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Justin Case
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#3706 Mensagem por Justin Case » Sáb Mar 26, 2011 12:34 pm


Vejam esta notícia, em link da Al Jazeera: ... break-iran
Brazil's slow break with Iran
By Gabriel Elizondo in Americas
on March 24th, 2011.
Celebration after the nuclear accord between Brazil, Turkey and Iran was signed last year. Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

Iran and Brazil. My, oh, my. How times can change in the realpolitik world of international diplomacy.

It just seemed like yesterday that Turkey, Brazil and Iran announced with great fanfare the nuclear fuel swap deal meant to stave off new UN sanctions.

Going into the negotiatoins, Brazil had a clear mission at the time.

Once the deal was done, in May last year, it was triumphed by the principals involved as a sign that international diplomacy can be accomplished - thank you very much - amongst developing powers without the influence of Europe or the US.

But the deal was quickly brushed off, as a Reuters headline said at the time, by "an unconvinced West”.

Regardless of the blocking of the well-intentioned accord, the signing of it culminated what many believed at the time would be a longstanding Turkey-Brazil-Iran diplomatic power triangle - with Turkey famously bridging the Europe-Arab World divide and the brash new kid on the block, Brazil, bridging the North America-South divide. In the middle, Iran.

There was certainly debate within Brazil at the time on what, if any, self interest Brazil had in the deal.

But, maybe in the end, it was a courtship of convenience.

At the time, the Iranian regime was in need of a fresh-faced, up-and-coming global powerhouse as an ally and Brazil fit the bill perfectly.

Brazil, at the time, had a wildly popular president in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva who was looking to greatly expand his country's foreign policy in major international issues.

The Iran nuclear issue fit the bill. And for the Brazilians, adding the weight and regional credibility of Turkey into the mix made it all the better.

Likewise, the friendship produced economic benefits, as Lula da Silva himself said in a speech in Tehran last year.

In the last eight years, the commercial trade between Iran and Brazil doubled from $500m to $1.2bn. Iran is now one of the top three trading partners in the Middle East for Brazil.

Back in 2009, more than 450 Brazilian companies exported to Iran. And in the first semester of 2010, when Brazil-Iran relations were their closest, Brazilian exports to Iran increased 77 per cent, while Iran imports to Brazil increased 125 per cent.

But things have changed. Lula da Silva is out of office. Influential former foreign minister, Celso Amorim (who was named by Foreign Policy magazine as one of the world's top Global Thinkers last year) is semi-retired in Rio de Janeiro.

And so too, perhaps, is Brazil’s friendship with Iran.

The dynamic between Brazil and Iran has taken a sudden and abrupt turn in the form of Dilma Rousseff.
Rousseff has re-positioned Brazil's foreign policy with Iran. Photo: Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

Brazil’s new president is barely three months into her presidency, and she has mostly veered far away from jumping into the sometimes murky pool of international politics, letting her smooth and highly experienced foreign minister, Antonio Patriota, be the main voice on all things outside Brazil's borders.

However, even during the campaign whenever she was pestered by reporters about "the Iran question," usually two words that ended up coming out of her mouth in her answer were “human” and “rights.”

No doubt this made the Iranians uncomfortable.

Weeks ago, when it was becoming clear Rousseff would not be deferential to Iran, the Iranian ambassador said the new president was “badly informed” about events in his country.
Rousseff, who was tortured in her youth at the hands of Brazil’s dictatorship and has risen to be Brazil’s first woman president, had given signs all along she wanted to cool off relations with Iran. Cooling? No. She now appears to be dumping a bucket of ice water on it. Freezing it.

In the surest sign yet of a new Brazilian posture vis-à-vis Iran, Brazil voted on Thursday in the UN Human Rights Council to authorise a resolution for a special rapporteur to investigate possible human rights abuses in Iran.

It’s the first time in a decade that Brazil has voted for anything significant that runs counter to the current Iranian government’s liking.

(Some people are skill skeptical. As one of my Brazilian follower's on Twitter messaged me: "Brazil changes course on Iran but still recognises Gaddafi and other dictators who are even worse in human rights.")

Maybe Iran was expecting this all along.

Surely Tehran knew that If Brazil's opposition candidate in last year's election - former Sao Paulo governor Jose Serra - would have won the election he certainly would have put the brakes on relations with Iran faster and harder than Rousseff.

Let's be clear: Iran benefitted not so much from Brazil, but from Lula da Silva, the man, a historic Brazilian political figure who took his country's foreign policy to places it had never been before with such authority (Iran, Palestine, Africa to name a few).

The problem for Iran - that they are now finding out - is that figures like Lula da Silva don't come around too often, and Brazil's fallback option under almost anybody else is a foreign policy more risk-averse across the board.

And Brazil in 2011 is a place where Lula da Silva's opinon doesn't matter much anymore. Rousseff's opinion does. And her opinion on this one is pretty clear.

Nevertheless, Rousseff - Lula’s former chief of staff - remains a tight ally and friend of da Silva (they will travel to Portugal together next week).

Without Lula and his unreal 78 per cent approval ratings backing her during the campaign last year, it’s debatable wheteher she would even be president today.

Rousseff rarely disagrees with her former boss on anything. Iran being one big exception.

Where will the Iran-Brazil relationship go from here?

It’s anybody’s guess. But it certainly will likely not go back to the way it was. At least not while Rousseff is president.

Washington must be smiling.


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#3707 Mensagem por tiagogogo » Sáb Mar 26, 2011 1:26 pm

Tenho uma pergunta para alguém que entenda melhor do que eu sobre Irã e Brasil, quais são as vantagens e desvantagens de tomar esta decisão agora?

