Marinha da Federação Russa
Moderador: Conselho de Moderação
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- Mensagens: 13539
- Registrado em: Sáb Jun 18, 2005 10:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 56 vezes
- Agradeceram: 201 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Está aqui, aquela classe de 2000t aprox é a 11661 cujo primeiro navio foi lançado em 1998 no estaleiro Gorky na cidade de Zhelenodolsk na república autônoma do Tarstarão, dái ter sido batizada de Tarstaran.
Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
- pt
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3131
- Registrado em: Qua Out 01, 2003 6:42 pm
- Localização: Setubal - Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 161 vezes
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Essa é a Gepard modernizada. O projecto ficou parado durante os anos 90 com uma unidade produzida e creio que uma segunda que ficou pronta em 2002.
Estes navios destinavam-se a substituir as corvetas Koni, mas com o fim da URSS o projecto acabou acabando. Mas trata-se de um projecto antigo.
As Steregushiy são realmente as unicas unidades navais relativamente modernas que a industria naval russa conseguiu produzir de pois do colapso da URSS.
Mas elas têm o mesmo problema das corvetas Barroso da marinha do Brasil. Os russos acham que elas são demasiado pequenas e como o numero de navios que eles vão ter é reduzido, os almirantes preferem optar por navios de maior dimensão.
Estes navios destinavam-se a substituir as corvetas Koni, mas com o fim da URSS o projecto acabou acabando. Mas trata-se de um projecto antigo.
As Steregushiy são realmente as unicas unidades navais relativamente modernas que a industria naval russa conseguiu produzir de pois do colapso da URSS.
Mas elas têm o mesmo problema das corvetas Barroso da marinha do Brasil. Os russos acham que elas são demasiado pequenas e como o numero de navios que eles vão ter é reduzido, os almirantes preferem optar por navios de maior dimensão.
Editado pela última vez por pt em Seg Nov 01, 2010 9:59 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 13539
- Registrado em: Sáb Jun 18, 2005 10:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 56 vezes
- Agradeceram: 201 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
pt escreveu:A fragata Sergei Gorshkov é uma Krivak-IV. As fragatas Krivak foram desenhadas nos anos 60. As Krivak-III foram um desenho modernizado que data dos anos 80. As Krivak-IV são uma pequena modernização relativamente às Krivak-III.PT boa noite, mas vc está equivocado. A cerca de duas semanas foi lançado o prinmeiro navio da classe 22350 Admiral Gorshkov
Há provavelmente mais diferenças entre os equipamentos das Niteroi modernizadas relativamente às Type-21 modificadas dos anos 60 que entre as Krivak-III (com a mesma configuração) e as Krivak-IV.
Os estaleiros de Zelenodolsk ficam na República da Tartária no Mar Cáspio, que é basicamente um lago.
Creio que você fala de um derivado das corvetas da classe Buyan. Mas são navios para lago, não navios de esquadra, com capacidade para operar em alto-mar.
No entanto, se considerarmos os navios para operação em rios e lagos, nesse caso eles poderiam entrar na lista de navios mais recentes, ainda que de todos os navios que foram previstos apenas um tenha sido lançado. Todos os outros foram cancelados.
Se estiver a falar nos Gepard modernizados (que são navios com deslocamento de 2000t) então estamos a falar de um projecto de 1989 com apenas um navio lançado em 1993, havendo navios exportados para o Vietname, que tinham sido cancelados pela Russia no inicio dos anos 90.
É disso que eu falo(Gerpard class), sim , de fato , como coloquei em meu posta acima, o estaleiro fica no Tarstarão, mas ele acaba de vender um derivado da classe supracitada ao Vietnam A Gepard, tb referida como 'PHANTER'
Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
- pt
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3131
- Registrado em: Qua Out 01, 2003 6:42 pm
- Localização: Setubal - Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 161 vezes
- Contato:
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Eu não contesto que eles consigam vender navios para países do terceiro mundo. Venderam duas Gepard para o Vietname.
Eu apenas afirmo que as duas corvetas Steregushiy são os únicos navios realmente modernos que os estaleiros russos produziram desde o colapso da União Soviética.
Aliás, se não tivessem capacidade de produção não tinham vendido fragatas para a India, mas mais uma vez: Trata-se de navios derivados de projectos dos anos 60 (Krivak) e anos 80 (Krivak-III, que derivou na Krivak-IV).
Na prática o primeiro Krivak-IV foi mesmo o primeiro navio da classe indiana Talwar.
É por isso que os próprios responsáveis russos admitem abertamente os problemas.
Nenhum dos conglomerados quer abrir mão e fechar os estaleiros e sem consolidação não há futuro.
Como ninguém resolve coisa nenhuma o Medvedev decidiu tentar encostar alguns dos estaleiros à parede.
É por isso que aparecem os franceses para vender LPD's
E porque você acha que as últimas derivações das Krivak-IV indianas estão equipadas com turbinas General Electric ?
É porque os indianos gostam mais dos olhos dos americanos ?
Eu apenas afirmo que as duas corvetas Steregushiy são os únicos navios realmente modernos que os estaleiros russos produziram desde o colapso da União Soviética.
Aliás, se não tivessem capacidade de produção não tinham vendido fragatas para a India, mas mais uma vez: Trata-se de navios derivados de projectos dos anos 60 (Krivak) e anos 80 (Krivak-III, que derivou na Krivak-IV).
Na prática o primeiro Krivak-IV foi mesmo o primeiro navio da classe indiana Talwar.
É por isso que os próprios responsáveis russos admitem abertamente os problemas.
Nenhum dos conglomerados quer abrir mão e fechar os estaleiros e sem consolidação não há futuro.
Como ninguém resolve coisa nenhuma o Medvedev decidiu tentar encostar alguns dos estaleiros à parede.
É por isso que aparecem os franceses para vender LPD's
E porque você acha que as últimas derivações das Krivak-IV indianas estão equipadas com turbinas General Electric ?
É porque os indianos gostam mais dos olhos dos americanos ?
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 13539
- Registrado em: Sáb Jun 18, 2005 10:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 56 vezes
- Agradeceram: 201 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Em linhas gerais vc está correto pt, e não quero transformar isso em polêmica porque estamos apenas debatendo. Mas o que é inaceitável é partir do princípio que tudo que vem de lá está defasado. Se formos comparar com uma classe Vysby da vida então de fato, quase nada escapará em termos de navios de qde. tonelagem, no que se refere a inovações embarcadas, seja na arquitetura, ou em sistemas embarcados, sensores e armas. Mas qdo. falamos de capacidades a coisa muda de figura, e mesmo navios cujo projeto remonta a década de 70(por exemplo o Petr Velyiky) não encontram paralelo, no ocidente e mesmo(isso deve ser dito) a simples possibilidade de enfretamente de um único vaso da classe enseja, por parte de qq marinha ocidental uma nova abordagem tá escreveu:Eu não contesto que eles consigam vender navios para países do terceiro mundo. Venderam duas Gepard para o Vietname.
Eu apenas afirmo que as duas corvetas Steregushiy são os únicos navios realmente modernos que os estaleiros russos produziram desde o colapso da União Soviética.
Aliás, se não tivessem capacidade de produção não tinham vendido fragatas para a India, mas mais uma vez: Trata-se de navios derivados de projectos dos anos 60 (Krivak) e anos 80 (Krivak-III, que derivou na Krivak-IV).
Na prática o primeiro Krivak-IV foi mesmo o primeiro navio da classe indiana Talwar.
É por isso que os próprios responsáveis russos admitem abertamente os problemas.
Nenhum dos conglomerados quer abrir mão e fechar os estaleiros e sem consolidação não há futuro.
Como ninguém resolve coisa nenhuma o Medvedev decidiu tentar encostar alguns dos estaleiros à parede.
É por isso que aparecem os franceses para vender LPD's
Todas as declarações da nomeklatura russa tem vindo a entender que, em termos de inserção de tecnologia, os anos de 2011/12 serão o momento da virada para a Marinha russa, no que se refere ao batimento de quilha de novos Projetos. Aguardemos então.
Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
- pt
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 3131
- Registrado em: Qua Out 01, 2003 6:42 pm
- Localização: Setubal - Portugal
- Agradeceu: 1 vez
- Agradeceram: 161 vezes
- Contato:
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
WalterGaudério ->
Não há nenhum problema em discutir as questões abertamente. Acontece que só parte do principio de que tudo o que vem de lá está desactualizado, quem não vê com atenção os comentários.
Existe uma torcida russófila de tal modo fanática e desinformada, que leva a que se inventem afirmações que nunca foram proferidas.
Essa torcida lembra o periodo da guerra fria, em que também se mediam os sistemas soviéticos e americanos taco-a-taco, para ver quem saía melhor.
Nos dias de hoje, tal torcida é completamente anacrónica e acima de tudo desinforma (e muitas vezes mente).
Há realidades sobre a industria russa que não podem ser escamoteadas nem escondidas.
A mudança na marinha da Russia não depende da Nomenklatura, principalmente se a entendermos como no periodo soviético.
As coisas são muito diferentes e é preciso ler com atenção o que se passa para poder entender.
