JAS-39 Gripen

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10996 Mensagem por WalterGaudério » Dom Mai 15, 2011 12:40 am

knigh7 escreveu:Pessoal,

alguém sabe se a retirada do motor do Gripen é via vertical ou horizontal? (é um aspecto relevante para uma versão monoturbina naval)


Horizontal, assista esse vídeo.

http://www.youtube.com/user/projetocicl ... wu8wCNUpkA

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10997 Mensagem por knigh7 » Dom Mai 15, 2011 1:07 am

Mas como vc deduziu, se não aparece a retirada deste ou a aeronave sem?

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10998 Mensagem por Justin Case » Dom Mai 15, 2011 1:20 am


Ouvi falar que o motor do Gripen sai para baixo. Isso é bom para um avião que pretende ser também naval, pois reduz o espaço livre necessário para a manutenção ou troca de motor.

Por outro lado, seria também um problema para um futuro Gripen Naval.
Para poder sair por baixo, nenhuma estrutura importante poderia estar na "quilha".
Isto é um problema grande para um monomotor, pois não haveria estrutura ou posição fácil para instalar o gancho de arrasto necessário para a operação naval. Um extenso reprojeto e retrabalho talvez tenha que ser feito.
Os bimotores fixam o gancho em estrutura reforçada que está ENTRE os dois motores.



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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10999 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Mai 22, 2011 9:07 pm

From Bill Sweetman's article for JEDOnline;

The TIDLS can connect up to four aircraft in a full-time two-way link. It has a range of 500 km and is highly resistant to jamming; almost the only way to jam the system is to position a jammer aircraft directly between the two communicating Gripens. Its basic modes include the ability to display the position, bearing, and speed of all four aircraft in a formation, including basic status information such as fuel and weapons state. The TIDLS is fundamentally different from broadcast-style links like Link 16. It serves fewer users but links them more closely together, exchanging much more data, and operating much closer to real time.

TIDLS information, along with radar, EW, and mapping data, appears on the central MFD. The display reflects complete sensor fusion: a target that is being tracked by multiple sources is one target on the screen. Detailed symbols distinguish between friendlies, hostiles, and unidentified targets and show who has targeted whom.

Today, Sweden is the only country that is flying with a link of this kind, and will retain that status until the F-22 enters service. The Flygvapnet has already proven some of the tactical advantages of the link, including the ability to spread the formation over a much wider area. Visual contact between the fighters is no longer necessary, because the datalink shows the position of each aircraft. Leader and wingman roles are different: the pilot in the best position makes the attack, and the fact that he has targeted the enemy is immediately communicated to the three other aircraft.

A basic use of the datalink is "silent attack." An adversary may be aware that he is being tracked by a fighter radar that is outside missile range. He may not be aware that another, closer fighter is receiving that tracking data and is preparing for a missile launch without using its own radar. After launch, the shooter can break and escape, while the other fighter continues to pass tracking data to the missile. In tests, Gripen pilots have learned that this makes it possible to delay using the AMRAAM's active seeker until it is too late for the target to respond.

But the use of the link goes beyond this, towards what the Swedish Air Force calls "samverkan," or close-cooperation. One example is the use of the Ericsson PS-05/A radar with TIDLS. An Ericsson paper compares its application, with identical sensors and precise knowledge of the location of both platforms, to human twins: "Communication is possible without explaining everything."

"Radar-samverkan," the Ericsson paper suggests, equips the formation with a super-radar of extraordinary capabilities. The PS-05/A can operate in passive mode, as a sensitive receiver with high directional accuracy (due to its large antenna). Two PS-05/As can exchange information by datalink and locate the target by triangulation. The target's signals will often identify it as well.

The datalink results in better tracking. Usually, three plots (echoes) are needed to track a target in track-while-scan mode. The datalink allows the radars to share plots, not just tracks, so even if none of the aircraft in a formation gets enough plots on its own to track the target, they may do so collectively.

