Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1876 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Seg Jan 02, 2012 11:59 pm

RobertoRS escreveu:
PRick escreveu:
Mas na Colômbia já tinha isso, por sinal acho que será muito parecida com uma atuação no Afeganistão, é certo que a Guerra lá é melhor para vitrine, e ainda ocorre do outro lado do planeta, enfim, seria uma propaganda muito melhor que na Colômbia.

Por sinal, algo que eu havia falado aqui faz muito tempo, dizendo que para jogar bombas em mendigos os ALX´s era a melhor solução, muito melhor que helos de ataque por exemplo, afinal, mais barato de operar, mais difícil de abater e resposta mais rápida.

Mas avalio que o conflito no Afeganistão é de maior intensidade.
Sem duvida e os 'rebeldes' são especialistas em armar surpresas entre as montanhas.


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1877 Mensagem por Bolovo » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:00 am

JT8D escreveu:
Bolovo escreveu:Sim, mas o uso de Manpads no Afeganistão é muito limitado. A maioria dos aviões que são derrubados por lá é vitima de fogo de armas leves ou RPG. Não tem mais aquele fluxo de Stinger que tinha durante a invasão soviética nos anos 80.
Ainda bem. Não gostaria de ver STs derrubados desta forma. Será que os americanos vão equipá-los com dispensadores de flares? (não sei se isso seria uma defesa efetiva contra Manpads)


Mas é obvio. Os ST colombianos tem flares, que são a principal medida contra Manpads. Pela lógica os ST americanos/afegãos serão os mais equipados.

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1878 Mensagem por GDA_Fear » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:05 am

Vai ser um teste de fogo...confesso que estou ancioso para ver o ST numa TO dessas de insurgentes. 8-]

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1879 Mensagem por JT8D » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:06 am

Bolovo escreveu: Mas é obvio. Os ST colombianos tem flares, que são a principal medida contra Manpads. Pela lógica os ST americanos/afegãos serão os mais equipados.
Obrigado pelas respostas !




Re: Super Tucano News

#1880 Mensagem por PRick » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:08 am

O que demonstrou o Afeganistão?

1- A limitação do conceito helo de assalto, porque existe uma quantidade enorme de armamentos capazes de destruir um helo voando lento ou em voo pairado próximo ao solo, e no Afeganistão RPG é mato.

2- Desperdício de recursos e inadequação de caças para serem usados em Guerra Assimétrica onde o inimigo quase não dispõe de armamento AAé.

Tudo isso aponta para uma aeronave leve a hélice protegida o suficiente para evitar AAé até metralhadoras 0.50, capaz de levar uma boa carga bélica e sensores modernos. Usar caças e helos de ataque sofisticados é matar mosquitos com tiros de canhão, algo muito caro que pode ser feito de forma muito mais eficiente por uma aeronave do tipo ALX.

A Embraer fez o que sempre teve de melhor, descobriu um outro grande nicho de mercado.


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Re: Super Tucano News

#1881 Mensagem por GDA_Fear » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:16 am

Esperamos que esse nicho promissor impulsione a Embraer Defense & Security :)

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1882 Mensagem por Petry » Ter Jan 03, 2012 10:10 am

Mas treinadores avançados a jato não podem fazer o mesmo papel dos A-29?

Digo, se um país tiver a disposição M-346, Yak-133, T-50, outros da mesma categoria, não seria uma opção melhor do que os A-29, mesmo sendo um pouco mais caro que os A-29?

Porque se tu já tem essas aeronaves, por que comprar mais uma como o A-29?

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1883 Mensagem por Túlio » Ter Jan 03, 2012 10:12 am

Hora de voo e persistência no TO, creio...

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1884 Mensagem por Sávio Ricardo » Ter Jan 03, 2012 10:33 am

Túlio escreveu:Hora de voo e persistência no TO, creio...

Operações de Ataque Leve geralmente são demoradas, onde o avião deve permanecer muito tempo em voo...

Imaginem manter aviões de ataque a jato como um A-10 ou os outros citados tanto tempo no ar?



Re: Super Tucano News

#1885 Mensagem por PRick » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:14 pm

Petry escreveu:Mas treinadores avançados a jato não podem fazer o mesmo papel dos A-29?

Digo, se um país tiver a disposição M-346, Yak-133, T-50, outros da mesma categoria, não seria uma opção melhor do que os A-29, mesmo sendo um pouco mais caro que os A-29?

Porque se tu já tem essas aeronaves, por que comprar mais uma como o A-29?

Custam muito mais caros, são mais vulneráveis a Manpads, precisam de pistas melhores para operarem, tem perfil de voo inadequado e tem hora de voo muito mais cara.


