Marinha do Irão
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- Registrado em: Ter Set 16, 2008 1:53 pm
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Nova classe de mini submarinos ou mais um aperfeiçoamento? ... arino.html
Saudações ... arino.html
"Só os mortos conhecem o fim da guerra" Platão.
- LeandroGCard
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- Mensagens: 8754
- Registrado em: Qui Ago 03, 2006 9:50 am
- Localização: S.B. do Campo
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Não é só um aperfeiçoamento, os mini-submarinos tinham deslocamento entre 100 e 200 ton, e este agora está nas 600ton, mais de 3 vezes maior.FOXTROT escreveu:Nova classe de mini submarinos ou mais um aperfeiçoamento? ... arino.html
Isso sem dúvida permite que ele transporte muito mais armamento que apenas os dois torpedos das classes Ghadir e anteriores, embora provavelmente ainda sem recargas, e certamente sensores bem melhores também. Isso sem falar na autonomia, de 5.000 km. Isso permite seu uso contra navios bem mais distantes da costa iraniana.
E o Irã já está trabalhando em submarinos maiores, na classe das 1000 ton.
Leandro G. Card
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Naval Analyses @D__Mitch · 3h 3 hours ago
Iranian warships parade on the final day of Mohamad Rasoulallah (PBUH) drills (Dec 31, 2014).
Iranian warships parade on the final day of Mohamad Rasoulallah (PBUH) drills (Dec 31, 2014).
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Wondering about the gunners' safety, I noticed that the 40mm gun of the Iranian Damavand frigate is fully automatic!
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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- Mensagens: 1960
- Registrado em: Dom Nov 14, 2004 9:17 pm
- Localização: Santos
- Agradeceram: 63 vezes
Re: Marinha do Irão
Acompanho a Marinha do Irã, por causa da sua estratégia de guerra assimétrica, em um eventual conflito no Golfo Pérsico contra a US Navy, bem como por ter sido o último inimigo real da US Navy na operação Operation Praying Mantis.
E sou muito fã destes mini submarinos classe Gadhir, uma vez comentei com um oficial submarinista do Tikuna sobre este submarino (quando o navio estava em Santos) e ele disse que um submarino deste tipo seria suicida, bem acho que ele não esta errado, mas o custo benefício é muito alto, quando comparado com uma lancha com mísseis ou um avião de ataque, este "midget" tem chances muito maiores de causar danos e em águas rasas ele fica melhor ainda.
Certamente é uma tremenda arma de defesa costeira, muito melhor que todas as outras, melhor até que baterias de mísseis costeiras, considerando que um barco pequeno deste pode ser escondido na costa de diversas formas.
A Coréia do Norte é quem utiliza muito este tipo de submarino, seria muito interessante ver como eles se comportariam em um conflito real, bem algo que até já aconteceu em um incidente de fronteira como o caso do afundamento recente de uma corveta sul coreana.
E sou muito fã destes mini submarinos classe Gadhir, uma vez comentei com um oficial submarinista do Tikuna sobre este submarino (quando o navio estava em Santos) e ele disse que um submarino deste tipo seria suicida, bem acho que ele não esta errado, mas o custo benefício é muito alto, quando comparado com uma lancha com mísseis ou um avião de ataque, este "midget" tem chances muito maiores de causar danos e em águas rasas ele fica melhor ainda.
Certamente é uma tremenda arma de defesa costeira, muito melhor que todas as outras, melhor até que baterias de mísseis costeiras, considerando que um barco pequeno deste pode ser escondido na costa de diversas formas.
A Coréia do Norte é quem utiliza muito este tipo de submarino, seria muito interessante ver como eles se comportariam em um conflito real, bem algo que até já aconteceu em um incidente de fronteira como o caso do afundamento recente de uma corveta sul coreana.
Dos cosas te pido señor, la victoria y el regreso, pero si una sola haz de darme, que sea la victoria.
- LeandroGCard
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- Mensagens: 8754
- Registrado em: Qui Ago 03, 2006 9:50 am
- Localização: S.B. do Campo
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Estes submarinos podem ser de fato uma dor de cabeça para marinhas que precisem se aproximar do litoral inimigo, mas tem o problema da baixíssima mobilidade.JL escreveu:Certamente é uma tremenda arma de defesa costeira, muito melhor que todas as outras, melhor até que baterias de mísseis costeiras, considerando que um barco pequeno deste pode ser escondido na costa de diversas formas.
A Coréia do Norte é quem utiliza muito este tipo de submarino, seria muito interessante ver como eles se comportariam em um conflito real, bem algo que até já aconteceu em um incidente de fronteira como o caso do afundamento recente de uma corveta sul coreana.