Each radar plot includes Doppler velocity, which provides the individual aircraft with range-rate data. However, this data on its own does not yield the velocity of the target. Using the TIDLS, two fighters can take simultaneous range-rate readings and thereby determine the target's track instantly, reducing the need for radar transmission.

In ECM applications, one fighter can search, while the wingman simultaneously focuses jamming on the same target, using the radar. This makes it very difficult for the target to intercept or jam the radar that is tracking him. Another anti-jamming technique is for all four radars to illuminate the same target simultaneously at different frequencies.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11000 Mensagem por PRick » Seg Mai 23, 2011 10:44 am

Penguin escreveu:From Bill Sweetman's article for JEDOnline;

The TIDLS can connect up to four aircraft in a full-time two-way link. It has a range of 500 km and is highly resistant to jamming; almost the only way to jam the system is to position a jammer aircraft directly between the two communicating Gripens. Its basic modes include the ability to display the position, bearing, and speed of all four aircraft in a formation, including basic status information such as fuel and weapons state. The TIDLS is fundamentally different from broadcast-style links like Link 16. It serves fewer users but links them more closely together, exchanging much more data, and operating much closer to real time.

TIDLS information, along with radar, EW, and mapping data, appears on the central MFD. The display reflects complete sensor fusion: a target that is being tracked by multiple sources is one target on the screen. Detailed symbols distinguish between friendlies, hostiles, and unidentified targets and show who has targeted whom.

Today, Sweden is the only country that is flying with a link of this kind, and will retain that status until the F-22 enters service. The Flygvapnet has already proven some of the tactical advantages of the link, including the ability to spread the formation over a much wider area. Visual contact between the fighters is no longer necessary, because the datalink shows the position of each aircraft. Leader and wingman roles are different: the pilot in the best position makes the attack, and the fact that he has targeted the enemy is immediately communicated to the three other aircraft.

A basic use of the datalink is "silent attack." An adversary may be aware that he is being tracked by a fighter radar that is outside missile range. He may not be aware that another, closer fighter is receiving that tracking data and is preparing for a missile launch without using its own radar. After launch, the shooter can break and escape, while the other fighter continues to pass tracking data to the missile. In tests, Gripen pilots have learned that this makes it possible to delay using the AMRAAM's active seeker until it is too late for the target to respond.

But the use of the link goes beyond this, towards what the Swedish Air Force calls "samverkan," or close-cooperation. One example is the use of the Ericsson PS-05/A radar with TIDLS. An Ericsson paper compares its application, with identical sensors and precise knowledge of the location of both platforms, to human twins: "Communication is possible without explaining everything."

"Radar-samverkan," the Ericsson paper suggests, equips the formation with a super-radar of extraordinary capabilities. The PS-05/A can operate in passive mode, as a sensitive receiver with high directional accuracy (due to its large antenna). Two PS-05/As can exchange information by datalink and locate the target by triangulation. The target's signals will often identify it as well.

The datalink results in better tracking. Usually, three plots (echoes) are needed to track a target in track-while-scan mode. The datalink allows the radars to share plots, not just tracks, so even if none of the aircraft in a formation gets enough plots on its own to track the target, they may do so collectively.ach radar plot includes Doppler velocity, which provides the individual aircraft with range-rate data. However, this data on its own does not yield the velocity of the target. Using the TIDLS, two fighters can take simultaneous range-rate readings and thereby determine the target's track instantly, reducing the need for radar transmission.

