Super Tucano News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

Moderadores: Glauber Prestes, Conselho de Moderação

Carlos Mathias

Re: Super Tucano News

#1846 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Dom Jan 01, 2012 7:34 pm

Olha, acho que todos nós torcemos pela confirmação, mas vendo o passado dessas licitações por lá, eu particularmente só abriria a garrafa de sidra Cereser depois do contrato assinado e do 1º entregue. :?

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1847 Mensagem por Boss » Dom Jan 01, 2012 7:54 pm

Cancelar a compra do ST agora que ele venceu só vai ajudar a sujar a imagem americana no FX-2, vide que a decisão da nossa novela tem mais política do que avaliações técnicas.


Re: Super Tucano News

#1848 Mensagem por PRick » Dom Jan 01, 2012 8:26 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Olha, acho que todos nós torcemos pela confirmação, mas vendo o passado dessas licitações por lá, eu particularmente só abriria a garrafa de sidra Cereser depois do contrato assinado e do 1º entregue. :?
Putz só de pensar nesse suco safado com gás, já estou passando mal aqui. :x :x :x


Carlos Mathias

Re: Super Tucano News

#1849 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Dom Jan 01, 2012 9:29 pm

Muito bom, se você quer saber. :lol:

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1850 Mensagem por Junker » Dom Jan 01, 2012 10:58 pm

Vem aí uma briga tão suja quanto a campanha que a HBC fez contra a Embraer e contra o Brasil.
Super Tucano Vs AT-6—The Never Ending Story
December 28, 2011

There has been a year delay in the introduction of a much needed combat proven aircraft into a combat theater with America at war—this is unconscionable.

Ed Timperlake

As the Editor of and a writer for I have to correct one of my previous columns on the “fake it to you make it” saga of Hawker Beechcraft and their entry of the AT-6 into the USAF LAS competition.

On November 20th , 2011, I wrote the following—

“BACKGROUND AND REQUIREMENTS: LAS aircraft must be a non-developmental item (NDI) that is production-ready. No development or testing funds are available. ” Introduction of LAS Solicitation FA8615-10-R-6088”

In response to the Air Force decision Hawker Beechcraft immediately issued what may go down in history as one of the worst press statement ever made. Not only does the press release demonstrate why they were eliminated HBC may also find out, by their own words that any legal recourse for any protests are staggeringly bad.”

HBC has just published a Press Statement that tops their previous one and is now one of the worst press statements ever made. Where HBC is concerned I should be careful in using absolutes like “go down in history as one of the worst” –This current one is now worst but there more may be on the way. ... 27/NY27581

To amplify HBC Corporate thinking Molly McMillin of The Wichita Eagle on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011, does a very good job in allowing CEO Bill Boisture to explain why HBC filed suit

“We think we were wrongfully excluded from the competition,” said Hawker Beechcraft CEO Bill Boisture. “We don’t understand the basis for the exclusion, and frankly, we think we’ve got the best airplane.

“So we’re going to take every avenue available to us to make sure our product is fully evaluated and recognized for what it is. … There are several issues here that just, frankly, don’t make sense.”

“We do not know why we were excluded,” Boisture said.

The company filed an inquiry with the GAO for a review of the exclusion and a protest.
In its dismissal of Hawker Beechcraft’s protest, the Air Force said the company missed a three-day deadline to file a request for a debriefing and a 10-day deadline to file a protest, the GAO’s report said.

“That’s what the Air Force is alleging,” Boisture said. “There comes a point, though, where the facts of the matter would seem to be more important than the procedural correctness.”

Boisture gave these reasons that the decision must have been based on a minor problem. ... rylink=cpy

So the President of an aircraft manufacturing firm that submitted an aircraft still in development into a “non-developmental” LAS Solicitation claims that two professional organizations, the USAF and the GAO, one in the Executive Department the other in the Legislative Branch are both wrong.

But wait it gets better, the President of HBC is stating HBC is filing a law suit requesting that a third branch of Government the Judiciary should now get involved—but the Judge should ignore both “procedural issues” and issues of material merit-“minor problems.” -

As the GAO determined–

“After reviewing HBDC’s responses to issues raised during discussions, the Air Force concluded that HBDC had not adequately corrected deficiencies in its proposal. In this regard, the agency concluded that “multiple deficiencies and significant weaknesses found in HBDC’s proposal make it technically unacceptable and results in unacceptable mission capability risk.”