Uma coisa é uma marinha de representação com grandes navios, para a politica externa. Essa marinha pode utilizar navios como os Kirov (Atomny Rakety Kreiser, desenhado nos ano 60).
Mas essa marinha é total e completamente inutil.
É uma marinha soviética desenhada para a guerra que ía acabar com o mundo e com a raça humana.
São navios da guerra fria e acima de tudo são os navios que fariam a guerra fria virar quente.
Disparariam os seus mísseis atómicos e seriam destruídos com mísseis atómicos ou torpedos americanos e pronto, acabava o mundo.
Mas o mundo de hoje não é o mesmo. A Rússia precisa de navios muito mais pequenos, que não vão lutar a guerra final e lançar os últimos mísseis atómicos contra América quando a Rússia já foi destruida pelos americanos. Em 2008 para enviar uma fragata para o Indico, eles levaram um mês.
Hoje eles precisam de navios da dimensão de fragatas com grande autonomia que possam enviar para patrulhar regiões remotas. Eles não têm esses navios e precisam de navios novos, pensados para novas realidades. E não é com navios com quarenta anos que vão fazer isso.
E é por isso que todos os projectos até hoje acabam sendo cancelados.
Aliás, o problema russo já nem são os europeus, nem sequer os americanos, o problema russo é a China e em certa medida o Japão.
E não adianta dourar a pilula e dizer que eles são isto e aquilo, ou colocar smileys em profusão a servir de argumento, quando os próprios russos dizem exactamente o que há muito tempo eu e outros como eu vimos dizendo.
Tudo se confirmou. Os russos estão interessados na aquisição de LPD's, já avisaram que poderiam estar interessados nos submarinos U212 alemães e mesmo em fragatas (eventualmente francesas).
Mas ainda existem resistentes (é normal, se até no Defesa Brasil eles existem, imagine na Russia)...
Eles fazem parte de sectores que defendem que a industria russa não pode ser abandonada e que o país não pode ficar dependente da tecnologia ocidental.
Mas ao mesmo tempo não são capazes de desenvolver os novos sistemas, muitas vezes não por falta de capacidade técnica, mas por falta de suporte industrial nos vários níveis de desenvolvimento.
Entre os resistentes está o Loby ligado à Rosoboronexport e por via indirecta ao Putin.
A presente situação representa também um conflito dentro do principal partido da Russia.
A maior parte das pessoas não entende o que é um protótipo e qual é a diferença entre um protótipo e uma unidade de pré-produção. Eles são capazes de produzir protótipos mas depois nem conseguem produzir unidades de pré-produção (nem para falar de produção normal).
A industria Russa não tem conseguido responder e muitos generais russos estão a ficar irritados. A URSS já acabou há vinte anos, e eles continuam com a maior parte do material preparado para combater a guerra que a URSS esperava combater há vinte anos atrás.
O mais incrível, é que há neste fórum pessoas que deveriam ir para a Rússia, explicar aos russos que o que eles dizem é tudo mentira.
Eu apenas me limito a frisar as contradições.
Não há nenhum problema em discutir as questões abertamente. Acontece que só parte do principio de que tudo o que vem de lá está desactualizado, quem não vê com atenção os comentários.
Existe uma torcida russófila de tal modo fanática e desinformada, que leva a que se inventem afirmações que nunca foram proferidas.
Essa torcida lembra o periodo da guerra fria, em que também se mediam os sistemas soviéticos e americanos taco-a-taco, para ver quem saía melhor.
Nos dias de hoje, tal torcida é completamente anacrónica e acima de tudo desinforma (e muitas vezes mente).
Há realidades sobre a industria russa que não podem ser escamoteadas nem escondidas.
A mudança na marinha da Russia não depende da Nomenklatura, principalmente se a entendermos como no periodo soviético.
As coisas são muito diferentes e é preciso ler com atenção o que se passa para poder entender.
Uma coisa é uma marinha de representação com grandes navios, para a politica externa. Essa marinha pode utilizar navios como os Kirov (Atomny Rakety Kreiser, desenhado nos ano 60).
Mas essa marinha é total e completamente inutil.
É uma marinha soviética desenhada para a guerra que ía acabar com o mundo e com a raça humana.
São navios da guerra fria e acima de tudo são os navios que fariam a guerra fria virar quente.
Disparariam os seus mísseis atómicos e seriam destruídos com mísseis atómicos ou torpedos americanos e pronto, acabava o mundo.
Mas o mundo de hoje não é o mesmo. A Rússia precisa de navios muito mais pequenos, que não vão lutar a guerra final e lançar os últimos mísseis atómicos contra América quando a Rússia já foi destruida pelos americanos. Em 2008 para enviar uma fragata para o Indico, eles levaram um mês.
Hoje eles precisam de navios da dimensão de fragatas com grande autonomia que possam enviar para patrulhar regiões remotas. Eles não têm esses navios e precisam de navios novos, pensados para novas realidades. E não é com navios com quarenta anos que vão fazer isso.
E é por isso que todos os projectos até hoje acabam sendo cancelados.
Aliás, o problema russo já nem são os europeus, nem sequer os americanos, o problema russo é a China e em certa medida o Japão.
E não adianta dourar a pilula e dizer que eles são isto e aquilo, ou colocar smileys em profusão a servir de argumento, quando os próprios russos dizem exactamente o que há muito tempo eu e outros como eu vimos dizendo.
Tudo se confirmou. Os russos estão interessados na aquisição de LPD's, já avisaram que poderiam estar interessados nos submarinos U212 alemães e mesmo em fragatas (eventualmente francesas).
Mas ainda existem resistentes (é normal, se até no Defesa Brasil eles existem, imagine na Russia)...
Eles fazem parte de sectores que defendem que a industria russa não pode ser abandonada e que o país não pode ficar dependente da tecnologia ocidental.
Mas ao mesmo tempo não são capazes de desenvolver os novos sistemas, muitas vezes não por falta de capacidade técnica, mas por falta de suporte industrial nos vários níveis de desenvolvimento.
Entre os resistentes está o Loby ligado à Rosoboronexport e por via indirecta ao Putin.
A presente situação representa também um conflito dentro do principal partido da Russia.
A maior parte das pessoas não entende o que é um protótipo e qual é a diferença entre um protótipo e uma unidade de pré-produção. Eles são capazes de produzir protótipos mas depois nem conseguem produzir unidades de pré-produção (nem para falar de produção normal).
A industria Russa não tem conseguido responder e muitos generais russos estão a ficar irritados. A URSS já acabou há vinte anos, e eles continuam com a maior parte do material preparado para combater a guerra que a URSS esperava combater há vinte anos atrás.
O mais incrível, é que há neste fórum pessoas que deveriam ir para a Rússia, explicar aos russos que o que eles dizem é tudo mentira.
Eu apenas me limito a frisar as contradições.
- saullo
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 2930
- Registrado em: Qui Jun 21, 2007 6:09 pm
- Agradeceu: 557 vezes
- Agradeceram: 185 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Muito esclarecedor e vai de encontro com o que tenho percebido, principalmente depois de falarem em comprar LPD, é sinal de que algo não vai tão bem para quem já fez navios bem mais escreveu:WalterGaudério ->
Não há nenhum problema em discutir as questões abertamente. Acontece que só parte do principio de que tudo o que vem de lá está desactualizado, quem não vê com atenção os comentários.
Existe uma torcida russófila de tal modo fanática e desinformada, que leva a que se inventem afirmações que nunca foram proferidas.
Essa torcida lembra o periodo da guerra fria, em que também se mediam os sistemas soviéticos e americanos taco-a-taco, para ver quem saía melhor.
Nos dias de hoje, tal torcida é completamente anacrónica e acima de tudo desinforma (e muitas vezes mente).
Há realidades sobre a industria russa que não podem ser escamoteadas nem escondidas.
A mudança na marinha da Russia não depende da Nomenklatura, principalmente se a entendermos como no periodo soviético.
As coisas são muito diferentes e é preciso ler com atenção o que se passa para poder entender.
Uma coisa é uma marinha de representação com grandes navios, para a politica externa. Essa marinha pode utilizar navios como os Kirov (Atomny Rakety Kreiser, desenhado nos ano 60).
Mas essa marinha é total e completamente inutil.
É uma marinha soviética desenhada para a guerra que ía acabar com o mundo e com a raça humana.
São navios da guerra fria e acima de tudo são os navios que fariam a guerra fria virar quente.
Disparariam os seus mísseis atómicos e seriam destruídos com mísseis atómicos ou torpedos americanos e pronto, acabava o mundo.
Mas o mundo de hoje não é o mesmo. A Rússia precisa de navios muito mais pequenos, que não vão lutar a guerra final e lançar os últimos mísseis atómicos contra América quando a Rússia já foi destruida pelos americanos. Em 2008 para enviar uma fragata para o Indico, eles levaram um mês.
Hoje eles precisam de navios da dimensão de fragatas com grande autonomia que possam enviar para patrulhar regiões remotas. Eles não têm esses navios e precisam de navios novos, pensados para novas realidades. E não é com navios com quarenta anos que vão fazer isso.
E é por isso que todos os projectos até hoje acabam sendo cancelados.
Aliás, o problema russo já nem são os europeus, nem sequer os americanos, o problema russo é a China e em certa medida o Japão.
