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#1666 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Mar 15, 2016 3:35 pm

Hoje já retornaram para a Rússia os Su-34. O S-400 permanecerá em Latakia, mas não se sabe quais aeronaves ficarão...

Alguém tem alguma noção de como está o inventário atual de aeronaves da força aérea Síria? Disseram que um dos pontos da ajuda russa foi na recolocação em serviço de várias aeronaves imobilizadas...


amor fati
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#1667 Mensagem por mmatuso » Ter Mar 15, 2016 4:22 pm

Provavelmente viram que os Gripen estavam chegando e tudo mundo saiu correndo.

Comunismo teme o mundo livre.

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#1668 Mensagem por Bolovo » Ter Mar 15, 2016 4:40 pm

knigh7 escreveu:Eu também achei que foi muito precoce. A situação ainda não confortável para o Governo Sírio a ponto de justificar essa decisão . A surpresa só não foi maior porque o Governo Russo havia anunciado uma redução no orçamento militar principlamente pela economia, que está em recessão.
Eu acho que não tem nada a ver. A Rússia anunciou sua retirada no COMEÇO das operações na Síria.

"There is always a risk of being bogged down but in Moscow, we are talking about an operation of three to four months," Alexei Pushkov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, told French radio station Europe 1.

Reuters 2 Oct 2015

Durou cinco meses, um mês a mais do que o previsto. Qualquer pessoa minimamente sã sabe que em quatro meses não se terminaria essa guerra. Os russos também não e por isso mesmo anunciaram uma campanha militar curta, mas com objetivos claros. E os objetivos foram cumpridos. O governo sírio estava apenas na defensiva, a beira do colapso, hoje não mais, agora eles estão com a iniciativa. Muita gente falava de "novo Afeganistão russo", pelo contrário, os russos sempre deixaram claro que seria uma campanha curta, sem se envolver demais.

Além do mais, a província de Latakia, onde está situada o porto e base aérea russa (e que continuarão por lá), está quase totalmente garantida, ou seja, os fuzileiros navais russos que estavam lá não são mais necessários. Com o cessar-fogo de 15 dias atrás, reduziu-se drasticamente o número de bombardeios russos. E com as atuais negociações de paz, onde participam muitos dos grupos opositores, foi imposta uma limitação a esses bombardeios, ou seja, a campanha militar russa ficou ociosa. Agora estão voltando para a casa.

Acabei de ler que dos 4 mil russos que estão na Síria, continuarão cerca de mil, em sua maioria "advisors". E hoje os Hinds atacaram mais uma vez Palmiria, apoiando a ofensiva síria. Creio que agora a fase seguinte seja reequipar as forças armadas sírias.

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
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#1669 Mensagem por Brasileiro » Ter Mar 15, 2016 6:11 pm

Tropas sírias já no perímetro urbano de Palmira. Jornalista russo em momento dramático durante contra-ataque do ISIS. Aos 30 segundos é possível ver um drone, desses de 4 motores e controle remoto.


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#1670 Mensagem por EDSON » Qua Mar 16, 2016 8:01 am

Bolovo escreveu:
Viktor Reznov escreveu:Mas será que vai mesmo acontecer essa retirada? Ninguem sabe quantos militares russos estão em serviço na Síria, na prática a Rússia pode simplesmente dar uma enxugada no contingente, manter ainda os caças e defesas anti-aérea no país e falar que contribuiu pro "processo de paz". Eu sinceramente espero que isso seja só manobra política do Putin.
Eu acho que é por aí. Latakia, onde está o porto e a base aérea russa, já está segura, garantida. Com o cessar-fogo de 15 dias atrás, o número de bombardeios russos diminuiu drasticamente. Com as negociações de paz, foi colocado um limite nos ataques aéreos, até porque alguns dos grupos que os russos atacavam estão nesses negociações. Ou seja, não é necessário mais 100 ataques aéreos por dia, como ocorria até mês passado. O resultado disso são tropas ociosas, sem ter o que fazer lá, e agora elas voltarão para a casa. Essa é a grande "retirada" russa, uma enxugada do contingente como vc mesmo disse. Até porque os russos já falaram que continuarão em Latakia e Tartus, ou seja, continuarão lá garantindo a segurança do regime sírio.
É urgente que a estrada para Der er Zoer seja liberada com um possível massacre de 120.000 pessoas se isto não acontecer.

Ou isto também pode explicar. O Regimento de SU 34 foi para esta localidade que é Voronezh próximo a Karkov.