One of the most fundamental rules written in blood in USAF/USN/USMC aviation safety is that procedures correctly followed save lives. An aviation manufacturing firm that can not follow simple and spelled out administrative procedures is not making a good argument. Requesting a Federal Judge to over look HBC ignoring “procedures” is not a case aviation professionals should be making. In fact it is down right scary they would even think this way.

On the merits of the AT-6 having “minor problems”—The AT-6 was submitted as a “non-developmental” aircraft, but according to the widely respected Aviation Week and Space Technology that initial action is simply factually wrong. The AT-6 was making news that they were still in development as late as October 20, 2011

“AT-6 Qualifies For Afghan Contract” ... /11/04.xml

Finally, in entering a “fake it till you make it aircraft” HBC is also reaching by making an investment banking beneficiary crony capitalism argument —it is all about jobs. Tell that to the assembly line workers watching their HBC jobs go to Mexico and/or China- ... lic-fight/

The real facts that President Boisture thinks , “don’t make sense” is that under his leadership of HBC there has been a year delay in the introduction of a much needed combat proven aircraft into a combat theater with America at war. This is unconscionable.

The good news, if any law suit goes forward, discovery is a two way street and the AF and GAO have diligent investigators and true professionals that can get to the bottom of ALL the facts since by HBC’s own press release the AT-6 was not production ready when submitted because they admit testing funds are being expended.

It will be interesting to see if the Law suit is dismissed with prejudice.

LAS aircraft must be a non-developmental item (NDI) that is production-ready. No development or testing funds are available. ” Introduction of LAS Solicitation FA8615-10-R-6088” ... ing-story/
Congratulations all around.–The Super Tucano has won the LAS competition.
December 30, 2011

Congratulations all around.–The Super Tucano has won the LAS competition.

“the system worked with honor and integrity on the part of the USAF-Aim High is not just about flying it is also ethics.”

By Ed Timperlake

There is tremendous news for the American/NATO war effort in Afghanistan. With the selection of the Super Tucano, the Afghan Army AF can now begin to develop a combat capable air fleet.

“Department of Justice Attorneys Say Air Force Awarded Light Air Support Contract Last Week;
WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Hawker Beechcraft learned during this week’s initial status conference at the Court of Federal Claims that the U.S. Air Force awarded the Light Air Support (LAS) contract to the Sierra Nevada Corporation and its Brazilian manufacturer Embraer last week.” (From December 30, 2011, HBC Press Release)

This added capability will give the Afghan Army and Police forces on the ground a significant battle tipping asset. The SuperTucano has already been instrumental in killing some very nasty and deadly warriors.

As Sldinfo has been informing the readers the SuperTucano has been a FARC killing aircraft that in all weather conditions, day or night the SuperT has been validating the tactical and strategic value of airpower in a very nasty war in Colombia. ... -of-a-war/

In addition, closer to America the Dominican Republic Air Force is flying the Super T and is working with the 12th AF “Doolittle’s Raiders.” That team has swept their skies of aircraft being flown by drug smugglers.

So it is time to reflect on some very good news, the SuperTucano is a proven killer and will be a welcome addition to the fight against the Taliban. .

Unfortunately, there is still some unpleasantness connected with the LAS acquisition process.

The integrity and professional judgement of both the US Air Force and the GAO have been called into question by the Hawker Beechcraft Corporation in federal lawsuit.

Sldforum has already expressed with some dismay that the US lost over a year in starting a program that would help us in disengaging and leave behind in Afghanistan a combat force of great value-both symbolically and practically. ... ing-story/

Tragically the HBC Civil Suit now has the potential to yet again slow down support to US and Allied troops in combat.

It is no longer the time to be kind to HBC, since they initiated the action, they should be prepared to face any adverse consequences as evidence for the suit is acquired by the USG in defending the AF and GAO

Hopefully, the law suit will be addressed quickly, forcefully and in a very direct way and dismissed with prejudice and America and NATO allies can continue to fight and win in Afghanistan with an added resource “cleared in hot” flying into the fight.

