Conflito: Israel - Turquia

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#181 Mensagem por Túlio » Qui Set 15, 2011 6:25 pm

E iam levar QUEM junto nessa fria? 8-]

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#182 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Qui Set 15, 2011 6:27 pm

suntsé escreveu:
AlbertoRJ escreveu:Além de outros fatores, a economia da Grécia aguentaria um conflito?

você acha que os Gregos iriam sozinhos para cima da Turquia?
E quem mais iria com eles, além de Israel?


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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#183 Mensagem por suntsé » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:10 pm

AlbertoRJ escreveu:
suntsé escreveu: você acha que os Gregos iriam sozinhos para cima da Turquia?
E quem mais iria com eles, além de Israel?


Israel sozinho ja é suficiente, com ajuda da Grécia então :mrgreen:

País cristão x país muçulmano, quem você acha que o ocidente ajudaria.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#184 Mensagem por FOXTROT » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:22 pm

A Grécia terá querosene para colocar seus mirages e F-16 no ar? :twisted:


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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#185 Mensagem por AlbertoRJ » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:28 pm

suntsé escreveu:
AlbertoRJ escreveu: E quem mais iria com eles, além de Israel?


Israel sozinho ja é suficiente, com ajuda da Grécia então :mrgreen:

País cristão x país muçulmano, quem você acha que o ocidente ajudaria.
O Ocidente? Eu acho que a Grécia pode é fazer quebrar a economia de muitos países do Ocidente, só isso, junto com a dela...
A Grécia é cristã e Israel não é, mas não se trata disso.


Editado pela última vez por AlbertoRJ em Qui Set 15, 2011 7:30 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#186 Mensagem por Túlio » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:29 pm

Que eu saiba guerra gera um baita GASTO e a Grécia - ainda QUE EU SAIBA - já perdeu faz tempo sua soberania econômica, só pode gastar se tiver a bênção da Frau Merkel. Acho BEM brabo esse caso aí... 8-]

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#187 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:38 pm

Turkey Threatens Cyprus Over Drilling Plans
Posted on 15 September 2011 by Apostolos Papapostolou ... ing-plans/

Turkey threatened Thursday to sign a continental shelf delimitation agreement with northern Cyprus if the Greeks of the island move ahead with gas exploration plans, the foreign ministry said.

The announcement came after a technical meeting at the Turkish foreign ministry with a delegation from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is recognized only by Ankara.

“As a result of the meeting, it has been agreed that Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will conclude a continental shelf delimitation agreement if the Greek Cypriot administration proceeds with offshore drilling activities in the south of the island,” the ministry said in a written statement.

Such an agreement would designate in which parts of the eastern Mediterranean Turkey and northern Cyprus could do drilling, Turkish diplomatic sources told AFP.

Officials from the Turkish energy and foreign ministries will hold further meetings in northern Cyprus on Friday, said the ministry statement.

The Turkish delegation will also include officials from the Turkish Petroleum Corp., it added.

Turkey has repeatedly called on the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus to postpone its gas exploration plans, saying the Greek Cypriot government has no right to do so while the island remains divided, thus leaving Turkish Cypriots out of the picture.

(source: Dow Jones, AFP)

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#188 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:42 pm


Turkey threatens to ‘freeze’ EU ties over Cyprus
13/07/11 19:33 CET

It wants to join the European Union but Turkey is threatening to freeze relations with the bloc over the thorny topic of Cyprus.

Ankara is angry over plans by internationally recognised Greek Cypriot authorities to take over the EU’s rotating presidency next July.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that if the Greek Cypriot side took over the EU’s reins and tried to stall Turkey’s negotiations, the reconciliation process on the island would be blocked. He said that if Cyprus assumed the presidency without a solution to the future of the divided island, Turkey’s relations with the EU would be frozen.

