Armada Chilena
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Re: Armada Chilena
un grupo de unos 800 "seudo ecologistas" que protestaban contra la construccion de las represas de Hidroaysen protagonizaron motines en Valparaiso el Sabado 21 de Mayo, cuando el Pdte Piñera rendia su discurso del estado del pais y luego presidia la ceremonia de conmemoracion del Combate de Iquique. En el medio de esta ceremonia estos "ecologistas" lanzaron piedras a las fuerzas milutares de presentacion.
Un bochorno completo.
Un SUT triste
Un bochorno completo.
Un SUT triste
Re: Armada Chilena
Hay estúpidos en todas partes. No creo que sea motivo de tristeza o vergüenza. Es solo un acto de cobardes...
Hay estúpidos en todas partes. No creo que sea motivo de tristeza o vergüenza. Es solo un acto de cobardes...
- manuel.liste
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- Mensagens: 4056
- Registrado em: Seg Set 12, 2005 11:25 am
- Localização: Vigo - Espanha
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Re: Armada Chilena ... talcahuano
El consorcio chileno-español COMSA DRAGADOS reconstruirá los astilleros ASMAR Talcahuano
El consorcio chileno-español COMSA DRAGADOS reconstruirá los astilleros ASMAR Talcahuano
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
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Re: Armada Chilena ... &Itemid=58Chile; Navy decides on ex-French LSD vessel
Saturday, 08 October 2011 08:15
News - Latin America
The Chilean government has finalized negotiations with France to procure the landing ships dock (LSD)-type vessel Foudre to replace a Newport-class ship that Chile retired in 2010.
Chile is expected to pay around USD80 million for the amphibious vessel, which the French Navy no longer needs and is set to decommission in April 2012.
*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
Re: Armada Chilena

Plano Brasil e Blog do Vinna anunciam que a Armada do Chile adquiriu o Foudre...
Ele havia sido oferecido a nós. Deixamos escapar uma bela chance... Vacilo!
Re: Armada Chilena
Tambien Bae informa la firma de un contrato por 3 millones de libras para modernizacion de los elementos "B" de los directores de tiro 911 para SeaWolve. ... 15525.html
Sut ... 15525.html
Interesante a la luz de la forma en que insistia Pepe Rezende de que el sistema se daria de baja.Further Chilean Armed Forces Upgrade Work for BAE Systems
12 Oct 2011 | Ref. 204/2011
Further Chilean Armed Forces Upgrade Work for BAE Systems
Portsmouth, United Kingdom – BAE Systems has signed a £3.3m contract with the Chilean Navy to upgrade a radar sub-system of the Type 911 tracker on the Chilean Type 23 frigates.
Earlier this month BAE Systems received a £10.2m contract to refurbish and upgrade 12 M109A5 howitzers for the Chilean Government through a US foreign military sales contract.
The Type 911 tracker, originally designed and supplied by BAE Systems, is an integral part of the ships’ Seawolf Vertical Launch point defence missile system. The ”Radar B” element of the Type 911 tracker, which BAE Systems will upgrade, tracks targets that approach at low levels and guides the missile to them.
The upgrade will modernise the trackers with proven technology to maintain the potent defensive capability of the ships. Work will be undertaken at the BAE Systems site in Broad Oak, Portsmouth, and will be fitted on board the ships with the assistance of ASMAR Shipbuilding and Repair Company in Valparaiso, Chile.
BAE Systems already enjoys a strong relationship with ASMAR. Last year BAE Systems announced it had secured a two year extended agreement with ASMAR to provide support to the country’s ex Royal Navy frigates.
This upgrade forms part of the commitment to support and work with the Chilean Navy in maintaining the Type 23 combat system and the overall operational availability and capability of the platforms themselves. It also follows a visit to the UK by representatives from the Chilean Navy and ASMAR to observe BAE Systems’ support activities to the Royal Navy and participate in a joint workshop on sensor support.
Vice Admiral Federico Niemann, Chilean Navy Director of Material, said, “The Chilean Navy enjoys an open, frank relationship with BAE Systems which is the foundation of any good partnership.”
Les Gregory, Torpedoes, Radar and Manufacturing Director, BAE Systems Mission Systems, said, ”BAE Systems has a longstanding partnership with ASMAR and the Chilean Navy and we are delighted to support these ships’ defence capability. We look forward to further strengthening our relationship in future.”
![Cool 8-]](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
- Marino
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Re: Armada Chilena
A Prime Vintage For Chile
October 15, 2011: Chile is buying the French amphibious ship Foudre,
which is being replaced by a more recent design. The 12,000 ton Foudre
has been in service for 21 years and could, with some refurbishment,
serve another two decades or more. The 168 meter (521 feet) long ship
has a crew of 160 and carries up to 70 vehicles. The well deck
contains eight landing craft and there is a hangar that carries up to
four helicopters. There are accommodations for 450 troops (or double
that for short voyages). The Foudre can also be used as a command
ship, which spaces for 150 headquarters personnel and their equipment.
Chile will use the Foudre to replace an 8,700 ton, 40 year old,
American Newport class LPD. This ship was retired earlier this year,
as it was considered too expensive to refurbish it. France has also
offered Chile the second ship of the Foudre class, which is scheduled
to retire from French service in a few years. The price of the Foudre
to Chile has not been revealed. It will be cheap, and will depend on
how much refurbishment French firms will undertake. Foudre undertook
several long-distance operations during its career.
Chile has a 4,630 kilometer long coastline, but is only 430 kilometers
wide. In effect, Chile occupies the southern half of the South
American Pacific coast. There is a need to quickly move vehicles and
personnel up and down that coast, particularly during disaster relief
situations. The Foudre can move at the rate of 900 kilometers a day.
Southernmost Chile ends in the Drake Passage at the southern tip of
South America, an area with very rough weather. A large LPD has a
better chance of operating reliably here, than depending on air
October 15, 2011: Chile is buying the French amphibious ship Foudre,
which is being replaced by a more recent design. The 12,000 ton Foudre
has been in service for 21 years and could, with some refurbishment,
serve another two decades or more. The 168 meter (521 feet) long ship
has a crew of 160 and carries up to 70 vehicles. The well deck
contains eight landing craft and there is a hangar that carries up to
four helicopters. There are accommodations for 450 troops (or double
that for short voyages). The Foudre can also be used as a command
ship, which spaces for 150 headquarters personnel and their equipment.
Chile will use the Foudre to replace an 8,700 ton, 40 year old,
American Newport class LPD. This ship was retired earlier this year,
as it was considered too expensive to refurbish it. France has also
offered Chile the second ship of the Foudre class, which is scheduled
to retire from French service in a few years. The price of the Foudre
to Chile has not been revealed. It will be cheap, and will depend on
how much refurbishment French firms will undertake. Foudre undertook
several long-distance operations during its career.
Chile has a 4,630 kilometer long coastline, but is only 430 kilometers
wide. In effect, Chile occupies the southern half of the South
American Pacific coast. There is a need to quickly move vehicles and
personnel up and down that coast, particularly during disaster relief
situations. The Foudre can move at the rate of 900 kilometers a day.
Southernmost Chile ends in the Drake Passage at the southern tip of
South America, an area with very rough weather. A large LPD has a
better chance of operating reliably here, than depending on air
"A reconquista da soberania perdida não restabelece o status quo."
Barão do Rio Branco
Barão do Rio Branco
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- Mensagens: 4579
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm
- Agradeceram: 455 vezes
Re: Armada Chilena
Parabéns a Marinha do Chile por esta compra de oportunidade.
Bravo Zulu as autoridades navais chilenas.
Lord Nauta
- Carlos Lima
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- Mensagens: 18932
- Registrado em: Qui Mai 12, 2005 6:58 am
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Re: Armada Chilena
E se eu não me engano o Chile comprou também um navio tanque bem interessante, correto?
E se eu não me engano o Chile comprou também um navio tanque bem interessante, correto?
CB_Lima = Carlos Lima 