Procedurally “The Dog Ate My Homework” defense by HBC is both weak and ridiculous especially being made by an Aviation Manufacturing Firm whoes corporate ethics should have a profound understanding that procedures being followed correctly are literally a matter of life or death in all things aviation.. ... prejudice/

However, if the lawsuit proceeds then “who knew what when” on design defects of the prototype AT-6 becomes a critical question .

After reading the GAO determination W.W (Bill) Boisture Chairman and CEO characterized the issues as “minor”, and in their Dec 30 Press Release went so far as to publicly challenged the integrity of the process and their longstanding customer.

“”With this development, it now seems even clearer that the Air Force intended to award the contract to Embraer from early in this process.”

If the law suit is allowed to go forward then all American taxpayers have the right to know ALL the facts. The public record will show HBC’s intention from the start was to try and win this source selection using PR to focus on jobs and also Brazil bash, they are now trying to influence the court case in public.

The initial requirement—-BACKGROUND AND REQUIREMENTS: LAS aircraft must be a non-developmental item (NDI) that is production-ready. No development or testing funds are available. ” Introduction of LAS Solicitation FA8615-10-R-6088”

To get to the bottom of the issue, it might evolve that the FBI opens a “Preliminary Inquiry,” (PI) to determine what HBC knew about the prototype AT-6 on the day of submission. The facts of the case on the technological performance and capabilities of the AT-6 on the day it was entered into the LAS competition can be develop with an easily understood starting point the AF and GAO analysis.

“After reviewing HBDC’s responses to issues raised during discussions, the Air Force concluded that HBDC had not adequately corrected deficiencies in its proposal. In this regard, the agency concluded that “multiple deficiencies and significant weaknesses found in HBDC’s proposal make it technically unacceptable and results in unacceptable mission capability risk.”

ALL the facts will eventually come out. An official USG request (subpoenas) for all HBC, communications and meeting notes -electronic and paper, along with interviews with HBC principals would quickly show what HBC Management knew about their AT-6 prototype with “multiple deficiencies and significant weaknesses” that make “it technically unacceptable and results in unacceptable mission capability risk.” prior to submission— ... directors/

Collecting evidence and producing all the facts for the American taxpayer can show “intent” –

Did HBC Management with full knowledge submit a “production ready” airplane-when it was not? Which is the foundation for a fraud case.

Or was it just a bad business decision? —-Flailing about in a public way and simply making bad business decisions is an issue for the capital markets.

Finally taken in context of the reported HBC emerging dire corporate earnings financial situation it is a very strange strategy to turn their legal guns on the judgement and integeruty of an honorable customer especially in a time of war.

Either way the system worked with honor and integrity on the part of the USAF-Aim High is not just about flying it is also ethics. ... mpetition/
Ed Timperlake escreveu:I was in the hospital in the summer of 1973 having been medically evacuated from Nam Phong Thailand known as “The Rose Garden” as an F-4 pilot with VMFA-232 “Red Devils.” When the final mission was flown on August 15, 1973, the US ran out of time and the Killing Fields followed–

In December 2003 I traveled through out Iraq to investigate the conventional contraband weapons smuggled into Iraq under the Oil for Food Program. I returned to OSD and worked with FBI to try and bring the criminals involved to justice—So just like the end of the Vietnam War I am very sensitive as recent events are unfolding in Iraq that perhaps we could have done more to leave behind a stable country-

Ultimately my observations above are left for historians.

BUT now in my professional judgement because of HBC the US just lost a year in building the Afghan Army AF with a LAS aircraft. US and NATO allies are at war and when combat is raging and troopers and fellow Marines are dying —every day lost in bringing resources to the fight is a true emergency.

The HBC “fake it till you make it” time delay means that all troops and innocent civilians have been put in more danger-or why even bother with a LAS program. This issue is also personal because my daughter’s husband, my grandson’s father will leave on Jan 6 under mobilization orders for a year to serve in Afghanistan with an MP unit.

In the building of an indigenous combat capability of effective airpower for the nation of Afghanstain, leaving behind a combat Air Force they will own–HBC squandered the most precious American resource —TIME. Hawker Beechcrat actions are unconscionable and unforgivable.

Editor Sldforum

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1851 Mensagem por FOXTROT » Seg Jan 02, 2012 11:00 am

Devo concluir que vai dar F-18 no Fxxxxxxxxxx³?


