Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#181 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 11:39 am

Para o governo do Japão está "tudo supimpa"... :? :?

The IAEA is now saying that yesterday's explosion at the Fukushima plant may have affected integrity of main containment vessel. (by Reuters)

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#182 Mensagem por Hader » Ter Mar 15, 2011 11:46 am

joao fernando escreveu:Hader, o que eu estava pensando

O problema do Japão, é a distancia (pouca) para qualquer lado. Uma Dutra lá, quase corta todo o pais...
Uma estimativa otimista pode ser considerada a contaminação de um raio de dezenas de km. Uma estimativa catastrófica (da qual duvido) envolveria um raio de mais de 100 km. Isso falando de danos muito importantes.


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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#183 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 11:50 am

Estão detectando radiação (ainda em baixos níveis) na base americana de Yokosuka, 266km de Fukushima.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#184 Mensagem por Anton » Ter Mar 15, 2011 11:57 am

Pro Japão, mesmo uma contaminação de dezenas de km vai ser pesada.
Um pais mais ou menos do tamanho de SP cheio de montanhas, com uma população de 130 milhões.
Vão ter problemas sérios de terras cultiváveis.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#185 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 12:29 pm

Parece que os operários da tepco não conseguem chegar ate o 5 andar do reator 4 pela alta radiação no local, 200 soldados da jgsdf do batalhão de NBc, 50 operários da tepco, + 50 operários da toshiba tentando reparar as bombas de água originais estão dentro da usina.
As 23:58 informaram que os soldados vão tentar retomar o bombeamento de água mas existe um grande risco de uma nova explosão ao ligar o veiculo?
Também estão estudando jogar água por helis encima do reator 4 que parece que tem 2 buracos no teto de 8 metros para tentar encher de água o local que está o combustível retirado do reator 4 armazenado a 3 meses.
Também elevaram as doses máximas exigidas por lei de 15 minutos para 100 Msv para 30 minutos 250 Msv.

Aquilo deve estar um inferno.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#186 Mensagem por Junker » Ter Mar 15, 2011 12:38 pm

Da Der Spiegel, a radiação expelida de Fukushima:


http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natu ... 35,00.html

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#187 Mensagem por rodrigo » Ter Mar 15, 2011 1:33 pm

http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/201103 ... cd10e70100

Red Alert: Radiation Rising and Heading South in Japan

The nuclear reactor situation in Japan has deteriorated significantly. Two more explosions occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on March 15.

The first occurred at 6:10 a.m. local time at reactor No. 2, which had seen nuclear fuel rods exposed for several hours after dropping water levels due to mishaps in the emergency cooling efforts. Within three hours the amount of radiation at the plant rose to 163 times the previously recorded level, according to Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

Elsewhere, radiation levels were said to have reached 400 times the “annual legal limit” at reactor No. 3. Authorities differed on whether the reactor pressure vessel at reactor No. 2 was damaged after the explosion, but said the reactor’s pressure-suppression system may have been damaged possibly allowing a radiation leak. After this, a fire erupted at reactor No. 4 and was subsequently extinguished, according to Kyodo. Kyodo also reported the government has ordered a no-fly zone 30 kilometers around the reactor, and Prime Minister Naoto Kan has expanded to 30 kilometers the range within which citizens should remain indoors and warned that further leaks are possible.

Reports from Japanese media currently tell of rising radiation levels in the areas south and southwest of the troubled plant due to a change in wind direction toward the southwest. Ibaraki prefecture, immediately south of Fukushima, was reported to have higher than normal levels. Chiba prefecture, to the east of Tokyo and connected to the metropolitan area, saw levels reportedly two to four times above the “normal” level. Utsunomiya, Tochigi prefecture, north of Tokyo, reported radiation at 33 times the normal level measured there. Kanagawa prefecture, south of Tokyo, reported radiation at up to nine times the normal level. Finally, a higher than normal amount was reported in Tokyo. The government says radiation levels have reached levels hazardous to human health. Wind direction, temperature, and topography all play a crucial factor in the spread of radioactive materials as well as their diffusion, and wind direction is not easily predictable and constantly shifting, with reports saying it could shift west and then back eastward to sea within the next day. It is impossible to know how reliable these preliminary readings are but they suggest a dramatic worsening as well as a wider spread than at any time since the emergency began.

The Japanese government has announced a 30-kilometer no-fly zone and is expanding evacuation zones and urging the public within a wider area to remain indoors. The situation at the nuclear facility is uncertain, but clearly deteriorating. Currently, the radiation levels do not appear immediately life-threatening outside the 20-kilometer evacuation zone. But if there is a steady northerly wind, the potential for larger-scale evacuations of more populated areas may become a reality. This would present major challenges to the Japanese government. Further, the potential for panic-induced individual evacuations could trigger even greater problems for the government to manage.


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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#188 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 2:08 pm

Imagem mais recente da usina de Fukushima (de hoje):


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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#189 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 2:35 pm

Imagens de 1994 do reator mark I a tampa do silo te 1.9m de espessura e pesa 124 toneladas.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#190 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 3:15 pm

:arrow: Guardian:

The latest news on the state of each of the reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant:

• No. 1: Cooling failure, partial melting of core, vapor vented, hydrogen explosion, seawater pumped in.