Não apenas sua autonomia é pequena, mas sua velocidade também é. Alcançam no máximo 11-12 nós, mas nesta velocidade mal operam por uma hora antes de esgotar as baterias. Em geral vão navegar a 5-6 nós ou seja, não acompanham nem um petroleiro carregado. Funcionam quase como um "campo minado inteligente", que fica mais ou menos no mesmo lugar mas podem escolher os alvos a atacar. No entanto a área coberta é extremamente pequena, talvez o uso de mísseis de longo alcance disparados de terra fosse mais eficiente.
Leandro G. Cardoso.
- mmatuso
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Não da para transformar uns subs desses em drones e deixar esperando o inimigo passar?
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 1960
- Registrado em: Dom Nov 14, 2004 9:17 pm
- Localização: Santos
- Agradeceram: 63 vezes
Re: Marinha do Irão
Seus comentários são verdade, estes submarinos anões tem muito pouca velocidade e raio de ação muito curto, mas isto basta o útil deles é que dá para esconde-los de diversas formas em terra deslizando por uma rampa camuflada, em túnel desemborcando no mar, em um rio por exemplo.
O modelo do Irã, o Gadhir, não tem esta capacidade, mas quando dotados de uma entrada estanque dá para colocar eles em repouso submersos, pousados sobre uma plataforma no fundo da costa, digamos há 25 m de profundidade, recebendo energia de terra por meio de um cabo e a tripulação que é super reduzida pode desembarcar e embarcar com trajes de mergulho. Assim é muito difícil descobrir e neutralizá-los por ataques preventivos e como você Leandro, lembrando a mina norte americana Mark 60 Captor, são verdadeiras minas dirigidas e que se movem e podem adotar estratégias.
A Alemanha testou vários tipos no final da guerra e são muito perigosos, como disse mais pelo custo benefício do que pela performance.
O modelo do Irã, o Gadhir, não tem esta capacidade, mas quando dotados de uma entrada estanque dá para colocar eles em repouso submersos, pousados sobre uma plataforma no fundo da costa, digamos há 25 m de profundidade, recebendo energia de terra por meio de um cabo e a tripulação que é super reduzida pode desembarcar e embarcar com trajes de mergulho. Assim é muito difícil descobrir e neutralizá-los por ataques preventivos e como você Leandro, lembrando a mina norte americana Mark 60 Captor, são verdadeiras minas dirigidas e que se movem e podem adotar estratégias.
A Alemanha testou vários tipos no final da guerra e são muito perigosos, como disse mais pelo custo benefício do que pela performance.
Dos cosas te pido señor, la victoria y el regreso, pero si una sola haz de darme, que sea la victoria.
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55565
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2835 vezes
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Uma curiosidade...não sabia que o Irão, ainda no tempo do Xá, tinha encomendado fragatas Kortenaer
Naval Analyses
Page Liked · 2 hrs · Edited ·
How Kortenaer class FFG would look like in Iranian service: Mk13 launcher for SM-1 SAM, Mk45 127mm gun, 2 Phalanx CIWS, Harpoon SSM and TTs. The Imperial Iranian Navy had ordered eight modified ships from Royal Schelde but the contract was canceled after the Iranian Revolution.
Naval Analyses
Page Liked · 2 hrs · Edited ·
How Kortenaer class FFG would look like in Iranian service: Mk13 launcher for SM-1 SAM, Mk45 127mm gun, 2 Phalanx CIWS, Harpoon SSM and TTs. The Imperial Iranian Navy had ordered eight modified ships from Royal Schelde but the contract was canceled after the Iranian Revolution.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6710
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
- Agradeceram: 362 vezes
Re: Marinha do Irão
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps conducted a ‘high speed intercept’ of the USS Nitze
Aug 25, 2016
Four of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) vessels “harassed” a U.S. warship on Tuesday near the Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. defense official said, amid Washington’s concerns about Iran’s posture in the Gulf and in the Syrian civil war.
That was reported by
The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday that two of the Iranian vessels came within 300 yards of the USS Nitze in an incident that was “unsafe and unprofessional.”
The vessels harassed the destroyer by “conducting a high speed intercept and closing within a short distance of Nitze, despite repeated warnings,” the official said.
IRGC, the Islamic Republic’s praetorian guard, is suspicious of U.S. military activity near Iran’s borders and appears to be sticking to a familiar posture in the Gulf that predates last year’s nuclear accord between Iran and six world powers, including the United States.
The U.S. defense official said that in Tuesday’s incident the USS Nitze tried to communicate with the Iranian vessels 12 times, but received no response. It also fired 10 flares in the direction of two of the Iranian vessels.
Aug 25, 2016
Four of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) vessels “harassed” a U.S. warship on Tuesday near the Strait of Hormuz, a U.S. defense official said, amid Washington’s concerns about Iran’s posture in the Gulf and in the Syrian civil war.
That was reported by
The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday that two of the Iranian vessels came within 300 yards of the USS Nitze in an incident that was “unsafe and unprofessional.”
The vessels harassed the destroyer by “conducting a high speed intercept and closing within a short distance of Nitze, despite repeated warnings,” the official said.
IRGC, the Islamic Republic’s praetorian guard, is suspicious of U.S. military activity near Iran’s borders and appears to be sticking to a familiar posture in the Gulf that predates last year’s nuclear accord between Iran and six world powers, including the United States.
The U.S. defense official said that in Tuesday’s incident the USS Nitze tried to communicate with the Iranian vessels 12 times, but received no response. It also fired 10 flares in the direction of two of the Iranian vessels.
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6710
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
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Re: Marinha do Irão
New Iranian Propaganda Video Shows Tsunami from Allah Sinking US Navy Fleet
By Arthur Dominic Villasanta | Sep 02, 2016 03:43 PM EDT
Down with the Great Satan
Propaganda poster for the music video, We resist to last drop of blood.(Photo : Islamic Republic of Iran)
A recently released government propaganda music video depicts a massive tidal wave in the Persian Gulf apparently created by Allah sinking the entire United States Fifth Fleet at the behest of outraged and patriotic Iranians.
At the core of the video, which is being praised for its intense patriotism and panned for its expensive cost and shoddy visuals, is the tragedy of the U.S. Navy's shoot down of Iran Air flight 655 on July 3, 1988 killing all 290 persons on board, including 66 children.
That civilian airliner was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile fired from the guided missile cruiser, the USS Vincennes. The U.S. Navy said the Vincennes, which was previously in action against Iranian Navy speedboats, mistook the Iranian Air passenger plane as an attacking Iranian fighter jet. The Vincennes was scrapped in 2011.
The Iranian government has since insisted the U.S. intentionally shot down the plane to frighten Iran. One U.S. Navy officer was quoted as saying the destruction of flight 655 was due to the over aggressiveness of the Vincennes' commanding officer, Captain Will Rogers III.
The new seven minute-long anti-U.S. video entitled "We Resist to Last Drop of Blood" is said to have cost a hefty $385,000 (12 billion rials) and was performed by an unknown singer named Hossein.
It was produced by the government Art Bureau's Sureh Film Club. The owner of Soureh Film is the Islamic Propagation Organization whose chief is directly appointed by Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.
Despite its production flaws, the video received the green light for broadcasting on media and social media because of its government backing.
The video begins at a seaside Iranian town where ordinary Iranians are peacefully going about their daily business. A group of boys play football along the beach.
A white plane flying overhead is suddenly destroyed by a missile. The missile's smoke trail leads to an American warship, whose fleet then bombards the town with guns and missiles, killing many Iranians. American F-18 fighter jets bomb and strafe the hapless civilians.
In the chaos, Hossein retrieves a falling Iranian flag and with a group of men, each brandishing an Iranian flag, charge towards the beach. The shout defiance at the attacking Americans as bombs explode around them. And from out of nowhere, a gigantic tidal wave emanates from the shore.
The tsunami from Allah inundates the U.S. warships, sinking all of them. One of the sinking warships has the word Vincennes written on its stern. A burning American flag floats on the water.
The music video's lyrics proclaim:
"If I'm patient, it doesn't mean I'm apathetic / the world has seen I'm always a fighter / ... Oh warship, your loud roar does not scare me ... / If you dare come near me, I will break your legs".
The video on YouTube can be viewed here.
The United States Fifth Fleet led by the Nimitz-class carrier the USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) currently patrols the Persian Gulf. F/A-18 attack aircraft from the carrier are carrying out almost daily attacks against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Read more: ... z4JD56yHPl
- akivrx78
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- Mensagens: 6710
- Registrado em: Dom Fev 08, 2009 8:16 am
- Agradeceu: 118 vezes
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Iran vessels harass another US Navy ship in Persian Gulf, defense officials say
By Lucas Tomlinson Published September 06, 2016
Dangerous confrontations between US, Iran ships soar
Never autoplay videos
Iranian vessels from its Revolutionary Guard Corps harassed another U.S. Navy ship Sunday in the central Persian Gulf, a defense department official tells Fox News.
USS Firebolt, a coastal patrol ship, was shadowed by seven Iranian vessels. Three of the vessels came within 500 yards and shadowed Firebolt for eight minutes. Then one of the Iranian vessels broke off and raced in front of Firebolt and "came to a stop directly in front of the ship" at a range of 100 yards, according to the official.
The U.S. Navy ship attempted multiple radio communications with the Iranian vessel, but there was no reply.
The U.S. ship took evasive action to "narrowly avoid" the Iranian ship which stopped directly in front of it, according to the official.
"Clearly the Iranian behavior has to change," Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday.
Davis refused to outline any specifics on how to bring about that change.
