Você está afirmando ou conjecturando?Penguin escreveu:Os tripulantes do F-15E se separaram porque a ejeção ocorreu a grande altitude. Provavelmente fora do alcance da anti-aérea de tubo.
http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/vi ... 322/local/
Além disso, como já dito aqui, o que restou do F-15E foi bombardeado pela USAF. O que se vê são os restos do que atingiu o solo e depois bombardeado.
U.S. bombed wreckage of F-15 fighter dropped in Libya
Tripoli : Libya | Mar 23, 2011 BY karasiwo 50
U.S. bombed Wednesday combat aircraft F-15 that had fallen on Tuesday on Libyan soil by mechanical failure, on Wednesday told a U.S. military official
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the wreckage was bombed during the night "to prevent materials from reaching the wrong hands. "
On Wednesday, the Pentagon said the flight crew, part of the Western coalition prepared by the United Nations to intervene in Libya, had been rescued safely click.
A U.S. military spokesman told the BBC there was no evidence that the downing of the plane had been produced by an attack by Libyan forces.
Realmente não vi nenhuma noticia a respeito.
Sobre os restos, a propria reportagem mostra a aeronave antes e depois, basta olhar aqui:
basta olha no google que esta cheio de imagens.