Marina de Guerra del Perú

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#16 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jun 13, 2008 6:05 pm

Peruvian Navy Orders Six Enstrom F28F Helicopters; Factory Training Recently Completed

(Source: Enstrom Helicopter Corp.; issued June 12, 2008)

MENOMINEE, MI --- Enstrom Helicopter Corporation is excited to announce that they’ve recently completed the training of a delegation of pilots and mechanics from the Peruvian Navy. Enstrom signed a contract to provide the Peruvian Navy with six F28F piston training helicopters in January of 2008. The first two aircraft were completed in time for the training, and will ship shortly.

Three of the aircraft will be shipped with auxiliary fuel tanks, cargo hooks, and floats, while the other three will be provisioned to accept those accessories for quick swaps and flexibility. The helicopters will be used primarily for flight training, but will see other roles, such as search, surveillance and cargo hauling.

Commander Alberto De-Souza Ferreira led the delegation, and received training as an instructor pilot in the F28F. “The aircraft fly very well, and will make excellent trainers for the Navy,” he commented. Commander Alex Arriaran also received instructor training, and was extremely impressed with the Enstrom. “We really pushed the limits of the helicopter, to see how strong it was. We did landings in the F28F that would have concerned me in our Bell 206’s, but the Enstrom didn’t even have a scratch. It also does excellent autorotations, and has the power to recover even when the rpm is low. The F28F will be a great trainer.”

Enstrom was impressed by the skill and knowledge of the Navy personnel as well. Enstrom product support specialist Joe Gypp was charged with leading the maintenance class, and spent a week with the mechanics. “These guys were all really sharp. They picked it up right away, and asked a lot of great questions. Despite the fact that most of them only spoke Spanish, they were so confident by the end of the week that they wanted to take their test in English. I’ve taught a lot of mechanics over the years, and I have no doubt these guys will be able to take care of their helicopters.”

The F28F was chosen in a competitive bid process with the Schweizer 300C and the Robinson R44 Raven II. The price and performance of the aircraft exceeded the requirements set forth by the Peruvian Navy for this application. “More and more organizations in the world are recognizing the virtues of utilizing the F28F as a first class, safe, training helicopter, “ stated Jerry Mullins, Enstrom President and CEO. “With its unequaled performance, exceptional stability, and excellent safety record, you get more than just a trainer with the F28F. The Peruvian Navy saw this benefit and, after reviewing the data, made the right choice.”

Enstrom was assisted in Peru by their representatives, KIBO Representaciones SAC. Since its founding, KIBO has sold over 30 aircraft in Peru, and proved to have the knowledge and expertise to move the program from concept to reality. KIBO personnel even traveled to Enstrom to help facilitate the training.

Founded in 1959, Enstrom Helicopter Corporation manufactures a complete line of helicopters. The three-seat, piston-powered F28F and 280FX are popular training, sport, and light commercial aircraft. The larger turbine-powered 480B is available as a three-place advanced trainer and patrol aircraft, or as a three to five place executive transport. For law enforcement applications Enstrom produces a specialized variant of the 480B, known as the Guardian, and the F28F, called the Sentinel.


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#17 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Nov 24, 2008 8:55 am

buques de desembarco para la Marina de Guerra del Perú


Una vez que el Congreso estadounidense apruebe la transferencia a los países latinoamericanos de material de guerra, serán vendidos al Perú dos buques de desembarco de tanques y transporte de tropas, LST (Tank Landing Ship) de la Clase Newport.

El proyecto de ley está en su etapa final en el Capitolio y se espera que antes de fin de año sea aprobado por los legisladores. Los citados buques tienen capacidad para llevar un batallón con 400 efectivos más sus vehículos y una cubierta de vuelo que permite las operaciones de helicópteros tipo Sea King.

Se trata de las naves LST-1182 USS “Fresno”, construida en 1969 y LST-1191 USS “Racine”, entregada en a la US Navy en 1971. Ambos buques estuvieron en reserva desde 1993. Se desconocen aún los nombres con que los bautizará la Marina de Guerra del Perú.

Autor: Juan Carlos Cicalesi - Santiago Rivas

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#18 Mensagem por Rui Elias Maltez » Seg Nov 24, 2008 10:13 am

Da maneira que a coisa está preta para o nosso lado, acho que aceitaria de bom grado 2 Newport.

Acho que mais vale um pássaro na mão, que 2 a fugir.

