Conflito: Israel - Turquia

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#196 Mensagem por soultrain » Sex Set 16, 2011 6:37 am

FoxTroop escreveu:Por acaso nós, portugueses, não enviamos (quem não tem dinheiro não tem vícios). Eles sim, enviaram várias delegações que acompanharam os nossos exercícios militares e, inclusive, chegou a haver em Santa Margarida um pequeno exercício em que participaram alguns meios.

O que Israel está a tentar desesperadamente é encontrar alguma corda à qual se agarrar, visto que os únicos aliados que tinha a área foram à vida, um devido à revolta que mudou todo o paradigma politico e o outro pela enorme falta de tacto que deixou os próprios americanos irritados visto que os USA trabalharam incessantemente para arrefecer o clima e um acordo estava praticamente fechado, quando os extremistas no governo sionista torpedearam o acordo e fizeram o PM israelita retratar-se à última. A fúria dos turcos é mais que legítima e, como um dos funcionários americanos disse, "Israel cuspiu nos olhos de todos nós e agora vamos ter de limpar o cuspo e dizer que afinal é apenas chuva"

Nesse campo, até se poderia considerar os gregos uma boa "corda", se os equilíbrios fossem outros e as dinâmicas econômicas também fossem diferentes. Para os americanos é uma catástrofe geopolítica e mostra a fraqueza a que o "soft power" americano baixou, incapaz que é de formar consenso entre dois aliados, um dos quais (a Turquia) é indispensável para os planos americanos de expansão e acesso aos vastos recursos energéticos na Ásia Central. Daí que os russos, geralmente bastante simpáticos aos gregos, estejam a olhar para isto com bastante curiosidade e até tenham um certo interesse em ver o circo chegar ao ponto de quase combustão.

Para a Europa é um rude golpe, pois não tendo o discernimento de assimilar uma Turquia, cada vez mais pujante no seu seio, levou a um afastamento da mesma e alienou a elite turcas que se viraram na busca do que era o seu espaço geopolítico. É a Turquia que agora dá graças por não estar metida na armadilha europeia.

Para Israel é um buraco. Cada vez mais isolado e sem nada para oferecer em troca que não seja chatices e com o seu único aliado incondicional a esvair-se financeiramente e cada vez mais incapaz de fazer ouvir a sua voz na arena internacional, não tem muito por onde se virar. O risco (muito diminuto) é que os extremistas tentem uma saída para a frente, levando a região a uma guerra naquela região, que por acaso é mesmo o que as economias globais estão a precisar.

Caso o impensável aconteça e a Turquia seja deixada de calças na mão, não dou 7 anos para que os turcos estejam no clube dos nucleares, junto com o Irão o Egipto e a Arábia Saudita.

Vai ser preciso muita calma e paciência e é bom que a Europa se defina já no tabuleiro. Nisto não vai dar para ficar na plateia.

Não compreendo mais uma vez, é a atitude de Israel. O memorando é mais uma provocação.

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#197 Mensagem por Sterrius » Sex Set 16, 2011 7:26 am

O Caso de cyprus pelo visto vai esfriar. Pq a turquia achou uma opção nao ofensiva. Vai começar suas proprias perfurações e os incomodados que tentem fazer algo.
Turkey plans Cyprus gas drill tit for tat
ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey and Turkish Cyprus have completed preparations for a retaliatory agreement for their own oil and gas exploration efforts, a diplomatic source says. Greece immediately condemned the move
This file photo shows a floating oil platform tugged from a harbor in Russia’s northern port of Murmansk. REUTERS photo

This file photo shows a floating oil platform tugged from a harbor in Russia’s northern port of Murmansk. REUTERS photo

Turkey has warned that it will sign a continental shelf delimitation accord with Turkish Cyprus if Greek Cyprus proceeds with plans to start offshore drilling for oil and gas next month.

Such an agreement would designate areas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea where Turkey and northern Cyprus could launch their own oil and gas exploration projects.

Meanwhile, Greece on Thursday said Turkey should drop threats to Cyprus over the latter’s gas exploration plans. “Turkey is trying to escalate the tone... this is dangerous and it needs to stop,” foreign ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said.