E não adianta dourar a pilula e dizer que eles são isto e aquilo, ou colocar smileys em profusão a servir de argumento, quando os próprios russos dizem exactamente o que há muito tempo eu e outros como eu vimos dizendo.
Tudo se confirmou. Os russos estão interessados na aquisição de LPD's, já avisaram que poderiam estar interessados nos submarinos U212 alemães e mesmo em fragatas (eventualmente francesas).
Mas ainda existem resistentes (é normal, se até no Defesa Brasil eles existem, imagine na Russia)...
Eles fazem parte de sectores que defendem que a industria russa não pode ser abandonada e que o país não pode ficar dependente da tecnologia ocidental.
Mas ao mesmo tempo não são capazes de desenvolver os novos sistemas, muitas vezes não por falta de capacidade técnica, mas por falta de suporte industrial nos vários níveis de desenvolvimento.
Entre os resistentes está o Loby ligado à Rosoboronexport e por via indirecta ao Putin.
A presente situação representa também um conflito dentro do principal partido da Russia.
A maior parte das pessoas não entende o que é um protótipo e qual é a diferença entre um protótipo e uma unidade de pré-produção. Eles são capazes de produzir protótipos mas depois nem conseguem produzir unidades de pré-produção (nem para falar de produção normal).
A industria Russa não tem conseguido responder e muitos generais russos estão a ficar irritados. A URSS já acabou há vinte anos, e eles continuam com a maior parte do material preparado para combater a guerra que a URSS esperava combater há vinte anos atrás.
O mais incrível, é que há neste fórum pessoas que deveriam ir para a Rússia, explicar aos russos que o que eles dizem é tudo mentira.
Eu apenas me limito a frisar as contradições.
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55312
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2765 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2446 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
descoberto noutro forum:
Magazine "Authority"? 29 (832)
Where is Russia's navy
The face of Russia's navy near future - for example, sample 2015, when will the current operating state armaments program - already some clear specialists. Enough to see which vessels are being built for the Navy now, because only they will go to the fleet in the next five years. Day of the Navy "Power" has decided to give readers the opportunity.
Navy did not accidentally considered one of the most conservative and inertial military spheres. Already from the very process of shipbuilding anything else we should not wait: the design, and construction lasts for years and decades. Therefore, it is safe to say that is exactly what is now on the stocks, will be the main component of Russia's Navy combat-ready by 2015. For now, the average age of existing ships is already more than 20 years, ie after 5-10 years, all these veterans will be little in the can.
However, the same facts and figures of modern Russia's shipbuilding reality can be interpreted in exactly the opposite. For example, you could write: "It is similar to the delivery of the submarine fleet headaches of various types. Tangible completion strike capability of the Navy will project 955 submarine missile carrier Yuri Dolgoruky, 885 multipurpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk with cruise missiles" Onyx "and silent diesel Lada "677-year project.
Or you may like this: "It is similar to the delivery of the submarine fleet headaches of various types. But it is unclear what to do with the replenishment of: Project 955 for the missile is not ready to launch the Bulava, because of underfunding may postpone planned for 2011 commissioning of the project 885 ( and so under construction for 16 years), the Lada is still not working sonar system and the main power plant. "
You can rejoice that the 16 shipyards are building for the entire 38 Navy ships, submarines, boats and vessels of 25 different projects, developed 11 design bureaus. This will provide support at the appropriate level of design and production school and will maintain a balance between different classes of ships within the fleet.
To this we can reply that nowhere in the world is such a "zoo". It is unclear as to ensure the repair and supply spare parts for such a variety of types of craft. Already, for example, the Navy of Russia is just eight patrol - but seven different projects! And soon it should add to the eighth - Frigate project 22350. And this despite the fact that throughout the world are building as small as possible ???????, but most large batches - in order to reduce the cost of construction and operation.
Around this debate are the admirals with independent experts, and it can carry on indefinitely. And both sides are right. But there are things to argue about which is difficult. For example, that the main threat to Russia's Navy is not coming from the Pentagon or the British Admiralty. The main threat lies in the purely plain areas - financial. Even at the peak of oil prices construction and laying ships were financed with tangible disruptions, and with the onset of the crisis further stalled. Now the money is spent not on the tab of new ships, and on the completion of already laid. So admirals, daydreaming about marine aircraft complexes (abbreviated - the MAC, so now are called carriers of the future), yet have to deal with the completion of most other MAC - both in the Soviet period designated small artillery ships. As is known, the rank below the ships do not exist.
Project ships under construction
Ships 1.3 ranks
Ballistic missile submarine appointment Project 955 "Borey"
A Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in the "Rubin" (St. Petersburg). Water displacement 24 000 (according to other sources, 17 000) m, surface - 14 700 t. Length 170 m, width 13,5 m, draft 9 (10) m. Speed full submerged speed - up to 29 knots. Equipped with a single-shaft turbine nuclear power plant with capacity of 40-50 thousand liters. with. (reported by public sources on the boat is set reactor OK-OK-650B or 650V heat capacity of about 200 MW, there is a project to install new versions 955A monoblock type reactor PCF is about the same power). The boat also has a propulsive "Pump-jet" water-jet type.
Armament: 16 (on a modernized version of the 955A, according to some sources, 20) launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles R-30 Bulava, 6 torpedo tubes. The crew of 107 people (including 55 officers).
At present, construction of three submarines of this project, announced the construction of a total of eight "Boreas."
Yuri Dolgoruky
Construct JSC "Production Association" Northern Machine Building Enterprise "(PO Sevmash, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region).. Serial number 201. Laid down: November 2, 1996, launched on February 13, 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009. At the present time is running tests.
"Alexander Nevsky"
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 202. Laid down 19 March 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Vladimir Monomakh (project 955A)
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 203. Laid down 19 March 2006. Delivery of the fleet is expected in 2013-2015, respectively.
Multipurpose nuclear submarine project 885 (08850) "Ash"
Designed in Marine Design Bureau "Malachite" (St. Petersburg). Water displacement 13 800 (according to other sources, 11 800) m, surface - 11 740 (8600), Vol length of 120 m, width 12 (15) m, draft 8.4 (10) m. Speed full submerged speed up to 31 node . Equipped with a single-shaft turbine nuclear power plant with capacity of 40-50 thousand liters. with. (monobloc type reactor PCF heat capacity of about 200 MW). The boat also installed propulsive "Pump-jet" water-jet type.
Armament: 8 universal launchers, where, according to open sources, can accommodate up to 32 (according to other sources, up to 24) anti-ship missiles P-800 "Onyx" (with a range up to 300 miles) or developed a new type of missile, and 8 torpedo vehicles (with the possibility of launching cruise missiles). The crew of 85 people.
Currently under construction, two submarines of this project, announced the construction of six "clear." The second and subsequent boats, according to open sources, will be based on modernized draft 885M (08851) "Ash-M.
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 160. Laid down 21 December 1993. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011. In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - K-329.
"Kazan" (Project 885M)
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 161. Laid down 24 July 2009 *.
* Tab was made after the signing of this issue of "authority" in print.
Submarine Project 677 "Lada"
A Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in the "Rubin" (St. Petersburg). Underwater displacement of about 2650-2700 m, surface - 1765 tons Length 66.8 m, width 7,1 m, draft 6,5 m Speed full submerged speed - up to 21 knots, cruising range of 650 miles under water, in the mode " diesel operation under water "- 6000 miles. Equipped with a diesel-electric power plant (the main ridge of the electric power of about 5500 liters. Pp. And two diesel-generator 28DG to 1700 liters. Pp. Each).
Armament: 6 torpedo tubes (with the possibility of launching cruise missiles). The crew of 35 people.
At present, construction of three submarines of this project, announced the construction of eight LAD.
B-585 "St. Petersburg"
Construct JSC Admiralty Shipyards (St. Petersburg). Serial number 01570. Laid down 26 December 1997, launched on October 28, 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010. At the present time is running tests.
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Serial number 01571. Laid down 28 July 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2013. In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - B-586.
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Serial number 01572. Laid down 10 November 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2015. Previously mentioned in the media as "Petrozavodsk". In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - B-587.
Frigate (large patrol craft), Project 22350
A Northern Design Bureau (St. Petersburg). Designed to perform anti-submarine and strike missions. Total displacement of about 4500 tons, length about 135 m, width of about 16 m, draft 4,5 m. Speed full speed about 30 knots, cruising range of more than 4000 miles. Power diesel gas turbine power plant about 65 thousand liters. with. (two units M55R diesel engine 10D49 capacity of 5200 liters. pp. M90FR and gas turbine engine power 27 500 liters. with. in each).
Armament: as reported in open sources, 8 anti-ship missile launchers (possibly up to 24 missiles P-800 "Onyx" with a range of 300 miles or developed a new type of cruise missiles), 130-mm artillery plant A-192, anti-missile system Mole-2, anti-aircraft missile complex "Tornado missile 9M317 or the latest SAM missile 9M96 (originally reported on the installation of a frigate SAM" Hurricane "and" saber "), a helicopter. The crew of about 180 (according to other data, 210) people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, the Navy announced the order of up to 20 frigates of this type for 20 years.