"Só os mortos conhecem o fim da guerra" Platão.
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1852 Mensagem por Bourne » Seg Jan 02, 2012 11:08 am

Na velocidade atual do FX só se for o substituto do SH. :(

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1853 Mensagem por mauri » Seg Jan 02, 2012 12:31 pm


Roda em outros fóruns a fato de que a Elbit vai fornecer seus aviônicos direto de sua subsidiaria dos EUA em detrimento da AEROELETRONICA....

Agora fica a pergunta, alem do trem de pouso da ELEB o que mais vai sair do Brasil?


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Re: Super Tucano News

#1854 Mensagem por gaitero » Seg Jan 02, 2012 12:50 pm

mauri escreveu:Gente,

Roda em outros fóruns a fato de que a Elbit vai fornecer seus aviônicos direto de sua subsidiaria dos EUA em detrimento da AEROELETRONICA....

Agora fica a pergunta, alem do trem de pouso da ELEB o que mais vai sair do Brasil?

A Gestão do contrato.. hehe..

Aonde estão as Ogivas Nucleares do Brasil???
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1855 Mensagem por henriquejr » Seg Jan 02, 2012 12:50 pm

Acho que a questão nao é o que vai sair do Brasil mas sim o que vai entrar, que no caso serão os dólares americanos que entrarão no caixa de ativos da Embraer!

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1856 Mensagem por mauri » Seg Jan 02, 2012 12:55 pm

Mas Henrique, o dinheiro vai pra Embraer e nada para os brasileiro, eu falo isso pelo fato de que este negócio poderia gerar empregos e qualificação para nossa gente.

henriquejr escreveu:Acho que a questão nao é o que vai sair do Brasil mas sim o que vai entrar, que no caso serão os dólares americanos que entrarão no caixa de ativos da Embraer!

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Re: Super Tucano News

#1857 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Jan 02, 2012 1:20 pm

mauri escreveu:Mas Henrique, o dinheiro vai pra Embraer e nada para os brasileiro, eu falo isso pelo fato de que este negócio poderia gerar empregos e qualificação para nossa gente.

henriquejr escreveu:Acho que a questão nao é o que vai sair do Brasil mas sim o que vai entrar, que no caso serão os dólares americanos que entrarão no caixa de ativos da Embraer!
Pelo que se saiba, a Embraer é uma empresa privada e o lucro dela vai para os acionistas que são na sua maioria brasileiros.
Quanto a produção aqui ou não, essa questão afeta qualquer fabricante quando o cliente solicita fabricação sob licença. Aliás, é isso que o Brasil tem exigido sempre que possível.
Independente do que será produzido no Brasil, esse negócio tem o potencial de alavancar novos negócios para a Embraer e não só nos EUA.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Super Tucano News

#1858 Mensagem por Cassio » Seg Jan 02, 2012 1:34 pm

gaitero escreveu:
mauri escreveu:Gente,

Roda em outros fóruns a fato de que a Elbit vai fornecer seus aviônicos direto de sua subsidiaria dos EUA em detrimento da AEROELETRONICA....

Agora fica a pergunta, alem do trem de pouso da ELEB o que mais vai sair do Brasil?

A Gestão do contrato.. hehe..
E toda a estrutura da aeronave, já que por lá será efetuada apenas a montagem final.


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Re: Super Tucano News

#1859 Mensagem por NovaTO » Seg Jan 02, 2012 1:40 pm

Cassio escreveu:
gaitero escreveu: A Gestão do contrato.. hehe..
E toda a estrutura da aeronave, já que por lá será efetuada apenas a montagem final.


Essa informação é importante. É certeza isso? Se toda a estrutura for feita aqui e ser remetida em forma de CKD para montagem final, nem haverá digamos, perda de empregos por aqui (de fato não haverá perda nenhuma). Haverá sim a manutenção de funcionários altamente especializados da Embraer. Sobre a substituição de alguns componentes, não vai fazer diferença, mesmo porque a maior parte é de lá mesmo . :mrgreen:


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Re: Super Tucano News

#1860 Mensagem por henriquejr » Seg Jan 02, 2012 1:47 pm

Para a estrutura ser produzida lá, todo o maquinário e ferramental teria quer ser adquirido para equipar a nova fabricar, o que seria inviável devido a quantidade de aviões que foi contratado!