A row over a breakaway state on Cyprus recognised only by Turkey has slowed progress in Ankara’s EU accession talks which started in 2005.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#189 Mensagem por FoxHound » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:48 pm

Daí que os russos, geralmente bastante simpáticos aos gregos, estejam a olhar para isto com bastante curiosidade e até tenham um certo interesse em ver o circo chegar ao ponto de quase combustão.
Não esqueça que os chineses veem a Asia Central como questão segurança nacional devido a questão de energia tanto que quando ouve a manifestação anti-chinês em Xinjiang uma provincia Chinesa de população de origem turca em 2009 o presidente da Turquia ficou raivoso contra eles só que a diplomacia Chinesa foi extremamente ríspída com os Turcos inclusive chamando o embaixador Chinês de volta e pedindo explicação do embaixador Turco por que a Turquia está cemetendo nos seus problemas internos e fora que o embaixador turco teve que se retirar logo depois do páis e inclusive o presidente Chinês cancelou sua visita ao país quando ouve as manifestações que por sinal morrreu muita gente foi literalmente uma carnificina fora o embargo Chinês que foi feito contra produtos da Turquia , a Turquia sai com um quente e outro fervendo é macho em querer se meter com Israel mas duvido com que com os Chineses tem peito para peita-los sozinhos sem ajuda da OTAN.
Mais trade a turquia e china reataram as relações só que os Chineses não deram pedidos de desculpa e aTurquia nem fez mais chiadeira por que viu que os négocios economicos com Chineses não vale a pena de se jogar fora ao contrario do que foi feito com Israel.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#190 Mensagem por Penguin » Qui Set 15, 2011 7:53 pm


Leviathan Gas Field Could Bring Catastrophe or Opportunity to Israel-Lebanon-Cyprus Borders
BY NEAL UNGERLEIDERWed Dec 29, 2010 ... anon-and-g

A gigantic natural gas field that could yield millions of barrels of oil was recently discovered on the maritime border between Israel, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. While it could be a military catastrophe, steps are being taken to divide the spoils.

It can be said that God has a sick sense of humor. Scientists recently discovered a massive offshore reserve of an estimated 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas called the Levant Basin Province. While it is one of the world's richest natural gas reserves, the Levant Basin Province is located between countries with endless amounts of mutual hatred. It straddles the sea borders of Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The largest section discovered so far, the Leviathan gas field, is believed to possibly contain, alongside natural gas, 4.2 billion barrels of oil. Leviathan straddles the Israeli-Lebanese maritime border. Israel is currently in a state of war with Lebanon and does not recognize the de-facto Hamas Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip.

Sharp words are already being exchanged between Jerusalem and Beirut. Upon discovery of the fields in June, Lebanon warned Israel not to drill within their maritime borders. Israel then escalated the rhetoric with military threats, as Minister of National Infrastructures Uzi Landau threatened to use force to protect the natural gas fields. Following Landau's announcement, sophisticated security arrangements for Israeli natural gas rigs were leaked to the country's press. As of press time, further surveying is underway.

It is not unimaginable that, in the next regional war, Israeli and Lebanese military elements could target the other's natural gas drills. This has the potential to cause a regional ecological catastrophe.

However, progress is being made. Israel is demarcating their maritime borders with Cyprus. According to Batsheva Sobelman of the Los Angeles Times
Israeli diplomats say the agreement should secure Israel's economic interests in the Mediterranean. Cyprus says this doesn't conflict with a similar agreement signed with Lebanon, still awaiting ratification in parliament.

Cyprus is ending up as the natural mediator in this dispute. While sections of the Levant Basin Province stray into the county's maritime borders, their shares are comparatively small. More importantly, Cyprus enjoys warm relations with both Israel and Lebanon. When large-scale harvesting of these natural gas fields begins, Cyprus may be able to work with other third parties to broker an agreement between Israel and Lebanon.

Meanwhile, as so often happens in the Middle East, other countries are trying to extract as much influence as possible from the natural gas hullaballoo. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has stated that they are “closely following” the Cyprus-Israel agreement, as reported by al-Masry al-Youm
The ministry is carrying out technical and legal research to ensure that borders under the agreement between Israel and Cyprus do not affect the Egyptian zone, [government spokesperson Hassam] Zaki said.

Egypt is in contact with Cyprus on the issue given the previous agreement between the two countries, he added.

Meanwhile, Turkey went on the diplomatic offensive against the Cyprus-Israel agreement. A Foreign Ministry statement called the maritime border accord “null and void” because it ignored the jurisdiction of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was formed following a military invasion of the Republic of Cyprus by Turkey in 1974 following massive intercommunal violence. The only country to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is Turkey, and 35,000 Turkish troops are currently stationed in Northern Cyprus.