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#1671 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 24, 2016 5:36 pm

Syrian army enters IS-held Palmyra, Mosul operation begins

DAMASCUS, Syria — Syrian government forces pushed into the ancient town of Palmyra, where Islamic State militants appeared on the verge of collapse Thursday, while in Iraq, a military spokesman announced the start of a long-awaited operation to recapture the IS-held northern city of Mosul.

The extremist group has been losing ground in Syria and Iraq for months under a stepped-up campaign of U.S.-led and Russian airstrikes, as well as ground assaults by multiple forces in each country.

The retaking of Palmyra — a UNESCO world heritage site whose fall to the militants last May sent shock waves through archaeological circles and beyond — would be a significant victory for the Syrian government. But the operation to unseat the group in Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, is likely to take much longer and be far more difficult.

The advance on Palmyra came after government forces, backed by Russian airstrikes, managed to capture several hills and high ground around the town this week.

On Thursday, Syrian state TV broadcast footage of its reporter, embedded with the Syrian military, speaking live from the entrance of Palmyra and saying that as of midday, the fighting was concentrated near the famed archaeological site on the southwestern edge of the town. Cracks of gunfire and explosions echoed as the reporter spoke.

The fall of Palmyra to IS militants last year had raised concerns worldwide, and the destruction the extremists subsequently embarked upon sparked alarm and made international headlines. It was also a big blow to the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose forces pulled out with apparently little resistance.

By nightfall, intense fighting was still taking place on the outskirts. Turkey-based activist Osama al-Khatib, who is originally from Palmyra, denied that Syrian troops had entered the town, and said the video seen on Syrian state TV was taken about three miles (five kilometers) from Palmyra.

Earlier in the day, Gov. Talal Barazi told The Associated Press from the nearby city of Homs that the Syrian army was clearing roads leading into the town of mines and explosives. ... story.html

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#1672 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Mar 24, 2016 5:46 pm

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#1673 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Mar 27, 2016 9:26 am



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#1674 Mensagem por joaolx » Dom Mar 27, 2016 9:49 am

Próxima paragem: Raqaa [002]

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#1675 Mensagem por jeanscofield » Dom Mar 27, 2016 10:42 am

Creio que a próxima parada seja deir ez-zor

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#1676 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Mar 27, 2016 3:26 pm ... army-isis/

Syrian army retakes Palmyra from ISIS

Published time: 27 Mar, 2016 06:00
Edited time: 27 Mar, 2016 13:57

Syrian government forces have retaken the ancient city of Palmyra from Islamic State. The army now aims to use the desert city as a "launchpad" to expand operations against the terrorist group.

Syrian President Bashar Assad said the victory proves the success of the army's strategy in combating terrorism.

"The liberation of the historic city of Palmyra today is an important achievement and another indication of the success of the strategy pursued by the Syrian army and its allies in the war against terrorism," he told a French delegation on Sunday, according to Syrian TV.

"Our troops have established full control of the town and are chasing the remainder of the retreating gangs of Islamic State terrorists," the Syrian army's command said in a statement, as quoted by TASS.

A Syrian army officer told RT that preparation for the operation took a little over a month, and involved planned cooperation with the Russian military.

“The primary goal was to carry out attacks to retake the heights and regions near Palmyra. Yesterday (Saturday) we managed to seize the ancient Palmyra fortress. Then the preparations to retake Palmyra city itself were carried out. Daesh (IS) terrorists blew up the bridge leading to the fortress. That’s the reason why ground troops under the cover of artillery and tank fire entered the city from the north and freed these districts,” the officer said.

A commander of the Desert Falcons unit of the Syrian army told RT that the "military operation to retake Palmyra lasted three days," adding that the "main difficulty was that there were a lot of mines along the roads."

"Today the Syrian Arab Army is clearing the mines," he said.

The army general command stated that Palmyra would now become “a launchpad to expand military operations” against the group in Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, Reuters reported.

Noting the significance of Palmyra, journalist Neil Clark told RT that having control of the city is "incredibly important."

“...It's on the main highway, sort of equidistant between Damascus and Deir Ezzor...the Syrian army has [now] got a major boost in clearing IS out of a whole path of Syria, where [IS militants still are]," he said.

That thought was echoed by political analyst Talib Ibrahim, who told RT that "the location of Palmyra is key to other [areas]" and that "the Syrian army can [now] go for Raqqa or Deir Ezzor."

"I think this is a real turning point and a very important strategic achievement," he said.

IS fighters have reportedly retreated from Palmyra – located 215 kilometers (133.5 miles) from the Syrian capital Damascus – to the towns of Sukhnah, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor.