“We hope that Turkey will behave soberly and will refrain from further raising tension...there needs to be stability in our area because we are in a very sensitive period,” Delavekouras said.

Turkish officials met Thursday with a Turkish Cypriot delegation to discuss the dispute with Greek Cyprus, which has been escalating in the background behind a crisis with Israel that has already prompted a Turkish decision to step up military presence in the East Mediterranean. “As a result of the meeting, it has been agreed that [Northern Cyprus] will conclude a continental shelf delimitation agreement if the Greek Cypriot administration proceeds with offshore drilling activities in the south of the island,” a Foreign Ministry statement said.

“We are determined to protect the rights of the Turkish Cypriots. They are not going to be spectators if the Greek Cypriots start to drill,” a senior Turkish diplomat told the Hürriyet Daily News.

‘Contract is ready’

All preparations for the delimitation agreement between Turkey and Turkish Cyprus have been completed and it will be signed “immediately” if Greek Cyprus starts exploration work, he said. A Turkish delegation, led by the Energy Ministry’s undersecretary, will go to northern Cyprus on Friday for further consultations on the issue. The delegation will include representatives from the General Directorate of Petroleum Affairs, the Turkish Petroleum Corporation and the Foreign Ministry. Turkey has repeatedly urged Greek Cyprus to suspend oil and gas exploration plans, arguing that such unilateral action would preclude Turkish Cypriot rights to the island’s natural resources. Contribution from AFP stories were used in this report.

Isso meio que complica mas ao mesmo tempo descomplica ja que isso ficara no campo diplomatico.

Agora é ver como se desenrola o caso turquia/israel que deverá esquentar apenas quando outra frota humanitaria for pra faixa de gaza.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#198 Mensagem por FoxTroop » Sex Set 16, 2011 9:12 am

RIGA, Latvia (AP) — A pro-Russia party could emerge one of the big winners in Latvia's snap election on Saturday, a historic watershed in a small country firmly integrated with the West and where much of the population is still distrustful of Russia, which effectively ruled it during the Soviet and tsarist eras.
Not once in the past 20 years since Latvia restored its independence has a party catering to ethnic Russians — who make up approximately one-third of the Baltic state's 2.2 million people — had a role in national government.
But polls show that the leftist Harmony Center, which now controls 29 opposition seats in the 100-member Parliament, will likely gain at least that many, if not more, in the next legislature, improving its chances of taking part in a ruling coalition.
"Getting Harmony into government is extremely important," said the party's co-leader, Nils Usakovs, who wants to show that ethnic Russians can be trusted to help run Latvia.
History lies at the heart of Harmony's difficulties.
Harmony Center politicians refuse to acknowledge that Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union for a half-century after World War II. Usakovs has admitted that the Baltic states — Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania — were "illegally incorporated," which is a step short of occupation.
To circumvent the delicate subject, Usakovs has proposed a three-year ban on discussing history — or until the next general election in 2014. Prime Minister Dombrovskis, however, has rejected the idea and insisted that Harmony recognize Latvia's occupation before it can enter government.
Usakovs, 34, is regarded a political trailblazer since two years ago he became the first ethnic Russian mayor of Riga, Latvia's capital and largest city. Now he wants to take the municipal experience to the national level.
"Even if Harmony Center ministers fail, or I fail, we will nevertheless be the first to break the stereotype" of Russians barred from holding top government posts, he told The Associated Press. "Probably we will fail. But the next time there are Russian-speaking, left-minded ministers, it will be easier for them."
Saturday's vote is extraordinary, coming less than one year after a scheduled election that was regarded as a show of support for the current leadership, which has struggled to rescue Latvia from deep recession.
In May then President Valdis Zatlers dissolved Parliament after lawmakers interfered with a major probe into high-level corruption — a decision that was subsequently backed by 94 percent of voters in a July referendum, setting the stage for Saturday's ballot.
Lawmakers punished Zatlers by refusing to re-elect him in June, choosing challenger Andris Berzins instead. But by then Zatlers had given Harmony Center a golden opportunity to tap popular resentment and claim an unprecedented electoral victory this weekend.
Unemployment remains stubbornly high — 16.2 percent, according to Eurostat — and tens of thousands of people have left the country to find jobs elsewhere.
A recent poll conducted by Latvijas Fakti for the Baltic News Service shows that nearly 21 percent of voters are prepared to cast their ballots for Harmony Center, nearly seven percentage points ahead of second-place Unity, the main force in the current ruling coalition. The poll was conducted on Sept. 8-9 and included 1,001 respondents.
But the poll also showed there is a huge swathe of undecided voters — 28.6 percent — and these tend to be ethnic Latvians, said Toms Rostoks, who teaches political science at the University of Latvia.
"The undecideds are trying to figure out who stands for what. Nearly every day there is a debate between prime minister candidates, so voters are watching and trying to learn something more" before making up their minds, he said.
The ethnic Latvian vote will largely split among four parties: Unity, represented by Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, Zatlers' Reform Party — the only new party with a chance of gaining seats — the populist Greens and Farmers Union and the right-wing National Alliance.
Zatlers' Reform Party had a 11.4 show of support in the Latvijas Fakti poll, while the populists had 8.4 percent and the nationalists 6.9 percent.
Unity and the Reformists agree on most issues, and together they are likely to determine whether Harmony will be invited to the next government.
But a key element to Harmony Center's success is whether it can attract ethnic Latvians, and this is where Usakovs — who nearly died in May after collapsing from heat exhaustion during a half-marathon in Riga — comes in.
"Usakovs is very acceptable for some Latvian voters. He is young, good-looking individual who is perfectly fluent in Latvian," said Rostoks
Apesar de não ter a ver directamente com o tópico, é apenas para que se compreenda que a OTAN não se pode dar ao luxo de se sabotar a si mesma, não apoiando uma nação da aliança contra outra que lhe é estranha. Seria o desmoronar do crescimento a leste, fazendo essas nações pensarem na real capacidade e comprometimento da OTAN e logo numa altura em que formações pró-russas aumentam o seu poder e influência dentro dessas nações.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#199 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 9:17 am