Turkey has stated that it “does not have any claim regarding the maritime areas” subject to the demarcation agreement.
Cyprus announced plans to have Noble Energy explore the 800,000 acres of Cypriot waters within the Levant Basin a year prior to the demarcation agreement.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Qui Set 15, 2011 8:01 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#191 Mensagem por FoxHound » Qui Set 15, 2011 8:00 pm

Eu vou mais longe ainda, o desejo da Europa querer ter acesso a Gás contorando a Russia através do Gasoduto Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan vai por agua baixo já que os Russos estão inaugurando esse mês o Nord Stream para transportar mais gás para a Europa assim aumentando a sua barganha politica e em 2015 termina o South Stream que vai deixar a Europa na Mão dos Russo na Energia a Gás e fora os Chineses que vão ver a União Europeia e mais os EUA fora da disputa pela influência da Asia central e junto aos Russos devido as sua excelentes relações econômicas já que a China é o maior parceiro comercial da Russia eles estão muito felizes é uma opurtunidade de ouro para consolidar o seu peso geopolitico com um ocidente debilitado economicamente e militarmete fatigado.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#192 Mensagem por FoxHound » Qui Set 15, 2011 8:05 pm

Géo Politica Energética na EuroAsia. ... n_pipeline
A Ambição do Dragão.
Pipeline Geopolitics: Major Turnaround. Russia, China, Iran Redraw Energy Map
Turkmenistan commits its gas exports to China, Russia & Iran

by Amb. M. K. Bhadrakumar

Global Research, January 12, 2010
Asia Times - 2010-01-08

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The inauguration of the Dauletabad-Sarakhs-Khangiran pipeline in early January connecting Iran's northern Caspian region with Turkmenistan's vast gas field may go unnoticed amid the Western media cacophony that it is "apocalypse now" for the Islamic regime in Tehran.

The event sends strong messages for regional security. Within the space of three weeks, Turkmenistan has committed its entire gas exports to China, Russia and Iran. It has no urgent need of the pipelines that the United States and the European Union have been advancing. Are we hearing the faint notes of a Russia-China-Iran symphony?

The 182-kilometer Turkmen-Iranian pipeline starts modestly with the pumping of 8 billion cubic meters (bcm) of Turkmen gas. But its annual capacity is 20bcm, and that would meet the energy requirements of Iran's Caspian region and enable Tehran to free its own gas production in the southern fields for export. The mutual interest is perfect: Ashgabat gets an assured market next door; northern Iran can consume without fear of winter shortages; Tehran can generate more surplus for exports; Turkmenistan can seek transportation routes to the world market via Iran; and Iran can aspire to take advantage of its excellent geographical location as a hub for the Turkmen exports.

We are witnessing a new pattern of energy cooperation at the regional level that dispenses with Big Oil. Russia traditionally takes the lead. China and Iran follow the example. Russia, Iran and Turkmenistan hold respectively the world's largest, second-largest and fourth-largest gas reserves. And China will be consumer par excellence in this century. The matter is of profound consequence to the US global strategy.

The Turkmen-Iranian pipeline mocks the US's Iran policy. The US is threatening Iran with new sanctions and claims Tehran is "increasingly isolated". But Mahmud Ahmadinejad's presidential jet winds its way through a Central Asian tour and lands in Ashgabat for a red-carpet welcome by his Turkmen counterpart, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, and a new economic axis emerges. Washington's coercive diplomacy hasn't worked. Turkmenistan, with a gross domestic product of US$18.3 billion, defied the sole superpower (GDP of $14.2 trillion) - and, worse still, made it look routine.

There are subplots, too. Tehran claims to have a deal with Ankara to transport Turkmen gas to Turkey via the existing 2,577km pipeline connecting Tabriz in northwestern Iran with Ankara. Indeed, Turkish diplomacy has an independent foreign-policy orientation. Turkey also aspires to be a hub for Europe's energy supplies. Europe may be losing the battle for establishing direct access to the Caspian.

Second, Russia does not seem perturbed by China tapping into Central Asian energy. Europe's need for Russian energy imports has dropped and Central Asian energy-producing countries are tapping China's market. From the Russian point of view, China's imports should not deprive it of energy (for its domestic consumption or exports). Russia has established deep enough presence in the Central Asian and Caspian energy sector to ensure it faces no energy shortage.