In a statement read on Syrian television, the military command said the recapture of Palmyra marks the beginning of the collapse of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). It said the success proves that the Syrian government and its allies are the only forces capable of defeating terrorism in the country.

The command went on to say that the army and its allies will continue their campaign against IS, Al-Nusra Front, and “other terrorist groups.” The Syrian government has described all armed factions fighting President Bashar Assad as terrorist groups.

It was previously reported that Syrian Army forces had advanced into the city on Saturday, with support from Russian airstrikes.

Television footage showed explosions taking place inside Palmyra, with smoke rising from buildings. Tanks and armored vehicles fired from the outskirts of the city.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday that over 80 militants were killed in Russian airstrikes which hit 117 terrorist military facilities in the Palmyra area.

“Russian Air Forces carried out 40 sorties to Palmyra’s area within 24 hours,” the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said. It added that eight command center buildings, 12 bases, two tanks, three artillery units, eight vehicles, and six ammunition warehouses were destroyed in the strikes.

The recapture of Palmyra marks the biggest reversal for IS since Russia's intervention into Syria.

The Desert Falcons commander thanked Russia for the victory, noting that Moscow "helped our country and our army against Daesh (ISIS) and its supporters."

Clark noted that the success came less than six months after the Russian intervention in Syria, calling Moscow's action a "game changer."

Former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul tweeted “thank you” in Russian following a report of the Syrian government's successful recapture of Palmyra.

The ancient city, seized by IS in May 2015, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to dozens of remarkable monuments of antiquity, and a number of historical sites that have been destroyed by IS jihadists since they captured the city, among which were the 2,000-year-old Temple of Bel and the Arch of Triumph.

On Saturday, the Syrian government’s head of antiquities, Mamoun Abdelkarim, said the authorities would try to restore the historic sites.

"We will rebuild them with the stones that remain, and with the remaining columns," Abdelkarim told Reuters, adding that his team would "bring life back to Palmyra."

However, Giovanni Boccardi of UNESCO's Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit told RT that it remains unclear what can be restored or rescued.

“We are looking at the web and we have seen footage of the city as it looks today, and it looks that there might be even more destruction than what we expected, so it is critical now to be able to go there and to conduct a total assessment as soon as the security conditions will allow," he said.

“Any kind of salvaging will have to wait until there is peace on the ground. It will be very complicated,” he said, noting media reports of mine fields.

But international lawyer and author of 'Syria's Endangered Heritage,' Franklin Lamb, told RT that he is optimistic that Palmyra's historic sites can be largely restored.

“I predict that between 90 and 95 percent of all the damage that IS has done to Palmyra can be restored” with technology, he said.

“Sure, there's going to be piles of rubble and you can't restore every stone the way it was...but you can restore it and that's the primary I'm very optimistic that restoration can be made.”

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#1677 Mensagem por Bolovo » Dom Mar 27, 2016 4:07 pm

jeanscofield escreveu:Creio que a próxima parada seja deir ez-zor
Também acho. Depois disso é se voltar a Raqqa. E quem diria, heim, Assad retomando cidades estratégicas. Quem disse que a campanha russa não atacava o ISIS? [003]

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
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#1678 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Mar 28, 2016 1:37 pm

Tropas Russas em Palmyra:


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#1679 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Abr 01, 2016 3:16 pm

O exercito sírio realmente parece ser outro depois da ajuda russa. Em todos os sentidos. Falta ainda na verdade ser melhor equipado. Ou diria, reequipado. Havia, como de certa forma ainda há muitas tranqueiras russas do tempo da guerra fria por lá. E isso não fica só na questão de doutrina.

Para um exercito que até outro dia era considerado um dos mais preparados do oriente médio, realmente é até uma surpresa se ver as coisas que acontecem na Síria nestes últimos 5 anos.

A ver. Agora com a supervisão, e o apoio direto russo, parece mesmo ser só uma questão de tempo o exército sírio retomar ao menos as partes que interessam ao Al Saad a fim de manter o que ainda lhe sobrou de poder no país.


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#1680 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Sex Abr 01, 2016 4:31 pm

FCarvalho escreveu:Para um exercito que até outro dia era considerado um dos mais preparados do oriente médio, realmente é até uma surpresa se ver as coisas que acontecem na Síria nestes últimos 5 anos.
Ele era considerado isso?

Porque pelo histórico dos conflitos entre sírios e israelenses eu imaginaria que fosse justamente o contrário. Entre os exércitos árabes que enfrentaram Israel o sírio sempre foi o que deu os maiores vexames.

Leandro G. Card