"Admiral Gorshkov"
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg). Serial number 921. Laid down: February 1, 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Corvette (frigate) Project 20380
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz" (St. Petersburg). Designed to perform escort and strike missions in the near sea area, patrolling coastal waters, patrol service. Total displacement 2220 tons, length 104.5 meters, width 13 m, draft 7,95 m. The speed full speed to 27 knots, cruising range of 3500-4000 miles. Power diesel power plant of 24 thousand liters. with. (two diesel-diesel unit DDA-12000 - two engine 16D49 each).
Armament: missile system "Uranus", including 8 launchers, anti-ship missile 3M24 (range up to 130 km), 100-mm artillery plant A-190 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, anti-aircraft missile and artillery system "dirk-M (on the new versions will install new corvette SAM missile 9M96), anti-torpedo complex "package", the helicopter. The crew of 99 employees.
February 27, 2008 in the RF Navy became the lead ship of the project - "Steregushchy." Currently under construction, four similar corvette. Navy announced an order for a total of 20 such ships.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1002. Laid down 20 May 2003. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1003. Laid down 27 July 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Komsomolsk-na-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory). Serial No. 2101. Laid down 30 June 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2015.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1004. Laid down 10 November 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Frigate project 11661K
A Zelenodolsk design bureau (Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan). Designed to perform escort tasks, patrolling coastal waters, patrol service. Total displacement 1930 (according to other data, 2090) t, length 102,1 meters, width 13,76 m, draft 4,4 m. Speed full speed to 28 knots, cruising range of about 3500 miles. Power diesel gas turbine power plant of 34 thousand liters. with. (61D diesel engine capacity of 8 thousand liters. pp. and two gas turbine engine to 13 thousand liters. pp. each).
Armament: missile system "Uranus", including 8 launchers, anti-ship missile 3M24 (range up to 130 km), 76-mm artillery installation AK-176 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, anti-aircraft missile system "Osa-MA2. The crew of 109 people (including 21 officers).
July 12, 2002 in the RF Navy entered the lead ship of the project - "Tatarstan". Currently, the Defense Russia to build another similar patrol.
Construct OAO Zelenodolsk Plant. Gorky (Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan). Serial number 952. Laid down in 1992 (under the name MRS-201), launched in 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Small artillery ship project 21630 "Brawler"
A Zelenodolsk design bureau. Designed for patrol and protection of coastal waters. Full displacement 500 tons, length 62 m, width 9,6 m, draft 2 m. The speed full speed 26-29 knots, range 1500 miles. Power diesel power plant about 10 thousand (according to other data, 16 thousand) liters. with. (two engines M507D). It is expected that, beginning with the third ship of this type, "Brawler" will be equipped with diesel-gas turbine power plant (gas turbine engine M75RU capacity of 7 thousand liters. Pp.)
Armament: 100-mm artillery plant A-190 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-306, 122-mm multiple rocket launchers "Grad-M, anti-aircraft missile launcher" flexible ". The crew of 48 people (including 5 officers).
September 1, 2006 in the RF Navy entered the lead ship of the project - "Astrakhan". Currently under construction are two "Skipper", announced an order for a total of 10 such ships.
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Company "Almaz" (St. Petersburg). Serial number 702. Laid down 23 February 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010. Previously, was named Caspian.
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Company "Almaz". Serial number 703. Laid down 24 March 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010.
Basic trawler Project 12700 "Alexandrite"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". It is intended for search, trawling and destruction of mines in coastal and near-sea area. Full displacement 620 tons, length 51,75 m, width 10,2 m, draft 2,68 m. The speed full speed of 15 knots, range 1500 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 2500 liters. with.
Armament: 30-millimeter gun mount AK-306, MANPADS "Igla", 2 machine-gun installation, the system will find and destroy mines. The crew of 41 people.
Currently under construction two ships of this projectYes.
Construct OAO Medium-Nevsky Shipyard (St. Petersburg). Laid down in 2002. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct OAO Medium-Nevsky Shipyard. Laid down in 2004.
Large landing ship project 11771
A Nevsky Design Bureau (St. Petersburg). Suitable for transporting and landing troops. Full displacement 4500-5000 tons, length 120 m, width 16,5 m, draft 3,6 m. Speed full speed of 18 knots, range 3500 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 4 thousand liters. with. (engine 10D49).
Armament: two 122-mm multiple rocket launchers, 76-mm artillery installation AK-176 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, 1-2 helicopters. Can carry 13 tanks or 36 armored personnel carriers and up to 300 paratroopers. The crew of about 100 people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, announced an order for a total of six such BDK.
"Vice-Admiral Ivan Gren"
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar (Kaliningrad). Serial number 301. Laid down 23 December 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Small landing craft air cavity of the project 21820 "Dugong"
A CDB for hydrofoil craft them. R. E. Alekseeva (Nizhny Novgorod). Suitable for transporting and landing troops. Full displacement 230 tons, length 45 m, width 7,6 m, draft 2,2 m. Speed full speed to 50 knots. It is planned to equip the "Dugong" diesel-gas turbine power plant (gas turbine engine M70FRU capacity of 14 thousand liters. Pp.). Originally planned to be installed on board a diesel power plant with capacity of 18 thousand liters. with. (two diesel engines M507A-2D).
It can carry 140 tons of cargo, including paratroopers and military equipment (tanks, three or five APCs). The crew of 6 people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, announced an order up to ten "dugong."
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant "Volga" (Nizhny Novgorod). Serial number 811. Laid down 21 February 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Boats 4-th rank
Landing craft air cavity of the project 11770 "Serna"
A CDB for hydrofoil craft them. R. E. Alexeev. Total displacement 99.7 (according to other data, 105) m, length 25,6 m, width 5,8 m, draft 1,52 m. The speed full speed of 30 knots, cruising range of 600 miles. Power diesel power plant of 8 thousand liters. with. (2 diesels M503A to 4 thousand liters. Pp.).
Armament it. It can carry a tank or 2 APCs and 92 paratroopers. The crew of 5 persons.
To date, built about seven boats of this project is built one more "Serna".
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant "Volga". Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Construct JSC East Wharf "(Vladivostok). Serial No. 3001. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Auxiliary ship
Vessel connection project 18280
Developed by Central Design Bureau "Iceberg" (St. Petersburg). Designed for communication and control a fleet of radio reconnaissance and electronic warfare. Total displacement of about 4000 tons, length 95 m, width 16 m, draft of about 4 meters is equipped with a diesel power plant (engine 8CHN30/38).
Armament - air defense system. The crew of about 120 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced an order for a total of two ships of the project 18280.
Admiral Yuri Ivanov "
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial number 787. Incorporated December 27, 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Salvage ship project 21300S
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for search and rescue, diving and underwater engineering works. Total displacement 5310 (according to other data, 5037) m, length 105.1 (107.3) m, width of 17,2 m. The speed full speed to 15 knots, cruising range of about 3000 miles. Equipped with diesel electric power plant (six diesel generators and two propulsion motors).
The vessel placed various manned and remotely operated deep sea vehicles, diving complex, deep-sea diving suits to work, hyperbaric chambers and other rescue equipment, helicopter. Armament: man-portable air defense systems. Crew 99 (97) persons.
Currently being built one vessel of this type, announced an order for a total of four vessels of the project 21300S.
Igor Belousov "
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Incorporated December 24, 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Naval Weapons Project 21130 "Diskant"
A CDB "Iceberg". Designed for transport and handling of missiles and other weapons of the Navy. Total displacement of about 7000 tons, length 116 m.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project.
Construct Amur Shipbuilding Plant. Serial No. 2130. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Naval Weapons (search-and-transport ship) project 20180
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for the transport, handling, towing, security testing of marine equipment and weapons, search and rescue operations. Total displacement 5400 tons, length about 100 m. The speed full speed to 14 knots.
Armament it. The crew of 65 persons.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project.
"The Star"
Construct a "Center for repair" Little Star ". Serial number 01218. Incorporated September 3, 2004, launched on December 20, 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
At the present time is running tests.
The vessel loader project 20360 "Dubnyak"
Developed by KB Design ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). Designed for the transport and transshipment of arms and other goods. Total displacement 1985 tons, length 61,5 m, width 15,7 m, draft 3,1 m. Speed full speed 10.5 knots. Power diesel power plant 1100-1200 liters. with. (two engines Deutz BF8M1015MC germanskogo production capacity of about 600 liters. pp. each).
Armament it. The crew of 23 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced the order of the two "Dubnyak.
Construct "Okskaya Shipyard (Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod Region).. Incorporated March 31, 2005, launched in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Training ship project 12441U "Thunder"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz" originally as a guard ship, then because of financial and technical difficulties as it agreed to finish building the school. Intended for training sailors and developing new models of arms and marine equipment. Full Displacement 2,900 tons (hereinafter specified parameters for the initial project), length 121 m, width 14,1 m, draft 9,3 m. Speed full speed up to 31 node, range up to 4800 miles. Power turbine power plant of 49 thousand liters. with. (according to published data, the ship has two gas turbines marching M-62M to 6 thousand liters. pp. and two-burner gas turbines, M-90 for 18,5 thousand liters. pp. each).