In ECM applications, one fighter can search, while the wingman simultaneously focuses jamming on the same target, using the radar. This makes it very difficult for the target to intercept or jam the radar that is tracking him. Another anti-jamming technique is for all four radars to illuminate the same target simultaneously at different frequencies.
Esse artigo é anterior a 2003, isso é coisa muito antiga e superada, nessa época o Gripen teria o NORA, que não existe mais. Hoje um monte de caças tem essas e muitas outras capacidades. Vamos pegar notícias novas... :wink:


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11001 Mensagem por Lywis » Seg Mai 23, 2011 2:50 pm

Saab vai investigar denúncia de pagamento
secreto em negócio dos Gripens na África do

A fabricante sueca de defesa Saab anunciou que pretende investigar novas denúncias de
que um pagamento secreto de mais de 50 milhões de coroas suecas que foram pagas a
um consultor no negócio para vender caças JAS39 Gripen para África do Sul. Respondendo
à acusação que surgiu em um programa transmitido pela TV4, a Saab disse que era
incapaz de encontrar qualquer informação sobre esse pagamento.
“Nós precisamos analisar mais profundamente sobre isso e nós estamos analisando
seriamente isso”, disse o CEO da Saab, Håkan Buskhe a agência de notícias TT.
TV4 Nyheterna e Kalla Fakta, as principais atrações e programas de atualidade da
emissora, ficaram sabendo do acordo feito entre a Sanip, subsidiária da Saab na África do
Sul, e o conselheiro chave Fana Hlongwane.
Sanip é uma parceria entre a Saab e a britânica BAE Systems. Embora a empresa seja
100% controlada pela Saab, a empresa sueca de defesa argumentou que a BAE
efetivamente controla a Sanip por conta própria.
O acordo entre o chefe da Sanip, Bernard Collier, e Hlongwane foi assinado no dia 10 de
setembro de 2003. Ele dá ao sul africano o direito de tirar um salário e um bônus de pelo
menos US$ 8 milhões na conclusão do principal negócio de armas feito.
Segundo um comunicado do banco, a Sanip pagou um total de cerca de 50 milhões de
coroas suecas em 19 ocasiões entre 2003 e 2005, de acordo com a TV4 / Kalla Fakta.
Além disso, os documentos mostram que mais 30 milhões estão previstos para ser
desembolsados ??este ano.
As novas informações sobre o negócio da África do Sul vem após a visita do CEO da Saab,
Håkan Buskhe no Brasil, na tentativa de tentar vender a nova geração de caças Gripen NG.
Na terça-feira à noite Buskhe assistiu a um seminário organizado pelo governador de São
Buskhe disse ao repórter da TT que a empresa não conseguiu achar qualquer prova de que o dinheiro havia sido pago.
“Não podemos achar que nós fizemos todos os pagamentos da empresa para essa
pessoa. Precisamos olhar mais profundamente sobre isso e estamos procurando
seriamente encontrar isso”, disse ele.
“Nós não temos nenhuma razão para jogar qualquer jogo de esconde-esconde”, disse ele.
O primeiro-ministro Fredrik Reinfeldt, foi cauteloso ao comentar sobre o novo material.
“Nós aprendemos a distinguir entre as alegações e o que é legalmente punível. Assim, você
sempre pode legalmente examinar o que poderia ter sido feito para encontrar possíveis
erros. Se você tem informações desse tipo, deve ser razoavel que a empresa que tenha
sido identificada, que também começe a responder por ele.
As alegações de que a Saab é suspeita de ter subornado Hlongwane não é novidade.
Investigações criminais foram iniciadas nos três países envolvidos mas até agora não levou
em qualquer lugar.

http://www.infoaviacao.com/2011/05/saab ... ia-de.html

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11002 Mensagem por Penguin » Seg Mai 23, 2011 3:46 pm

PRick escreveu: Esse artigo é anterior a 2003, isso é coisa muito antiga e superada, nessa época o Gripen teria o NORA, que não existe mais. Hoje um monte de caças tem essas e muitas outras capacidades. Vamos pegar notícias novas... :wink:

Pois, é. Desde muito antes de 2003 que a combinação PS-05/TIALD possui a capacidade descrita no artigo acima.


Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11003 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Seg Mai 23, 2011 7:05 pm

E muito, mas muito antes mesmo, a Rússia já fazia isso com seus MIG-31, and beyond. 8-]

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11004 Mensagem por crubens » Ter Mai 24, 2011 10:01 am

E muito antes ainda, os Klingons já o possuiam em suas aves de rapina. :mrgreen:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11005 Mensagem por bcorreia » Ter Mai 24, 2011 1:06 pm

E os Romulanos também............ :mrgreen:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11006 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Mai 24, 2011 9:44 pm

SOURCE:Flight International
Saab to complete Sea Gripen design work in UK
By Craig Hoyle

Saab is to recruit a small team of engineers to staff a new design centre for its Sea Gripen concept in the UK, in an effort that could eventually lead to the construction of a flight demonstrator.

The Swedish company announced its plan following a 24 May meeting with Ministry of Defence officials in London, where it is also to open a new headquarters to accommodate the project team.

The move comes as Saab chief executive Håkan Buskhe has revealed a strategy to significantly expand the company's presence in the UK by pursuing fresh business opportunities. "The MoD is looking for competition," he said.

To open within the next few months following the recruitment of around 10 personnel, the design centre "will capitalise on the UK's maritime jet engineering expertise", Saab said. "Its first project will be to design the carrier-based version of the Gripen new-generation multi-role fighter aircraft based on studies completed by Saab in Sweden."

A concept-design phase lasting roughly 12-18 months will follow, after which Saab could choose to prepare a flight demonstrator, most likely at its Linköping site in Sweden. It hopes to work in partnership with selected UK companies to advance the project, as the nation's industry already provides 28% of the content for the Gripen NG.

Saab has described its Sea Gripen as an "ideal replacement for existing fleets and new [aircraft] carrier nations", and named Brazil and India as possible future customers. The concept was first explored around five years ago, and sources have said that the aircraft would be suitable for use on vessels with a displacement as low as 25,000t. Deliveries could be made from 2018.

Saab has around 200 employees in the UK, but according to Buskhe, "there's no reason why we couldn't be 10 times as big here. We believe the UK is a good ground to make an expansion from. We believe we have a gap to fill, and that we can show that it's possible to acquire extremely fine products that are affordable.

"When you have cuts it's time to look into your normal procurement processes and challenge patterns that were used in the past. We believe we have something to bring to the table."

Acquisitions could be one possible route to meeting the growth ambition, but Buskhe said that any such move "must keep to the core values of Saab: that we can increase the product performance and decrease cost". The company has a net cash position of around SKr4 billion ($631 million).

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11007 Mensagem por marcelo l. » Ter Mai 24, 2011 10:35 pm

Se o NG já está difícil de vender, advinha o Sea Gripen. Eu sinceramente não compreendo a lógica desse dispendio não vejo para quem vender.

"If the people who marched actually voted, we wouldn’t have to march in the first place".
"(Poor) countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty".
ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11008 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Mai 25, 2011 6:50 pm

Agora os Sea Ghost ... Cóf! Cóf! Cóf! Sea Gripen-NNGUK, vão pousar até em cargueiro. :roll:
A Inglaterra tem obrigação de comprar, eles são sócios desta maravilha.

Por outro lado, se não comprarem, como ficará a imagem do avião que nem OS DONOS querem/vão querer?

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11009 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Qua Mai 25, 2011 7:49 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Agora os Sea Ghost ... Cóf! Cóf! Cóf! Sea Gripen-NNGUK, vão pousar até em cargueiro. :roll:
A Inglaterra tem obrigação de comprar, eles são sócios desta maravilha.

Por outro lado, se não comprarem, como ficará a imagem do avião que nem OS DONOS querem/vão querer?
Pergunta Tostines essa sua CM... :wink:

Ninguém compra porque nem os "pais" ligam ou ninguém liga porque nem os "pais" compram?

Com os caras quase não comprando F-35 e se desfazendo de Harriers essa de "Sea Gripen" é bom sentar e esperar... [029]


CB_Lima = Carlos Lima :)
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#11010 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Qua Mai 25, 2011 7:53 pm

Pois é. :roll: :?
