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#1066 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Out 03, 2015 4:08 pm ... d_articles

Russia’s Campaign To Snuff Off The CIA’s Al-Qaeda Forces

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#1067 Mensagem por DSA » Sáb Out 03, 2015 4:17 pm

Juniorbombeiro escreveu:
Bolovo escreveu:

O Su-34 está com uma bomba KAB-500SE guiada por GLONASS, análoga a JDAM americana. O Su-24M2 e Su-25SM estão com bombas burras OFAB-250-270, análogas as Mk82 e BAFG-230 que conhecemos aqui. Parece que o reconhecimento dos alvos é feito com drones (talvez o Orlan?). Os Su-24M2 e Su-34 usam designadores internos para guiar as bombas. Mas me parece que os primeiros ataques foram com bombas burras a partir dos Su-24 voando horizontalmente, o que explica, em parte, algumas das bombas errando o alvo. Mas como o ministro saudita já chiou sobre os bombardeios russos na ONU, isso significa que estão fazendo efeito.
Nesse vídeo, aos 56 segundos, foi derrubado um dos mitos do DB. Os parafusos dos aviões russos não giram ao contrário.
[003] [003] [003]
O ingleses e que apertam ao contrario! mas esses tem a mania de fazem tudo ao contrario! ate as torneiras sao ao contrario: agua fria no lado esquerdo agua quente do direito!!!!

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#1068 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Out 03, 2015 5:40 pm

EXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15's fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast.The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.

The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea

On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

This 'incident' between the Russian and Israeli combat aircraft struck with amazement the command of the Israeli air force, which has estimated that a possible dogfight between F-15 Israelis and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of the four aircraft Israelis.

Israel has strongly protested to Moscow of the incident but the Russians demanded explanations about the presence of Israeli military aircraft in full Syrian airspace.

This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air weapon. What causes gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident has been ignored by major news agencies but relays political and media of Israel in the United States, Europe and in the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support for the Syrian Government.


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#1069 Mensagem por mmatuso » Sáb Out 03, 2015 6:06 pm

Acabou a festa na siria.

Editado pela última vez por mmatuso em Sáb Out 03, 2015 6:23 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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#1070 Mensagem por Wingate » Sáb Out 03, 2015 6:12 pm

wagnerm25 escreveu:Carro de apoio combinando com o SU-25. Que raios eles estão queimando lá dentro?

É vapor do samovar com água quente para o chá...:wink:



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#1071 Mensagem por avc1 » Sáb Out 03, 2015 6:39 pm

P44 escreveu:EXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15's fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast.The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.

The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea

On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

This 'incident' between the Russian and Israeli combat aircraft struck with amazement the command of the Israeli air force, which has estimated that a possible dogfight between F-15 Israelis and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of the four aircraft Israelis.

Israel has strongly protested to Moscow of the incident but the Russians demanded explanations about the presence of Israeli military aircraft in full Syrian airspace.

This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air weapon. What causes gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident has been ignored by major news agencies but relays political and media of Israel in the United States, Europe and in the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support for the Syrian Government.


acabou a bagunça... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
agora quero ver eles tentando levar uma com alguém que também é bom de briga.....dar porrada em mendigo com toalha na cabeça é facil....quero ver com o urso!
Flanker neles!!!! [004] :twisted: :twisted:


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#1072 Mensagem por Viktor Reznov » Sáb Out 03, 2015 6:55 pm

EDIT: o Strategika não é fonte confiável, é um blog operado por um cara que acha que o Putin é a melhor coisa já surgida na Russia desde o AKM.

I know the weakness, I know the pain. I know the fear you do not name. And the one who comes to find me when my time is through. I know you, yeah I know you.
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#1073 Mensagem por Mathias » Sáb Out 03, 2015 7:32 pm

Ah tá... E sendo assim não é confiável.
A imprensa ocidental toda acha Obrahma a melhor coisa depois da coca cola, mas é confiável.
É uma maneira bem precisa de medir reputações.

“Os únicos derrotados no mundo são os que deixam de lutar, de sonhar e de querer! Levantem suas bandeiras, mesmo quando não puderem levantar!”.
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#1074 Mensagem por Juniorbombeiro » Sáb Out 03, 2015 10:31 pm

avc1 escreveu:
P44 escreveu:EXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU - 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15's fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast.The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.