The initial project was planned to have a patrol with rockets, artillery, anti-submarine, anti-aircraft complexes of different types of helicopter, but due to redevelopment in the training ship of weapons will in all probability, reduced to a minimum. The crew of 210 people (on the original draft).
Currently the project is built one ship 12441U.
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar". Serial No. 1900. Laid down 25 July 1997 as a patrol ship "Novik" (renamed in 2004). Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Opytovoe ship Project 11982
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Intended for testing of new technology (including manned autonomous and nonautonomous deep-water craft), search and rescue, scientific research and oceanographic studies. Total displacement 1117 tons, length 59,7 m, width of 10.8 m. The speed full speed to 13 knots, cruising range of 1000 miles.
Armament it. The crew of 25 people (16 sailors and scientific staff of 9 persons).
Currently being built one ship of this project.
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar". Incorporated July 8, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Marine rescue tug Project 22030
A KB designing ships Vympel. Suitable for towing ships and vessels in high seas, harbors and roads, assisting ships and vessels in distress, fighting fires. Total displacement of about 1400-1500 m, length 56,8 m, width 11,8 m, draft 3,7 m. Speed full speed 14,3 knot, range 4000 miles. Power plant capacity of about 6 thousand liters. with. (three diesel-generator).
Armament it. The crew of 19 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced the order of three tugs.
Construct Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant. Walozhen June 16, 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Marine rescue tug draft 745MB "Walrus"
A CDB Baltsudoproject "(St. Petersburg). Suitable for towing ships and vessels in high seas, harbors and roads, assisting ships and vessels in distress, fighting fires. Total displacement 1390 (according to other sources, about 1600) m, length 56,5 m, width 12,65 m, draft 4,3 m speed full speed to 14 knots. Power plant capacity of about 2500-3000 liters. with. (internal combustion engine Belgian 8DZC rowing and motor).
Weapons: Possible placement of 30-millimeter guns AK-230. The crew of 22 people.
Since 1972, the project has built 21 lift 745 and 19 border guard ships project 745P. Currently under construction two ships of this project (in the modification of 745MB), announced an order for a total of four "walrus.
Construct OJSC "Shipyard" Vympel (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region). Serial number 442. Laid down on the project 745P. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct OAO Zelenodolsk Plant. Gorky. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
A small survey vessel Project 19910
Developed by KB Design ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). Designed for hydrographic work, installation and maintenance of navigation equipment. Full displacement 1000-1200 tons, length 56,4 m, width 11,17 m, draft 2,94 m. The speed full speed of 12 knots, range 2000 miles. Power diesel-electric power plant of about 3000 liters. with. (two diesel generator GDG-1000 made in Germany).
Armament it. The crew of 17 people.
The parent vessel ( "Vaigach") joined the fleet in 2008. Currently being built one vessel of this type, announced an order for a total of four vessels of the project 19910.
Viktor Faleev "
Construct JSC East Wharf "(Vladivostok). Serial No. 2001. Laid down 24 October 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Large hydrographic boat of 19920 (19920B)
A KB designing ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). It is intended to survey the bottom topography in coastal areas, and other hydrographic studies. Total displacement 249.4 m, length 34.5 (according to other data, 36,54) m, width 7.6 (7.9) m, draft 2 m. The speed full speed of 11 knots, range 1000 miles. Power diesel power plant is about 650 liters. with. (two engines 6CHNSP18 or Germanic Deutz BF6M1015).
Armament it. The crew of 11 people.
The head-cutter of the project BGK-2090 joined the Navy in 2008. Currently under construction a boat of this type.
BGK 797
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant. October Revolution "(Blagoveshchensk, Amur region.). Serial number 701. Laid down 17 October 2006, launched in July 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Service and crew boat project 21270 Puffin
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for making naval parades, delivery of command ships and other festive events. Full displacement 103 tons, length 27,4 m, width 6,5 m, draft 1,75 m. The speed full speed to 22 knots, cruising range of 350 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 2700 liters. with. (two engines M470).
Armament it. It can carry up to 12 passengers. The crew of 6 people.
Since 2003, built three boats of this project, currently under construction, one "savages".
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial number 854. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Raid lift project 90600
Developed by JSC "Leningrad Shipyard" Pella ". Suitable for towing boats and ships in the harbor, the roads and in coastal areas. Total displacement of about 400 tons, length 25,5 m, width 8,8 m, draft 3,5 m. Speed full speed of 12 knots, range 3000 miles. Power plant capacity of about 2700 liters. with. (two engines).
Armament it. The crew of 8 persons.
Since 2003, built 18 tugs Project 90600 (including one for the Navy of Russia). Currently under construction 2 vessels of the project, announced by order of RF Navy a total of five tugs.
Construct OAO Leningrad Shipyard "Pella". Serial number 919. Laid down in 2009, launched on March 25, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Construct OAO Leningrad Shipyard "Pella". Serial number 920. Laid down in 2009, launched on July 2, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Project 12150 patrol boat "Mongoose"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for patrol and search and rescue operations. Total displacement of about 30 tons, length 18,7 m, width 4,4 m, draft 1,2 m. Speed full speed about 50 knots, cruising range of about 400 miles. Power diesel power plant around 2700 (according to other data, 3500) l. with. (two engines).
Armament: guns, possibly placing missile complex "Whirlwind" (range up to 10 km) and man-portable air defense systems. The crew of 6 people.
For the Border Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Navy built more than a dozen such boats (including one for the Navy). Currently, the Defense Ministry built one "Mongoose".
Construct OJSC "Shipyard" Vympel "" serial number 02607. Laid down: January 2, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Magazine "Authority"? 29 (832)
Where is Russia's navy
The face of Russia's navy near future - for example, sample 2015, when will the current operating state armaments program - already some clear specialists. Enough to see which vessels are being built for the Navy now, because only they will go to the fleet in the next five years. Day of the Navy "Power" has decided to give readers the opportunity.
Navy did not accidentally considered one of the most conservative and inertial military spheres. Already from the very process of shipbuilding anything else we should not wait: the design, and construction lasts for years and decades. Therefore, it is safe to say that is exactly what is now on the stocks, will be the main component of Russia's Navy combat-ready by 2015. For now, the average age of existing ships is already more than 20 years, ie after 5-10 years, all these veterans will be little in the can.
However, the same facts and figures of modern Russia's shipbuilding reality can be interpreted in exactly the opposite. For example, you could write: "It is similar to the delivery of the submarine fleet headaches of various types. Tangible completion strike capability of the Navy will project 955 submarine missile carrier Yuri Dolgoruky, 885 multipurpose nuclear submarine Severodvinsk with cruise missiles" Onyx "and silent diesel Lada "677-year project.
Or you may like this: "It is similar to the delivery of the submarine fleet headaches of various types. But it is unclear what to do with the replenishment of: Project 955 for the missile is not ready to launch the Bulava, because of underfunding may postpone planned for 2011 commissioning of the project 885 ( and so under construction for 16 years), the Lada is still not working sonar system and the main power plant. "
You can rejoice that the 16 shipyards are building for the entire 38 Navy ships, submarines, boats and vessels of 25 different projects, developed 11 design bureaus. This will provide support at the appropriate level of design and production school and will maintain a balance between different classes of ships within the fleet.
To this we can reply that nowhere in the world is such a "zoo". It is unclear as to ensure the repair and supply spare parts for such a variety of types of craft. Already, for example, the Navy of Russia is just eight patrol - but seven different projects! And soon it should add to the eighth - Frigate project 22350. And this despite the fact that throughout the world are building as small as possible ???????, but most large batches - in order to reduce the cost of construction and operation.
Around this debate are the admirals with independent experts, and it can carry on indefinitely. And both sides are right. But there are things to argue about which is difficult. For example, that the main threat to Russia's Navy is not coming from the Pentagon or the British Admiralty. The main threat lies in the purely plain areas - financial. Even at the peak of oil prices construction and laying ships were financed with tangible disruptions, and with the onset of the crisis further stalled. Now the money is spent not on the tab of new ships, and on the completion of already laid. So admirals, daydreaming about marine aircraft complexes (abbreviated - the MAC, so now are called carriers of the future), yet have to deal with the completion of most other MAC - both in the Soviet period designated small artillery ships. As is known, the rank below the ships do not exist.
Project ships under construction
Ships 1.3 ranks
Ballistic missile submarine appointment Project 955 "Borey"
A Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in the "Rubin" (St. Petersburg). Water displacement 24 000 (according to other sources, 17 000) m, surface - 14 700 t. Length 170 m, width 13,5 m, draft 9 (10) m. Speed full submerged speed - up to 29 knots. Equipped with a single-shaft turbine nuclear power plant with capacity of 40-50 thousand liters. with. (reported by public sources on the boat is set reactor OK-OK-650B or 650V heat capacity of about 200 MW, there is a project to install new versions 955A monoblock type reactor PCF is about the same power). The boat also has a propulsive "Pump-jet" water-jet type.
Armament: 16 (on a modernized version of the 955A, according to some sources, 20) launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles R-30 Bulava, 6 torpedo tubes. The crew of 107 people (including 55 officers).
At present, construction of three submarines of this project, announced the construction of a total of eight "Boreas."
Yuri Dolgoruky
Construct JSC "Production Association" Northern Machine Building Enterprise "(PO Sevmash, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region).. Serial number 201. Laid down: November 2, 1996, launched on February 13, 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009. At the present time is running tests.
"Alexander Nevsky"
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 202. Laid down 19 March 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Vladimir Monomakh (project 955A)
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 203. Laid down 19 March 2006. Delivery of the fleet is expected in 2013-2015, respectively.
Multipurpose nuclear submarine project 885 (08850) "Ash"
Designed in Marine Design Bureau "Malachite" (St. Petersburg). Water displacement 13 800 (according to other sources, 11 800) m, surface - 11 740 (8600), Vol length of 120 m, width 12 (15) m, draft 8.4 (10) m. Speed full submerged speed up to 31 node . Equipped with a single-shaft turbine nuclear power plant with capacity of 40-50 thousand liters. with. (monobloc type reactor PCF heat capacity of about 200 MW). The boat also installed propulsive "Pump-jet" water-jet type.
Armament: 8 universal launchers, where, according to open sources, can accommodate up to 32 (according to other sources, up to 24) anti-ship missiles P-800 "Onyx" (with a range up to 300 miles) or developed a new type of missile, and 8 torpedo vehicles (with the possibility of launching cruise missiles). The crew of 85 people.
Currently under construction, two submarines of this project, announced the construction of six "clear." The second and subsequent boats, according to open sources, will be based on modernized draft 885M (08851) "Ash-M.
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 160. Laid down 21 December 1993. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011. In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - K-329.
"Kazan" (Project 885M)
Constructed according to Sevmash. Serial number 161. Laid down 24 July 2009 *.
* Tab was made after the signing of this issue of "authority" in print.
Submarine Project 677 "Lada"
A Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in the "Rubin" (St. Petersburg). Underwater displacement of about 2650-2700 m, surface - 1765 tons Length 66.8 m, width 7,1 m, draft 6,5 m Speed full submerged speed - up to 21 knots, cruising range of 650 miles under water, in the mode " diesel operation under water "- 6000 miles. Equipped with a diesel-electric power plant (the main ridge of the electric power of about 5500 liters. Pp. And two diesel-generator 28DG to 1700 liters. Pp. Each).
Armament: 6 torpedo tubes (with the possibility of launching cruise missiles). The crew of 35 people.
At present, construction of three submarines of this project, announced the construction of eight LAD.
B-585 "St. Petersburg"
Construct JSC Admiralty Shipyards (St. Petersburg). Serial number 01570. Laid down 26 December 1997, launched on October 28, 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010. At the present time is running tests.
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Serial number 01571. Laid down 28 July 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2013. In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - B-586.
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Serial number 01572. Laid down 10 November 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2015. Previously mentioned in the media as "Petrozavodsk". In a number of sources indicate a possible tactical number boats - B-587.
Frigate (large patrol craft), Project 22350
A Northern Design Bureau (St. Petersburg). Designed to perform anti-submarine and strike missions. Total displacement of about 4500 tons, length about 135 m, width of about 16 m, draft 4,5 m. Speed full speed about 30 knots, cruising range of more than 4000 miles. Power diesel gas turbine power plant about 65 thousand liters. with. (two units M55R diesel engine 10D49 capacity of 5200 liters. pp. M90FR and gas turbine engine power 27 500 liters. with. in each).
Armament: as reported in open sources, 8 anti-ship missile launchers (possibly up to 24 missiles P-800 "Onyx" with a range of 300 miles or developed a new type of cruise missiles), 130-mm artillery plant A-192, anti-missile system Mole-2, anti-aircraft missile complex "Tornado missile 9M317 or the latest SAM missile 9M96 (originally reported on the installation of a frigate SAM" Hurricane "and" saber "), a helicopter. The crew of about 180 (according to other data, 210) people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, the Navy announced the order of up to 20 frigates of this type for 20 years.
"Admiral Gorshkov"
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg). Serial number 921. Laid down: February 1, 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Corvette (frigate) Project 20380
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz" (St. Petersburg). Designed to perform escort and strike missions in the near sea area, patrolling coastal waters, patrol service. Total displacement 2220 tons, length 104.5 meters, width 13 m, draft 7,95 m. The speed full speed to 27 knots, cruising range of 3500-4000 miles. Power diesel power plant of 24 thousand liters. with. (two diesel-diesel unit DDA-12000 - two engine 16D49 each).
Armament: missile system "Uranus", including 8 launchers, anti-ship missile 3M24 (range up to 130 km), 100-mm artillery plant A-190 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, anti-aircraft missile and artillery system "dirk-M (on the new versions will install new corvette SAM missile 9M96), anti-torpedo complex "package", the helicopter. The crew of 99 employees.
February 27, 2008 in the RF Navy became the lead ship of the project - "Steregushchy." Currently under construction, four similar corvette. Navy announced an order for a total of 20 such ships.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1002. Laid down 20 May 2003. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1003. Laid down 27 July 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Komsomolsk-na-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory). Serial No. 2101. Laid down 30 June 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2015.
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial No. 1004. Laid down 10 November 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Frigate project 11661K
A Zelenodolsk design bureau (Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan). Designed to perform escort tasks, patrolling coastal waters, patrol service. Total displacement 1930 (according to other data, 2090) t, length 102,1 meters, width 13,76 m, draft 4,4 m. Speed full speed to 28 knots, cruising range of about 3500 miles. Power diesel gas turbine power plant of 34 thousand liters. with. (61D diesel engine capacity of 8 thousand liters. pp. and two gas turbine engine to 13 thousand liters. pp. each).
Armament: missile system "Uranus", including 8 launchers, anti-ship missile 3M24 (range up to 130 km), 76-mm artillery installation AK-176 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, anti-aircraft missile system "Osa-MA2. The crew of 109 people (including 21 officers).
July 12, 2002 in the RF Navy entered the lead ship of the project - "Tatarstan". Currently, the Defense Russia to build another similar patrol.
Construct OAO Zelenodolsk Plant. Gorky (Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan). Serial number 952. Laid down in 1992 (under the name MRS-201), launched in 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Small artillery ship project 21630 "Brawler"
A Zelenodolsk design bureau. Designed for patrol and protection of coastal waters. Full displacement 500 tons, length 62 m, width 9,6 m, draft 2 m. The speed full speed 26-29 knots, range 1500 miles. Power diesel power plant about 10 thousand (according to other data, 16 thousand) liters. with. (two engines M507D). It is expected that, beginning with the third ship of this type, "Brawler" will be equipped with diesel-gas turbine power plant (gas turbine engine M75RU capacity of 7 thousand liters. Pp.)
Armament: 100-mm artillery plant A-190 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-306, 122-mm multiple rocket launchers "Grad-M, anti-aircraft missile launcher" flexible ". The crew of 48 people (including 5 officers).
September 1, 2006 in the RF Navy entered the lead ship of the project - "Astrakhan". Currently under construction are two "Skipper", announced an order for a total of 10 such ships.
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Company "Almaz" (St. Petersburg). Serial number 702. Laid down 23 February 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010. Previously, was named Caspian.
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Company "Almaz". Serial number 703. Laid down 24 March 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2010.
Basic trawler Project 12700 "Alexandrite"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". It is intended for search, trawling and destruction of mines in coastal and near-sea area. Full displacement 620 tons, length 51,75 m, width 10,2 m, draft 2,68 m. The speed full speed of 15 knots, range 1500 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 2500 liters. with.
Armament: 30-millimeter gun mount AK-306, MANPADS "Igla", 2 machine-gun installation, the system will find and destroy mines. The crew of 41 people.
Currently under construction two ships of this projectYes.
Construct OAO Medium-Nevsky Shipyard (St. Petersburg). Laid down in 2002. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct OAO Medium-Nevsky Shipyard. Laid down in 2004.
Large landing ship project 11771
A Nevsky Design Bureau (St. Petersburg). Suitable for transporting and landing troops. Full displacement 4500-5000 tons, length 120 m, width 16,5 m, draft 3,6 m. Speed full speed of 18 knots, range 3500 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 4 thousand liters. with. (engine 10D49).
Armament: two 122-mm multiple rocket launchers, 76-mm artillery installation AK-176 and two 30-millimeter artillery guns are AK-630M, 1-2 helicopters. Can carry 13 tanks or 36 armored personnel carriers and up to 300 paratroopers. The crew of about 100 people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, announced an order for a total of six such BDK.
"Vice-Admiral Ivan Gren"
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar (Kaliningrad). Serial number 301. Laid down 23 December 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2012.
Small landing craft air cavity of the project 21820 "Dugong"
A CDB for hydrofoil craft them. R. E. Alekseeva (Nizhny Novgorod). Suitable for transporting and landing troops. Full displacement 230 tons, length 45 m, width 7,6 m, draft 2,2 m. Speed full speed to 50 knots. It is planned to equip the "Dugong" diesel-gas turbine power plant (gas turbine engine M70FRU capacity of 14 thousand liters. Pp.). Originally planned to be installed on board a diesel power plant with capacity of 18 thousand liters. with. (two diesel engines M507A-2D).
It can carry 140 tons of cargo, including paratroopers and military equipment (tanks, three or five APCs). The crew of 6 people.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project, announced an order up to ten "dugong."