• No. 2: Cooling failure, seawater pumped in, fuel rods fully exposed temporarily, vapor vented, damage to containment system, potential meltdown feared.

• No. 3: Cooling failure, partial melting of core feared, vapor vented, seawater pumped in, hydrogen explosion, high-level radiation measured nearby.

• No. 4: Under maintenance when quake struck, fire caused possibly by hydrogen explosion at pool holding spent fuel rods, pool water level feared receding.

• No. 5: Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

• No. 6 - Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#191 Mensagem por akivrx78 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 4:38 pm

Estava assistindo a coletiva a imprensa da agencia nuclear japonesa, o reservatório de combustível do reator 4 a água esta fervendo e existe perigo de os bastões derreterem.
Tentaram entrar pelo buraco aberto na explosão mas a radiação estava a 400Milisv. e o operário fugiu.
Ainda não sabem como conseguir encher de água os bastões armazenados.
Falaram que os sistemas de resfriamento original não funciona por problemas nos sistemas elétricos (se entrou água dentro deve ter queimado tudo???) Para reparar os sistemas pode demorar meses.
Fukushima Dai 1 1,2,3 reatores estão instáveis e todos os 3 reatores os bastões de combustível estão fora da água parcialmente (metade dentro metade fora).
os níveis de radiação aumentou na Fukushima Dai 2 porque houve um problema elétrico e eles tiveram liberar vapor para diminuir a pressão, parece que foi resolvido o problema.
Fukushima Dai 2 somente 1 gerador elétrico esta operacional, se parar......

Esqueceram de reabastecer o veiculo que estava bombando água do mar no reator 2 a decorrência dos fatos todos sabem, mesmo sabendo que o combustível armazenado estava a 80 graus subindo não resfriaram a água deixando ferver...as pessoas acostumadas com sistemas automatizados sem eles como acontece cada erro grotesco...

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#192 Mensagem por tflash » Ter Mar 15, 2011 4:43 pm

Temos que ver que com a falta de sono, cometem-se erros infantis. Aqueles homens estão a fazer aquilo há quanto tempo? Será que tem rendições e tempos de descanso adequados? Eu acho que não.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#193 Mensagem por rodrigo » Ter Mar 15, 2011 5:51 pm

o operário fugiu
Quem está trabalhando dentro da usina está condenado? Em Chernobyl o governo disse que ia ficar tudo bem, e não sobrou ninguém vivo depois.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#194 Mensagem por DELTA22 » Ter Mar 15, 2011 5:53 pm

No nível de radiação atual, eu arriscaria que sim. :?

Só p/ termos um ideia: A 200 metros do sarcófago de Chenobyl, leitura dá aproximadamente 4.3microSv/h (22x normal); hoje, em Fukushima, são 400miliSv/h.

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Re: Terremoto e Tsunami Atingem o Japão

#195 Mensagem por Rodrigoiano » Ter Mar 15, 2011 5:58 pm

Chernobyl clean-up expert slams Japan, IAEA

By Michael Shields

VIENNA | Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:52am EDT

VIENNA (Reuters) - Greed in the nuclear industry and corporate influence over the U.N. watchdog for atomic energy may doom Japan to a spreading nuclear disaster, one of the men brought in to clean up Chernobyl said on Tuesday.

Slamming the Japanese response at Fukushima, Russian nuclear accident specialist Iouli Andreev accused corporations and the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of willfully ignoring lessons from the world's worst nuclear accident 25 years ago to protect the industry's expansion.

"After Chernobyl all the force of the nuclear industry was directed to hide this event, for not creating damage to their reputation. The Chernobyl experience was not studied properly because who has money for studying? Only industry.

"But industry doesn't like it," he said in an interview in Vienna where the former director of the Soviet Spetsatom clean-up agency now teaches and advises on nuclear safety. Austria's environment ministry has used him as an adviser.

Andreev said a fire which released radiation on Tuesday involving spent fuel rods stored close to reactors at Fukushima looked like an example of putting profit before safety:

"The Japanese were very greedy and they used every square inch of the space. But when you have a dense placing of spent fuel in the basin you have a high possibility of fire if the water is removed from the basin," Andreev said.

The IAEA should share blame for standards, he said, arguing it was too close to corporations building and running plants. And he dismissed an emergency incident team set up by the Vienna-based agency as "only a think-tank not a working force":

"This is only a fake organization because every organization which depends on the nuclear industry -- and the IAEA depends on the nuclear industry -- cannot perform properly.

"It always will try to hide the reality.

"The IAEA ... is not interested in the concentration of attention on a possible accident in the nuclear industry. They are totally not interested in all the emergency organisations."

The IAEA had no immediate comment on Andreev's criticism.

Andreev said he understood all too well what the Japanese authorities in Fukushima were going through, and that creative solutions would be needed to contain the leaks.

"It is a situation of quiet panic. I know this situation," he said. "Discipline is the main thing in the industry but the emergency service requires creativity, requires some kind of even fantasy and improvisation."

(Editing by Alastair Macdonald)

Fonte: Reuters

http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/ ... MV20110315