What matters most to Russia is that its dominant role as Europe's No 1 energy provider is not eroded. So long as the Central Asian countries have no pressing need for new US-backed trans-Caspian pipelines, Russia is satisfied.

During his recent visit to Ashgabat, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev normalized Russian-Turkmen energy ties. The restoration of ties with Turkmenistan is a major breakthrough for both countries. One, a frozen relationship is being resumed substantially, whereby Turkmenistan will maintain an annual supply of 30bcm to Russia. Two, to quote Medvedev, "For the first time in the history of Russian-Turkmen relations, gas supplies will be carried out based on a price formula that is absolutely in line with European gas market conditions." Russian commentators say Gazprom will find it unprofitable to buy Turkmen gas and if Moscow has chosen to pay a high price, that is primarily because of its resolve not to leave gas that could be used in alternative pipelines, above all in the US-backed Nabucco project.

Third, contrary to Western propaganda, Ashgabat does not see the Chinese pipeline as a substitute for Gazprom. Russia's pricing policy ensures that Ashgabat views Gazprom as an irreplaceable customer. The export price of the Turkmen gas to be sold to China is still under negotiation and the agreed price simply cannot match the Russian offer.

Fourth, Russia and Turkmenistan reiterated their commitment to the Caspian Coastal Pipeline (which will run along the Caspian's east coast toward Russia) with a capacity of 30bcm. Evidently, Russia hopes to cluster additional Central Asian gas from Turkmenistan (and Kazakhstan).

Fifth, Moscow and Ashgabat agreed to build jointly an east-west pipeline connecting all Turkmen gas fields to a single network so that the pipelines leading toward Russia, Iran and China can draw from any of the fields.

Indeed, against the backdrop of the intensification of the US push toward Central Asia, Medvedev's visit to Ashgabat impacted on regional security. At the joint press conference with Medvedev, Berdymukhammedov said the views of Turkmenistan and Russia on the regional processes, particularly in Central Asia and the Caspian region, were generally the same. He underlined that the two countries were of the view that the security of one cannot be achieved at the expense of the other. Medvedev agreed that there was similarity or unanimity between the two countries on issues related to security and confirmed their readiness to work together.

The United States' pipeline diplomacy in the Caspian, which strove to bypass Russia, elbow out China and isolate Iran, has foundered. Russia is now planning to double its intake of Azerbaijani gas, which further cuts into the Western efforts to engage Baku as a supplier for Nabucco. In tandem with Russia, Iran is also emerging as a consumer of Azerbaijani gas. In December, Azerbaijan inked an agreement to deliver gas to Iran through the 1,400km Kazi-Magomed-Astara pipeline.

The "big picture" is that Russia's South Stream and North Stream, which will supply gas to northern and southern Europe, have gained irreversible momentum. The stumbling blocks for North Stream have been cleared as Denmark (in October), Finland and Sweden (in November) and Germany (in December) approved the project from the environmental angle. The pipeline's construction will commence in the spring.

The $12-billion pipeline built jointly by Gazprom, Germany's E.ON Ruhrgas and BASF-Wintershall, and the Dutch gas transportation firm Gasunie bypasses the Soviet-era transit routes via Ukraine, Poland and Belarus and runs from the northwestern Russian port of Vyborg to the German port of Greifswald along a 1,220km route under the Baltic Sea. The first leg of the project with a carrying capacity of 27.5bcm annually will be completed next year and the capacity will double by 2012. North Stream will profoundly affect the geopolitics of Eurasia, trans-Atlantic equations and Russia's ties with Europe.

To be sure, 2009 proved to be a momentous year for the "energy war". The Chinese pipeline inaugurated by President Hu Jintao on December 14; the oil terminal near the port city of Nakhodka in Russia's far east inaugurated by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on December 27 (which will be served by the mammoth $22-billion oil pipeline from the new fields in eastern Siberia leading to China and the Asia-Pacific markets); and the Iranian pipeline inaugurated by Ahmadinejad on January 6 - the energy map of Eurasia and the Caspian has been virtually redrawn.

The year 2010 begins on a fascinating new note: will Russia, China and Iran coordinate future moves or at least harmonize their competing interests?

Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

M. K. Bhadrakumar is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Entrem nesse link e vejam os mapas como os Chineses estão felizes: ... &aid=16932

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#193 Mensagem por FoxHound » Qui Set 15, 2011 8:13 pm

Olha só notícia Bombastica o Urso está voltando.
The Eastern Mediterranean Sea is Starting to Get Crowded

As regional powers attempt to rise, other regional powers will react. This is particularly true in this era of globalization. Turkey is now riding a learning curve. Here is how the latest is unfolding.

Turkey warned Thursday it will declare a border on the continental shelf if the island of Cyprus proceeds with offshore oil and gas drilling activities.

The Foreign Ministry's announcement came a day after Cyprus President Dimitris Christofias announced that U.S. firm Noble Energy will soon begin exploratory drilling to confirm deposits beneath the sea bed off Cyprus' southern coast despite Turkey's attempts to prevent such a move.

The undersea boundary has been among the most contentious issues in Greek-Turkish relations, with each country trying to mark out where on the continental shelf it can exploit seabed oil and mineral deposits in the Aegean Sea.

A move by Turkey to declare such a border would aggravate relations with Greece and Cyprus, which is divided into an EU-member Greek south and a breakaway Turkish north.

Turkey does not recognize Cyprus as a sovereign country and strongly objects to the Greek Cypriot search for mineral deposits inside the island's exclusive economic zone. It insists that Cyprus has no right to go ahead with the search before a settlement to reunify the divided island can be reached.

In a globalized world things are more complicated than small disputes between neighbors, particularly when one adds resource rights into the picture. Enter another regional power, one that has a history of pushing back when being pushed around.

Russia has sent two nuclear-powered submarines to patrol Eastern Mediterranean waters around Cyprus and enforce the island's right to explore for undersea oil and gas in its territorial seas, according to information from, citing a Russian FM spokesman.

Alexander Lukashevich said that Russia supports Cyprus and guarantees its security if it is threatened: "Under the UN Convention on International Law, among 162 other signatory states, including Cyprus, each state has sovereign rights in its EEZ for exploring, exploiting and protecting both live and non-living natural resources, including water, the seabed and subsoil," said Lukashevich in comments made on August 19th and reported by (in Greek).

So far there has been no reaction from the foreign ministry on reports that Russian submarines will be sent to protect Cyprus from any potential military threat from Turkey. A telephone call to the foreign ministry for comment has not yet been returned. A telephone call to the press attache at the Russian Embassy in Nicosia has also not yet been returned.

The submarines are due in early September and are being interpreted as a clear warning to Turkey to stay away from Noble Energy's drilling sites in Block 12. Noble is set to start exploring for undersea gas at the beginning of October along with Israeli energy company DELEK, which has reached an agreement with Noble Energy to share in its licensing deal with Cyprus, reported

It is a noteworthy coincidence that on the same day, Russia signs the contract to build three new Krivak IV class frigates for the Black Sea Fleet. ... rting.html

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#194 Mensagem por suntsé » Qui Set 15, 2011 8:14 pm

Túlio escreveu:Que eu saiba guerra gera um baita GASTO e a Grécia - ainda QUE EU SAIBA - já perdeu faz tempo sua soberania econômica, só pode gastar se tiver a bênção da Frau Merkel. Acho BEM brabo esse caso aí... 8-]
Para mim isso não vai muito longe não, pelo menos eu espero....

Daqui a pouco eles ja estão de mãos dadas novamente, dando beijo na boca.

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Re: Conflito: Israel - Turquia

#195 Mensagem por Sterrius » Sex Set 16, 2011 4:53 am

Russia mesmo com os 2 submarinos tem uma frota no mar negro muito pequena. A Turquia so de subs tem 14. E os submarinos jamais poderiam passar pelo estreito sem serem percebidos. (E a frota russa do mar negro nao tem como vencer a marinha turca nem num dia bom, simplesmente falta poder de fogo que a russia tem, mas está no mar do norte ou no pacifico).

E em caso de conflito todo mundo sabe que a russia nao iria encarar um conflito com a turquia que é muito perto de sua borda e colocaria a georgia novamente numa situação complicadissima.

Eu espero que cabeças frias reinem mas a infeliz verdade é que nenhum dos lados esta la muito afim de recuar. E se nenhum dos lados recuar isso so tende a escalar.

E lembrar que a ultima confusão em cyprus tem menos de 40 anos se nao me engano.