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant "Volga" (Nizhny Novgorod). Serial number 811. Laid down 21 February 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Boats 4-th rank
Landing craft air cavity of the project 11770 "Serna"
A CDB for hydrofoil craft them. R. E. Alexeev. Total displacement 99.7 (according to other data, 105) m, length 25,6 m, width 5,8 m, draft 1,52 m. The speed full speed of 30 knots, cruising range of 600 miles. Power diesel power plant of 8 thousand liters. with. (2 diesels M503A to 4 thousand liters. Pp.).
Armament it. It can carry a tank or 2 APCs and 92 paratroopers. The crew of 5 persons.
To date, built about seven boats of this project is built one more "Serna".
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant "Volga". Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Construct JSC East Wharf "(Vladivostok). Serial No. 3001. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Auxiliary ship
Vessel connection project 18280
Developed by Central Design Bureau "Iceberg" (St. Petersburg). Designed for communication and control a fleet of radio reconnaissance and electronic warfare. Total displacement of about 4000 tons, length 95 m, width 16 m, draft of about 4 meters is equipped with a diesel power plant (engine 8CHN30/38).
Armament - air defense system. The crew of about 120 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced an order for a total of two ships of the project 18280.
Admiral Yuri Ivanov "
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial number 787. Incorporated December 27, 2004. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Salvage ship project 21300S
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for search and rescue, diving and underwater engineering works. Total displacement 5310 (according to other data, 5037) m, length 105.1 (107.3) m, width of 17,2 m. The speed full speed to 15 knots, cruising range of about 3000 miles. Equipped with diesel electric power plant (six diesel generators and two propulsion motors).
The vessel placed various manned and remotely operated deep sea vehicles, diving complex, deep-sea diving suits to work, hyperbaric chambers and other rescue equipment, helicopter. Armament: man-portable air defense systems. Crew 99 (97) persons.
Currently being built one vessel of this type, announced an order for a total of four vessels of the project 21300S.
Igor Belousov "
Construct JSC "Admiralty Shipyards". Incorporated December 24, 2005. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Naval Weapons Project 21130 "Diskant"
A CDB "Iceberg". Designed for transport and handling of missiles and other weapons of the Navy. Total displacement of about 7000 tons, length 116 m.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project.
Construct Amur Shipbuilding Plant. Serial No. 2130. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Naval Weapons (search-and-transport ship) project 20180
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for the transport, handling, towing, security testing of marine equipment and weapons, search and rescue operations. Total displacement 5400 tons, length about 100 m. The speed full speed to 14 knots.
Armament it. The crew of 65 persons.
Currently under construction, one ship of this project.
"The Star"
Construct a "Center for repair" Little Star ". Serial number 01218. Incorporated September 3, 2004, launched on December 20, 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
At the present time is running tests.
The vessel loader project 20360 "Dubnyak"
Developed by KB Design ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). Designed for the transport and transshipment of arms and other goods. Total displacement 1985 tons, length 61,5 m, width 15,7 m, draft 3,1 m. Speed full speed 10.5 knots. Power diesel power plant 1100-1200 liters. with. (two engines Deutz BF8M1015MC germanskogo production capacity of about 600 liters. pp. each).
Armament it. The crew of 23 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced the order of the two "Dubnyak.
Construct "Okskaya Shipyard (Navashino, Nizhny Novgorod Region).. Incorporated March 31, 2005, launched in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Training ship project 12441U "Thunder"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz" originally as a guard ship, then because of financial and technical difficulties as it agreed to finish building the school. Intended for training sailors and developing new models of arms and marine equipment. Full Displacement 2,900 tons (hereinafter specified parameters for the initial project), length 121 m, width 14,1 m, draft 9,3 m. Speed full speed up to 31 node, range up to 4800 miles. Power turbine power plant of 49 thousand liters. with. (according to published data, the ship has two gas turbines marching M-62M to 6 thousand liters. pp. and two-burner gas turbines, M-90 for 18,5 thousand liters. pp. each).
The initial project was planned to have a patrol with rockets, artillery, anti-submarine, anti-aircraft complexes of different types of helicopter, but due to redevelopment in the training ship of weapons will in all probability, reduced to a minimum. The crew of 210 people (on the original draft).
Currently the project is built one ship 12441U.
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar". Serial No. 1900. Laid down 25 July 1997 as a patrol ship "Novik" (renamed in 2004). Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Opytovoe ship Project 11982
Developed by the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Intended for testing of new technology (including manned autonomous and nonautonomous deep-water craft), search and rescue, scientific research and oceanographic studies. Total displacement 1117 tons, length 59,7 m, width of 10.8 m. The speed full speed to 13 knots, cruising range of 1000 miles.
Armament it. The crew of 25 people (16 sailors and scientific staff of 9 persons).
Currently being built one ship of this project.
Construct JSC Baltic Shipyard "Yantar". Incorporated July 8, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Marine rescue tug Project 22030
A KB designing ships Vympel. Suitable for towing ships and vessels in high seas, harbors and roads, assisting ships and vessels in distress, fighting fires. Total displacement of about 1400-1500 m, length 56,8 m, width 11,8 m, draft 3,7 m. Speed full speed 14,3 knot, range 4000 miles. Power plant capacity of about 6 thousand liters. with. (three diesel-generator).
Armament it. The crew of 19 people.
Currently being built one ship of the project, announced the order of three tugs.
Construct Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant. Walozhen June 16, 2007. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Marine rescue tug draft 745MB "Walrus"
A CDB Baltsudoproject "(St. Petersburg). Suitable for towing ships and vessels in high seas, harbors and roads, assisting ships and vessels in distress, fighting fires. Total displacement 1390 (according to other sources, about 1600) m, length 56,5 m, width 12,65 m, draft 4,3 m speed full speed to 14 knots. Power plant capacity of about 2500-3000 liters. with. (internal combustion engine Belgian 8DZC rowing and motor).
Weapons: Possible placement of 30-millimeter guns AK-230. The crew of 22 people.
Since 1972, the project has built 21 lift 745 and 19 border guard ships project 745P. Currently under construction two ships of this project (in the modification of 745MB), announced an order for a total of four "walrus.
Construct OJSC "Shipyard" Vympel (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region). Serial number 442. Laid down on the project 745P. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Construct OAO Zelenodolsk Plant. Gorky. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
A small survey vessel Project 19910
Developed by KB Design ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). Designed for hydrographic work, installation and maintenance of navigation equipment. Full displacement 1000-1200 tons, length 56,4 m, width 11,17 m, draft 2,94 m. The speed full speed of 12 knots, range 2000 miles. Power diesel-electric power plant of about 3000 liters. with. (two diesel generator GDG-1000 made in Germany).
Armament it. The crew of 17 people.
The parent vessel ( "Vaigach") joined the fleet in 2008. Currently being built one vessel of this type, announced an order for a total of four vessels of the project 19910.
Viktor Faleev "
Construct JSC East Wharf "(Vladivostok). Serial No. 2001. Laid down 24 October 2006. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2011.
Large hydrographic boat of 19920 (19920B)
A KB designing ships Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod). It is intended to survey the bottom topography in coastal areas, and other hydrographic studies. Total displacement 249.4 m, length 34.5 (according to other data, 36,54) m, width 7.6 (7.9) m, draft 2 m. The speed full speed of 11 knots, range 1000 miles. Power diesel power plant is about 650 liters. with. (two engines 6CHNSP18 or Germanic Deutz BF6M1015).
Armament it. The crew of 11 people.
The head-cutter of the project BGK-2090 joined the Navy in 2008. Currently under construction a boat of this type.
BGK 797
Construct JSC Shipbuilding Plant. October Revolution "(Blagoveshchensk, Amur region.). Serial number 701. Laid down 17 October 2006, launched in July 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Service and crew boat project 21270 Puffin
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for making naval parades, delivery of command ships and other festive events. Full displacement 103 tons, length 27,4 m, width 6,5 m, draft 1,75 m. The speed full speed to 22 knots, cruising range of 350 miles. Power diesel power plant of about 2700 liters. with. (two engines M470).
Armament it. It can carry up to 12 passengers. The crew of 6 people.
Since 2003, built three boats of this project, currently under construction, one "savages".
Construct Severnaya Verf. Serial number 854. Laid down in 2008. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Raid lift project 90600
Developed by JSC "Leningrad Shipyard" Pella ". Suitable for towing boats and ships in the harbor, the roads and in coastal areas. Total displacement of about 400 tons, length 25,5 m, width 8,8 m, draft 3,5 m. Speed full speed of 12 knots, range 3000 miles. Power plant capacity of about 2700 liters. with. (two engines).
Armament it. The crew of 8 persons.
Since 2003, built 18 tugs Project 90600 (including one for the Navy of Russia). Currently under construction 2 vessels of the project, announced by order of RF Navy a total of five tugs.
Construct OAO Leningrad Shipyard "Pella". Serial number 919. Laid down in 2009, launched on March 25, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Construct OAO Leningrad Shipyard "Pella". Serial number 920. Laid down in 2009, launched on July 2, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Project 12150 patrol boat "Mongoose"
Developed in the Central Maritime Bureau "Almaz". Designed for patrol and search and rescue operations. Total displacement of about 30 tons, length 18,7 m, width 4,4 m, draft 1,2 m. Speed full speed about 50 knots, cruising range of about 400 miles. Power diesel power plant around 2700 (according to other data, 3500) l. with. (two engines).
