Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3271 Mensagem por arcanjo » Ter Jun 18, 2013 10:21 am

PARIS 2013: Rivals Embraer and Beechcraft show off COIN aircraft


Imagem ... r-and.html


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3272 Mensagem por irlan » Ter Jun 18, 2013 10:57 am amarro nessa pintura "boca de tubarão"...

Na União Soviética, o político é roubado por VOCÊ!!
Jose Gustavo
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3273 Mensagem por Jose Gustavo » Ter Jun 18, 2013 11:43 am ... yet-again/

GAO Validates USAF Light Attack Aircraft Decision-YET again

By Ed Timperlake

June 16, 2013

Beechcraft again lost their never ending quest to sell their “fake it until they make it” prototype AT-6 derivative of the T-6.

So far all they have done is tragically slowed to a crawl the much need airpower transition of US and Allied Afghan combat engagement. ... dimension/

Beechcraft has just issued their latest press release in which they continue to insist as a private company that they have the right to determine the choice which the public authority needs to make, even when the USAF is the decision maker, not the private company.

In an amazing reversal of logic, the private company now believes IT is builder, decider and arbitrator on a USAF decision.

(Beechcraft’s Statement on U.S. Government Accountability Office Ruling on Light Air Support Contract issued June 13, 2013)

It is now time for Congress to step in and put an end to this flawed acquisition process and limit the purchase of the Brazilian aircraft to only that of the Afghanistan requirement covered by the first delivery order of the LAS contract…

It is deeply distressing that the Air Force selected a more expensive, less capable, foreign-manufactured airplane with weapons and systems unfamiliar to, and outside the control of, the United States military. We have known that the requirements for this procurement were written to favor the competition’s aircraft.

During this protest, we learned that the GAO’s review looks only at whether the Air Force followed its process, but not whether the process itself was actually correct or appropriate. We question whether the Embraer aircraft with its foreign-made weapons can be certified to U.S. military standards in time to provide the mission-capable aircraft per the contract.

This press release continues a process which is amazing in the history of US defense acquisition in terms of determined arrogance and projection of self-importance.

They are NOT the USAF.

They have insulted the integrity of the GAO while asking Congress to intervene. They are doing this even they have already tried to get the House of Representatives engaged on the issue of limiting the SuperTucano contract and the Committee vote was a resounding “Ney”

They have continued to insult the integrity of their customer, the US Air Force, and suggest that only acquisition criteria which meets their own determination of a “good choice” is proper.

They have insulted the Boeing Company partnership with Embrear which has embraced expanding the weapons employed by the A-29, Super Tucano, for the global market.

They continue to put in jeopardy the potential sale of F/A-18s to Brazil by engaging in Brazil bashing, a country that is the 6th largest economy in the world. That contract is estimated to be worth around $ 8 Billion.

And they have done this while producing a record of bankruptcy and then barely moving out of bankruptcy but in the process trying to sell a significant part of their company to the People’s Republic of China.

And this “All-American” company uses Swiss licenses, Mexican plants and tries to sell a large part of itself to China.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3274 Mensagem por arcanjo » Ter Jun 18, 2013 11:53 am

irlan amarro nessa pintura "boca de tubarão"...
Somente a pintura não é? :-?


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3275 Mensagem por irlan » Ter Jun 18, 2013 12:18 pm

Sim, é claro...

Na União Soviética, o político é roubado por VOCÊ!!
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3276 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Jun 18, 2013 1:09 pm

arcanjo escreveu:PARIS 2013: Rivals Embraer and Beechcraft show off COIN aircraft


Imagem ... r-and.html


Só que um até já está vendido, é da Mauritânia, já o outro é da companhia mesmo, pois ninguém compra... [003] [003] [003] [003]

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3277 Mensagem por kirk » Ter Jun 18, 2013 1:21 pm

Túlio escreveu:
arcanjo escreveu:PARIS 2013: Rivals Embraer and Beechcraft show off COIN aircraft


Imagem ... r-and.html


Só que um até já está vendido, é da Mauritânia, já o outro é da companhia mesmo, pois ninguém compra... [003] [003] [003] [003]
Sem ufanismo, mas é FEIO esse avião da Bich, né não? :evil:

Parece rabicó.


[] kirk

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3278 Mensagem por Skyway » Ter Jun 18, 2013 8:23 pm

É ridículo comparar um com o outro...acho muita graça disso. :lol:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3279 Mensagem por EduClau » Qua Jun 19, 2013 8:02 pm

Argumentos a favor do AT-6 na Aviationweek:

VIEWPOINT: Boisture Fires Back On LAS


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3280 Mensagem por kirk » Qua Jun 19, 2013 8:20 pm

EduClau escreveu:Argumentos a favor do AT-6 na Aviationweek:

VIEWPOINT: Boisture Fires Back On LAS

Boa Noite Edu!

É uma entrevista do CEO da Beechcraft, inclusive com argumentos contestados pela reportagem

Se não fosse o fato de se tratar de função de oficio desse senhor defender o avião, considerando a necessidade prestação de contas aos investidores, eu diria que o Sr Bill Boisture é um tremendo "cara de pau" :mrgreen:


[] kirk

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“Quando encontrar um espadachim, saque da espada: não recite poemas para quem não é poeta”
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3281 Mensagem por scorpion-rouge35 » Qui Jun 20, 2013 11:18 am

Mauritanian air force

Embraer A-29 Super Tucano (Bourget 2013)


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3282 Mensagem por general-lee » Qui Jun 20, 2013 7:36 pm

scorpion-rouge35 escreveu:Mauritanian air force

Embraer A-29 Super Tucano (Bourget 2013)

Caraca ver levei até um susto..mas ae olhei de novo e vi que era a turbina do Erj 135...KKKKKK sabe que me veio uma ideia....... sds

Jose Gustavo
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3283 Mensagem por Jose Gustavo » Ter Jun 25, 2013 1:04 pm

Parece agora que o discurso da Beech mudou . Pela nota do Wichita Business Journal o esforço agora será em limitar o contrato da Embraer. É provável que seja uma estratégia para o Super Tucano não desenvolver todas as suas capacidades. Assim podem alegar em outras concorrências, mentirosamente, que é uma aeronave menos capaz, que a concorrência foi injusta, que eles ganharam do "Super Tucano" no JPATS etc etc. ... short.html

"The U.S. Government Accountability Office last week announced it had dismissed the protest of Beechcraft Corp. over a $427 million contract for attack planes the U.S. Air Force awarded to Brazil-based Embraer and its domestic partner, Sierra Nevada Corp. The long-fought battle over the coveted contract now seemingly over, Beechcraft said it would turn to Congress in an effort to limit the amount of additional work awarded to its competitors under the contract. It’s believed those add-ons could eventually push the contract’s value to nearly $1 billion."

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3284 Mensagem por BrasilPotência » Ter Jun 25, 2013 2:32 pm

Que empresinha imoral e sem vergonha. Tomara que quebre de vez.

Brava Gente, Brasileira!!!
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3285 Mensagem por EduClau » Qui Jun 27, 2013 6:06 pm


" We deny the protest. "