The Israeli jets would generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea

On the night of 1 October 02, 2015, six Sukhoi SU-30 Russian SM fighters took off from the Syrian Hmimim airbase in the direction of Cyprus, before changing course and intercepting the four Israeli F-15 fighters off the coast of Syria, that were flying in attack formation.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.

This 'incident' between the Russian and Israeli combat aircraft struck with amazement the command of the Israeli air force, which has estimated that a possible dogfight between F-15 Israelis and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of the four aircraft Israelis.

Israel has strongly protested to Moscow of the incident but the Russians demanded explanations about the presence of Israeli military aircraft in full Syrian airspace.

This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air weapon. What causes gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident has been ignored by major news agencies but relays political and media of Israel in the United States, Europe and in the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support for the Syrian Government.

acabou a bagunça... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
agora quero ver eles tentando levar uma com alguém que também é bom de briga.....dar porrada em mendigo com toalha na cabeça é facil....quero ver com o urso!
Flanker neles!!!! [004] :twisted: :twisted:

Parece que vamos descobrir se essas tranqueiras russas servem para alguma coisa afinal. :twisted: :twisted:
Nada como ter estadista com bolas...parece que a farra do ocidente no CS da ONU está começando a ficar ameaçada. Para o bem ou para o mal, o jogo está ficando bem mais complexo, se a China entrar no jogo então... A turma de Riyadh deve estar com a calculadora na mão a essa hora, com a entrada das variáveis Iran, China e Rússia no jogo, talvez não seja mais negócio manter o petróleo tão baixo, vão precisar de grana para se armar MAIS ainda até os dentes. Isso que dá cutucar o Urso com vara curta. O tio Jacob também deve estar com os cabelos em pé esse rebuliço todo do lado da sua varanda. Claro que guerra sempre é uma coisa terrível, principalmente para os civis :cry: :cry: ...mas eu aqui estou torcendo mesmo para o circo pegar fogo no campo diplomático, um equilíbrio de forças pode ser saudável para incentivar mais as negociações e menos as escaramuças. Quem sabe assim o petróleo sai deste valor artificial e gente consegue tirar uns frutos dessa confusão. Por outro a coisa ficar muito encardida para os lados do oriente, pode ser que os abutres passem a nos olhar como uma refeição mais atrativa...é melhor ficarmos espertos.

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#1075 Mensagem por cassiosemasas » Dom Out 04, 2015 2:14 am



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#1076 Mensagem por cassiosemasas » Dom Out 04, 2015 2:20 am

Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su - 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15

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#1077 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Out 04, 2015 12:34 pm

Mathias escreveu:Ah tá... E sendo assim não é confiável.
A imprensa ocidental toda acha Obrahma a melhor coisa depois da coca cola, mas é confiável.
É uma maneira bem precisa de medir reputações.

é como os americanos que causam "danos colaterais" enquanto os russos "massacram inocentes"

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#1078 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Out 04, 2015 12:55 pm

Russia is serious: Positions Navy off coast of Syria's Lattakia for possible cruise attack on militants

Fars News Agency
Sat, 03 Oct 2015 17:06 UTC


Military sources said that the Russian Navy has positioned three naval vessels off the Syrian coast of Lattakia in anticipation for their massive cruise missile assault on the militant groups that is likely to occur in the coming days.

The sources told Massdar that the Russian navy will play an imperative role against the militant forces, as they prepare to bombard numerous sites in Syria's Western countryside that they deem a threat to the sovereignty of the country.

According to a Syrian army source in Lattakia, the Russian naval vessels can be seen from the shores of the aforementioned provincial capital; this was confirmed by more than one source in the province.

The source added that the Russian navy has prepared their long range cruise missiles to be fired into the country from the Mediterranean Sea. ... -militants


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#1079 Mensagem por P44 » Dom Out 04, 2015 1:09 pm


*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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#1080 Mensagem por Wingate » Dom Out 04, 2015 1:23 pm

P44 escreveu:Imagem

É justo! Na medida... :twisted:

