Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3211 Mensagem por dafranca » Qua Abr 17, 2013 9:13 am

jumentodonordeste escreveu:
irlan escreveu:Acho que o Iraque iria pegar aquele avião tosco que parece aquele que joga remédio em plantações...só que adaptado para a guerra. [003]

Bitchcraft agrowar biofuel T6?

ST bota no bolso.
O avião em questão é o Air Tractor AT-802U. Foi comprado pelos Emirados Arabes Unidos como um avião COIN.

LIMA: Air Tractor goes on the offensive
26 Mar 2013

Air Tractor sees opportunities to market its AT-802U single-engined turboprop light-attack aircraft in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Speaking with Flight International at the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition on 26 March, vice-president for business development Charles Miller said the type offers a "low-cost solution for reconnaissance and attack".

Miller claims that at an example cost of around $3m before the addition of sensors and weapons, the AT-802U is one-third the price of an attack helicopter.

Kuala Lumpur's lack of a light attack capability was highlighted in early March 2013, when 200 armed intruders from the Philippines infiltrated the country's eastern state of Sabah. The Royal Malaysian Air Force attacked the insurgents with 226kg (500lb) Paveway laser-guided bombs dropped from four BAE Systems Hawk 208s and four Boeing F/A-18D Hornet aircraft, with the targets having been designated by ground units.

Some experts have said that light attack aircraft, such as the Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano, or attack helicopters would have been more suitable for the Sabah mission.

Miller says the AT-802U is easy to operate from primitive runways and requires little in the way of maintenance facilities.

"The Air Tractor is a good platform if you don't have unlimited funding resources," he says.

Texas-based Air Tractor has previously sold its armed AT-802U to the United Arab Emirates. Flightglobal's MiliCAS database records its air force as having received 18 of a contracted 23 examples by late 2012. ... ve-383891/

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3212 Mensagem por jumentodonordeste » Qua Abr 17, 2013 9:46 am

Foi mal então...

Mas parece mesmo avião de fazenda.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3213 Mensagem por joao fernando » Qua Abr 17, 2013 10:16 am

jumentodonordeste escreveu:Foi mal então...

Mas parece mesmo avião de fazenda.
Mas ele é mesmo avião de fazenda. Olha a cara do Ipanema!

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3214 Mensagem por NettoBR » Qua Abr 17, 2013 11:35 am

dafranca escreveu:Imagem
A expressão "Quem não tem cão, caça com gato" foi muito bem usada aqui.

O lado bom desses aviões agrícolas é que são ótimos em acrobacias.

jumentodonordeste escreveu:
irlan escreveu:Acho que o Iraque iria pegar aquele avião tosco que parece aquele que joga remédio em plantações...só que adaptado para a guerra. [003]
Bitchcraft agrowar biofuel T6?

ST bota no bolso.
:lol: :lol:

Me lembrou um episódio do Tela Class na MTV: "Metralha os pé-de-manga!! Vamo deixá os pé-de-manga tudo FUDIDO!!" :mrgreen:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3215 Mensagem por Bolovo » Qua Abr 17, 2013 2:25 pm

Engraçado é os Emirados Árabes, puta país gastador da porra, com Mirage 2000 versão exclusiva, F-16 versão exclusiva, C-17, míssil feito de ouro e o diabo, trocar o Super Tucano por essa tralha. Ah, vá porra. Alguem sheik ganhou alguma coisa nessa. A lógica não bate!

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3216 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Abr 17, 2013 2:51 pm

Bolovo escreveu:Engraçado é os Emirados Árabes, puta país gastador da porra, com Mirage 2000 versão exclusiva, F-16 versão exclusiva, C-17, míssil feito de ouro e o diabo, trocar o Super Tucano por essa tralha. Ah, vá porra. Alguem sheik ganhou alguma coisa nessa. A lógica não bate!
Sempre... :wink:

Me lembra da história aonde o Marrocos não adotou o Tucano na década de 80 por conta de um colar de Rubis/safiras... ;)


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3217 Mensagem por Túlio » Qua Abr 17, 2013 3:14 pm

Mas essa geringoncinha aí até que faz sentido para Países mais pobres e sem grandes ameaças internas: quando os pilotos não estão atacando algum zé mané metido a guerrilheiro, podem muito bem ajudar a pulverizar as plantações contra as pragas... [003] [003] [003] [003]

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3218 Mensagem por saullo » Qua Abr 17, 2013 3:36 pm

Túlio escreveu:Mas essa geringoncinha aí até que faz sentido para Países mais pobres e sem grandes ameaças internas: quando os pilotos não estão atacando algum zé mané metido a guerrilheiro, podem muito bem ajudar a pulverizar as plantações contra as pragas... [003] [003] [003] [003]
Mas no caso dos EAU, nem plantação de pedra eles tem, é só areia... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3219 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Qua Abr 17, 2013 4:22 pm

A EMBRAER vai vender o Super Tucano até para a Força Aérea Inuit. semana que vem já tem outra novidade... 8-]

Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...

Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.

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Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3220 Mensagem por Wingate » Qua Abr 17, 2013 5:22 pm

Túlio escreveu:Mas essa geringoncinha aí até que faz sentido para Países mais pobres e sem grandes ameaças internas: quando os pilotos não estão atacando algum zé mané metido a guerrilheiro, podem muito bem ajudar a pulverizar as plantações contra as pragas... [003] [003] [003] [003]
Serviria também para rebocar planador e biruta-alvo...


