JAS-39 Gripen

Assuntos em discussão: Força Aérea Brasileira, forças aéreas estrangeiras e aviação militar.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10186 Mensagem por cabeça de martelo » Sex Ago 06, 2010 7:19 am

Só agora é que percebi uma coisa, o Rio de janeiro foi colonizado por Tripeiros...asneira é com eles! :shock: :twisted: :lol:

"Lá nos confins da Península Ibérica, existe um povo que não governa nem se deixa governar ”, Caio Júlio César, líder Militar Romano".

O insulto é a arma dos fracos...

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10187 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Ago 07, 2010 9:00 am

o Fuhrer Matthias é que sabe! Longa vida ao Fuhrer CM!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

abaixo a gayúchada

*Turn on the news and eat their lies*
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10188 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Sáb Ago 07, 2010 10:27 am

Quékitem eu aí nessa estória? :roll:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10189 Mensagem por Penguin » Sex Ago 13, 2010 10:56 pm

Mig-29 x Gripen:

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla
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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10190 Mensagem por Skyway » Sex Ago 13, 2010 11:19 pm

Muito legal esse show aéreo heim! Queria que portões abertos aqui fosse com demonstrações desse tipo.

E claro, lá está o MiG-29 com toda sua fumaça. :mrgreen: No último minuto acho que fumaram mais que o SP! :lol:

Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10191 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Sáb Ago 14, 2010 2:10 pm

Queria que portões abertos aqui fosse com demonstrações desse tipo.
No máximo aquelas passagens muquiraníssimas de F-5.
Quando tem! :?

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10192 Mensagem por P44 » Sáb Ago 14, 2010 2:15 pm

Tive um colega que tinha pertencido á Força Aérea Checa

dizia cobras e lagartos do gripen :mrgreen: , que tinha sido o pior negócio que a FA Checa tinha alguma vez fetio, que o F-16 era 100x melhor :P

quem sou eu para criticar quem viveu "por dentro" esses assuntos

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10193 Mensagem por Strike » Ter Ago 17, 2010 1:54 am

Passoal, saiu a primeira foto da estrutura do radar ES-05 Raven com o Selex Skyward IRST do Gripen NG.
E aqui a apresentação do rada AESA ES-05 Raven, aos jornalistas.

Brava Gente Brasileira ..!
Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10194 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Ago 17, 2010 2:27 am

Já melhorou, do desenho subiu prá uma maquete.

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10195 Mensagem por Penguin » Ter Ago 17, 2010 9:15 am

Interessante artigo.
O desenvolvimento do NG começou em 2004. 6 anos atrás.

Gripen NG matures and waits for India
By: David Donald
July 20, 2010
Military Aircraft

Sweden is advancing its own Gripen development path alongside that of the Gripen Next Generation aircraft intended for export, which is currently awaiting the outcome of major competitions in Brazil and India. The Swedish air force is now talking openly about a JAS 39E/F version that would draw on many of the technologies being applied to the NG program.

In the shorter term, in March Saab received a contract worth around $256 million from the Swedish defense material administration (FMV) for an upgrade package that will improve countermeasures and communications, integrate new weapons such as the Meteor (the acquisition of which was recently approved by the Swedish government) and provide extra range and functions to the Gripen’s PS-05/A radar. It also includes measures to reduce operational costs, based on experience from the 130,000 flying hours achieved with the Gripen fleet.

This contract helps define the Gripen’s Material System 20 as part of the rolling capability sustainment program that is in force for the type. Shortly after this deal was done, Saab received another commission to expand the capabilities of the aircraft’s SPK 39 reconnaissance system. This enhances night capability and user interface, and will also allow the Gripen to feed imagery into the sensor source intelligence cells being produced to support the country’s new Shadow 200 unmanned air vehicles.

MS21 Version
Saab already has the next major iteration in its sights. The MS21 version is to include a major review of the aircraft’s avionics system, including computers and displays, with the accent placed on handling vastly increased amounts of information at differing security classification levels. The architecture will also to be able to handle new types of sensors.

It is evident that the MS21 will become the JAS 39E/F, and that it will be based closely on the AESA-equipped Gripen NG. Although the exact nature of an “MS21 Gripen” has yet to be defined, it will almost certainly incorporate the more powerful General Electric F414G engine. An avionics development contract was awarded to Saab in May and is expected to lead to a concept evaluation review later this year. Preliminary design reviews will be undertaken next year, leading to full development starting in 2012.

Sweden expects to have the JAS 39E/F in service by around 2017, although it has committed to bring that date forward if Brazil adopts the Gripen so that the customer does not shoulder the burden of fielding a major new version on its own.

Development of what is now known as the Gripen NG began around 2004, a year before the JAS 39C/D achieved IOC. Predictions of airpower requirements for the 2015-2020 time frame suggested the need for new sensors, greater range and larger warloads. After analysis of other options, it was concluded that a developed Gripen NG could meet the requirements, with technology to be demonstrated in a “Demo” aircraft that would also become a de facto prototype for the NG. Initial estimates put the cost at approximately $230 million but that was considered too high, leading to the formation of an industrial partnership that cut the costs by 60 percent. In fact, the Gripen Demo came in some 15 percent below that budget.

The Gripen Demo technology demonstration program has been conducted in two phases and involves a flying demonstrator and an avionics rig. Phase 1 flight tests got under way with a first flight on May 27, 2008, during which the extensively modified two-seater validated the aerodynamic changes caused by moving the main undercarriage to under the wingroots, the addition of underfuselage pylons, new drop tanks and the installation of the uprated General Electric F414G engine. Phase 1 was completed after 79 flights.

Phase 2 introduced further modifications to the aircraft, including extra fuel capacity and, most importantly, installation of a development version of the Selex/Saab ES-05 Raven AESA radar. This phase was brought to a conclusion this February after a further 73 flights. During the initial Demo campaign, all goals were achieved, including a Mach 1.6-plus speed and a supercruise (non-afterburning) capability of greater than Mach 1.2.

Following the end of official Phase 2 trials, the Gripen Demo aircraft continued development work, but in May was dispatched to India in support of Saab’s entry in the country’s MMRCA multi-role fighter competition. MMRCA envisions the acquisition of 126 aircraft, with the first 18 to be built by the original manufacturer, followed by a stepped transition to Indian production. Saab is pitching its Gripen NG against the Boeing F/A-18E/F, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16IN and the Mikoyan MiG-35.

Although Saab had already demonstrated the JAS 39C/D in India in March (20 evaluation flights), and Indian pilots had flown the Gripen Demo in Sweden during April, the demonstrator deployed to India for an in-country evaluation. Earlier it had been announced that ongoing test work would mean the Gripen Demo was unavailable to make the trip. This was widely seen as being detrimental to the Gripen bid’s cause and resulted in a reversal of the decision. Routing via Kecskemet in Hungary, Athens, Hurghada in Egypt, Riyadh and the United Arab Emirates, the Demo aircraft and its Raven AESA radar arrived in India in late May.

High-altitude Ops
During its stay, the Gripen Demo flew eight evaluation sorties, including in-flight refueling from an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker and operations from Leh. Located in disputed Jammu and Kashmir, close to the scene of the 1999 Kargil war, Leh is of strategic value to India but, at 10,826 feet elevation, is one of the world’s highest airfields. The Gripen Demo operated with ease from the base, and performed well in other trials. According to Eddy de la Motte, Saab’s India campaign director, “We are confident that this aircraft meets, or exceeds, every operational requirement raised by the Indian Air Force.”

The return to Sweden of the Demo aircraft brought to an end the MMRCA flying evaluation phase. Meanwhile, the final bid deadline has been extended a year, allowing some of the competitors to refine their proposals. It is expected that the technical evaluation will initially produce a down-select to three competitors, after which the politics are likely to become an increasing factor.

Politics have certainly played their part in the Brazilian FX2 new fighter competition, in which the Gripen is pitched against the Rafale and Super Hornet. In September last year President Lula announced the selection of the Rafale, but at the time of writing there is no sign of a contract.

An interesting aside to the Brazilian and Indian deals is the proposal by Saab of a Sea Gripen, as both countries have aircraft carriers. Developed initially to meet Sweden’s stringent dispersed short-field operations doctrine, the Gripen already possesses many of the characteristics required in a carrier-borne aircraft. Modifications for sea-going operations are said to be relatively straightforward, but Saab has signaled that it would pursue this avenue further only if Brazil or India signed up for the Gripen NG.

Sempre e inevitavelmente, cada um de nós subestima o número de indivíduos estúpidos que circulam pelo mundo.
Carlo M. Cipolla

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10196 Mensagem por PRick » Ter Ago 17, 2010 9:58 am

Carlos Mathias escreveu:Já melhorou, do desenho subiu prá uma maquete.

O galho é que cada desenho, cada maquete nova, eles alteram as coisas, a antena não seria móvel? Essa parece ser fixa. Enfim, como não existe mesmo. :twisted: :twisted:


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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10197 Mensagem por Jacobs » Ter Ago 17, 2010 9:59 am

Ué cadê aquele chalalá que a antena do Raven seria móvel? E porque o nome Raven (corvo)? Vai ficar só procurando carniça? :mrgreen:

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Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10198 Mensagem por Juliano Lisboa » Ter Ago 17, 2010 11:19 am

É impressão minha ou o radar parece ser bem pequeno, pouca coisa maior que o do F5-M?

Carlos Mathias

Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10199 Mensagem por Carlos Mathias » Ter Ago 17, 2010 11:37 am

Sem esculhambações e escrachos, mas segundo os informes do pepê, o radar que foi prá Índia ficou muito aquém do esperado em termos de desempenho, quando comparado aos outros AESAs presentes.

Isso na minha opinião, é resultado do chuta-chuta que houve até definir quem realmente iria fazer o bendito radar, com isso perde-se tempo precioso.

Mais, ainda segundo as infos trazidas pelo Pepê e que batem com aquele artigo de jornal/revista, o desempenho lá em Lê foi fraco.

Esse artigo aí acima tá com cara, jeito e cheiro de chapa branca da SAAB.
Mas pode não ser.


Re: JAS-39 Gripen

#10200 Mensagem por Bender » Ter Ago 17, 2010 12:27 pm

Skyway escreveu:Muito legal esse show aéreo heim! Queria que portões abertos aqui fosse com demonstrações desse tipo.

E claro, lá está o MiG-29 com toda sua fumaça. :mrgreen: No último minuto acho que fumaram mais que o SP! :lol:
Nunca esperaria esta facada na costas de voce Skyway, :| que já devia estar careca de saber,que se trata de uma técnica,que visa embaçar a visão dos oponentes,para ai então sairmos da névoa atirando com todas as nossas armas. :twisted: O Nae São Paulo fará o mesmo com os infiéis :D MIG29K PARA O Nae São Paulo JÁ! E surjirá então a poderosa esquadrilha da fumaça naval!!! 8-]

