por P44 » Ter Mai 24, 2016 3:48 pm
DANY: I've banished you twice now, and twice you've come back, and I'm not thankful even though you've repeatedly saved my life. So I'm gonna continue to be an unforgiving hardass for no reason, but, like, at least you're no longer officially banished.
JORAH: Gotta go. Deadly disease.
DANY: Oh shit! Sorry sorry sorry. Now I'm gonna act like I care about you for the first time in several seasons.
JORAH: Anyway, love you, gonna go die alone. Bye.
DANY: Wait! Stop! I, uh, COMMAND you to find a cure that may not exist. Go search the world for it.
JORAH: So ... the effect is the same? I'm still leaving?
DANY: Well, yes.
JORAH: You're not, like, gonna do anything to help me find the cure?
DANY: You know, I would, but I'm just super-busy with leading the Dothraki and getting back to Meereen. Plus I still have to find my other dragon ...
JORAH: Right.
DANY: But I totally can't rule Westeros without you! So come on back when you're cured. Now get going!
JORAH: ...
DANY: Miss you already!
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*