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Re: Super Tucano News

#1886 Mensagem por FABIO » Ter Jan 03, 2012 12:24 pm

amigo Prick a FAB já recebeu todos A-29?

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1887 Mensagem por Gerson Victorio » Ter Jan 03, 2012 2:14 pm

Uma info só pra pontuar.....a FAB recebe royalties por cada ST vendido..

de volta a Campo Grande - MS.
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1888 Mensagem por P44 » Ter Jan 03, 2012 2:45 pm

Preparem-se agora para a guerra nos tribunais... :roll:
Hawker Beechcraft, maker of the AT-6, has vowed to fight the USAF’s decision to pick Embraer’s Super Tucano (above) as the winner of its Light Air Support competition. (Embraer photo)
Department of Justice Attorneys Say Air Force Awarded Light Air Support Contract Last Week

(Source: HBC; issued Dec. 30, 2011)

WICHITA, Kan. --- Hawker Beechcraft learned during this week’s initial status conference at the Court of Federal Claims that the U.S. Air Force awarded the Light Air Support (LAS) contract to the Sierra Nevada Corporation and its Brazilian manufacturer Embraer last week.

During the hearing, the government revealed that the unannounced award apparently was made on Dec. 22, 2011, shortly after the Government Accountability Office declined to review Hawker Beechcraft’s protest against its exclusion from the LAS competition. Per federal regulations, federal agencies are generally required to make a public award announcement by 5 p.m. ET on the day of the award.

“This is yet another example of the Air Force’s lack of transparency throughout this competition,” said Bill Boisture, Hawker Beechcraft chairman and CEO. “With this development, it now seems even clearer that the Air Force intended to award the contract to Embraer from early in this process.”

During the hearing on Dec. 28, Hawker Beechcraft requested that the court grant a temporary restraining order to preclude the Air Force from moving forward in the contract process. The court agreed to establish an accelerated schedule for briefings on the temporary restraining order and the legal merits of the case. A ruling on Hawker Beechcraft’s request for a temporary restraining order is expected as early as Jan. 11.

The company still has no concrete reasons for the exclusion of the Beechcraft AT-6, having been denied explanation by the U.S. Air Force on two occasions. The LAS contract, on track to benefit a non-U.S. company, is valued at nearly $1 billion of U.S. taxpayer money.

The AT-6 is a world-class, light attack aircraft that has been evaluated and proven capable through a multi-year, Congressionally-funded program led by the Air National Guard. Hawker Beechcraft and its industrial partners worked closely with the Air Force for two years to develop parameters for the LAS competition and invested more than $100 million preparing to meet the Air Force’s specific requirements for a light attack aircraft.

The benefits of the AT-6 far outweigh that of the competition’s offering, including the following important factors:
•The AT-6 is designed and manufactured in the U.S. to be used by the U.S and its allies.
•Keeping this contract in the U.S. will help preserve 1,400 domestic jobs at 181 companies in 39 states.
•The AT-6 draws its heritage from the airframe of the number-one training aircraft in the world, the Beechcraft T-6. The company has built more than 725 T-6 aircraft, which are used to train every fixed-wing military pilot in the United States and are successfully operated by six allied air forces around the world. The graduation to the AT-6 light attack airplane would be a natural progression.
•The AT-6 is the sum of the Air Force’s proven T-6, A-10C mission system and MC-12W sensor suite, which offers the Department of Defense logistics and cost efficiencies that no other aircraft in the competition can match.
•The weapons and avionics systems included on the AT-6 are familiar to NATO allies and have been proven effective on many continents and in other NATO aircraft.

Hawker Beechcraft is a world-leading manufacturer of business, special mission, light attack and trainer aircraft – designing, marketing and supporting aviation products and services for businesses, governments and individuals worldwide. The company’s headquarters and major facilities are located in Wichita, Kan., with operations in Salina, Kan.; Little Rock, Ark.; Chester, England, U.K.; and Chihuahua, Mexico. The company leads the industry with a global network of more than 100 factory-owned and authorized service centers.

-ends- ... award.html

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1889 Mensagem por Luís Henrique » Ter Jan 03, 2012 2:50 pm

PRick escreveu:
Petry escreveu:Mas treinadores avançados a jato não podem fazer o mesmo papel dos A-29?

Digo, se um país tiver a disposição M-346, Yak-133, T-50, outros da mesma categoria, não seria uma opção melhor do que os A-29, mesmo sendo um pouco mais caro que os A-29?

Porque se tu já tem essas aeronaves, por que comprar mais uma como o A-29?