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#3708 Mensagem por U-27 » Sáb Mar 26, 2011 2:09 pm

FCarvalho escreveu:
Romero não era ligado à Teologia da Libertação --foi nomeado arcebispo pelo papa conservador João Paulo 2ª. Mas seu discurso público se radicalizou diante da ação paramilitar e da ausência de reformas sociais.
fonte: ... fria.shtml
João Paulo II conservador... :shock:


se ele é conservador eu sou o que? :shock:

"A religião católica contém a Verdade total revelada por Deus e não dizemos isso com arrogância nem para desafiar ninguém. Não podemos diminuir esta afirmação" Dom Hector Aguer meu blog
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#3709 Mensagem por tflash » Sáb Mar 26, 2011 3:24 pm

Seja bem aparecido meu caro U-27!!!

O meu amigo estará entre o ultra conservador e o fundamentalista, sem conotações de terrorismo, obviamente.

Mas também, para um papa ser considerado liberal, sei lá, tinha que substituir o vinho sacramental por caipirinha e ter um DJ para por música na missa porque o conceito de liberal é muito diferente do real significado.

Kids - there is no Santa. Those gifts were from your parents. Happy New Year from Wikileaks
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#3710 Mensagem por LeandroGCard » Sáb Mar 26, 2011 8:25 pm

tflash escreveu:Seja bem aparecido meu caro U-27!!!

O meu amigo estará entre o ultra conservador e o fundamentalista, sem conotações de terrorismo, obviamente.
Será? Sei não :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: !

Brincadeirinha amigo U-27, bom retorno e grande abraço.

Leandro G. Card

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#3711 Mensagem por Paisano » Dom Mar 27, 2011 12:48 am

U-27 escreveu:se ele é conservador eu sou o que? :shock:

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#3712 Mensagem por Tupi » Dom Mar 27, 2011 9:36 am

U-27 escreveu:
se ele é conservador eu sou o que? :shock:
Um novo CRUZADO!
Seja bem vindo de volta Templario. :wink:

Se na batalha de Passo do Rosário houve controvérsias. As Vitórias em Lara-Quilmes e Monte Santiago, não deixam duvidas de quem às venceu!
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#3713 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Mar 27, 2011 11:14 am

Diferença na prática entre parceria estratégica e aliança:

Aliança: OTAN

Parceria Estratégica:

LÍBIA / FRANÇA - Publicado em: sábado 23 de outubro de 2010
Líbia e França firmam parceria estratégica

Christian Estrosi, o ministro francês da Indústria (G) e Mohammad Alahoij, o ministro da Economia da Líbia, Tripoli, 22 de outubro de 2010.
AFP Turkia / Mahmud ... trategique

Líbia / França: Parceria Estratégica
22/10/2010 ... trategique

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
Carlos Mathias


#3714 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Dom Mar 27, 2011 1:15 pm


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#3715 Mensagem por Pasquale Catozzo » Dom Mar 27, 2011 1:56 pm

Carlos Mathias escreveu:E...?

Pelo que se da para entender, a França vai atacar o Brasil em qualquer momento...

"Gutta cavat lapidem"
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#3716 Mensagem por joao fernando » Dom Mar 27, 2011 2:27 pm

Pasquale Catozzo escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:E...?

Pelo que se da para entender, a França vai atacar o Brasil em qualquer momento...
Acho que se render é mais facil...

Obrigado Lulinha por melar o Gripen-NG
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#3717 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Dom Mar 27, 2011 3:14 pm

Pasquale Catozzo escreveu:
Carlos Mathias escreveu:E...?

Pelo que se da para entender, a França vai atacar o Brasil em qualquer momento...
:twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Apenas o mais sábio e o menos sábio nunca mudam de opinião."
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#3718 Mensagem por Bourne » Dom Mar 27, 2011 3:20 pm

Esses franceses são promíscuos. Firmam parceria estratégia com qualquer um :twisted: :lol:

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#3719 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Mar 27, 2011 3:45 pm

Impressionante como é fácil fazer e desfazer parcerias estratégicas. Essa não durou 6 meses. Terminou em bombardeio.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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#3720 Mensagem por FOXTROT » Dom Mar 27, 2011 6:03 pm

Israel pede explicações à Argentina sobre suposto acordo com Irã
27 de março de 2011 • 17h52

Israel pediu neste domingo à Argentina explicações sobre as informações publicadas em uma revista sobre a existência de um suposto pacto secreto com o Irã para "esquecer" os atentados de 1992 e 1994 contra alvos judeus em Buenos Aires.
"Estamos esperando uma resposta oficial sobre as informações", disse à Agência Efe Yigal Palmor, porta-voz do Ministério de Exteriores israelense, ao se referir às informações.

Com a mesma precaução se expressou Ashley Perry, porta-voz do vice-ministro de Exteriores israelense, Dany Ayalon, que se encontra nos Estados Unidos.

Segundo a revista "Perfil", publicada em Buenos Aires, o Governo da presidente argentina, Cristina Kirchner, "estaria disposto a suspender de fato a investigação dos dois ataques terroristas no país, que destruíram as sedes da embaixada de Israel e da Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Amia) em Buenos Aires" em 1992 e em 1994.

Nos dois atentados, atribuídos por Israel a grupos islamitas relacionados com o Irã, morreram mais de uma centena de pessoas.

"Perfil" baseia sua informação em "um documento até agora secreto", e "recentemente entregue pelo ministro das Relações Exteriores da República Islâmica do Irã, Ali Akbar Salehi, ao presidente Mahmud Ahmadinejad".

"O chanceler iraniano assegura em seu relatório ao presidente Ahmadinejad que a Argentina já não está mais interessada em resolver os dois atentados, mas que por outro lado prefere melhorar suas relações econômicas com o Irã", diz a revista lançada no sábado.

"Só os mortos conhecem o fim da guerra" Platão.