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#19 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Mai 05, 2009 11:37 am

Arica is the first Peruvian submarine to
pull into San Diego Bay

"We have one of the oldest submarine navies between the two continents [North and South America]," said Cmdr.
Manuel Rivadeneira, Arica's commanding officer. "Now there are many improvements in submarine warfare, so we
have the opportunity to train with the U.S., who has the latest improvements in submarine warfare. It helps us, and it
also helps the U.S. because they don't always have the opportunity to train with other countries like us [Peru]."
This is the third time the Peruvian
submarine has participated in DESI,
but it is the first time Arica has
visited San Diego and partnered
with Commander, U.S. 3rd Fleet, to
conduct operations off the U.S.
West Coast.

"The DESI program objectives help
us establish a solid framework for a
continued excellent operational
training relationship between 3rd Fleet, the Peruvian submarine force and Submarine Squadron 11," said Cmdr. John Doney from the U.S. 3rd Fleet
training staff.
According to U.S. 3rd Fleet officials, the interaction and training is also designed to sharpen Sailors' skills and improve
anti-submarine warfare tactics of the two nations.
"Partnership continues a history of us working with a very lethal capability in looking for the very quiet diesel electrics,
which are a huge threat to any navy," said Capt. Neil May, assistant chief of staff, training and readiness at
Commander, U.S. 3rd Fleet. "It's going to be a very productive several months."
While in San Diego, the Peruvian Sailors and officers will stay with their U.S. counterparts in bachelor enlisted and
officer quarters. They will also have the opportunity to explore the San Diego area and spend time with American
Sailors during several social events scheduled in their honor.

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#20 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Jul 20, 2009 12:01 pm

Peruvian U-Boat Stalks the USN

July 16, 2009: For the fifth year, the U.S. Navy has trained with a diesel electric sub from a South American navy. This program, called DESI (Diesel Electric Submarine Initiative) hopes to eventually entice NATO navies to send one of their subs over for the exercise.

So far, DESI has provided 450 engagement days involving diesel electric subs maneuvering against American anti-submarine forces (air, surface and subsurface.) The exercises give the sub crews a realistic workout against the most modern ASW (anti-submarine warfare) equipment, and allows them to show how dangerous a diesel electric boat is when it's submerged and running on batteries. This year, the sub was the Peruvian Arica (SS-36). This is a German built Type 209, which is one of the more widely used diesel-electric subs in the world. The Arica displaces 1,300 tons, is 183 feet long, has eight torpedo tubes and carry 14 torpedoes and a crew of 36. The boat is 34 years old, but had a major overhaul in 1983-4. ... 90716.aspx

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#21 Mensagem por Izaias Maia » Ter Set 29, 2009 3:19 am

O DB ultimamente está sob ataque???

A morte do homem começa no instante em que ele desiste de aprender. (Albino Teixeira)
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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#22 Mensagem por P44 » Qui Abr 22, 2010 12:53 pm

SELEX Sistemi Integrati Wins a Contract In Peru for Two KRONOS Radars

(Source: SELEX Sistemi Integrati; issued April 21, 2010)

ROME --- SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, has been awarded a contract with the Military Navy of Peru to supply two multifunctional surveillance radars KRONOS NV to be installed on board of the “Aguirre” class frigates (former-Lupo), once belonging to the Italian Navy.

The system refers to a multifunction radar, KRONOS NV, which can interface a Combat Management System (CMS) and a command and control system, IPN-20, developed by SELEX Sistemi Integrati.

The supply awarded to SELEX Sistemi Integrati following an international bid attended by the main companies of the sector, is strategically important for the company and opens the way to further commercial success in the Country.

KRONOS NV is a new multifunctional, multirole, solid state, 3D radar completely designed and developed by SELEX Sistemi Integrati on the basis of the company experience made with the EMPAR systems, the naval sensors which are operational on board of the Italian and other foreign Military Navies, available both in naval and land version.

The radar supports more and more demanding operational roles thanks to its capability to step from surveillance to monitoring and identification of targets in a very short time. Its wide band high frequency agility guarantees excellent electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM), while the low peak power makes it very difficult to intercept.

The naval version has been designed to be used on vessels starting from 400 tons and can be used both for blue water operations, and in more difficult scenarios such as the coastal ones (brown water), including environments interested by strong electronic counter measures.

KRONOS is fully compliant with the most modern international military standards and guarantees a high reliability with low running and maintenance costs.


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Marina de Guerra del Perú

#23 Mensagem por Andre Correa » Seg Jun 25, 2012 8:06 pm

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#24 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Jun 27, 2012 7:09 am

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#25 Mensagem por Andre Correa » Qua Jun 27, 2012 4:41 pm

P44 escreveu:viewtopic.php?t=8808

Obrigado, já fundi os 2 tópicos.


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#26 Mensagem por Lord Nauta » Dom Nov 18, 2012 12:02 pm

España dará asistencia técnica a SIMA Perú en la construcción de buque escuela a vela


( Madrid - En el marco de la visita oficial del ministro de Defensa de Perú a España (ver noticia), Pedro Cateriano junto a su homólogo español Pedro Morenés acordaron facilitar la cooperación técnica española en la construcción del futuro buque escuela a vela de la Marina de Guerra del Perú, navío que será manufacturado en los astilleros de la estatal Servicios Industriales de la Marina (SIMA Perú).

Los ministros acordaron también fortalecer los lazos entre los institutos armados de ambos países, en áreas tales como entrenamiento, formación y capacitación. Asimismo, decidieron devolver a las Agregadurías de Defensa de los dos países el carácter de principal instrumento para el incremento de la cooperación en Defensa.

Por su parte, el ministro Morenés expuso sobre el interés de su gobierno por encontrar un mecanismo que permita la participación de España en la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR).

La decisión del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú al buscar el soporte técnico español se sustenta en la amplia experiencia de los astilleros del país hispano en la construcción de buques a vela.

Cabe recordar que la Armada de España tiene entre sus filas el bergantín goleta de cuatro mástilesa, Juan Sebstián Elcano. Un diseño de la casa Echevarrieta y Larrinaga. Lanzado al mar el 5 de marzo de 1927, su más reciente período de mantenimiento fue realizado en el 2011. A la fecha, acumula más de 80 cruceros de instrucción anuales. El buques escuela de la Armada de Chile, Esmeralda, con una eslora de 113,1 metros y 3.770 toneladas de desplazamiento, es un gemelo del velero español, botado al mar en las instalaciones de la Sociedad de Astilleros de Cádiz.

Los buques escuela a vela de las Armadas de Colombia, Ecuador, México y Venezuela también han sido construidos en astilleros españoles.

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#27 Mensagem por arcanjo » Sáb Dez 21, 2013 9:08 pm

Cancelada la licitación para la modernización de los BMR-600 de la Marina de Guerra del Perú


( La Marina de Guerra del Perú, mediante Resolución de la Comandancia General de Marina N° 768-2013, ha optado por cancelar definitivamente la Licitación Internacional para la Modernización de los Vehículos Blindados BMR-600 convocada – por segunda ocasión - a finales del pasado mes de noviembre. El monto se cifraba en unos 11,6 millones de euros. A pesar de lo escaso de la información, se estima que el proceso debería ser convocado nuevamente en 2014.

La primera licitación fue adjudicada el 21 de octubre a la empresa española Quatripole. Sin embargo, a los pocos días, el proceso – tras una evaluación del expediente por parte del Ministerio de Defensa (MINDEF), cuya asesoría jurídica habría detectado algunas errores de procedimiento, fue declarado “desierto”, quedando en suspenso la licitación y, finalmente, cancelada.

En paralelo, y como ya hemos informado, algunas de las empresas españolas que concurrieron a este proceso argumentaron que no se reconoció debidamente su Certificación PECAL/AQAP (Certificación de Sistema de Calidad) . Además, se plantearon reclamos en contra de Quatripole respecto a que habría presentado documentación que no acreditaba debidamente su experiencia técnica y a la que se le debió descalificar al incumplir el Manual N° 011-2011 del MINDEF (Manual de Contratación de Bienes y Servicios en el Mercado Extranjero) en el que se señala que “el proveedor que realizara la contraprestación no sea domiciliado en el país”.

Aunque Quatripole asegura que la exclusión de las otras empresas españolas postulantes hizo que perdieran la categoría de empresa postora, “consecuentemente quedando fuera del proceso de licitación sin derecho a recurso legal alguno”, lo cierto es que los argumentos y las reclamaciones que hemos venido exponiendo en se plantearon ante el MINDEF y que el resultado final del proceso ha sido su cancelación. ... Itemid=163



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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#28 Mensagem por P44 » Sex Jul 25, 2014 1:37 pm

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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#29 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Nov 22, 2014 2:05 pm

Naval Analyses @D__Mitch · 20 de nov

Her last trip under the Dutch flag. Early December HNLMS Amsterdam will sail for her new home.. Peru!


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Re: Marina de Guerra del Perú

#30 Mensagem por Marino » Sáb Nov 22, 2014 2:07 pm

Parabéns, excelente aquisição.

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Barão do Rio Branco