Custam muito mais caros, são mais vulneráveis a Manpads, precisam de pistas melhores para operarem, tem perfil de voo inadequado e tem hora de voo muito mais cara.

Sem falar da velocidade.
Passam muito rápido sobre as áreas, o que prejudica o apoio aproximado para tropas em terra.

Su-35BM - 4ª++ Geração.
Simplesmente um GRANDE caça.
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1890 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Jan 03, 2012 2:51 pm

Pentagon Contract Announcement

(Source: US Department of Defense; issued December 30, 2011)

Hawker Beechcraft, maker of the AT-6, has vowed to fight the USAF’s decision to pick Embraer’s Super Tucano (above) as the winner of its Light Air Support competition. (Embraer photo) Sierra Nevada Corp., Sparks, Nev., is being awarded a firm-fixed price delivery order 0001 contract in the amount of $355,126,541 for the Light Air Support (LAS) aircraft and associated support.

The delivery order is being issued under the simultaneously awarded basic contract FA8637-12-D-6001, an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract.

This is a non-developmental aircraft procured for conducting advanced flight training, surveillance, air interdiction, and close air support.

The LAS aircraft is a single-engine turboprop fixed-wing aircraft with tricycle, retractable landing gear, and tandem two-place pressurized cockpit with ejection seats, capable of operating from semi-prepared air fields.

Ground training devices support pilot training. Interim contractor support is required for all maintenance and supply requirements for the aircraft and associated support equipment, consisting of the following:
-- 20 LAS aircraft;
-- one lot interim contractor support long lead in the continental United States;
-- one lot interim contractor support base activation outside the continental United States;
-- six mission planning stations;
-- six mission debrief systems;
-- one computer based trainer ground training device;
-- one flight training device ground training device;
-- one lot LAS flight certification to United States Air Force Military Training Center standards.

Locations of performance are Sparks, Nev. (55 percent), and Jacksonville, Fla. (45 percent). Delivery order 0001 is expected to be completed Apr. 30, 2014. The basic contract has an ordering period of 60 months.

ASC/WWYAC, Wright-Patterson, Ohio, is the contracting activity. (ends)


A-29 Super Tucano Wins Defense Contract In US

(Source: Embraer; issued December 30, 2011)

SÃO PAULO, Brazil --- The U.S. Air Force today announced that it has selected the A-29 Super Tucano, produced by Embraer Defense and Security, for the Light Air Support (LAS) program. The aircraft will be supplied in partnership with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as the prime contractor, and will be used to conduct advanced flight training, aerial reconnaissance and light air support operations.

“This opportunity to serve the US Government with the best product for the LAS mission, under the leadership of the Sierra Nevada Corporation as the prime contractor, honors us,” said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, CEO of Embraer Defense and Security. “We are committed to pursuing our U.S. investment strategy and to delivering the A-29 Super Tucano on schedule and within the budget.”

As specified by the Air Force, this is a firm-fixed price delivery order contract in the amount of $355 million for the Light Air Support (LAS) aircraft and associated support. Twenty LAS aircraft will be provided, as well as ground training devices to support pilot training and support for all maintenance and supply requirements for the aircraft and associated support equipment.

“We are honored by this decision and the opportunity to serve our country,” said Taco Gilbert, Vice President of ISR Business Development at SNC. “We believe in the goals of the Light Air Support mission and are proud to be able to support the United States in its partner-building efforts in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world. American warfighters, American workers, and our partner nations all win with this award.”

The LAS mission requires a non-developmental solution that provides the versatility, engagement, and persistence that the warfighter needs in a counterinsurgency environment, at a significantly lower cost than fighter jets. That aircraft must offer intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities; deliver a wide variety of munitions (including precision guided weapons); and operate in extremely rugged terrain and austere conditions.

The A-29 Super Tucano was built specifically for counterinsurgency missions and is currently used by five air forces and on order by others. It has proven extremely capable for LAS missions and is credited with helping the Colombian government defeat the FARC and other governments counter illegal activities. The 150+ units now in operation around the world have logged over 130,000 flight hours, including more than 18,000 combat hours without any combat loss.

Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) is one of America’s fastest growing private companies based on its significant growth and reputation for rapid, innovative, and agile technology solutions in electronics, aerospace, avionics, space, propulsion, micro-satellite, aircraft, communications systems, and solar energy. Under current leadership since 1981, SNC’s seven unique business areas employ over 2,100 people in 29 different locations in 15 states, all of whom are dedicated to providing leading-edge solutions to SNC’s dynamic customer base. SNC is the Top Woman-Owned Federal Contractor in the United States.


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