- Sênior
- Mensagens: 4579
- Registrado em: Dom Jul 15, 2007 4:29 pm
- Agradeceram: 455 vezes
Re: Armada Chilena
cb_lima escreveu:Verdade![]()
E se eu não me engano o Chile comprou também um navio tanque bem interessante, correto?
Um navio ex-US Navy da classe Henry J. Kaiser.
Lord Nauta
- Carlos Lima
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 18932
- Registrado em: Qui Mai 12, 2005 6:58 am
- Agradeceu: 1275 vezes
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Re: Armada Chilena
Dos AOR en realidad, el clase Kaiser Almirante Montt y mas recientemente el ex gasero civil Alpaca, de doble casco, que fue rebautizado Araucano y modificado para RAS con la adicion de los mastiles y sistemas de transferencia
asi se veia originalmente
foto del foro Sin Dramas
y asi se ve ahora, recien salido de ASMAR talcahuano, en lo que es su primer trabajo "nuevo" desde el terremoto y tsunami.

foto de Mecanico Naval, del foro Base Naval
Y los dos, fondeados afuera del Molo de Valparaiso, el Montt y Araucano. Tambien de Base Naval.

asi se veia originalmente

foto del foro Sin Dramas
y asi se ve ahora, recien salido de ASMAR talcahuano, en lo que es su primer trabajo "nuevo" desde el terremoto y tsunami.

foto de Mecanico Naval, del foro Base Naval
Y los dos, fondeados afuera del Molo de Valparaiso, el Montt y Araucano. Tambien de Base Naval.

- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55756
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
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Re: Armada Chilena
Passaram de 1 AOR do tempo da pedra para 2 AOR bem modernos 

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
- papagaio
- Avançado
- Mensagens: 555
- Registrado em: Ter Fev 17, 2004 9:58 pm
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Re: Armada Chilena
País que leva o assunto defesa a sério é assim.P44 escreveu:Passaram de 1 AOR do tempo da pedra para 2 AOR bem modernos
- Carlos Lima
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 18932
- Registrado em: Qui Mai 12, 2005 6:58 am
- Agradeceu: 1275 vezes
- Agradeceram: 631 vezes
Re: Armada Chilena

Arrebentou SUT!!!
(verdade papagaio)
CB_Lima = Carlos Lima