The U.S. Navy assessed the interaction as "provocative harassment."
The Iranian ship had its weapons manned, but not pointed at the U.S. Navy ship, according to a defense official.
There have bene 31 "unsafe and unprofessional" interactions with Iran and the U.S. Navy. Each time, Iran was the aggressor Navy officials said. There have been nearly twice as many cases of harrassment by Iranian vessels against the U.S. Navy in the first half of 2016 as the first half of 2015.
Fox News was first to report that Iranian harassment of U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf have doubled in the past year.
This latest incident follows four similar provocations late last month, one which resulted in warning shots being fired by a U.S. Navy ship when an Iranian vessel approached quickly and at close range.
Lucas Tomlinson is the Pentagon and State Department producer for Fox News Channel. You can follow him on Twitter: @LucasFoxNews ... s-say.html
By Lucas Tomlinson Published September 06, 2016
Dangerous confrontations between US, Iran ships soar
Never autoplay videos
Iranian vessels from its Revolutionary Guard Corps harassed another U.S. Navy ship Sunday in the central Persian Gulf, a defense department official tells Fox News.
USS Firebolt, a coastal patrol ship, was shadowed by seven Iranian vessels. Three of the vessels came within 500 yards and shadowed Firebolt for eight minutes. Then one of the Iranian vessels broke off and raced in front of Firebolt and "came to a stop directly in front of the ship" at a range of 100 yards, according to the official.
The U.S. Navy ship attempted multiple radio communications with the Iranian vessel, but there was no reply.
The U.S. ship took evasive action to "narrowly avoid" the Iranian ship which stopped directly in front of it, according to the official.
"Clearly the Iranian behavior has to change," Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said Tuesday.
Davis refused to outline any specifics on how to bring about that change.
The U.S. Navy assessed the interaction as "provocative harassment."
The Iranian ship had its weapons manned, but not pointed at the U.S. Navy ship, according to a defense official.
There have bene 31 "unsafe and unprofessional" interactions with Iran and the U.S. Navy. Each time, Iran was the aggressor Navy officials said. There have been nearly twice as many cases of harrassment by Iranian vessels against the U.S. Navy in the first half of 2016 as the first half of 2015.
Fox News was first to report that Iranian harassment of U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf have doubled in the past year.
This latest incident follows four similar provocations late last month, one which resulted in warning shots being fired by a U.S. Navy ship when an Iranian vessel approached quickly and at close range.
Lucas Tomlinson is the Pentagon and State Department producer for Fox News Channel. You can follow him on Twitter: @LucasFoxNews ... s-say.html
- P44
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- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Iran's Revolutionary Guards' 'Shahid Nazeri High-Speed Helicopter Carrier Vessel' unveiled today
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55565
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2835 vezes
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Re: Marinha do Irão
Iranian Navy says 44th Flotilla became 1st ever Iranian fleet to enter the Atlantic yesterday. ... ased-video
1st Video of Iran’s Naval Fleet in Atlantic Ocean Released (+Video)
News ID: 1247354 Service: Defense
November, 22, 2016 - 15:15
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The first video of the presence of an Iranian Navy fleet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time was released on Tuesday.
The Iranian Navy’s 44th flotilla of warships has sailed around the African continent and entered the Atlantic Ocean, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced on Monday.
“For the first time, the Navy’s 44th flotilla, comprised of Bushehr logistic warship and Alvand destroyer, has sailed around the African continent and arrived in the Atlantic Ocean,” he said.
The naval fleet has docked at the Port of Durban after a port call in Tanzania.
On Tuesday, the Iranian Navy’s official website released the first video of the flotilla sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.
At the end of the video, Iranian Navy Lieutenant Admiral Omid Golestaneh explains about the mission of the fleet, saying that it is in international waters to protect Iranian trade and oil vessels against piracy. ... ased-video
1st Video of Iran’s Naval Fleet in Atlantic Ocean Released (+Video)
News ID: 1247354 Service: Defense
November, 22, 2016 - 15:15
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The first video of the presence of an Iranian Navy fleet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time was released on Tuesday.
The Iranian Navy’s 44th flotilla of warships has sailed around the African continent and entered the Atlantic Ocean, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari announced on Monday.
“For the first time, the Navy’s 44th flotilla, comprised of Bushehr logistic warship and Alvand destroyer, has sailed around the African continent and arrived in the Atlantic Ocean,” he said.
The naval fleet has docked at the Port of Durban after a port call in Tanzania.
On Tuesday, the Iranian Navy’s official website released the first video of the flotilla sailing in the Atlantic Ocean.
At the end of the video, Iranian Navy Lieutenant Admiral Omid Golestaneh explains about the mission of the fleet, saying that it is in international waters to protect Iranian trade and oil vessels against piracy.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*