Mapa de Chipre:


Os cipriotas gregos habitam a porção sul da ilha. Os "turcos" o norte.

Os campos de gás estão ao Sul:


A Turquia, assim como pouquíssimos países, não assinou a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar:

Países signatários da Convenção:
Verde escuro: Ratificaram
Verde claro: Assinaram, mas ainda não ratificaram

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Ankara's denial to sign Convention important obstacle for Turkey's EU accession. Georgios Koumoutsakos MEP ... rolID=9403
Para ser justo, assim como a Turquia, nem Israel e nem a Síria assinaram a Convenção.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Sex Set 16, 2011 4:21 pm, em um total de 3 vezes.
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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#200 Mensagem por soultrain » Sex Set 16, 2011 10:54 am

E quem foi o único país com importância que não retificou???

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#201 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Set 16, 2011 11:41 am

FoxTroop escreveu:Por acaso nós, portugueses, não enviamos (quem não tem dinheiro não tem vícios). Eles sim, enviaram várias delegações que acompanharam os nossos exercícios militares e, inclusive, chegou a haver em Santa Margarida um pequeno exercício em que participaram alguns meios.
Salvo erro no Apolo 2008 tivemos um Destacamento de Precursores dos Páras Brasileiros e TODO a Estado-Maior da VDV (Forças Aerotransportadas Russas). Eles tiraram fotos, filmaram, perguntaram, enfim sacaram o máximo de informações possiveis.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#202 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Set 16, 2011 11:59 am

soultrain escreveu:
Não compreendo mais uma vez, é a atitude de Israel. O memorando é mais uma provocação.
Já viste que governo governa Israel? São extremistas, por isso não deves esperar mais do que este tipo de atitudes.

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#203 Mensagem por Anton » Sex Set 16, 2011 2:46 pm

Água quase batendo na bund...! Será?
Israel chama embaixador egípcio e diz que acordo de paz é vital
sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011 11:57 BRT

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - O ministério das Relações Exteriores de Israel chamou o embaixador egípcio nesta sexta-feira para destacar a importância do histórico acordo de paz entre os dois países, disse uma autoridade israelense, depois que o primeiro-ministro do Egito disse que o tratado não era "sagrado".