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Re: Super Tucano News

#3221 Mensagem por NettoBR » Qua Abr 17, 2013 5:59 pm

WalterGaudério escreveu:A EMBRAER vai vender o Super Tucano até para a Força Aérea Inuit. semana que vem já tem outra novidade... 8-]
Por mim venderia até pra Força Aérea Talibã. :lol:

"Todos pensam em mudar o mundo, mas ninguém pensa em mudar a si mesmo."
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3222 Mensagem por denilson » Qua Abr 17, 2013 7:08 pm

NettoBR escreveu:
WalterGaudério escreveu:A EMBRAER vai vender o Super Tucano até para a Força Aérea Inuit. semana que vem já tem outra novidade... 8-]
Por mim venderia até pra Força Aérea Talibã. :lol:
Para as FARC também, armar os dois lados e depois pedir por paz [051]

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3223 Mensagem por Túlio » Qua Abr 17, 2013 7:33 pm

WalterGaudério escreveu:A EMBRAER vai vender o Super Tucano até para a Força Aérea Inuit. semana que vem já tem outra novidade... 8-]

Vindo DE TI, melhor AGUARDAR A LAAD!!! [003] [003] [003] [003]

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#3224 Mensagem por denilson » Qui Abr 18, 2013 10:06 am

Mas cá entre nos, qual piloto escolheria uma aeronave de combate que não tem assento ejetável? Esse avião tem Airbag :shock: não é pressurizado dentre outros detalhes.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#3225 Mensagem por dafranca » Qui Abr 18, 2013 11:27 am

Light Aircraft Support: The Choice Was Clear
Apr 15, 2013 by Fred George

For a second time, W.W. "Bill" Boisture, the CEO of Beechcraft Corp. (formerly Hawker Beechcraft), is challenging the U.S. Air Force's decision to award a contract to Sierra Nevada Corp. to supply 20 Embraer A-29B Super Tucano aircraft for the Light Air Support (LAS) program for use by the Afghan military.
Boisture claims the Defense Department is spending significantly more for the A-29B than it would for Beechcraft's AT-6, its proposed LAS variant of the T-6 Texan II turboprop primary trainer. The T-6 is a well-proven platform, and the AT-6 shares about 80% of its parts.
I could see Boisture's point if lowest cost were the only criterion for awarding a contract and if the AT-6 and A-29B offered equivalent capabilities. But neither point is the case.
I have flown both aircraft and there are significant differences. The AT-6 is a trainer that has been adapted for the LAS role with a 1,600-shp engine, a beefed-up wing with hard points, plus twin external gun pods, an electro-optical/infrared camera sensor ball and a network-centric C2ISR communications suite, among other significant improvements. On paper, that gives the AT-6 virtually the same capabilities as the A-29B Super Tucano.
Walk around the two aircraft, though, and obvious differences emerge. Built from the ground up for the light attack role, the Brazilian contender is considerably larger than the Beechcraft. The relatively small five-blade propeller offers 5 in. more ground clearance than the AT-6's four-blade prop, and its oil cooler intake is much higher, for protection against foreign object damage. These features make the Super Tucano better suited to rough-field operations.
The A-29B's wingspan is 4 ft. wider than the AT-6's and the lateral distance between the landing gear is 50% greater, making the aircraft easier to handle on runways in stiff crosswinds. The A-29B's main landing gear rolling stock is larger, featuring low-pressure 6.5-10 tires that are better suited to unimproved runway operations than the AT-6's high-pressure, 4.4-20 tires that are designed for smooth pavement. The A-29B's fuselage is 3 ft. longer and its vertical stabilizer is 2.3 ft. higher, providing more aerodynamic stability to handle the 1,600-shp engine.
The Super Tucano, to be assembled in Jacksonville, Fla., has two internally mounted 250-round FN Herstal .50-caliber guns plus four wing-mounted hard points for external stores and a center-line fuselage station for an external fuel tank. It can carry 3,420 lb. of external stores with fully loaded guns.
The AT-6 has six wing hard points, two of which can accommodate 400-round FN Herstal .50-caliber gun pods. While the AT-6 carries more ammunition, internal guns are easier to keep boresight-aligned than external gun pods. And the AT-6's external stores load is limited to 2,675 lb. with fully loaded gun pods.
Belt into the front seat of each aircraft and more important differences emerge. The A-29B's canopy is considerably larger, affording better visibility in the combat environment. Front and rear internal windshields protect the crew if the canopy is lost in combat. Its sensor ball is mounted farther forward on the bottom of the fuselage so its view of targets abeam the aircraft is not blocked by the wing when the aircraft is banked. The larger wing affords more lateral control with asymmetric external stores loads, such as a pilot might encounter if a 500-lb. smart bomb hangs up on an ejector rack.
The A-29B also has anti-skid power brakes, a computer that calculates drag and runway distance for 133 different external stores configurations and an autopilot that can be coupled to the mission computer to reduce pilot workload. The aircraft also has a proven combat record, having logged more than 18,000 hr., mainly in counterinsurgency operations against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). It has amassed about 180,000 hr. with the air forces of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. Deliveries now have begun to Angola and Indonesia.
But, even if the two aircraft were exactly comparable, the long-term financial staying power of the two companies is not the same. That is a key risk factor written into the Federal Acquisition Regulation decision-making process. Sierra Nevada and Embraer have strong product portfolios and robust balance sheets. They will assemble the Super Tucano in Jacksonville. Beechcraft, having shed several unviable product lines, just now is emerging from bankruptcy. The Wichita manufacturer still faces a tough road to recovery. So, on balance, I believe the Air Force twice made the best choice for LAS, first in December 2011 and again in 2013. ... 566822.xml