Armament: guns, possibly placing missile complex "Whirlwind" (range up to 10 km) and man-portable air defense systems. The crew of 6 people.
For the Border Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Navy built more than a dozen such boats (including one for the Navy). Currently, the Defense Ministry built one "Mongoose".
Construct OJSC "Shipyard" Vympel "" serial number 02607. Laid down: January 2, 2009. Delivery of the Navy announced in 2009.
Triste sina ter nascido português
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 13539
- Registrado em: Sáb Jun 18, 2005 10:26 pm
- Agradeceu: 56 vezes
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
É... isso tudo aí em cima já dá para tirar o atraso...
Só senti falta mesmo de navios de suporte logístico e dos porta-aviões. Acho que (no momento) não são prioridade imediata.
Só senti falta mesmo de navios de suporte logístico e dos porta-aviões. Acho que (no momento) não são prioridade imediata.
Só há 2 tipos de navios: os submarinos e os alvos...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
Armam-se homens com as melhores armas.
Armam-se Submarinos com os melhores homens.
Os sábios PENSAM
Os Inteligentes COPIAM
Os Idiotas PLANTAM e os
Os Imbecis FINANCIAM...
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55312
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2765 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2446 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Russia to begin building first Project 11356 frigate for Black Sea Fleet on Saturday
The ship will be named Admiral Grigirovich after Russia's Naval Minister Ivan Grigirovich, who was in office in 1911-1917
The construction of the first Project 11356 frigate for Russia's Black Sea Fleet will begin at the Yantar Shipyard in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad on Saturday, a spokesman for the Russian Navy said.
Yantar won a tender to build three Project 11356 frigates in October. The Black Sea Fleet chief earlier told RIA Novosti the construction would begin in January 2011.
The ship will be named Admiral Grigorovich after Russia's Naval Minister Ivan Grigorovich, who was in office in 1911-1917, the spokesman said.
The frigate, with a displacement of 4,000 tons, will be equipped with a 100-mm gun, a Shtil surface-to-air missile system, two Kashtan air-defense gun/missile systems, two twin 533-mm torpedo launchers, and an anti-submarine warfare helicopter.
The Russian Navy chief, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, earlier said one or two Project 11356 frigates will join the Black Sea Fleet every year starting 2013.
Yantar is currently building three Project 11356 frigates for the Indian Navy under a $1.6-billion contract signed in 2007. The first warship, which was floated out last November, will be handed over to India in mid-2011. The two others will be delivered by the end of 2012.
Russia has previously built three Talwar-class frigates for India – INS Talwar (Sword), INS Trishul (Trident), and the INS Tabar (Axe).
MOSCOW, December 18 (RIA Novosti)
Russian military to participate in NATO drills next year 2010-12-17 22:54:33
MOSCOW, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Navy plans to participate in a number of joint drills with NATO countries as well as with the Ukrainian Navy, Black Sea Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said Friday.
The Black Sea Fleet will take part in five drills next year, including NATO's Bold Monarch-2011 maneuvers and the Farvater Mira-2011 Russian-Ukrainian exercises, Interfax news agency reported.
Russia also will take command of the "Blackseafor" six-country group, a naval cooperation task group established in 1998 that is comprised of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.
Also, Russian Strategic Forces will keep for 15 more years its Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan according to NATO's classification) intercontinental ballistic missiles, said Russia's other military representative, Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said.
"The extension of the service life of the Voyevoda missile system will allow to keep these missiles in service until 2026," Karakayev said.
According to the latest data available, Russia has 75 Voyevoda deployed. The missiles carry the most powerful warheads in the world.
The ship will be named Admiral Grigirovich after Russia's Naval Minister Ivan Grigirovich, who was in office in 1911-1917
The construction of the first Project 11356 frigate for Russia's Black Sea Fleet will begin at the Yantar Shipyard in the Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad on Saturday, a spokesman for the Russian Navy said.
Yantar won a tender to build three Project 11356 frigates in October. The Black Sea Fleet chief earlier told RIA Novosti the construction would begin in January 2011.
The ship will be named Admiral Grigorovich after Russia's Naval Minister Ivan Grigorovich, who was in office in 1911-1917, the spokesman said.
The frigate, with a displacement of 4,000 tons, will be equipped with a 100-mm gun, a Shtil surface-to-air missile system, two Kashtan air-defense gun/missile systems, two twin 533-mm torpedo launchers, and an anti-submarine warfare helicopter.
The Russian Navy chief, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, earlier said one or two Project 11356 frigates will join the Black Sea Fleet every year starting 2013.
Yantar is currently building three Project 11356 frigates for the Indian Navy under a $1.6-billion contract signed in 2007. The first warship, which was floated out last November, will be handed over to India in mid-2011. The two others will be delivered by the end of 2012.
Russia has previously built three Talwar-class frigates for India – INS Talwar (Sword), INS Trishul (Trident), and the INS Tabar (Axe).
MOSCOW, December 18 (RIA Novosti)
Russian military to participate in NATO drills next year 2010-12-17 22:54:33
MOSCOW, Dec. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Navy plans to participate in a number of joint drills with NATO countries as well as with the Ukrainian Navy, Black Sea Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolyov said Friday.
The Black Sea Fleet will take part in five drills next year, including NATO's Bold Monarch-2011 maneuvers and the Farvater Mira-2011 Russian-Ukrainian exercises, Interfax news agency reported.
Russia also will take command of the "Blackseafor" six-country group, a naval cooperation task group established in 1998 that is comprised of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.
Also, Russian Strategic Forces will keep for 15 more years its Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan according to NATO's classification) intercontinental ballistic missiles, said Russia's other military representative, Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said.
"The extension of the service life of the Voyevoda missile system will allow to keep these missiles in service until 2026," Karakayev said.
According to the latest data available, Russia has 75 Voyevoda deployed. The missiles carry the most powerful warheads in the world.
Triste sina ter nascido português
- Avançado
- Mensagens: 663
- Registrado em: Qua Mar 15, 2006 8:47 pm
- Localização: Rio de Janeiro
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Os nomes das três fragatas serão Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Essen, Admiral Kolchak(este último não confirmado ainda). Escolhas interessantes; estes nomes nunca seriam usados pela Marinha Soviética.P44 escreveu:The ship will be named Admiral Grigirovich after Russia's Naval Minister Ivan Grigirovich, who was in office in 1911-1917
- P44
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- Mensagens: 55312
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2765 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2446 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Óbvio , são nomes dos tempos dos Czares.
Triste sina ter nascido português
- Avançado
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- Registrado em: Qua Mar 15, 2006 8:47 pm
- Localização: Rio de Janeiro
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Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
Não é só isso, a Marinha Soviética usou nomes de almirantes czaristas. Só que o único almirante de depois do período da Guerra da Criméia a dar o nome para um navio soviético(Stepan Makarov), era um sujeito cujas credenciais eram irrepreensíveis do ponto de vista político(filho de suboficial da Marinha, herói da Guerra Russo-Turca, amado pelos marinheiros que comandava). No caso dos três almirantes acima, Grigorovich foi o último Ministro da Marinha czarista, Essen foi comandante da Esquadra do Báltico na 1ª Guerra Mundial até 1915(quando morreu do coração), e Kolchak foi um dos líderes das forças anti-bolcheviques na Guerra Civil Russa, sendo executado pelos comunistas em 1920. Definitivamente, estes nomes não seriam sequer considerados pelos soviéticos.P44 escreveu:Óbvio , são nomes dos tempos dos Czares.
A propósito, supostamente as fragatas nº 3 a 6 da classe Admiral Gorshkov terão os nomes de Admiral Greyg, Admiral Spiridov, Admiral Senyavin, Admiral Makarov. Os dois últimos nomes foram usados pela Marinha Soviética. Os dois primeiros, não, mas eram nomes tradicionais na Marinha Imperial Russa.
- P44
- Sênior
- Mensagens: 55312
- Registrado em: Ter Dez 07, 2004 6:34 am
- Localização: O raio que vos parta
- Agradeceu: 2765 vezes
- Agradeceram: 2446 vezes
Re: Marinha da Federação Russa
France wins tender to build warships for Russia (Update 1)
Topic: Russia's purchase of French Mistral-class warship
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy over the phone that France has won a tender to build amphibious assault ships for Russia.
The winner is a consortium comprised of French DCNS and Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), the Kremlin press service said.
At the initial stage, two Mistral-class helicopter carriers will be built jointly by France and Russia with another two to be constructed later in Russia.
Russia will perform 20% of the construction work at the STX shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France, USC spokesman Igor Ryabov said.
"Subsequently the share of the project's localization in Russia will increase," he said.
Russia has been in talks with France on the purchase of Mistral-class warships on a 2+2 scheme whereby Russia will buy one or two French-built Mistrals and build another two under license at home.
A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing vessels, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel.
The Russian military has said it plans to use Mistral ships in its Northern and Pacific fleets.
Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies.
MOSCOW, December 24 (RIA Novosti)
Triste sina ter nascido português