O primeiro-ministro egípcio, Essam Sharaf, declarou à televisão turca na quinta-feira que o acordo de paz de 1979 com Israel pode ser modificado em benefício da região.

Uma autoridade israelense, falando sob anonimato, afirmou que o diretor geral do ministério das Relações Exteriores, Rafi Barak, disse ao embaixador egípcio, Yasser Reda, que tratados devem ser honrados ao pé da letra.

Israel e Egito lutaram quatro guerras em que milhares perderam a vida, até assinarem o tratado de 1979, que permitiu três décadas de calma relativa.

As relações entre Egito e Israel, desgastadas desde a derrubada do ex-presidente Hosni Mubarak em fevereiro, entraram em crise no sábado passado quando manifestantes no Cairo invadiram a embaixada do estado judeu, obrigando a maioria de seus diplomatas a fugirem do Egito.

Antes disso, um ataque envolvendo a fronteira dos dois países, no mês passado, abalou as relações bilaterais. Forças de segurança israelenses mataram cinco guardas egípcios quando perseguiam supostos militantes palestinos que haviam matado oito israelenses numa emboscada em Israel.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#204 Mensagem por FoxHound » Sex Set 16, 2011 3:29 pm

Os 2 Submarinos nucleares russos são vindos da frota do Norte de Murmansk.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#205 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 3:40 pm

soultrain escreveu:E quem foi o único país com importância que não retificou??? ... the_UNCLOS

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Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#206 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 4:18 pm

Turkey warns over Cyprus oil drilling plans
by (Reuters)
16 Sep 2011

Turkey, the only country to recognise a Turkish Cypriot state in northern Cyprus, has taken a direct role in an escalating row over hydrocarbon reserves in the eastern Mediterranean, saying any reserves around the island belong not only to Greek Cypriots but also Turkish Cypriots.

The internationally recognised Republic of Cyprus has said it will pursue gas exploration and has warned it will block Turkey's EU-entry talks as long as Ankara challenges its rights to energy reserves.

"It has been agreed that Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will conclude a continental shelf delimitation agreement should the Greek Cypriot Administration proceed with offshore drilling activities in the south of the Island," Turkey's foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

It did not elaborate on what that agreement would entail but said it had decided on the measure at a meeting in Turkey between Turkish and Turkish Cypriot officials. It said further meetings would take place in northern Cyprus on Friday.

Defining such an area could allow the respective jurisdictions to claim areas for future exploration and exploitation.

Turkey's NATO partner Greece, a close ally of the Greek Cypriots, said the proposed deal conflicted with international law. "Any such 'agreement' will be null and void," a Greek Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "It cannot in any way be associated with the self-evident sovereign right of the Republic of Cyprus to move forward and utilise its natural resources," the spokesman said.

According to a U.N. convention on maritime law, continental shelf delimitation refers to a coastal country's territorial boundaries beyond its territorial sea but those boundaries are subject to a series of complex clauses.

The 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the management of natural resources within oceans. But while Cyprus and Lebanon have signed and ratified UNCLOS, neither Turkey nor Israel have officially endorsed the treaty.


Energy analyst Necdet Pamir said Turkey's statement was aimed at bullying Greek Cypriots into giving up its plans by threatening to begin its own oil explorations in the contested region.

"With this agreement they are saying to the Cypriot administration, and behind them, to Greece: 'If you start drilling explorations, then we together with northern Cyprus will make an agreement on continental shelf delimitation'," Pamir said.

"Meaning we will also carry out explorations in the area south of Turkey and north of the northern part of Cyprus and likewise this won't concern the Cypriot administration."

But Pamir said that unless Turkey was prepared to use its navy to enforce its objection, then the Greek Cypriot government would not be deterred and "can carry on as if it was now also legally acceptable".

The dispute comes at a sensitive time in the region particularly after a breakdown in relations between Turkey and Israel, and the feud has complicated peace talks launched between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot sides in 2008.

Rhetoric over ownership of the potential oil and gas deposits had already sharpened after Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan questioned the validity of oil drilling contracts granted by the Greek Cypriots, prompting a rebuke from the EU.

