Marinha argelina
Moderador: Conselho de Moderação
- BrasilPotência
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- Mensagens: 1390
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 17, 2012 5:04 pm
- Localização: São Paulo - SP
- Agradeceu: 268 vezes
- Agradeceram: 82 vezes
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2908 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2580 vezes
- BrasilPotência
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 1390
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 17, 2012 5:04 pm
- Localização: São Paulo - SP
- Agradeceu: 268 vezes
- Agradeceram: 82 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Desculpe a minha falta de conhecimento, quais são as possíveis ameaças a Argélia? Realmente impressionam.
Brava Gente, Brasileira!!!
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2470
- Registrado em: Qui Mar 23, 2006 12:01 am
- Localização: portugal:
- Agradeceram: 9 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
A maior rivalidade é com Marrocos.
Luis Filipe Silva
Luis Filipe Silva
- Bolovo
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 28558
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 12, 2005 11:31 pm
- Agradeceu: 547 vezes
- Agradeceram: 442 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Sem contar que estão numa região cheio de grupos radicais, na Líbia, no Mali, na Mauritânia....
"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2908 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2580 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Naval Industry News - Germany, Algeria
German built MEKO A-200 AN Frigate for Algerian Navy launched by TKMS in Kiel
Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) launched in early December the first of two MEKO Frigates (designated MEKO A-200 AN) at a shipyard in Kiel. Algeria ordered two frigates (with an option for two more) in March 2012.

Picture showing the first MEKO A-200 AN frigate for Algeria in the water & docked in Kiel, Germany.
The deal also includes 6 AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 maritime helicopters. Navy Recognition learned during a recent visit at a Thales Underwater Systems site that three of the Lynx helicopters will be fitted with Compact FLASH dipping sonars. These helicopters will be dedicated to the MEKO frigates.
Various types of MEKO 200 frigates have been sold by Blohm + Voss/TKMS since the mid-eighties. Algeria would follow the navies of Australia, New Zealand, Greece, Turkey, South Africa and Portugal who all operate the MEKO 200 familiy.
The MEKO A-200 AN appears to be based on the South African Navy Valour class (MEKO A-200 SAN). The A-200SAN design received some improvements compared to older MEKO 200 vessels including new signature reduction measures.
According to TKMS, the MEKO A-200 is capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW) and is also designed for sustained operations across the full spectrum of general missions and tasks: patrol and interdiction, support of special force operations, SAR and humanitarian operations. The MEKO A-200 has greatly reduced radar, IR, acoustic and magnetic signatures:
» The X-Form shell design; extensive bulwark screening of exposed equipment; flush-closing shell doors and RCS-net screening of all shell openings, give the vessel very low radar cross section.
» Without a funnel, and with all combustion engines exhaust horizontally on or below the waterline with active cooling, plus a shell cooling system, this ship has exceptionally low IR signatures.
» The small, light propellers and the aft-sighting of propulsion machinery allowed by CODAG-WARP combined with a forefoot skeg make for exceptionally quiet signatures. ... ew&id=2272
German built MEKO A-200 AN Frigate for Algerian Navy launched by TKMS in Kiel
Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) launched in early December the first of two MEKO Frigates (designated MEKO A-200 AN) at a shipyard in Kiel. Algeria ordered two frigates (with an option for two more) in March 2012.

Picture showing the first MEKO A-200 AN frigate for Algeria in the water & docked in Kiel, Germany.
The deal also includes 6 AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 maritime helicopters. Navy Recognition learned during a recent visit at a Thales Underwater Systems site that three of the Lynx helicopters will be fitted with Compact FLASH dipping sonars. These helicopters will be dedicated to the MEKO frigates.
Various types of MEKO 200 frigates have been sold by Blohm + Voss/TKMS since the mid-eighties. Algeria would follow the navies of Australia, New Zealand, Greece, Turkey, South Africa and Portugal who all operate the MEKO 200 familiy.
The MEKO A-200 AN appears to be based on the South African Navy Valour class (MEKO A-200 SAN). The A-200SAN design received some improvements compared to older MEKO 200 vessels including new signature reduction measures.
According to TKMS, the MEKO A-200 is capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW) and is also designed for sustained operations across the full spectrum of general missions and tasks: patrol and interdiction, support of special force operations, SAR and humanitarian operations. The MEKO A-200 has greatly reduced radar, IR, acoustic and magnetic signatures:
» The X-Form shell design; extensive bulwark screening of exposed equipment; flush-closing shell doors and RCS-net screening of all shell openings, give the vessel very low radar cross section.
» Without a funnel, and with all combustion engines exhaust horizontally on or below the waterline with active cooling, plus a shell cooling system, this ship has exceptionally low IR signatures.
» The small, light propellers and the aft-sighting of propulsion machinery allowed by CODAG-WARP combined with a forefoot skeg make for exceptionally quiet signatures. ... ew&id=2272
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 4579
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm
- Agradeceram: 455 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
P44 escreveu:Naval Industry News - Germany, Algeria
German built MEKO A-200 AN Frigate for Algerian Navy launched by TKMS in Kiel
Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) launched in early December the first of two MEKO Frigates (designated MEKO A-200 AN) at a shipyard in Kiel. Algeria ordered two frigates (with an option for two more) in March 2012.
Picture showing the first MEKO A-200 AN frigate for Algeria in the water & docked in Kiel, Germany.
The deal also includes 6 AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 maritime helicopters. Navy Recognition learned during a recent visit at a Thales Underwater Systems site that three of the Lynx helicopters will be fitted with Compact FLASH dipping sonars. These helicopters will be dedicated to the MEKO frigates.
Various types of MEKO 200 frigates have been sold by Blohm + Voss/TKMS since the mid-eighties. Algeria would follow the navies of Australia, New Zealand, Greece, Turkey, South Africa and Portugal who all operate the MEKO 200 familiy.
The MEKO A-200 AN appears to be based on the South African Navy Valour class (MEKO A-200 SAN). The A-200SAN design received some improvements compared to older MEKO 200 vessels including new signature reduction measures.
According to TKMS, the MEKO A-200 is capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW) and is also designed for sustained operations across the full spectrum of general missions and tasks: patrol and interdiction, support of special force operations, SAR and humanitarian operations. The MEKO A-200 has greatly reduced radar, IR, acoustic and magnetic signatures:
» The X-Form shell design; extensive bulwark screening of exposed equipment; flush-closing shell doors and RCS-net screening of all shell openings, give the vessel very low radar cross section.
» Without a funnel, and with all combustion engines exhaust horizontally on or below the waterline with active cooling, plus a shell cooling system, this ship has exceptionally low IR signatures.
» The small, light propellers and the aft-sighting of propulsion machinery allowed by CODAG-WARP combined with a forefoot skeg make for exceptionally quiet signatures. ... ew&id=2272
Lord Nauta
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2908 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2580 vezes
- talharim
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 9831
- Registrado em: Sex Mai 07, 2004 11:40 pm
- Localização: Santos-SP
- Agradeceram: 212 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Te cuida Egito,Marrocos e Tunisia vcs sao os primeiros da lista .
A Argelia tem o Russian Style de resolver disputas territoriais manda bala primeiro vai com o rolo compressor e depois negocia .
A Argelia tem o Russian Style de resolver disputas territoriais manda bala primeiro vai com o rolo compressor e depois negocia .
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French
one behind me."
General George S. Patton.
one behind me."
General George S. Patton.
- Bolovo
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 28558
- Registrado em: Ter Jul 12, 2005 11:31 pm
- Agradeceu: 547 vezes
- Agradeceram: 442 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Eu acho que sim, mas daí não concorreria com as Tamandaré ou uma Tamandaré batch II mais parruda? As vezes acho que a MB deveria trocar as fragatas de 6k tons por um mix de fragatas menores (igual essa Meko A200) e destróiers de verdade, com 7k+ tons, voltados para a defesa antiaérea, como as classe Horizon, Type 45 etc. Ou manter as fragatas de 6k tons, continuar com as Tamandaré em lotes cada vez mais aperfeiçoadas e finalmente num futuro pensar num navio maior, num destróier como citei. Acredito que a última opção seja a melhor, não?Lord Nauta escreveu:AS VEZES FICO ME PERGUNTANDO: A PRIMEIRA ETAPA DO PROSUPER NÃO PODERIA CONTEMPLAR NAVIOS DESTA CLASSE?
Lord Nauta
Ps.: Adoro todas essas maquetinhas de navio que aparecem nesses feiras. Teria todas.

"Eu detestaria estar no lugar de quem me venceu."
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
Darcy Ribeiro (1922 - 1997)
- FCarvalho
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 39271
- Registrado em: Sex Mai 02, 2003 6:55 pm
- Localização: Manaus
- Agradeceu: 6047 vezes
- Agradeceram: 3405 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
A idéia é que as CV-3 evoluam, dos atuais 2700/3000 tons até algo próximo da atual classe Niterói.
Presumo que navios do porte da antiga classe Garcia da MB possam ser alcançados em temos de evolução do projeto.
Elas complementarão as fragatas do Prosuper, e se tivermos digamos, um pouco de sorte, pode ser que das CV-3 tenhamos uma nova classe de fragatas já na faixa das 4-5 mil tons.
Se conseguirmos fazer isso, já estará de bom tamanho.
Presumo que navios do porte da antiga classe Garcia da MB possam ser alcançados em temos de evolução do projeto.
Elas complementarão as fragatas do Prosuper, e se tivermos digamos, um pouco de sorte, pode ser que das CV-3 tenhamos uma nova classe de fragatas já na faixa das 4-5 mil tons.
Se conseguirmos fazer isso, já estará de bom tamanho.
Carpe Diem
- faterra
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 5096
- Registrado em: Qui Dez 15, 2005 10:25 pm
- Localização: Belo Horizonte - MG
- Agradeceu: 89 vezes
- Agradeceram: 79 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
474 BDLS Kalaat Béni Abbès est un bâtiment de projection de la Marine algérienne construit en Italie par l'entreprise de construction navale Fincantieri, il est une version agrandie et améliorée des bâtiments amphibie italiens de la classe San Giorgio. Mesurant 143 mètres de long et 21.5 mètres de large pour un déplacement en charge atteignant 9000 tonnes et une vitesse de 20 nœuds grâce à deux moteurs diesels d'une autonomie de 6000 milles. Le bâtiment dispose d’un pont d’envol continu, avec deux spots d’appontage pour hélicoptères à l’avant et à l’arrière3. Il sera livré officiellement pour le second semestre 20154.
ype Landing Platform Dock
Longueur 143 m
Maître-bau 21,5 m
Tirant d'eau 5,3 m
Déplacement 9 000 tonnes (pleine charge)
Puissance 2 turbines diesel Fincantieri GMTA 420.12 de 16 800 ch
Vitesse 20 nœuds
Caractéristiques militaires
Armement 1 canon Otobreda 76 mm (retiré du San Giorgio et du San Marco pour rajouter un spot hélicoptères), 2 pièces d'artillerie Oerlikon de 20 mm
Aéronefs 3 hélicoptères de transport AW-101 ou 5 hélicoptères légers
Rayon d’action 7500 nm à 16 nœuds
Autres caractéristiques
Électronique radar naval de recherche MM/SPQ 702, radar de navigation SPN-748, radar de contrôle de tir Selex RTN-10X, suite de contre-mesures Elettronica SpA ECM/ESM
Équipage 150 officiers mariniers, quartiers-maîtres et matelots ; possibilité d'embarquement de 450 fusiliers marins
Constructeurs Cantiere navale di Riva Trigoso (it)
A servi dans Naval Ensign of Algeria.svg Marine algérienne
Période de service Entrée en service en 20141
Navires construits 1 + 1 en option2
ype Landing Platform Dock
Longueur 143 m
Maître-bau 21,5 m
Tirant d'eau 5,3 m
Déplacement 9 000 tonnes (pleine charge)
Puissance 2 turbines diesel Fincantieri GMTA 420.12 de 16 800 ch
Vitesse 20 nœuds
Caractéristiques militaires
Armement 1 canon Otobreda 76 mm (retiré du San Giorgio et du San Marco pour rajouter un spot hélicoptères), 2 pièces d'artillerie Oerlikon de 20 mm
Aéronefs 3 hélicoptères de transport AW-101 ou 5 hélicoptères légers
Rayon d’action 7500 nm à 16 nœuds
Autres caractéristiques
Électronique radar naval de recherche MM/SPQ 702, radar de navigation SPN-748, radar de contrôle de tir Selex RTN-10X, suite de contre-mesures Elettronica SpA ECM/ESM
Équipage 150 officiers mariniers, quartiers-maîtres et matelots ; possibilité d'embarquement de 450 fusiliers marins
Constructeurs Cantiere navale di Riva Trigoso (it)
A servi dans Naval Ensign of Algeria.svg Marine algérienne
Période de service Entrée en service en 20141
Navires construits 1 + 1 en option2
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2908 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2580 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
The first of the new MEKO A-200 ALG frigates for Algerian Navy under construction at HDW Shipyard Kiel (Feb, 2015).

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3632
- Registrado em: Seg Jun 27, 2005 9:16 pm
- Agradeceram: 4 vezes
Re: Marinha argelina
Bolovo, uma ala de planejadores e comandantes pensa justamente nisto: Um número menor de escoltas AA e ao ives da "Tamanduas", escoltas EB e ASW do porte desta Meko.Bolovo escreveu:Eu acho que sim, mas daí não concorreria com as Tamandaré ou uma Tamandaré batch II mais parruda? As vezes acho que a MB deveria trocar as fragatas de 6k tons por um mix de fragatas menores (igual essa Meko A200) e destróiers de verdade, com 7k+ tons, voltados para a defesa antiaérea, como as classe Horizon, Type 45 etc. Ou manter as fragatas de 6k tons, continuar com as Tamandaré em lotes cada vez mais aperfeiçoadas e finalmente num futuro pensar num navio maior, num destróier como citei. Acredito que a última opção seja a melhor, não?Lord Nauta escreveu:AS VEZES FICO ME PERGUNTANDO: A PRIMEIRA ETAPA DO PROSUPER NÃO PODERIA CONTEMPLAR NAVIOS DESTA CLASSE?
Lord Nauta
Ps.: Adoro todas essas maquetinhas de navio que aparecem nesses feiras. Teria todas.
Eu, particularmente acho interessante esta proposta, ou seja três ou quatro T 45/ Horizon ou similar e oito ou nove Meko A 200.
Grande abraço
- Frederico Vitor
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2065
- Registrado em: Ter Ago 14, 2007 1:34 pm
- Localização: Goiás
- Agradeceu: 206 vezes
- Agradeceram: 270 vezes