocidentais, que exigem que a China retire forças da região.
A China tem repetidamente afirmado que o Tribunal de Haia não tem competência para tomar decisões no processo presente.
A China exortou ainda os seus cidadãos a se prepararem para a guerra.
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6668
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 360 vezes
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
China commissions new Type 056 guided-missile frigate
Aug 15, 2016
A new guided-missile frigate joined the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy on Aug. 11. The commissioning ceremony was held at a naval port in Zhoushan, east China’s Zhejiang Province on Thursday morning for the new frigate Huai’an (Hull No. 509).
As a new comer of Chinese navy’s Type 056 guided-missile frigate family, the Huai’an will mainly perform missions of offshore patrol and naval base defense.
Rear Admiral Zhi Tianlong, deputy commander of East China Sea Fleet, attended the commissioning ceremony.
The frigate was named after the city of Huai’an, Jiangsu Province.
Aug 15, 2016
A new guided-missile frigate joined the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy on Aug. 11. The commissioning ceremony was held at a naval port in Zhoushan, east China’s Zhejiang Province on Thursday morning for the new frigate Huai’an (Hull No. 509).
As a new comer of Chinese navy’s Type 056 guided-missile frigate family, the Huai’an will mainly perform missions of offshore patrol and naval base defense.
Rear Admiral Zhi Tianlong, deputy commander of East China Sea Fleet, attended the commissioning ceremony.
The frigate was named after the city of Huai’an, Jiangsu Province.
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- Mensagens: 4579
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm
- Agradeceram: 455 vezes
Re: Marinha da República Popular da China (PLAN)
akivrx78 escreveu: ... rev=search
Marinha chinesa esbanjando arrogância no Rimpac...
Não foi na cerimônia de recepção dos japoneses, não convidou os japoneses para sua cerimônia de recepção, proibiu os japoneses de visitar seus navios e também ignorou o convite dos japoneses.
Demostrar determinação e poder e para quem pode e não para quem quer. Países ''mariquinhas'' que querem exportar sua paz para o mundo nunca terão condições de demonstrar determinação e poder para defender seus pontos de vista frente a qualquer interesse antagônico. Neste caso e ''arriar as calcinhas''. E bom lembrar que um certo país varonil sul americano ficou ''chupando dedo'' quando duas de suas refinarias foram nacionalizadas por um certo vizinho ''mui amigo''. Demonstração clara de falta de determinação e poder.
Com certeza os chineses não esqueceram as atrocidades dos japoneses quando estes invadiram o seu país. A China tem que ''jogar duro'' com os japoneses, vassalos dos EUA na Asia. Minha opinião.