Texas-based Noble Energy , under licence from the Greek Cypriot government, is expected to start exploration work in one offshore sector southeast of the island around the beginning of October. Tenders for other offshore blocks are expected later this year or in 2012.

The U.S. Geological Survey last year estimated a mean of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and a mean of 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in the Levant Basin Province, although disputes over control have held back exploration.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#207 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 5:54 pm

Cyprus: What happens in the air and at sea – violations and harassment
September 16, 2011 | Filed under: Featured News,Geopolitics ... arassment/

The Cold War, started by Turkey in relation to gas reserves, is eventually conducted in the air rather than at sea with the utmost discretion. Israelis are in the forefront, with Cyprus assisting and Turkey testing reactions.

Turkish fighter jets and reconnaissance warplanes flew yesterday morning from Turkey east of Cyprus and then headed west to the coast of Famagusta, without approaching areas of Cyprus offshore fields. According to information from “Phileleftheros “, this violation of airspace of the Republic is not particularly different from other similar violations in the past and did not appear to target the fields.

At the same time, Israel’s special electronic warfare aircraft are flying in the area and along the line separating the EEZ of Cyprus and Israel, at a height of more than 40,000 feet, apparently for surveillance and electronic interference of various kinds.

Simultaneously, at a much lower level – at 4,000 feet- helicopters of the Israeli Air Force are flying periodically patrolling the area. Two helicopters of the National Guard are on standby and according to information these helicopters re-stationed yesterday at the Larnaca Airport and were making flights as part of the exercise.

At sea, there was no unusual activity. The only movements of the Turkish Navy were off the occupied port of Famagusta, but nothing special was noticed compared to similar movements in the past. Israel continues to maintain patrols by vessels in the context of surveillance of platforms.

However, at the diplomatic level Nicosia, yesterday greatly accelerated the process of signing an agreement with Israel for joint exploitation of common gas reserves, an agreement which was under negotiation for months. With this agreement, Israel’s interests in the “Aphrodite” block are directly affected by Turkish military threats.

Meanwhile, the Noble Homer Ferrington drilling rig, as “Phileleftheros” revealed yesterday, is already on its way to the drilling point in the “Aphrodite” block. The rig and the special support vessel Scandia Saigon are approaching the point of drilling. This should be done within the next 24 hours. The platform moves autonomously covering approximately four nautical miles per hour. The staff that will undertake the preparation of drilling will be transported from Cyprus this morning replacing personnel on the rig.

Stay five miles away

Secrecy invoked by the government is not understandable, because there is no secret for those directly involved – nor of course for Turkey.

For example, all ships and aircraft intending to cross the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as shipping and aviation authorities at the political and military level in all countries, have been updated with official information through an established procedure that the “Homer Ferrington” drilling rig will be installed on 33.11.05 degrees north and 033.16.79 east and a five nautical miles radius is required.

The coordinates of drilling and other details are publicly known as the Environmental Study for the drilling has long been published on the Internet, like all such studies.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#208 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 5:55 pm


Israel’s show of force
September 14, 2011 | Filed under: Geopolitics

After threats of Ankara concerning the presence of the Turkish Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean, 14 Israeli fighter jets reportedly flew to the limits of the FIR of Egypt, while the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan was visiting the country. Then the fighters entered the FIR of Cyprus, having lodged a flight plan and continued their course to the limits of the Turkish FIR.


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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#209 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Sex Set 16, 2011 6:09 pm

Penguin escreveu:Imagem

Israel’s show of force
September 14, 2011 | Filed under: Geopolitics

After threats of Ankara concerning the presence of the Turkish Navy in the Eastern Mediterranean, 14 Israeli fighter jets reportedly flew to the limits of the FIR of Egypt, while the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan was visiting the country. Then the fighters entered the FIR of Cyprus, having lodged a flight plan and continued their course to the limits of the Turkish FIR.

Israel é de fato um país perigoso.
Não vejo a menor necessidade de provocações nesse momento.

Alberto -
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#210 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Set 16, 2011 6:46 pm

Exercise: attacking ‘enemy targets’ in the Aegean by the Greek and Israeli Navy
August 9, 2011 ... aeli-navy/

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla