F-16 News

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: F-16 News

#46 Mensagem por Ilya Ehrenburg » Qua Mar 24, 2010 7:22 pm

JF-17, na veia!!!

Não se tem razão quando se diz que o tempo cura tudo: de repente, as velhas dores tornam-se lancinantes e só morrem com o homem.
Ilya Ehrenburg

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Re: F-16 News

#47 Mensagem por soultrain » Sex Mai 14, 2010 6:39 pm

Taiwan Sends Mixed Message on Fighters
Published: 14 May 2010 11:02
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TAIPEI - Comments made by Taiwan's Air Force chief of staff have confused the issue over whether Taiwan actually wants F-16s.

On May 13, Air Chief Ger Hsi-hsiung told members of the legislature that F-16s would meet Taiwan's immediate requirements, but the F-16 lacks the stealth and short-takeoff and vertical-landing (STOVL) capabilities that will be needed in the future.
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When asked by the legislature to identify the fighter better suited to meet Taiwan's long-term needs, Ger identified the F-35B Lightening II.

Taiwan first requested 66 new F-16C/D Block 50/52 fighters from the United States in 2006, but Washington has been hesitant to release the aircraft due to pressure from China.

Ger's response sends the wrong signal to Washington at a time when the government is pushing hard for the release of F-16s, said a Taiwan defense official.

"He is downplaying the utility of the F-16 and that the F-16 is not appropriate for our future needs." The result is "confusion at a time when there should be one voice on the F-16 procurement," he said.

Taiwan's Air Force faces 1,300 short-range ballistic missiles and a Chinese land-based air defense network that can target aircraft over the northwestern portion of the island. Runways are expected to be destroyed within the first salvo of ballistic missiles. Therefore, the Air Force has a requirement for a stealthy fighter with STOVL capabilities that can operate from damaged runways and avoid Chinese radar.

Taiwan had looked at procuring used Boeing AV-8B Harriers to fill the STOVL requirement, but the matter was dropped when the F-35s became an option.

A Taiwan defense analyst said the F-35 would give Taiwan control of the air at a tactical and even at a strategic level that it has not had since the 1980s. The F-35 would also enhance survivability against ballistic missile attack and radar targeting by China.

Though Ger acknowledged it was government policy to pursue procurement of new F-16s, the fighters do not "satisfy" the Air Force requirements. He said Chinese fighters can cross the Taiwan Strait in five-to-seven minutes, leaving little time to react.

Ger's comments are not new. Taiwan submitted a letter of intent (LoI) to the U.S. Department of Defense in 2002 requesting a briefing on the F-35, which was subsequently granted.

"Strikes on Taiwan airbases would neutralize existing aircraft due to their inability to perform short take-offs and landings," the LoI said. "Requirement: capability to engage enemy forces from air, after initial strikes against conventional ROCAF [Republic of China Air Force] airbases render the bases temporarily inoperative. Our forces are designed to absorb an initial strike and provide a full defense from ongoing air attacks from the PRC [People's Republic of China]."

A Taiwan government adviser said the military will be "lucky to afford" new F-16s, let alone more expensive F-35s. He said the military budget was shrinking at the same time it was taking delivery of $13 billion worth of new arms and equipment from the United States.

He doubts the military can afford the new arms and a costly streamlining and reorganization program now underway. The military is moving from conscription to a volunteer military within the next five years. It is also decreasing the number of personnel and consolidating commands.

Arms in the pipeline include 60 UH-60M Black Hawk utility helicopters, 30 AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, 12 P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, two Osprey minesweepers and more than 300 Patriot PAC-3 missile systems.

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Re: F-16 News

#48 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 12, 2010 10:51 am


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Re: F-16 News

#49 Mensagem por soultrain » Dom Set 12, 2010 4:14 pm

Interessante esse gráfico, sabemos que o SH é significativamente mais lento que o Hornet...Tambem gostava de ver ai o F-35C

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: F-16 News

#50 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 12, 2010 4:35 pm

soultrain escreveu:Interessante esse gráfico, sabemos que o SH é significativamente mais lento que o Hornet...Tambem gostava de ver ai o F-35C
Com relação ao F-35A, tem sido divulgado que o F-16 necessita acionar pós-combustão para acompanhá-lo.

Editado pela última vez por Penguin em Dom Set 12, 2010 4:47 pm, em um total de 1 vez.
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Re: F-16 News

#51 Mensagem por Bolovo » Dom Set 12, 2010 4:37 pm

Outra vez esses caras sabotando o Gripen! Mein Gott!!!

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Re: F-16 News

#52 Mensagem por Penguin » Dom Set 12, 2010 10:03 pm

soultrain escreveu:Interessante esse gráfico, sabemos que o SH é significativamente mais lento que o Hornet...Tambem gostava de ver ai o F-35C

USN: F-35C

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: F-16 News

#53 Mensagem por soultrain » Dom Set 12, 2010 10:52 pm

E o F-16 não é o "Big Mouth" é o C genérico.

"O que se percebe hoje é que os idiotas perderam a modéstia. E nós temos de ter tolerância e compreensão também com os idiotas, que são exatamente aqueles que escrevem para o esquecimento" :!:

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Re: F-16 News

#54 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Set 25, 2010 8:49 am

The first batch of F-16IQ Block 52 fighters for Iraq, similar to this Polish aircraft, could be followed by several more, for a total of over 100 aircraft. (Polish MoD photo)

Iraq – F-16 Aircraft

(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; dated Sept. 15, web-posted Sept. 23, 2010)

WASHINGTON --- The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress on September 13 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq of 18 F-16IQ Aircraft as well as associated equipment and services.

The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $4.2 billion.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of:

--18 F-16IQ aircraft,
--24 F100-PW-229 or F110-GE-129 Increased Performance Engines,
--36 LAU-129/A Common Rail Launchers,
--24 APG-68(V)9 radar sets,
--19 M61 20mm Vulcan Cannons,
--200 AIM-9L/M-8/9 Sidewinder Missiles,
--150 AIM-7M-F1/H SPARROW Missiles,
--50 AGM-65D/G/H/K MAVERICK Air to Ground Missiles,
--200 GBU-12 PAVEWAY II Laser Guided Bomb Units (500 pound),
--50 GBU-10 PAVEWAY II Laser Guided Bomb Units (2000 pound),
--50 GBU-24 PAVEWAY III Laser Guided Bomb Units (2000 pound),
--22 Advanced Countermeasures Electronic Systems (ACES) (ACES includes the ALQ-187 Electronic Warfare System and AN/ALR-93 Radar Warning Receiver),
--20 AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) Systems (without Mode IV),
--20 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), (Standard Positioning Service (SPS) commercial code only),
--20 AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER or AN/AAQ-28 LITENING Targeting Pods,
--4 F-9120 Advanced Airborne Reconnaissance Systems (AARS) or DB-110 Reconnaissance Pods (RECCE),
--22 AN/ALE-47 Countermeasures Dispensing Systems (CMDS);
--20 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs).

Also included: site survey, support equipment, tanker support, ferry services, Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD), repair and return, modification kits, spares and repair parts, construction, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services, ground based flight simulator, and other related elements of logistics support.

The estimated cost is $4.2 billion.

The proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by enhancing the capability of Iraq. The proposed aircraft and accompanying weapon systems will greatly enhance Iraq’s interoperability with the U.S. and other NATO nations, making it a more valuable partner in an important area of the world, as well as supporting Iraq’s legitimate need for its own self-defense.

The proposed sale will allow the Iraqi Air Force to modernize its air force by acquiring western interoperable fighter aircraft, thereby enabling Iraq to support both its own air defense needs and coalition operations. The country will have no difficulty absorbing this new capability into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractors will be:
-- BAE Advanced Systems Greenlawn, New York
-- Boeing Corporation Seattle, Washington
-- Boeing Integrated Defense Systems St Louis, Missouri (three locations: Long Beach, California, San Diego, California)
-- Raytheon Company Lexington, Massachusetts (two locations) Goleta, California
-- Raytheon Missile Systems Tucson, Arizona
-- Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Fort Worth, Texas
-- Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control Dallas, Texas
-- Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training And Support Fort Worth, Texas
-- Northrop-Grumman Electro-Optical Systems Garland, Texas
-- Northrop-Grumman Electronic Systems Baltimore, Maryland
-- Pratt & Whitney United Technology Company East Hartford, Connecticut
-- General Electric Aircraft Engines Cincinnati, Ohio
-- Goodrich ISR Systems Danbury, Connecticut
-- L3 Communications Arlington, Texas
-- ITT Defense Electronics and Services McLean, Virginia
-- Symetrics Industries Melbourne, Florida

There are no known offset agreements in connection with this proposed sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips to Iraq involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical reviews/support, program management, and training over a period of 15 years.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: It is worth noting that the U.S. will only supply Iraq with commercial code GPS equipment, thereby demonstrating that it does not trust Iraq’s armed forces to keep military coded equipment under control.
The following story identifies the F-16IQs mentioned in the above notification as new-build F-16 Block 52 aircraft.) (ends)

Iraqi Pilots to Begin F-16 Prerequisite Pilot Training

(Source: United States Forces - Iraq; issued Aug. 2, 2010)

The Government of Iraq has signed an agreement with the U.S. for 10 Iraqi Air Force pilots to begin prerequisite F-16 training.

This agreement follows the request submitted by the GoI to purchase 18 new Block 52 F-16 airplanes.

If this foreign military sale is approved by the U.S. Congress and the two governments can reach agreement on the terms of the deal, the F-16 program would not only significantly enhance Iraq’s air sovereignty capability, but can also enable a long-term partnership between the two countries.

“It has been a pleasure to work with our Iraqi partners to put this program together,” said Brig. Gen. Scott Jansson, director of the Iraq Security Assistance Mission. “Through this and other security cooperation programs, we have developed a strong environment of mutual trust and friendship.”

The pilot training agreement covers the training of 10 selected Iraqi Air Force pilots who are projected to begin training in the U.S. this fall and will be the cadre for future training. Upon graduation, these pilots will have completed all prerequisite flight training necessary to move immediately into F-16 flying training.

The program will include all necessary components of T-6A Texan II and T-38 Talon training including a course called Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals. The intensive flight training will be complemented with specialized English language training for aviation. The training for each student will last from 12 to 17 months depending on the pilot’s level of experience.

“This agreement is the most significant commitment to date by the Ministry of Defense for an F-16 program that will prove to be a key element for an enduring partnership between Iraq and the United States,” said Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, USF-I Deputy Commanding General for Advising and Training.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... -iraq.html#

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Re: F-16 News

#55 Mensagem por Túlio » Sáb Set 25, 2010 2:33 pm

Engraçado: mísseis SPARROW para BVR, não AMRAAM, além de radar de varredura mecânica ao invés de AESA. É, confiança é tudo... 8-]

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Re: F-16 News

#56 Mensagem por henriquejr » Sáb Set 25, 2010 2:42 pm

Pelo jeito os americanos aprenderam muito com a experiência que tiveram com os iranianos!

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Re: F-16 News

#57 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Sáb Set 25, 2010 3:05 pm

Além disso Omã pelo visto está perto de fechar com F-16 o que significaria uma perda para o Typhoon.

http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... le-to.html
Alguém realmente acha que o F-16 Iraquiano não vai ser beeeeeeeeeem downgraded? :wink:


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Re: F-16 News

#58 Mensagem por Túlio » Sáb Set 25, 2010 3:15 pm

É só olhar de perto a lista de 'opcionais'... 8-]

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Re: F-16 News

#59 Mensagem por Carlos Lima » Sáb Set 25, 2010 3:17 pm

Túlio escreveu:É só olhar de perto a lista de 'opcionais'... 8-]
Pois é...

Mas no fim das contas os iraquianos vão ficar felizes com os seus F-16 novinhos em folha e a linha de produção desse aí se mantém até depois do F-35... :wink:

Ou seja, a LM ganha o Iraque ganha e a USAF se livra dos estoques de Sparrow... :lol: :wink:


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Re: F-16 News

#60 Mensagem por Túlio » Sáb Set 25, 2010 3:19 pm

Bobear e, do jeito que vai o programa F-35, muitos F-16 novinhos ainda saiam das linhas da LM... 8-]

“Look at these people. Wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen.”

P. Sullivan (Margin Call, 2011)